Russian Elections today

Sep 12, 2008
Vladimir Putin is coasting to a first round election victory with over 60% of the vote in early returns. There are widespread protests of voter fraud, and instances of what Russians refer to as "Carousel voting" where busloads of stooges go from polling place to polling place to vote in mass. In order to counter such claims many voting station installed web cams to show that what was going on there was legitimate.

The clear majority of around 60% of the vote for Vladimir Putin, predicted by exit polls almost the moment polls closed, probably came as no surprise to many Russians.

Those who favour of him would say that it reinforced their view that his experience and strongman style always made him the most appropriate candidate for president, and the exit polls merely showed that most Russians agreed with them.

Those opposed to him would say it confirmed their suspicion that this Russian presidential election, like the parliamentary vote in December, was once again not a fair reflection of the country's preferences, but a pre-cooked theatrical display, manipulated to produce the result the Kremlin always wanted.

Even before the polls closed, complaints over the election were being aired widely.

Opposition leaders in Russia are questioning the legitimacy of the election but Putin may have won his third term fair and square. Under Putin, Russia emerged as the 6th largest economy by PPP and the economy grew robustly. Russia’s formal accession to the WTO will make the Russian economy more competitive and a majority of Russian voters approve his job performance. Moreover, the fact that protest rallies are being reported in the media indicates that Russia is more democratic than its image abroad.
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78.51% of Russian citizens residing in the U.S. presidential elections in Russia voted for Putin.

Nearly 4 out of 5 Russian living in the U.S. said "yes" to Putin.

Putin said at a rally attended by more than 110,000 people: "We won in an open, fair fight. We won today because of the overwhelming support of the overwhelming majority of our voters - have won a clear victory. We will work honestly and hard. We will achieve success, and we encourage all unite around the interests of our people and our homeland. I promised you that we will win. we won! Glory to Russia!

I'm sure the Hussein is taking notes on how best to steal an election. He is going to need it later this year.
Wonder if Jimmy Carter will go over there and tell them they are not conducting the election fairly?
The observer from the United States, James Jatras

"I was an observer at the elections in Chelyabinsk. And I do not see anything that might look unusual to voting procedure. I've seen monitors, boxes, talked with other observers from various parties and candidates. And they all spoke very positively about how process is organized. And they found no violations. "

"And the cameras I have not seen in the elections in the United States. And I have not seen where foreign observers. I've never seen one Russian observer in American elections," - said James Jatras.

The observer from the United States by Anthony Salvia

"I came to Russia as an observer and was in Nizhny Novgorod during the election day. Attended the polls - about seven in the city and suburbs. All treatments were very well organized, very professional, very high. On it was a very nice to see. Many procedures are organized better than in the U.S., for example, the system scans. you scan ballot and throw in the ballot box. and to challenge the results, which shows the scanner, you can take the newsletter and check them one by one. In the U.S., you can not do that. "

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From what I have seen they have a really cool system for taking and tabulating votes. Their ballot box has a scanner on top that records the votes in real time, and the bottom is smoked plastic so you can see that there aren't extra papers in there, and you can tell your vote was recorded fairly.

Because of the way US elections work, I can't see us being able to use it, but they made a huge effort to make is look halfway honest. And from what I heard, he could have won anyway without the cheating.
From what I have seen they have a really cool system for taking and tabulating votes. Their ballot box has a scanner on top that records the votes in real time, and the bottom is smoked plastic so you can see that there aren't extra papers in there, and you can tell your vote was recorded fairly.

Because of the way US elections work, I can't see us being able to use it, but they made a huge effort to make is look halfway honest. And from what I heard, he could have won anyway without the cheating.

His gaming of the parliament with new legislation to allow him to reclaim the Russian Presidency was clear to many since this is the same path one takes to dictatorship as well as creating personal dynasties.

Putin - Circumventing Political Term Limits via Political Dynasties. (or: Bad Vlad: "Why Does Putin Get to Invent New Government Posts to Circumvent Term Limits?")

The point of term limits is to prevent the buildup of political power by one person or group. In Russia’s ersatz version, Vladimir Putin merrily plays revolving door with his protégé Dmitry Medvedev. Mr. Putin may win the election on March 4th despite the persistent protests sparked by his latest round of musical chairs with Mr. Medvedev.
That means Mr.Putin could potentially be Russia’s president again for two terms lasting through 2024, bringing his overall reign at the top as either prime minister or president to almost 25 years…

Prudent Investor Newsletters: Circumventing Political Term Limits via Political Dynasties

I don't think he should have even been in the running.

I did get a laugh out of this though.

Bad Vlad - Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Our election sistem is more honest that yours. We have a direct election. Of course Putin have a great preference over his opponents because there are not candidats deserving attention on this post
Our election sistem is more honest that yours. We have a direct election. Of course Putin have a great preference over his opponents because there are not candidats deserving attention on this post

What Putin did to regain another full set of political leadership terms without the previous limits being attached was a disgrace to Democracy imo.
Our election sistem is more honest that yours. We have a direct election. Of course Putin have a great preference over his opponents because there are not candidats deserving attention on this post

He made sure several guys like Yavlensky were not permitted to run. Among those permitted to run were an American business man who owns the New Jersey Nets.

What is kind of frightening is how well the Communists are doing. there is a substantial set of Russians who are pissed at how badly messed up 'Reform' has gone that they prefer the old ways of mass starvation and secret police repression.
Our election sistem is more honest that yours. We have a direct election. Of course Putin have a great preference over his opponents because there are not candidats deserving attention on this post

What Putin did to regain another full set of political leadership terms without the previous limits being attached was a disgrace to Democracy imo.
I think the three terms of Roosevelt is a disgrace for US democracy.
Our election sistem is more honest that yours. We have a direct election. Of course Putin have a great preference over his opponents because there are not candidats deserving attention on this post

He made sure several guys like Yavlensky were not permitted to run. Among those permitted to run were an American business man who owns the New Jersey Nets.

What is kind of frightening is how well the Communists are doing. there is a substantial set of Russians who are pissed at how badly messed up 'Reform' has gone that they prefer the old ways of mass starvation and secret police repression.
Yavlensky is nobody in Russian policy. He is clever economist but he is bad political figure
Last time I was in Moscow I was staying with a family in the Avtozavoskaya area of Moscow. The people I was staying with were personal friends of his as they both worked at MGU. He came on TV while I was there and they were so excited and they were explaining what a good guy he way. Despite my very very limited russian all I could tell was he was a colossal bore. Doesn't help to be right and unable to sell the program.
Our election sistem is more honest that yours. We have a direct election. Of course Putin have a great preference over his opponents because there are not candidats deserving attention on this post

What Putin did to regain another full set of political leadership terms without the previous limits being attached was a disgrace to Democracy imo.

I think the three terms of Roosevelt is a disgrace for US democracy.

FDR was the major reason for term limits being imposed as the the 22nd amendment (proposed in 1947, enacted in 1951) to the constitution was passed after FDR's presidential terms. Washington set the legislative precedent of stepping down after two terms -- to preserve the office and not transform it into a monarchy or dictatorship.

FDR did not play with the laws in order to gain the leadership. Putin is Russian Democracies King Midas in Reverse imo.

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