Zone1 Russian EMP capabilities......why aren't we taking this seriously?

Well, God is probably very fair-minded. He gave us so many breaks over the last 250 years ... starting with not letting the Indians learn to smelt copper or iron or invent gunpowder. So I reckon He's decided to let some other peoples have the breaks, and has thrown us back on our own resources. And He's probably had His feelings hurt by the decline in support for organized religion in the US.

So he gave us Biden (and Trump).
My father who died in the 1960s told me that when we needed a great President, one always emerged. This was definitely a more religious nation in that time frame. Times have changed a lot and not for the better.

So God has given us Bill Clinton, Bush the Younger, Obama, Trump and Biden. That’s a losing hand for sure. No Aces, Kings, Queens or Jacks in that group, not even a Ten card. One joker - Trump.

But at least God didn’t give us Hillary.
People still hyping up Russia as some sort of a 'super power' are hilarious. They can't even beat a country with only a few Himars and rifles. lol read some more paranoid sci fi fictions.
Afghanistan 2021, guppy fish
Thank God, that there is Russia, where this crap is punishable by law.
My father who died in the 1960s told me that when we needed a great President, one always emerged. This was definitely a more religious nation in that time frame. Times have changed a lot and not for the better.

So God has given us Bill Clinton, Bush the Younger, Obama, Trump and Biden. That’s a losing hand for sure. No Aces, Kings, Queens or Jacks in that group, not even a Ten card. One joker - Trump.

But at least God didn’t give us Hillary.
God gave us freedom, the rest is on us.
God gave us freedom, the rest is on us.
If we could convince voters that while the Democrats promise diamonds and roses they only deliver Zirconium and daises and blame Republicans for their lies — we might be able to turn things around.

The main problem with that plan is the Republicans aren’t really that much better than the Democrats. At least the Republicans do support the First and Second Amendments.

Trump at least planned to clean up the Swamp. It is likely an impossible task for one President.
If we could convince voters that while the Democrats promise diamonds and roses they only deliver Zirconium and daises and blame Republicans for their lies — we might be able to turn things around.

The main problem with that plan is the Republicans aren’t really that much better than the Democrats. At least the Republicans do support the First and Second Amendments.

Trump at least planned to clean up the Swamp. It is likely an impossible task for one President.
You are right in the sense that we must try to win the broad middle of American society at election time. And we will have some victories: the pro-criminal child-of-Weathermen District Attorney of San Francisco got recalled, as did some anti-American school board members there. And this was in San Fransicko, one of the most leftwing areas in the country.

So we have to push hard on issues where the broad middle -- people who are neither hard-core conservatives or hard-core progressives -- are uneasy about Leftist policies.

The Law and Order issue is ours, and Education should also be ours. Foreign policy should also be ours, but here we run into a problem: America's overall posture, trying to retain world military predominance That's another discussion, but it's a critical issue: note that most Republican Congress members support Joe Biden on the Ukraine issue.

However, in the long term, things don't look good. Demographics are against us.

Which doesn't mean there is nothing we can do.
You are right in the sense that we must try to win the broad middle of American society at election time. And we will have some victories: the pro-criminal child-of-Weathermen District Attorney of San Francisco got recalled, as did some anti-American school board members there. And this was in San Fransicko, one of the most leftwing areas in the country.

So we have to push hard on issues where the broad middle -- people who are neither hard-core conservatives or hard-core progressives -- are uneasy about Leftist policies.

The Law and Order issue is ours, and Education should also be ours. Foreign policy should also be ours, but here we run into a problem: America's overall posture, trying to retain world military predominance That's another discussion, but it's a critical issue: note that most Republican Congress members support Joe Biden on the Ukraine issue.

However, in the long term, things don't look good. Demographics are against us.

Which doesn't mean there is nothing we can do.
I agree the future does not look all that good which means we must try harder and smarter.

It‘s a crying shame to see the big blue cities falling apart. Hopefully that will wake up the voters left in those cities and they will throw the Democrats out. Unfortunately, I doubt that will happen.

The voters in the big blue cities believe the Democrats will do what they promise before the election and believe that when the Democrats don’t deliver, it’s all the Republicans fault. In some cities there are no Republicans but they get blamed anyway.

Plus, let’s not kid ourselves. The Republican Party isn’t all that much better than the Democrats. It needs to be a lean, mean fighting machine not a fat and pompous Party full of corrupt Politicians.
I agree the future does not look all that good which means we must try harder and smarter.

It‘s a crying shame to see the big blue cities falling apart. Hopefully that will wake up the voters left in those cities and they will throw the Democrats out. Unfortunately, I doubt that will happen.

The voters in the big blue cities believe the Democrats will do what they promise before the election and believe that when the Democrats don’t deliver, it’s all the Republicans fault. In some cities there are no Republicans but they get blamed anyway.

