Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Clinton Pd $500k by Russia – In July 2010 10 Russian spies freed by


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Russian Collusion:
In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime –
In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges

Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime - In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges
The fake news mainstream media wants you to believe the Trump family was colluding with Russia because they discussed building a Trump Tower in Moscow before the 2016 election. The project was dropped and NEVER HAPPENED... This same media ignores obvious criminal actions by the Obama-Clinton Democrats. In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Russia leader Vladimir Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges and Given Back to Russia. Putin Praised the Russian Spies as Heroes.... It has been widely reported that Bill Clinton flew to Russia in 2010 and was paid $500,000 for giving one single speech. It is also well know that during his trip to Russia, the former President petitioned the State Department to allow him to meet with a key member of the Russia state owned uranium company Rosatom.

In the throes of their Trump derangement, Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats have revealed the full extent of the depraved, corrupt nature of the leftist apparatchiks in the DC swamp to the law-abiding, taxpaying conservatives. Those irredeemable, deplorables are now fully aware that the PMS Leftists want only to control the law-abiding taxpayers as their masters.
If Deep State Criminals are allowed to freely Operate, Steal, Murder and Ruin lives without penalty, while whistleblowers get persecuted disappear and/or are jailed , just what kind of America has this become?
If the Wall never gets fully built, then who suffers? Democrats? No it will be the American citizen paying their taxes to support this government.
More than just the 2020 Election is at stake here. And didn't we all just witness (2018 Midterms) that U.S. Elections are not even fair to begin with as the losers are converted by tricks into declared "winners"?
Again, none of the truly guilty elitists ever goes to Jail. That's not control. That's a Banana Republic.
Let's face it.... the only reason President Trump is being persecuted is because he had the audacity to run for President AND win.

Also MRS. Clinton colluded with Ukrainians against Trump, which your Media fails to tell you about.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

"In contrast to Russia a number of leaders of countries which are US allies were openly campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Very active in that respect were Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Theresa May and the leaders of other European states.
Lavrov says EU countries’ leaders openly interfered in US election campaign

And let's not forget about Saudis.


Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

Roger Stone: Clinton Aide Huma Abedin 'Most Likely a Saudi Spy'

Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)
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Russian Collusion:
In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime –
In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges

Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime - In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges
The fake news mainstream media wants you to believe the Trump family was colluding with Russia because they discussed building a Trump Tower in Moscow before the 2016 election. The project was dropped and NEVER HAPPENED... This same media ignores obvious criminal actions by the Obama-Clinton Democrats. In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Russia leader Vladimir Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges and Given Back to Russia. Putin Praised the Russian Spies as Heroes.... It has been widely reported that Bill Clinton flew to Russia in 2010 and was paid $500,000 for giving one single speech. It is also well know that during his trip to Russia, the former President petitioned the State Department to allow him to meet with a key member of the Russia state owned uranium company Rosatom.

In the throes of their Trump derangement, Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats have revealed the full extent of the depraved, corrupt nature of the leftist apparatchiks in the DC swamp to the law-abiding, taxpaying conservatives. Those irredeemable, deplorables are now fully aware that the PMS Leftists want only to control the law-abiding taxpayers as their masters.
If Deep State Criminals are allowed to freely Operate, Steal, Murder and Ruin lives without penalty, while whistleblowers get persecuted disappear and/or are jailed , just what kind of America has this become?
If the Wall never gets fully built, then who suffers? Democrats? No it will be the American citizen paying their taxes to support this government.
More than just the 2020 Election is at stake here. And didn't we all just witness (2018 Midterms) that U.S. Elections are not even fair to begin with as the losers are converted by tricks into declared "winners"?
Again, none of the truly guilty elitists ever goes to Jail. That's not control. That's a Banana Republic.
Let's face it.... the only reason President Trump is being persecuted is because he had the audacity to run for President AND win.

Just more Gateway Pundit conspiracy theories and lies. Another failed Trump diversion.

Also MRS. Clinton colluded with Ukrainians, which your Media fails to tell you about. However American taxpayers are obligated to support Ukraine, not Russia.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

"In contrast to Russia a number of leaders of countries which are US allies were openly campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Very active in that respect were Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Theresa May and the leaders of other European states.
Lavrov says EU countries’ leaders openly interfered in US election campaign

And let's not forget about Saudis.

View attachment 231895
Yes but you do not understand. Hillary did not blame any country other then Russia for her loss. Since Trump won it must have been collusion between Trump and Russia.

