Russian Foreign Minister: U.S. Knows ISIS Positions In Syria, Refuses To Bomb...

People blaming the mess in Syria on Russia is beyond pathetic. Hell's bells no one can even name who the true terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels were.


Middle East
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.
Russia is not being blamed for the mess in Syria, they are being blamed for contributing to it because when the civil war broke out they continued to supply Assad with weapons and supplies. They did the same thing with Ukraine. In fact, the timing of announcing new assistance to Assad is a distraction from the seeming end to the crisis in Ukraine and Putin's abandonment of that adventure.
Funny, the folks who praise Bush for going after WMD's held by Saddam have no issue with WMD's in the hands of Assad.

There was never a civil war. The Arab Spring is total bullshit. And the ME was a dog's breakfast before but now it's FUBAR'D.

And the superpowers are freaking nuts to have tried to overthrow Assad under the guise of an Arab Spring.

How did Egypt turn out? I think it was Gallup who cited that the Egyptians hate America more than any other country. That's saying something.


You've got jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli for heavens sake. Yemen? Oh and a true civil war in the Ukraine. And that's just not going to go away because the freaking Nazis that Kiev backs don't like ceasefire.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.
Well, when we get past the conspiracy theories, the extremist speculations, the agenda driven opinions and the special interest talking point what we have left unfortunately is a bunch of treaty obligations, some of which contradict each other. We jumped chest deep into that mess in 2003 and we have been stuck in the quagmire ever since. Blame Bush or Obama, doesn't make a difference about today. We are still stuck in the quagmire with no way out.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby

Thank you for the heads up. I know that Lavrov and others from Russia have been racking up the frequent flyer miles to co ordinate all the players to take out ISIS.

Saudi Arabia says no. Slaps their puppet Syrian opposition on the pee pee and they refuse as well. They really don't give a shit about getting rid of ISIS. Saudis want Assad gone.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.
Well, when we get past the conspiracy theories, the extremist speculations, the agenda driven opinions and the special interest talking point what we have left unfortunately is a bunch of treaty obligations, some of which contradict each other. We jumped chest deep into that mess in 2003 and we have been stuck in the quagmire ever since. Blame Bush or Obama, doesn't make a difference about today. We are still stuck in the quagmire with no way out.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
I never woke up one morning and decided I'm going to embrace Putin. Lot of family baggage on my mother's side to have hated Russia for eternity. Stalin did a real number on Ukrainians.

But that was the USSR.We are in the here and now.

And the only guy trying to play nice in the sandbox with the other world leaders is freaking Putin. Some days I look at world events and go "am I in a Fellini movie"?
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.
Well, when we get past the conspiracy theories, the extremist speculations, the agenda driven opinions and the special interest talking point what we have left unfortunately is a bunch of treaty obligations, some of which contradict each other. We jumped chest deep into that mess in 2003 and we have been stuck in the quagmire ever since. Blame Bush or Obama, doesn't make a difference about today. We are still stuck in the quagmire with no way out.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
You give Bush credit for cleaning up the mess he got us into, I don't. Troops were still in combat when he left office. In combat to the tune of about one KIA per day. That does not equal cleaned up in my book. That means still stuck in the quagmire. Almost out doesn't count. Out means out. Still stuck in the quagmire means still stuck in the quagmire.
Don't know what you are talking about with Libya or chickening out in Syria. People seem to just have a need to point the finger at some specific leader and blame them. Nixon blamed LBJ and LBJ blamed Kennedy and Kennedy blamed Eisenhower and Eisenhower blamed Truman for letting the friggin French recolonize in the first place.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.

Turkey is actively involved in attempting to depose Assad. They couldn't give a rats ass how many die at the hands of ISIS if they can with SA and Qatar to replace Assad with Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.

Ok sparky. Why did we interfere in Egypt? Why did we interfere in Libya? Why did we interfere in Yemen? Or Syria?

What did W do in any of those countries?
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.

Turkey is actively involved in attempting to depose Assad. They couldn't give a rats ass how many die at the hands of ISIS if they can with SA and Qatar to replace Assad with Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
Turkey is a member of Nato. The Muslim Brotherhood stuff is mostly conspiracy theory nonsense. Nato is not nonsense, nor is article 5.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.

Ok sparky. Why did we interfere in Egypt? Why did we interfere in Libya? Why did we interfere in Yemen? Or Syria?

What did W do in any of those countries?
W didn't do anything in those countries, but what was done in those countries was done to fix the problem he created, which was to give Iran, Iraq.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.

Ok sparky. Why did we interfere in Egypt? Why did we interfere in Libya? Why did we interfere in Yemen? Or Syria?

What did W do in any of those countries?
W didn't do anything in those countries, but what was done in those countries was done to fix the problem he created, which was to give Iran, Iraq.

That makes no sense at all. None. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar are actively attempting to depose Assad. AKA regime change with the CIA's involvement.
I'm not playing Alex Jones here. This is on record.
Yeah.....Bush got us into the mess.....cleaned it up.....and then Obama left it to become an even worse mess.

And then Obama made the same mess in Libya and wanted to do the same exact thing in Syria but chickened out at the last minute.

So basically, he's a major-league screwup.
Bush cleaned it up? I don't think you understand the nature of the problem. Bush handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. Everything going on in the ME today is an attempt to clean up the mess left by W.

Ok sparky. Why did we interfere in Egypt? Why did we interfere in Libya? Why did we interfere in Yemen? Or Syria?

What did W do in any of those countries?
W didn't do anything in those countries, but what was done in those countries was done to fix the problem he created, which was to give Iran, Iraq.

That makes no sense at all. None. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar are actively attempting to depose Assad. AKA regime change with the CIA's involvement.
I'm not playing Alex Jones here. This is on record.
Why do you think the Saudi's want to depose Assad?
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.

Turkey is actively involved in attempting to depose Assad. They couldn't give a rats ass how many die at the hands of ISIS if they can with SA and Qatar to replace Assad with Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
Turkey is a member of Nato. The Muslim Brotherhood stuff is mostly conspiracy theory nonsense. Nato is not nonsense, nor is article 5.

The Muslim Brotherhood is just my imagination?

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