Plus, let’s not kid ourselves. The Republican Party isn’t all that much better than the Democrats. It needs to be a lean, mean fighting machine not a fat and pompous Party full of corrupt Politicians.
You've got it exactly.

I think -- I do not 'know' -- that we are moving towards a dramatic end to Western civilization as we have known it for the past two centuries, with the US in the vanguard. No one knows the future, but there are now so many lights flashing red on the social/political dashboard, that it's hard to see us reversing course.

If the US were a small, weak country ... or, if all other countries were much weaker than the US ... things would be different. But we bestride the world like a collossus. 400 military bases scattered over the globe, hundreds of people in something the Pentagon calls 'Africa Command' -- when we can't even command a street corner in South Chicago -- in a confrontational posture with Russia and China -- yoked to Israel -- while at the same time our upcoming generation is taught to despise their country. Something will give.

So, yes, indeed -- conservatives/patriots need to be active in the Republican Party, and get more Ron DeSantis's into positions of leadership. And we need political clarity, not just instinct.

But there is something else we can do, in parallel to working in the political arena.

We need to organize 'community defense teams' at the local level. If we remain 75 million isolated individuals, we'll just be ground up. Organization is the key to power.

Get several dozen ordinary Americans together, and you'll find you have a range of essential skills, and can take advantage of specialization and the division of labor, the things that allowed us to advance from the near-animal state of hunter-gatherers.

You can arrange teams specializing in medical, comms, engineering, intel, logistics, legal, PR and defense. Get involved in community work to build wider support -- and you're ready for whatever comes.
You've got it exactly.

I think -- I do not 'know' -- that we are moving towards a dramatic end to Western civilization as we have known it for the past two centuries, with the US in the vanguard. No one knows the future, but there are now so many lights flashing red on the social/political dashboard, that it's hard to see us reversing course.

If the US were a small, weak country ... or, if all other countries were much weaker than the US ... things would be different. But we bestride the world like a collossus. 400 military bases scattered over the globe, hundreds of people in something the Pentagon calls 'Africa Command' -- when we can't even command a street corner in South Chicago -- in a confrontational posture with Russia and China -- yoked to Israel -- while at the same time our upcoming generation is taught to despise their country. Something will give.

So, yes, indeed -- conservatives/patriots need to be active in the Republican Party, and get more Ron DeSantis's into positions of leadership. And we need political clarity, not just instinct.

But there is something else we can do, in parallel to working in the political arena.

We need to organize 'community defense teams' at the local level. If we remain 75 million isolated individuals, we'll just be ground up. Organization is the key to power.

Get several dozen ordinary Americans together, and you'll find you have a range of essential skills, and can take advantage of specialization and the division of labor, the things that allowed us to advance from the near-animal state of hunter-gatherers.

You can arrange teams specializing in medical, comms, engineering, intel, logistics, legal, PR and defense. Get involved in community work to build wider support -- and you're ready for whatever comes.
The problem I see with your idea of defense “teams” is that a Democrat Administration would view them as potential terrorist organizations and sic the FBI on their members.

I believe those in power like to ”own” the President who sits in the Oval Office. In most elections it really doesn’t matter who wins as both candidates are owned.

Trump is independent. Those who run our government refused to accept that, especially since Trump promised to drain the Swamp.

In my opinion it’s a shame that Trump did less draining than he did boosting his ego by being obnoxious.

DeSantis is my favorite choice at this time. He is my Governor and has done a great job so far.
The problem I see with your idea of defense “teams” is that a Democrat Administration would view them as potential terrorist organizations and sic the FBI on their members.

I believe those in power like to ”own” the President who sits in the Oval Office. In most elections it really doesn’t matter who wins as both candidates are owned.

Trump is independent. Those who run our government refused to accept that, especially since Trump promised to drain the Swamp.

In my opinion it’s a shame that Trump did less draining than he did boosting his ego by being obnoxious.

DeSantis is my favorite choice at this time. He is my Governor and has done a great job so far.
Oh yes, you're absolutely right. Anything beyond a sewing circle, formed by patriots, will be targetted. So ... you make absolutely sure you don't do or say anything that will let them drag you into court.

The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai are totally aware of this, and act accordingly.

If you start to build a group of armed patriots, you will get an informer. Even more dangerous are those 'sincere' people, invariably male, who work for the enemy for free: they'll suggest buying or making illegal items, or doing something insane like kidnapping a Democratic governor, and their boasting about their knowledge of firearms and military tactics will drive people away.

These people just want to play soldier. They love dressing up in their camos and getting their photo taken cradling their AR. Let them go elsewhere.

So you do as much of a background check on new members as you can. You won't catch out serious infiltrators, but you may be able to screen out the crazies, who may have a criminal record. Requiring everyone to have a Concealed Carry Permit is a first step.