Does not matter what other countries or other people did. It only matters that Clinton did not win and who she blamed.
Folks, speaking of Russia, does everyone realize Crooked Mueller delivered military grade Uranium to Russia in 2009?

Classified By: EUR/FO: ACTING DAS ANITA FRIEDT E.O. 12958: REASONS 1.4 (B), (D), and (F). 1. (S) This is an action request for Embassy Moscow regarding the delivery by FBI Director Mueller of a requested sample of seized highly-enriched uranium (HEU) to appropriate Russian authorities. Please see para 3. Embassy Tbilisi see para 5.

Cable: 09STATE38943_a

Looking forward to Mueller testifying soon as to what he knew about the "insurance policy" (the Witch Hunt) and when did he find out about it and if Crooked Obama ordered it to salvage Crooked Hillary!
Yes but you do not understand. Hillary did not blame any country other then Russia for her loss. Since Trump won it must have been collusion between Trump and Russia.

Does not matter what other countries or other people did. It only matters that Clinton did not win and who she blamed.
I understand that very well. It's liberals who refuse to understand that due to huge propaganda machine in your country.

What I do NOT understand why some Republicans hate Putin and Russia so much and allow some Deep State puppet regimes like Ukraine (my home country) to influence their foreign policy. If you guys want to defeat Deep State, Putin is your one and only reliable ally and Ukraine may only sink you, as well as they framed and sunk Manafort, trying to harm Trump.
I've come to the conclusion that all these people who have an issue with President Trump, are stooges, toadies, and useful idiots who are unwittingly doing the work of Putin and Russia.

Every time someone makes a disparaging remark about my President, Putin chuckles. Mueller digs deeper into Trump's past and Putin smiles, knowing that he doesn't have to fire a shot to bring this country down.

The American left should be ashamed of itself. Trump hasn't let us down, some of us are letting him down.
Every time someone makes a disparaging remark about my President, Putin chuckles. Mueller digs deeper into Trump's past and Putin smiles, knowing that he doesn't have to fire a shot to bring this country down.
Hey, may be Putin is laughing at the stupidity of those who made bad remarks about Trump. Have you thought about that? There are so many clowns on political arena now, a lot of them are just Deep State puppets, they are NOT independent, just like Poroshenko from Ukraine. I wish you Media told you about bunch of nasty things Poroshenko and his administration have said and written about Trump when he was still a candidate.

Putin always has a lot of respect when talking about Trump and protects him in his interviews to liberal Media. I can post a few if you are interested.
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Russian Collusion:
In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime –
In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges

Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime - In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges
The fake news mainstream media wants you to believe the Trump family was colluding with Russia because they discussed building a Trump Tower in Moscow before the 2016 election. The project was dropped and NEVER HAPPENED... This same media ignores obvious criminal actions by the Obama-Clinton Democrats. In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Russia leader Vladimir Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges and Given Back to Russia. Putin Praised the Russian Spies as Heroes.... It has been widely reported that Bill Clinton flew to Russia in 2010 and was paid $500,000 for giving one single speech. It is also well know that during his trip to Russia, the former President petitioned the State Department to allow him to meet with a key member of the Russia state owned uranium company Rosatom.

In the throes of their Trump derangement, Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats have revealed the full extent of the depraved, corrupt nature of the leftist apparatchiks in the DC swamp to the law-abiding, taxpaying conservatives. Those irredeemable, deplorables are now fully aware that the PMS Leftists want only to control the law-abiding taxpayers as their masters.
If Deep State Criminals are allowed to freely Operate, Steal, Murder and Ruin lives without penalty, while whistleblowers get persecuted disappear and/or are jailed , just what kind of America has this become?
If the Wall never gets fully built, then who suffers? Democrats? No it will be the American citizen paying their taxes to support this government.
More than just the 2020 Election is at stake here. And didn't we all just witness (2018 Midterms) that U.S. Elections are not even fair to begin with as the losers are converted by tricks into declared "winners"?
Again, none of the truly guilty elitists ever goes to Jail. That's not control. That's a Banana Republic.
Let's face it.... the only reason President Trump is being persecuted is because he had the audacity to run for President AND win.
Folks, speaking of Russia, does everyone realize Crooked Mueller delivered military grade Uranium to Russia in 2009?

Classified By: EUR/FO: ACTING DAS ANITA FRIEDT E.O. 12958: REASONS 1.4 (B), (D), and (F). 1. (S) This is an action request for Embassy Moscow regarding the delivery by FBI Director Mueller of a requested sample of seized highly-enriched uranium (HEU) to appropriate Russian authorities. Please see para 3. Embassy Tbilisi see para 5.

