Zone1 Russian EMP capabilities......why aren't we taking this seriously?

These days and time's calls for pushing the right smart politician's to the top of the food chains, and then using them to right the sinking ship through smart and peaceful means, otherwise it is in the times for which we now live.

Old time militia thinking is not going to work IMO, otherwise it's offensive war thinking rooted in the past where 80% of the American people would have been for the cause, yet sadly today those numbers are no longer out there, so the militia kind of thinking doesn't work anymore, because the numbers are terrible these days when it comes to the citizen's supporting or agreeing with any type of action that resembles the past revolution's in this COUNTRY. However, personal protection is at an all time high, and rightly so. The second amendment must stand for self defense.

If an action isn't called by God, then it's fruitless IMO. If anything is called by God then it will prevail, and the people will know their calling.

Sadly these days the numbers just as it were of old, are in disarray, and the people are confused once again because of the Wiles of the worldly in which has since turned many towards the evil one, and this has come about all due to the evil indoctrination of the generation's who now kiss their own hands, and say there is no God...

Because of this, sin has been gaining momentum in these latter days once again, and once again the outcomes are being witnessed and will have another ending just as it were of old.

We are living in different time's, and these time's are found in the Bible, but they are in a new chapter for all to read. In the book there is found the signs of our time's, and it shows the consequences that come along with these times. Be patient therefore on the coming of our Lord, and allow for his perfect work's to be completed. AMEN.

Barabbas was an impatient man, and we see how that played out. The Lord Jesus saves us, and not ourselves do we save. We must trust him.
I totally agree that now is not the time for a militia led uprising with the goal of overthrowing the government. The support is simply not there. Plus, the government we have today may be corrupt but it is not a tyranny. It will become one as soon as we give up the Second Amendment and trust our government enough to turn in our firearms. Hopefully that will never happen but the younger generations are brainwashed by our school system and colleges.

I do pray for our nation and perhaps if enough of us do pray we can create change by voting the right people in to lead us. Surely not all potential politicians are corrupt or will turn corrupt once in office.

The recent Grammy Awards illustrates what you are saying.

I was thinking of the Cajun Navy when I made my previous post.

Whoa ... I had never heard of them. Nor of 'Bearing Witness', although I'm making a collection of patriotic websites. Very interesting... this is what patriots should do, plus preparing for man-made disasters like riots.
I just heard about this from a relative who was watching a podcast called "Valuetainment." The host interviewed the author of this paper............why aren't we taking this seriously, and do you think that the current administration would be willing to launch nuclear weapons in retaliation for an HEMP strike?

HEMP—The Ultimate Cyberweapon
Any nuclear weapon detonated in outer space, 30 kilometers or higher, will generate a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP). No blast, thermal, fallout or effects other than HEMP are experienced in the atmosphere and on the ground. A nuclear detonation at 30 kilometers altitude will generate a HEMP field with a radius on the ground of 600 kilometers, damaging all kinds of electronics, blacking-out electric grids and collapsing other life-sustaining critical infrastructures.

Detonated at 400 kilometers altitude, the radius of the HEMP field will be about 2,200 kilometers, large enough to cover most of North America.11

Russia has what they term “Super-EMP” weapons, nuclear warheads specialized for HEMP attack. Super-EMP warheads have very low explosive yield (10 kilotons or less) but very high gamma yield, which is what generates HEMP. According to Russian military and technical sources, Super-EMP weapons can generate HEMP fields of 100,000 volts/meter or higher, greatly exceeding the U.S. military hardening standard for HEMP (50,000 volts/meter).12
Russian military doctrine, because HEMP attacks electronics, categorizes nuclear HEMP attack as a dimension of Information Warfare, Electronic Warfare and Cyber Warfare, which are modes of warfare operating within the electromagnetic spectrum.13


