Russian Foreign Minister: U.S. Knows ISIS Positions In Syria, Refuses To Bomb...

I think it is because the Saudi's see Iran's alliance with Assad as problematic. Iran gained influence in the region when we destabilized Iraq. Taking out Assad would be beneficial to weakening Iran.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.
Oh good, you understand now.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.

Turkey is actively involved in attempting to depose Assad. They couldn't give a rats ass how many die at the hands of ISIS if they can with SA and Qatar to replace Assad with Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
Turkey is a member of Nato. The Muslim Brotherhood stuff is mostly conspiracy theory nonsense. Nato is not nonsense, nor is article 5.

The Muslim Brotherhood is just my imagination?
No, The Muslim Brotherhood in not just your imagination. Your imagination allows it to be taken out of context however. A theory must have a solid foundation to advance into a credible or actionable assessment. That takes provable evidence. It is popular for amateurs to assess entire theories from small shreds of evidence with no solid foundation in factual data. Conclusions can not be made from speculative conclusions with expectations of accuracy. The system does however work great in creating conspiracy theories.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.
Oh good, you understand now.
I understand you're passing the buck where it doesn't belong.


I think it is because the Saudi's see Iran's alliance with Assad as problematic. Iran gained influence in the region when we destabilized Iraq. Taking out Assad would be beneficial to weakening Iran.

Well everyone seems to have a vital interest in deposing Assad.

It would supposedly weaken Iran and also takes out a huge chunk of Russian influence in the area. On the other hand didn't we learn our fucking lesson when we fucked up Mubarak and gave Egypt to the MB? Egyptians now hate the US with a passion you can't dream of.

Didn't we learn our lesson in Libya taking out Gaddafi and turning over Libya to jihadists who are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli?

Then there is Yemen. *sigh* Oh and turning over the Ukraine to neo Nazis. Haven't we done enough damage? We want to turn over Syria to the Brotherhood as well?

WHOOPSIES! There's that old Sunni wanting to wipe Shias off the map thingy too.
Why it is just terrible that the US is doing what it has done form many, many years...
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.

Only way to shut off flow is go to Syria....French and Russian Officials flying into Germany,, Germany getting rdy to expand efforts in Iraq and with Kurds
I think it is because the Saudi's see Iran's alliance with Assad as problematic. Iran gained influence in the region when we destabilized Iraq. Taking out Assad would be beneficial to weakening Iran.

Well everyone seems to have a vital interest in deposing Assad.

It would supposedly weaken Iran and also takes out a huge chunk of Russian influence in the area. On the other hand didn't we learn our fucking lesson when we fucked up Mubarak and gave Egypt to the MB? Egyptians now hate the US with a passion you can't dream of.

Didn't we learn our lesson in Libya taking out Gaddafi and turning over Libya to jihadists who are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli?

Then there is Yemen. *sigh* Oh and turning over the Ukraine to neo Nazis. Haven't we done enough damage? We want to turn over Syria to the Brotherhood as well?

WHOOPSIES! There's that old Sunni wanting to wipe Shias off the map thingy too.
I agree with you. My only point was and still is that everything was set in motion by Bush. He gave Iran greater influence over the region. Everything since has been a cleanup operation. I only state it as a matter of fact, I do not agree with what has transpired.

BTW, the Saudi's do not want the Muslim Brotherhood running Syria.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.

Turkey is actively involved in attempting to depose Assad. They couldn't give a rats ass how many die at the hands of ISIS if they can with SA and Qatar to replace Assad with Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
Turkey is a member of Nato. The Muslim Brotherhood stuff is mostly conspiracy theory nonsense. Nato is not nonsense, nor is article 5.

The Muslim Brotherhood is just my imagination?
No, The Muslim Brotherhood in not just your imagination. Your imagination allows it to be taken out of context however. A theory must have a solid foundation to advance into a credible or actionable assessment. That takes provable evidence. It is popular for amateurs to assess entire theories from small shreds of evidence with no solid foundation in factual data. Conclusions can not be made from speculative conclusions with expectations of accuracy. The system does however work great in creating conspiracy theories.

They've been the main movers and the shakers. They have all sorts of fronts. Pretty good article flushes out the bastards involvement in trying to overthrow Assad.

"As one military defector told me, the Brotherhood asked for their loyalty, and in return, the group promised to pressure Turkey to create a buffer zone along its border with Syria. The effort was unsuccessful, but the Brotherhood later won the loyalty of Col. Riad al-Asaad, who formed the Free Syrian Army (FSA), replacing the secular-leaning Free Officers Movement.

After the formation of the FSA, new brigades began to take religious names, instead of names of national figures or areas. The Br
otherhood’s influence within the FSA was known to military defectors at the time — that was why the first Druze officer to defect from the army, Lt. Khaldoun Sami Zaineddin, took the unusual step of joining the Free Officers Movement in October 2011, rather than the FSA.

The Brotherhood continued to pour time and resources into building its influence within the rebel forces. The fighting factions backed by the movement include the Tawhid Brigade, supported by Brotherhood leaders in Aleppo, mainly Bayanouni and Ramadan; some elements in the powerful Farouq Brigades; the Body for Protection of Civilians, considered the military wing of the Brotherhood, led by Hakim; and Ansar al-Islam, based in Damascus and the surrounding countryside. The Brotherhood has brigades across the country whose names typically include the word "shield," such as the Euphrates Shield, the Capital Shield, and the Aqsa Mosque Shield. It also coordinates in some areas with hard-line groups like Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham, according to military defectors.

