Russian Collusion ? Take a Look At THIS

This phony conspiracy is blown away by the fact that no uranium was ever transferred to Russia.
Not blown away at all. The dealing (complete with CASH FLOW) is the scandal.

There was no transfer of uranium. Wasn't that the alleged deal? Cash to the foundation for the uranium those mines produce? Where is the proof that any uranium from those mines was ever transferred to Russia?

If they didn't get the uranium does that mean the Clinton's swindled the Russians out of millions?
Without a shred of evidence to support claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, liberals and their media running dogs, are going wild, even setting up a special counsel for it.

Yet, not much has been said about the REAL major story concerning US-Russia relations. The transfer of 20% of American Uranium supply to the Russians. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by none other than, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That’s the “deal” that Donald Trump referenced in a tweet Tuesday morning in which he essentially said that if Congress really wants to find evidence of U.S. politicians colluding with the Russians, it should investigate the $145 million in donations the Clintons’ received from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency Rostatom secured the purchase of Uranium One.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal

We now have that evidence. Donald Trump Jr's e-mail shows that at least on 1 occasion, the Trump campaign was willing to collude.

As to the uranium deal, there is one statement that stands out. "the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off ". Clinton was not the only one who had to support it,
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
The "deplorable" is Mueller himself, and you for defending him. Mueller's long track record as FBI head consorting with seditious Muslim Brotherhood organizations and leaders, should have put him behind bars long ago.

You are a deplorable. You put the interests of Trump above that of the US. Mueller did not consort with anyone. We should talk about Trump's consorting with Putin who kills his political enemies and locks people up for saying or singing go away.

Another ploy to extend the investigation and make it look like there's something there when there isn't. Keep it going until November, in the hopes of winning back one of the houses of Congress. They think the public isn't getting sick and tired of these games but they'll find out when they lose even more seats on election day.
No matter how much it's reported that the public doesn't care about this Russian collusion poppycock, the Democrats keep pushing it. Why ? Maybe they find comfort in it as a distraction from the fact that their party no longer exists.

The public does care about it. It may not be their number 1 priority but they are concerned about it.
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
Another ploy to extend the investigation and make it look like there's something there when there isn't. Keep it going until November, in the hopes of winning back one of the houses of Congress. They think the public isn't getting sick and tired of these games but they'll find out when they lose even more seats on election day.
Who is going to lose seats? This investigation is all GOP. Seventeen intel organizations reported that the 2016 election had been compromised by hacking done by the Russians. Mike Flynn, a Republican, lied about his own activities with Russian contacts and communications. Republican Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself as AG because he lied about his communications with Russians. He was replaced by a Republican, Rod Rosenstein. Rod Rosenstein had to appoint a special counsel to investigate because Trump admitted that he fired James Comey, a Republican, because he wanted the Russia investigation to
end and he had asked Comey to dismiss the investigation into Mike Flynn, a Republican. Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller III, a Republican. Dems don't have the power to do anything to continue the investigation beyond what the GOP is doing. All we can do is sit back with some popcorn and watch the spectacle unfold. :popcorn: It has been fun to watch the repugs eat their own.
Without a shred of evidence to support claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, liberals and their media running dogs, are going wild, even setting up a special counsel for it.

Yet, not much has been said about the REAL major story concerning US-Russia relations. The transfer of 20% of American Uranium supply to the Russians. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by none other than, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That’s the “deal” that Donald Trump referenced in a tweet Tuesday morning in which he essentially said that if Congress really wants to find evidence of U.S. politicians colluding with the Russians, it should investigate the $145 million in donations the Clintons’ received from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency Rostatom secured the purchase of Uranium One.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal
Makes ya wonder how come Vlad helped Trump to hurt Hillary don't it.
Without a shred of evidence to support claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, liberals and their media running dogs, are going wild, even setting up a special counsel for it.