Russian and Chinese military doctrine also advocates a revolutionary new way of warfare rendering obsolete traditional military power by relying on cyber-attacks, sabotage, and EMP to
collapse adversary electric grids and life-sustaining critical infrastructures, thereby achieving victory.53
Russian cyber-attacks against U.S. and allied electric grids are the “edge of the wedge” for this new way of warfare that could culminate in unleashing of a VOSTOK-18 for real—or make VOSTOK-18 unnecessary for global conquest.
As noted earlier, in July 2018, two months before VOSTOK-18, the Department of Homeland Security revealed Russian cyber-weapons Dragonfly and Energetic Bear penetrated hundreds of U.S. electric utilities and could cause a nationwide blackout.54

Non-Nuclear EMP Weapons (NNEMP)

Russia probably remains the world’s leader in Non-Nuclear EMP (NNEMP) weapons, more commonly called Radio-Frequency Weapons (RFWs), which have been the focus of “intense effort aimed at the development of high-power microwave and millimeter-wave sources for radio frequency weapons” since the Cold War, to the continuing alarm of the Department of Defense.62
Russia apparently has developed and deployed NNEMP weapons significantly more powerful and with longer range than any other nation. Russian military and technical sources often describe their NNEMP weapons as having ranges of 10-20 kilometers or more, while Western NNEMP weapons rarely have a range exceeding 1 kilometer in radius.63
For example, according to a Sputnik article “Russia’s Electromagnetic Weapons Could Be ‘More Efficient Than Nuclear Weapons’”:
--“Russia is developing radio-electronic weapons, which use powerful UHF impulse capable of destroying all electronic equipment miles away and even changing the course of a war.”
--“The unique radio-electronic weapons based on new physical principles, which were successfully tested in Russia last fall, use mobile electromagnetic emitters to disable missile warheads and onboard aircraft electronics miles away.”

Relatively small numbers of NNEMP cruise missiles or drones—perhaps only one capable of protracted flight—could inflict a long nationwide blackout. Reportedly, according to a classified study by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, disabling just 9 of 2,000 U.S. EHV transformer substations could cause cascading failures that would crash the North American power grid.67

Imagine an attack on the first day of winter here in the U.S.......cold, starvation, lack of water would destroy us....right?
You can do it from a balloon with a low yield weapon, too.
Whoa ... I had never heard of them. Nor of 'Bearing Witness', although I'm making a collection of patriotic websites. Very interesting... this is what patriots should do, plus preparing for man-made disasters like riots.
Living in Florida, hurricanes are often in the news and through the years I have read and watched numerous reports on the Cajun Navy.

I agree. Conservatives should try to create organizations to help out in a crisis so we don’t have to always rely on our government. As noted above Democrats will of course consider such organizations to be run by white supremacists or insurrectionists and will sic the FBI on them. Of course the Dems will continue to support BLM and Antifa.
Living in Florida, hurricanes are often in the news and through the years I have read and watched numerous reports on the Cajun Navy.

I agree. Conservatives should try to create organizations to help out in a crisis so we don’t have to always rely on our government. As noted above Democrats will of course consider such organizations to be run by white supremacists or insurrectionists and will sic the FBI on them. Of course the Dems will continue to support BLM and Antifa.
Funny how the Democrat's have this autonomy found within their right to riot and commit bad acts in order to get their way, but it's absolutely intolerable for any conservative to be granted the same autonomy and right's for which it appears that the Democrat's use everytime they get their wittle feewings hurted.
Funny how the Democrat's have this autonomy found within their right to riot and commit bad acts in order to get their way, but it's absolutely intolerable for any conservative to be granted the same autonomy and right's for which it appears that the Democrat's use everytime they get their wittle feewings hurted.
Conservatives don’t seem to want to riot. They may demonstrate peacefully but you rarely find them burning down buildings or throwing bricks at the police.

The January 6th insurrection which was just a simple riot was unusual. However those who participated in that riot are being punished MUCH more severely than the BLM and Antifa rioters have been.

Once again there seems to be different rules of law for liberals and conservatives in our nation.
Living in Florida, hurricanes are often in the news and through the years I have read and watched numerous reports on the Cajun Navy.