Most importantly, the Brotherhood has successfully opposed attempts to outline how the transitional period will be managed — an ambiguity the group no doubt hopes it will be able to exploit to seize a leadership role after Assad’s fall. In June 2012, a major meeting was organized in Istanbul by the Arab League to restructure the SNC, and U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford told the opposition that the council must subject itself to an independent committee that would lay out internal reforms if it hoped to win greater American support. The committee met in Cairo in July 2011 and presented draft documents that outlined the transitional period, laying out the duties of opposition forces and detailing the fate of armed factions. They also included an important article criminalizing the use of political money to buy loyalty.

The documents, which were eventually signed by the bulk of opposition forces, dealt a heavy blow to the Brotherhood’s monopoly on power. The Islamist group moved quickly to prevent any restrictions on its ability to shape the post-Assad political order. According to members who attended the meeting, the SNC did not sanction a follow-up committee to ensure the documents were incorporated into the opposition’s vision, despite pressure from outside countries. The Brotherhood dealt a final blow to the plan when it succeeded in having the plan excluded from the founding statements of the Syrian National Coalition, established in Doha in November 2012."

How the Muslim Brotherhood Hijacked Syria’s Revolution
I think it is because the Saudi's see Iran's alliance with Assad as problematic. Iran gained influence in the region when we destabilized Iraq. Taking out Assad would be beneficial to weakening Iran.

Well everyone seems to have a vital interest in deposing Assad.

It would supposedly weaken Iran and also takes out a huge chunk of Russian influence in the area. On the other hand didn't we learn our fucking lesson when we fucked up Mubarak and gave Egypt to the MB? Egyptians now hate the US with a passion you can't dream of.

Didn't we learn our lesson in Libya taking out Gaddafi and turning over Libya to jihadists who are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli?

Then there is Yemen. *sigh* Oh and turning over the Ukraine to neo Nazis. Haven't we done enough damage? We want to turn over Syria to the Brotherhood as well?

WHOOPSIES! There's that old Sunni wanting to wipe Shias off the map thingy too.
I agree with you. My only point was and still is that everything was set in motion by Bush. He gave Iran greater influence over the region. Everything since has been a cleanup operation. I only state it as a matter of fact, I do not agree with what has transpired.

BTW, the Saudi's do not want the Muslim Brotherhood running Syria.

Under the new King SA is beginning to court the MB. This is beyond troubling. If the Saudis want to launch a Sunni/Shia war we've got a big time problem on our hands. A Saudi jihad is a terrifying prospect to say the least.

"Perhaps most worrying of all, some influential Saudis are envisioning a much wider campaign against Iran if not, indeed, against the Shia more broadly. Veteran Saudi columnist Jamal al-Khashoggi has called for a Saudi jihad that “expels sectarian Iran from our world,” takes the Afghan mujahedeen as a model, and pursues “dialogue with moderate forces in Al-Qaeda such as Al-Nusra Front.”

And former Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Bandar told a senior British security official, with regard to the Shia, “more than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough of them.”

Ruh roh.
I think it is because the Saudi's see Iran's alliance with Assad as problematic. Iran gained influence in the region when we destabilized Iraq. Taking out Assad would be beneficial to weakening Iran.

Well everyone seems to have a vital interest in deposing Assad.

It would supposedly weaken Iran and also takes out a huge chunk of Russian influence in the area. On the other hand didn't we learn our fucking lesson when we fucked up Mubarak and gave Egypt to the MB? Egyptians now hate the US with a passion you can't dream of.

Didn't we learn our lesson in Libya taking out Gaddafi and turning over Libya to jihadists who are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli?

Then there is Yemen. *sigh* Oh and turning over the Ukraine to neo Nazis. Haven't we done enough damage? We want to turn over Syria to the Brotherhood as well?

WHOOPSIES! There's that old Sunni wanting to wipe Shias off the map thingy too.
I agree with you. My only point was and still is that everything was set in motion by Bush. He gave Iran greater influence over the region. Everything since has been a cleanup operation. I only state it as a matter of fact, I do not agree with what has transpired.

BTW, the Saudi's do not want the Muslim Brotherhood running Syria.

Under the new King SA is beginning to court the MB. This is beyond troubling. If the Saudis want to launch a Sunni/Shia war we've got a big time problem on our hands. A Saudi jihad is a terrifying prospect to say the least.

"Perhaps most worrying of all, some influential Saudis are envisioning a much wider campaign against Iran if not, indeed, against the Shia more broadly. Veteran Saudi columnist Jamal al-Khashoggi has called for a Saudi jihad that “expels sectarian Iran from our world,” takes the Afghan mujahedeen as a model, and pursues “dialogue with moderate forces in Al-Qaeda such as Al-Nusra Front.”

And former Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Bandar told a senior British security official, with regard to the Shia, “more than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough of them.”

Ruh roh.
I saw that about King Salman. He is playing with fire. He probably thinks he can keep the brotherhood focused on the Shia and not on the Monarchy.
Sure, the Russians never lie! If they "know" we "know", it means they "know" where the camps are. Why aren't THEY bombing them? Either help out or shut up, Puty. The one who fell for your baby blues has been history for 7 years now!

Russia and Iran warned us not to intervene in Syria. ISIS is a direct or indirect result of U.S., Saudi, and British funding & arming of rebel groups in Syria. And Russia is helping out. It's been helping out. Along with Iran, it'll have to save the day over there.
Sure, the Russians never lie! If they "know" we "know", it means they "know" where the camps are. Why aren't THEY bombing them? Either help out or shut up, Puty. The one who fell for your baby blues has been history for 7 years now!
It's all about the collateral damage. You worry and avoid it or you don't.

The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Britain creating ISIS has caused shocking carnage and collateral damage all across the Middle East. That ship has already sailed. The damage is done.

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