Yet, not much has been said about the REAL major story concerning US-Russia relations. The transfer of 20% of American Uranium supply to the Russians. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by none other than, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That’s the “deal” that Donald Trump referenced in a tweet Tuesday morning in which he essentially said that if Congress really wants to find evidence of U.S. politicians colluding with the Russians, it should investigate the $145 million in donations the Clintons’ received from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency Rostatom secured the purchase of Uranium One.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal
They don't want to Investigate The Uranium One Deal because it not only implicates Obama and Clinton in this crooked deal and exposes Bribery and Graft, but it implicates several prominent Republicans and Democrats, and the majority of them are CORE LEADERSHIP for both parties.

This is what we are talking about when we discuss THE DEEP STATE!
Who is going to lose seats?
Democrats, simpleton.
Seventeen intel organizations reported that the 2016 election had been compromised by hacking done by the Russians.
Try 4, simpleton.
Trump admitted that he fired James Comey, a Republican, because he wanted the Russia investigation to
end and he had asked Comey to dismiss the investigation into Mike Flynn, a Republican.
Now you're just flat out lying. But I cut you some slack because you're stupid and you don't bother to check out the talking points you've been told to repeat (not that you would accept the truth anyway).
Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller III, a Republican. Dems don't have the power to do anything to continue the investigation beyond what the GOP is doing. All we can do is sit back with some popcorn and watch the spectacle unfold. :popcorn: It has been fun to watch the repugs eat their own.
No, what you're seeing is that the swamp is not exclusive to Democrats. There are plenty of Republicans who are closet liberals and don't want their little gravy train to end. The name Senator McCain comes to mind.
As to the uranium deal, there is one statement that stands out. "the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off ". Clinton was not the only one who had to support it,
One of the "agencies" was the State Dept. (which Hillary Clinton was in charge of)
You are a deplorable. You put the interests of Trump above that of the US. Mueller did not consort with anyone. We should talk about Trump's consorting with Putin who kills his political enemies and locks people up for saying or singing go away.
LOL. You're apparently just another typical information-deprived liberal, who is obliviously ignorant of Mueller's support for Muslim Brotherhood front groups, and his ACTIONS as FBI director, which supported these seditious groups.

As FBI director, Mueller bent over backwards to please radical Islamic groups and caved into their demands. The agency eliminated the valuable anti-terrorism training material and curricula after Mueller met with various Islamic organizations, including those with documented ties too terrorism. Among them were two organizations— Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—named by the U.S. government as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case. CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine.

Mueller actions could actually earn him the title of "jihadist" himself >> The records obtained as part of a Judicial Watch lawsuit show that Mueller, who served 12 years as FBI chief, met with the Islamic organizations on February 8, 2012 to hear their demands. Shortly later, the director assured the Muslim groups that he had ordered the removal of presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices nationwide. The purge was part of a broader Islamist operation designed to influence the opinions and actions of persons, institutions, governments and the public at-large.

Mueller’s actions have had a widespread effect because many local law enforcement agencies followed the FBI’s lead in allowing Islamic groups like CAIR to dictate what anti-terrorism material could be used to train officers. Among them are police departments in three Illinois cities— Lombard, Elmhurst and Highland Park—as well as the New York Police Department (NYPD). In the case of the Lombard Police Department, CAIR asserted that the instructor of a training course called “Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy” was anti-Muslim though there was no evidence to support it. Like the FBI, Lombard officials got rid of the “offensive” course. The NYPD purged a highly-acclaimed report that’s proven to be a critical tool in terrorism investigations after three New York Muslims, two mosques and an Islamic nonprofit filed a lawsuit.

Considering Mueller’s role in much of this, it makes him a bizarre choice to lead the heated Russia investigation. Any YOU are "deplorable" for not doing your homework, and posting in here with ignorance.

Russia Special Counsel Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims - Judicial Watch

Washington watchdog challenges Mueller’s judgment
Eventually the uranium deal will be the scandal that the govt will tackle. Russian collusion is already an afterthough. Nobody cares about it, and everyone knows it is nothing but a silly ploy, by embarrassed Democrats who can accept that their anti-American worker policies stink, and America knows it.

Outside the Beltway, no one cares about Russia

‘Nobody really cares’: In this Ohio town, Trump and Russia aren’t really on the radar

Poll: Just 6% Of Americans Say Russia Story Is 'Important'
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