I agree. Conservatives should try to create organizations to help out in a crisis so we don’t have to always rely on our government. As noted above Democrats will of course consider such organizations to be run by white supremacists or insurrectionists and will sic the FBI on them. Of course the Dems will continue to support BLM and Antifa.
I agree, but I would make one modification: such organizations should not be explicitly 'conservative'. They should be open to anyone who wants to help.

The reasons for this are
(1) we want such organizations to be a strong as possible, which means, among other things, having a lot of people in and around them.
(2) we need to reach out to people who (sometimes, or even always) vote Democrat. About 1/3 of Americans are self-identified conservatives, another 1/3 self-identified progressives.

We have to work to win over that middle third. This doesn't necessarily mean getting them to have Saul-on-the-road-to-Damascus conversions ... just working with us, seeing that we are not crazed Klansmen, is a huge step.

That's why when we're building such organizations, we should make them open to all 'patriots'. That will keep away the hard-core Leftists, if there were any who might get involved -- which is unlikely.

Conservatives/patriots who want to fight smart could do worse than study the history of the CPUSA, which was very successful in building mass organizations of people who were not Communist Party members. They didn't start doing this until 1935, when Stalin ordered the world's Communist Parties to start courting other people in the Left -- after their sectarian practices in Germany allowed Hitler to come to power.

Anyone who wants to read a good book about this should look up the authors Irving Howe and Lewis Coser and their history of the CP.
Conservatives don’t seem to want to riot. They may demonstrate peacefully but you rarely find them burning down buildings or throwing bricks at the police.

The January 6th insurrection which was just a simple riot was unusual. However those who participated in that riot are being punished MUCH more severely than the BLM and Antifa rioters have been.

Once again there seems to be different rules of law for liberals and conservatives in our nation.
Yes, this is true. One of the people whose story I quote above actually killed someone, who was inside the shop he set on fire, which sounds like involuntary manslaughter at a minimum. But he only got ten years for arson.

Well, it's war. Liberals and progressives have the same attitude to their people who do stupid things as we should have towards ours, or which we should have: commit a crime, do the time, try to learn from your mistakes. But we both support our own -- at least, I hope our side does, which is why everyone should check out the Patriot Mail Project and 'adopt' a prisoner or two and write to them.

Note that the heads of the Weathermen, Bill Ayers and Bernahine Dohrn, who were very serious terrorists fifty years ago -- lots of bombings -- are now heroes to progressives.
I agree, but I would make one modification: such organizations should not be explicitly 'conservative'. They should be open to anyone who wants to help.

The reasons for this are
(1) we want such organizations to be a strong as possible, which means, among other things, having a lot of people in and around them.
(2) we need to reach out to people who (sometimes, or even always) vote Democrat. About 1/3 of Americans are self-identified conservatives, another 1/3 self-identified progressives.

We have to work to win over that middle third. This doesn't necessarily mean getting them to have Saul-on-the-road-to-Damascus conversions ... just working with us, seeing that we are not crazed Klansmen, is a huge step.

That's why when we're building such organizations, we should make them open to all 'patriots'. That will keep away the hard-core Leftists, if there were any who might get involved -- which is unlikely.

Conservatives/patriots who want to fight smart could do worse than study the history of the CPUSA, which was very successful in building mass organizations of people who were not Communist Party members. They didn't start doing this until 1935, when Stalin ordered the world's Communist Parties to start courting other people in the Left -- after their sectarian practices in Germany allowed Hitler to come to power.

Anyone who wants to read a good book about this should look up the authors Irving Howe and Lewis Coser and their history of the CP.
Now that I think more about the situation, I find myself agreeing with you that the organizations we are discussing should be open to all. Makes good sense as they will helping all people.
Yes, this is true. One of the people whose story I quote above actually killed someone, who was inside the shop he set on fire, which sounds like involuntary manslaughter at a minimum. But he only got ten years for arson.