I've been reading about all the Boogaloo and 'militia' groups that have gotten into serious trouble. Almost all of them had some members with a criminal background. Poison. The first people to become informers.

Not only do you want to avoid anything illegal, but you should liaise with the police right from the beginning. And then do the sort of community projects -- like Habitat for Humanity -- that will bring you into contact with the broader community.

The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai, Arizona have got the right idea, as does the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia. [YCPT] [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

And of course all serious patriots who are eligible and who have not yet done their military service, will join the State Guard (if there is one), or the National Guard.

We're playing by big boys rules now and we must act accordingly.
Oh yes, you're absolutely right. Anything beyond a sewing circle, formed by patriots, will be targetted. So ... you make absolutely sure you don't do or say anything that will let them drag you into court.

The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai are totally aware of this, and act accordingly.

If you start to build a group of armed patriots, you will get an informer. Even more dangerous are those 'sincere' people, invariably male, who work for the enemy for free: they'll suggest buying or making illegal items, or doing something insane like kidnapping a Democratic governor, and their boasting about their knowledge of firearms and military tactics will drive people away.

These people just want to play soldier. They love dressing up in their camos and getting their photo taken cradling their AR. Let them go elsewhere.

So you do as much of a background check on new members as you can. You won't catch out serious infiltrators, but you may be able to screen out the crazies, who may have a criminal record. Requiring everyone to have a Concealed Carry Permit is a first step.

I've been reading about all the Boogaloo and 'militia' groups that have gotten into serious trouble. Almost all of them had some members with a criminal background. Poison. The first people to become informers.

Not only do you want to avoid anything illegal, but you should liaise with the police right from the beginning. And then do the sort of community projects -- like Habitat for Humanity -- that will bring you into contact with the broader community.

The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai, Arizona have got the right idea, as does the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia. [YCPT] [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

And of course all serious patriots who are eligible and who have not yet done their military service, will join the State Guard (if there is one), or the National Guard.

We're playing by big boys rules now and we must act accordingly.
It seems the Democrats fear such groups.

Perhaps Joe Biden will decide to hire 87,000 new FBI agents rather than 87,000 new IRS agents.

Seriously creating such groups might hep a lot when recovering from natural catastrophes.
If we could convince voters that while the Democrats promise diamonds and roses they only deliver Zirconium and daises and blame Republicans for their lies — we might be able to turn things around.

The main problem with that plan is the Republicans aren’t really that much better than the Democrats. At least the Republicans do support the First and Second Amendments.

Trump at least planned to clean up the Swamp. It is likely an impossible task for one President.
You are right, it will take the citizen's joining in to help clean it all up, but with all the lies being told, and the propaganda with Democrat's holding the Whitehouse, I'd say it's a uphill battle all the way.
It seems the Democrats fear such groups.

Perhaps Joe Biden will decide to hire 87,000 new FBI agents rather than 87,000 new IRS agents.

Seriously creating such groups might hep a lot when recovering from natural catastrophes.
These days and time's calls for pushing the right smart politician's to the top of the food chains, and then using them to right the sinking ship through smart and peaceful means, otherwise it is in the times for which we now live.

Old time militia thinking is not going to work IMO, otherwise it's offensive war thinking rooted in the past where 80% of the American people would have been for the cause, yet sadly today those numbers are no longer out there, so the militia kind of thinking doesn't work anymore, because the numbers are terrible these days when it comes to the citizen's supporting or agreeing with any type of action that resembles the past revolution's in this COUNTRY. However, personal protection is at an all time high, and rightly so. The second amendment must stand for self defense.

If an action isn't called by God, then it's fruitless IMO. If anything is called by God then it will prevail, and the people will know their calling.

Sadly these days the numbers just as it were of old, are in disarray, and the people are confused once again because of the Wiles of the worldly in which has since turned many towards the evil one, and this has come about all due to the evil indoctrination of the generation's who now kiss their own hands, and say there is no God...

Because of this, sin has been gaining momentum in these latter days once again, and once again the outcomes are being witnessed and will have another ending just as it were of old.

We are living in different time's, and these time's are found in the Bible, but they are in a new chapter for all to read. In the book there is found the signs of our time's, and it shows the consequences that come along with these times. Be patient therefore on the coming of our Lord, and allow for his perfect work's to be completed. AMEN.

Barabbas was an impatient man, and we see how that played out. The Lord Jesus saves us, and not ourselves do we save. We must trust him.
It seems the Democrats fear such groups.

Perhaps Joe Biden will decide to hire 87,000 new FBI agents rather than 87,000 new IRS agents.