Cable: 09STATE38943_a

Looking forward to Mueller testifying soon as to what he knew about the "insurance policy" (the Witch Hunt) and when did he find out about it and if Crooked Obama ordered it to salvage Crooked Hillary!
Don't forget the Venezuelans, I'm sure they also had a part in this.
Russian Collusion:
In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime –
In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges

Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime - In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges
The fake news mainstream media wants you to believe the Trump family was colluding with Russia because they discussed building a Trump Tower in Moscow before the 2016 election. The project was dropped and NEVER HAPPENED... This same media ignores obvious criminal actions by the Obama-Clinton Democrats. In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Russia leader Vladimir Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges and Given Back to Russia. Putin Praised the Russian Spies as Heroes.... It has been widely reported that Bill Clinton flew to Russia in 2010 and was paid $500,000 for giving one single speech. It is also well know that during his trip to Russia, the former President petitioned the State Department to allow him to meet with a key member of the Russia state owned uranium company Rosatom.

In the throes of their Trump derangement, Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats have revealed the full extent of the depraved, corrupt nature of the leftist apparatchiks in the DC swamp to the law-abiding, taxpaying conservatives. Those irredeemable, deplorables are now fully aware that the PMS Leftists want only to control the law-abiding taxpayers as their masters.
If Deep State Criminals are allowed to freely Operate, Steal, Murder and Ruin lives without penalty, while whistleblowers get persecuted disappear and/or are jailed , just what kind of America has this become?
If the Wall never gets fully built, then who suffers? Democrats? No it will be the American citizen paying their taxes to support this government.
More than just the 2020 Election is at stake here. And didn't we all just witness (2018 Midterms) that U.S. Elections are not even fair to begin with as the losers are converted by tricks into declared "winners"?
Again, none of the truly guilty elitists ever goes to Jail. That's not control. That's a Banana Republic.
Let's face it.... the only reason President Trump is being persecuted is because he had the audacity to run for President AND win.
Source: The Gateway Pundit.
My participation in this thread is over.
Russian Collusion:
In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime –
In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges

Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime - In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges
The fake news mainstream media wants you to believe the Trump family was colluding with Russia because they discussed building a Trump Tower in Moscow before the 2016 election. The project was dropped and NEVER HAPPENED... This same media ignores obvious criminal actions by the Obama-Clinton Democrats. In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Russia leader Vladimir Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges and Given Back to Russia. Putin Praised the Russian Spies as Heroes.... It has been widely reported that Bill Clinton flew to Russia in 2010 and was paid $500,000 for giving one single speech. It is also well know that during his trip to Russia, the former President petitioned the State Department to allow him to meet with a key member of the Russia state owned uranium company Rosatom.

In the throes of their Trump derangement, Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats have revealed the full extent of the depraved, corrupt nature of the leftist apparatchiks in the DC swamp to the law-abiding, taxpaying conservatives. Those irredeemable, deplorables are now fully aware that the PMS Leftists want only to control the law-abiding taxpayers as their masters.
If Deep State Criminals are allowed to freely Operate, Steal, Murder and Ruin lives without penalty, while whistleblowers get persecuted disappear and/or are jailed , just what kind of America has this become?
If the Wall never gets fully built, then who suffers? Democrats? No it will be the American citizen paying their taxes to support this government.
More than just the 2020 Election is at stake here. And didn't we all just witness (2018 Midterms) that U.S. Elections are not even fair to begin with as the losers are converted by tricks into declared "winners"?
Again, none of the truly guilty elitists ever goes to Jail. That's not control. That's a Banana Republic.
Let's face it.... the only reason President Trump is being persecuted is because he had the audacity to run for President AND win.
Source: The Gateway Pundit.
My participation in this thread is over.

No matter!! Then you deny that we are losing our Country because Deep State Corruption of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left has been declared to be "Classified", "Above The Law" and seldom if ever prosecuted. Only the whistleblowers and independent thinkers face legal consequences and persecution. Trump has let this charade and travesty go on for two whole years with no end in sight.
If Criminal PMS Democrats Lefties are allowed to freely Operate, Steal, and Ruin lives without penalty, while whistleblowers get persecuted and jailed. Just what kind of a Country is this?
Meanwhile you complain about the source of the Op-Ed while facts don't matter to you .... You've got problems my fried.

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