Well, it's war. Liberals and progressives have the same attitude to their people who do stupid things as we should have towards ours, or which we should have: commit a crime, do the time, try to learn from your mistakes. But we both support our own -- at least, I hope our side does, which is why everyone should check out the Patriot Mail Project and 'adopt' a prisoner or two and write to them.

Note that the heads of the Weathermen, Bill Ayers and Bernahine Dohrn, who were very serious terrorists fifty years ago -- lots of bombings -- are now heroes to progressives.
Bill Ayers and Obama have an interesting relationship. I voted for Obama but was disappointed when he became the Great Divider rather than the Great Uniter.

It was Abraham Lincoln who pointed out “a house divided against itself cannot stand,”

Instead of a united people working together to improve a great nation, we are now a number of victimized groups who all feel oppressed by the terrible racist white person and his white privilege.

Even Disney is working to divide our nation further. Teach our young black children to grow up hating whites. I grew up watching cartoons with talking mice and goofy dogs that may have taught some moral lessons but were not designed to create hatred of other races.


Bill Ayers and Obama have an interesting relationship. I voted for Obama but was disappointed when he became the Great Divider rather than the Great Uniter.

It was Abraham Lincoln who pointed out “a house divided against itself cannot stand,”

Instead of a united people working together to improve a great nation, we are now a number of victimized groups who all feel oppressed by the terrible racist white person and his white privilege.

Even Disney is working to divide our nation further. Teach our young black children to grow up hating whites. I grew up watching cartoons with talking mice and goofy dogs that may have taught some moral lessons but were not designed to create hatred of other races.

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Yes. I didn't think Obama was evil. What he was, in Charles Krauthammer's words, was a 'post-American' President. And I think that term 'post-American' applies to the progressive/liberal movement as a whole. They're not "traitors" -- they aren't working for any other government -- they're just ashamed of their own country.

The clear failure of genuine socialism has meant that the Left has no alternative to offer to capitalism. That's why a lot of the AntiFa people call themselves 'anarchists'. They're not real anarchists -- they don't actually believe we could have society without a state -- they're basically nihilists.

Our problem is that this mood has deeply infected a large part of our intelligentsia. Our side has some very fine top-level thinkers, but we are light on middle-level people. So we're vulnerable to stunts like 6 January. At the moment, the best we can do is to organize locally, around things like community defense, or keeping the groomers out of our schools. At some point, I hope a national leadership will emerge.
Yes. I didn't think Obama was evil. What he was, in Charles Krauthammer's words, was a 'post-American' President. And I think that term 'post-American' applies to the progressive/liberal movement as a whole. They're not "traitors" -- they aren't working for any other government -- they're just ashamed of their own country.

The clear failure of genuine socialism has meant that the Left has no alternative to offer to capitalism. That's why a lot of the AntiFa people call themselves 'anarchists'. They're not real anarchists -- they don't actually believe we could have society without a state -- they're basically nihilists.

Our problem is that this mood has deeply infected a large part of our intelligentsia. Our side has some very fine top-level thinkers, but we are light on middle-level people. So we're vulnerable to stunts like 6 January. At the moment, the best we can do is to organize locally, around things like community defense, or keeping the groomers out of our schools. At some point, I hope a national leadership will emerge.
If a new national leadership does not emerge, in a decade or two the nation will break up. With luck we may go a generation. Note a breakup doesn’t have to be bloody and violent. If we do break up, I hope it is a peaceful split. Unfortunately a break up will mean the Chinese will rule the world.

If the blacks think white people are racist, wait until the Chinese take over The Chinese will not give a shit about the blacks suffering 400 years of slavery.
Additionally nobody knows if this kind of attack would be effective or simply a waste of a good nuke. That in itself is the real reason that billions haven't been spent for this.

This tech was tested at Dugway Proving grounds in Utah. A small non-nuclear device was detonated 30 feet off the ground. It took out phone relay stations 250 miles away and took down the power for the area. This test happened in the early to mid 1970's

The new research facility has only been there since about 1992.