Seriously creating such groups might hep a lot when recovering from natural catastrophes.
This is exactly right. Getting involved in helping during natural catastrophes is an excellent idea, for three reasons

(1) it's good in and of itself: we saw lots of 'good ole boys' in their pickups driving down to Houston, and to New Orleans, to help out. It's the natural response of any decent person.

(2) It's good practice for future events. There are a hundred little things that you learn when you do something like this: a team of a dozen people drive a hundred and fifty miles to help out in a natural disaster: will they have enough food? Gasoline? Toilet facilities? Sleeping bags, air matresses, lanterns, bull horns. How to communicate with each other while you're there. You learn these things 'on the job'. [There is a good book by a Mormon fellow on this -- being sure to liaise with the official person in charge is key. I can't find it at the moment but when I do I'll post the title.)

(3) It's good 'community outreach' work. The lying media will try to portray us as dangerous madmen. We can counter this by doing lots of community contact work. It's also the case that many local newspapers are not like the mainstream media. We need to cultivate journalist contacts on local papers, and get them to cover our activities, including community work.
This is exactly right. Getting involved in helping during natural catastrophes is an excellent idea, for three reasons

(1) it's good in and of itself: we saw lots of 'good ole boys' in their pickups driving down to Houston, and to New Orleans, to help out. It's the natural response of any decent person.

(2) It's good practice for future events. There are a hundred little things that you learn when you do something like this: a team of a dozen people drive a hundred and fifty miles to help out in a natural disaster: will they have enough food? Gasoline? Toilet facilities? Sleeping bags, air matresses, lanterns, bull horns. How to communicate with each other while you're there. You learn these things 'on the job'. [There is a good book by a Mormon fellow on this -- being sure to liaise with the official person in charge is key. I can't find it at the moment but when I do I'll post the title.)

(3) It's good 'community outreach' work. The lying media will try to portray us as dangerous madmen. We can counter this by doing lots of community contact work. It's also the case that many local newspapers are not like the mainstream media. We need to cultivate journalist contacts on local papers, and get them to cover our activities, including community work.
Nothing wrong with showing up by the thousands's on the Washington mall just like Martin Luther Kings March did in order to make their grievances known. I'd be all for that action, because we are at a serious impass again in this nation.
Nothing wrong with showing up by the thousands's on the Washington mall just like Martin Luther Kings March did in order to make their grievances known. I'd be all for that action, because we are at a serious impass again in this nation.
Sure, if it's non-violent.
The main problem is it blows out the relays ......which are not easily replaced in the time it would take to run out of food and heat, in the winter.......the expert was on a podcast Valuetainment and explained that a powerful Russian General was pushing putin to use the EMP weapons in their arsenal against Ukraine, and then NATO countries.....since it doesn't acctually kill....not directly, but shutting off the power that would kill anyone reliant on electricity in hospitals or for the things you need in the middle of winter......that it wouldn't allow NATO or the U.S. to use Nukes in retaliation.........

I think this is the podcast my family member watched.........don't watch it if you don't want to get irritated or depressed.....


I guess the blob's "action" was too late ?

This is a real extinction level event for our country if it were to ever happen......and now, finally, one President is taking action...hopefully it isn't too late.....

One EMP detonation over the U.S. could kill 90% of the U.S. population......think losing all power during the many would die?

Long Overdue Action on EMP

It potentially could wipe out all electrical systems, effectively disabling the United States. Some estimate that an EMP attack could kill 90 percent of Americans. A number of countries, including Russia, China and North Korea, are believed to have the ability to detonate weapons creating one or more EMPs over the U.S.

Better late than never. Many observers believe that EMP weapons represent the greatest threat to the security of the U.S. and the lives of Americans. This appears to be one more instance where the Obama administration, obsessed with politics and with a largely anti-American agenda, did nothing to protect the American people but rather kicked yet another can down the road.
This is exactly right. Getting involved in helping during natural catastrophes is an excellent idea, for three reasons

(1) it's good in and of itself: we saw lots of 'good ole boys' in their pickups driving down to Houston, and to New Orleans, to help out. It's the natural response of any decent person.

(2) It's good practice for future events. There are a hundred little things that you learn when you do something like this: a team of a dozen people drive a hundred and fifty miles to help out in a natural disaster: will they have enough food? Gasoline? Toilet facilities? Sleeping bags, air matresses, lanterns, bull horns. How to communicate with each other while you're there. You learn these things 'on the job'. [There is a good book by a Mormon fellow on this -- being sure to liaise with the official person in charge is key. I can't find it at the moment but when I do I'll post the title.)

(3) It's good 'community outreach' work. The lying media will try to portray us as dangerous madmen. We can counter this by doing lots of community contact work. It's also the case that many local newspapers are not like the mainstream media. We need to cultivate journalist contacts on local papers, and get them to cover our activities, including community work.
I was thinking of the Cajun Navy when I made my previous post.


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