The original Test was an above ground nuke in 1962. It took out all kinds of equipment that they did not expect.


This tech was tested at Dugway Proving grounds in Utah. A small non-nuclear device was detonated 30 feet off the ground. It took out phone relay stations 250 miles away and took down the power for the area. This test happened in the early to mid 1970's

The new research facility has only been there since about 1992.

The original Test was an above ground nuke in 1962. It took out all kinds of equipment that they did not expect.

Wrong. A test in 1962 and another in "the 1970's" isn't an imminent threat in 2023.
Enjoy your low-IQ fear porn.
Wrong. A test in 1962 and another in "the 1970's" isn't an imminent threat in 2023.
Enjoy your low-IQ fear porn.
you do not understand. These were theoretical tests. WE have miniaturized these devices and they are 100 times more powerful. A balloon is a very real threat. You said these are not a threat, I just showed you they are a very real threat. It is obvious you do not understand how they work and why they make restoring power almost impossible for millions of people. They destroy the hardware. The transmission lines, transformers, switches, generating units, etc. Not to mention your cellphone repeater stations and other electronics in your cars and trucks.

Feel free to bury your head in the sand but when this happens, and it will happen, people will be tearing the nation apart looking for food and the tribalism will end in blood shed. Your true enemy won't even have to fire a shot when they walk in and take it over after a few weeks.
you do not understand. These were theoretical tests. WE have miniaturized these devices and they are 100 times more powerful. A balloon is a very real threat. You said these are not a threat, I just showed you they are a very real threat. It is obvious you do not understand how they work and why they make restoring power almost impossible for millions of people. They destroy the hardware. The transmission lines, transformers, switches, generating units, etc. Not to mention your cellphone repeater stations and other electronics in your cars and trucks.

Feel free to bury your head in the sand but when this happens, and it will happen, people will be tearing the nation apart looking for food and the tribalism will end in blood shed. Your true enemy won't even have to fire a shot when they walk in and take it over after a few weeks.
A theoretical threat at best. That's what makes it fear porn.
An actual attack by dropping bombs on substations would be more realistic. Even bombing cities is a more realistic threat.
I could care less if your power grid is disabled. I'm not hooked to it.
A theoretical threat at best. That's what makes it fear porn.
An actual attack by dropping bombs on substations would be more realistic. Even bombing cities is a more realistic threat.
I could care less if your power grid is disabled. I'm not hooked to it.
You really are clueless.. Is your system hardened for EMP strike? Are your vehicles hardend? Do you have ample food storages? Do you have a way to protect yourself from others who will want what you might have?

Its not just the EMP pulse you have to worry about. Continue to laugh.. That pulse in the least of your worries.
You really are clueless.. Is your system hardened for EMP strike? Are your vehicles hardend? Do you have ample food storages? Do you have a way to protect yourself from others who will want what you might have?

Its not just the EMP pulse you have to worry about. Continue to laugh.. That pulse in the least of your worries.
Yes, yes and yes and absolutely.
You have no idea what I am prepared for.
You need to get off here and prepare your own stuff.
Yes, yes and yes and absolutely.
You have no idea what I am prepared for.
You need to get off here and prepare your own stuff.
Like you, I am prepared. But I do not sugar coat the danger for others like you do.
If a new national leadership does not emerge, in a decade or two the nation will break up. With luck we may go a generation. Note a breakup doesn’t have to be bloody and violent. If we do break up, I hope it is a peaceful split. Unfortunately a break up will mean the Chinese will rule the world.

If the blacks think white people are racist, wait until the Chinese take over The Chinese will not give a shit about the blacks suffering 400 years of slavery.
You've got it! Have a look at this fellow:
[ https: // ].

China looks set to become the major world power, whatever we do. This doesn't necessarily mean it will all be terrible. If we're Number Two, that can be okay... the Russians were Number Two to us for fifty years, and no one pushed them around.

As for Chinese racism -- they're not racist towards Blacks or Europeans ... are you racist towards your dog?

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