Russian Satellite Imagery Provides the Syrian Air Force With Direct Targets


Nov 14, 2012
The Syrian airfoce will be more effective in the future. In terrorist controlled areas, the airforce has agents who locate targets for the airfroce. With the new support from Russia, the target acquiring has accelerated and increased.

"The Russian Federation has recently boosted their military aid to the embattled Syrian Armed Forces, providing not only heavy weaponry, armor, and military personnel, but also, satellite imagery that has assisted the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) with locating the positions of the enemy combatants across Syria.

In August of 2015, the Syrian-Russo military agreement was finalized after the Syrian Government’s Deputy Prime Minister – Walid Muallem – visited the Russian capital of Moscow to accept the terms of the proposal that would allow for the Russian military to increase the total number of soldiers on the ground in western Syria.

As a result, the Russian military command sent a number of advisors to the port-city of Tartous in order to begin the process of using satellite imagery to expose enemy positions and the Syrian Armed Forces’ overall effectiveness as a cohesive unit to combat terrorists around the country.

So far, the satellite imagery provided by the Russian military has paid dividends for the Syrian Air Force, as they are now able to track terrorist convoys and movements across the country without the use of spy drones; this has resulted in less flights and more damage to the enemy combatants.

According to a military source in east Homs, the Syrian Air Force’s airstrikes above the ancient city of Palmyra on Friday were by far the most effective aerial bombardment since the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) captured this desert area in the Homs Governorate.

On Friday, the Syrian Air Force launched only 11 airstrikes above Palmyra; yet, these airstrikes were extremely effective, as they destroyed four armored vehicles along the road to the Ancient Quarries in northern Palmyra.

At the volatile Idlib Governorate, the Syrian Air Force only launched 23 airstrikes, marking the first time since October of 2012 that the SAAF hasn’t conducted more than 30 airstrikes inside this northern Syrian province."

Russian Satellite Imagery Provides the Syrian Air Force With Direct Targets
Assad is getting more desperate.......that is a good sign!! ........ :thup:
This is why you will never achieve anything and end up as Sunni Troll in your cave. You are interpreting things like you want. Your god will do everything, you just have to kill and to slaughter and to tithe the lot. Maybe, there will be the day, on which you join the Jihad. Perhaps, Sally can be your agent handler, then. You will be needing instructions; otherwise your life expectancy is zero.
Russian Air Force Given Full Access to the Hmaymat Airbase in West Latakia

"This past weekend, the Russian Air Force was given full access to the Hmaymat Military Airbase inside the Latakia Governorate’s western countryside after the Syrian Arab Army’s Central Command approved the Russian Navy’s recent delivery of Sukhoi fighter jets through the Syrian port-city of Tartous.

The Hmaymat Military Airbase is located inside the Bassel Al-Assad International Airport, which sits just east of the densely populated coastal city of Jableh in western Latakia.

With full access to the Hmaymat Military Airbase’s airfields, the Russian Air Force possesses a temporary airbase to begin their aerial operations above the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) positions in Syria.

There has been much speculation regarding the location and existence of this alleged military airbase; this has even gone as far as news outlets falsifying reports about the alleged construction of a Russian military airbase in northwestern Syria.

According to a senior officer from the Syrian Air Defense in the Latakia Governorate, the Russian Federation has no immediate contingency to construct a military airbase because they have been granted full access to numerous airports around the country.

The source added that Russian military advisors have traveled as far east as Al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor in order to inspect the Syrian Air Force’s equipment and to provide intelligence reports to the senior officers.

Russian military personnel are currently training and advising the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) in the provinces of Latakia (Slunfeh), Tartous (Safita), and Homs (Wadi Al-Nasara area); this scheduled training is set to conclude in early November this year."

Russian Air Force Given Full Access to the Hmaymat Airbase in West Latakia
Russian Satellite Imagery Exposes ISIS Movements in Al-Raqqa: Syrian Air Force Capitalizes

"Recently, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) has been far more calculated and precise with their air raids, striking the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda faction “Jabhat Al-Nusra” with a flurry of airstrikes that have deterred these Islamist groups from traveling across Syria’s rugged terrain.

For the Syrian Air Force and Syrian Arab Army’s Central Command; this aerial success could not come at a better time for their embattled military, as the numerous offensives launched by the Islamist groups in Syria have left them at the mercy of their enemy.

The tactical precision behind these powerful air raids is due in large part to their Russian military advisors, who have provided the SAA’s Central Command with detailed intelligence reports and satellite imagery that was not available to the Syrian Air Force prior to their arrival earlier this month.

On Monday morning, the Russian military advisors proved valuable once again, as the Syrian Air Force launched a series of airstrikes above the ISIS-controlled province of Al-Raqqa.

However, unlike previous attacks, the Syrian Air Force struck the terrorist group in a number of areas that were relatively untouched, leaving ISIS with breathing room to operate in the Al-Raqqa countryside.

The Syrian Air Force struck ISIS’ recently constructed power lines at the Al-Thala’a Camp in Al-Raqqa, destroying the terrorist groups electrical grids, while also killing an estimated 25 combatants housed in a building nearby.

Following their initial attack at the Al-Thala’a Camp, Russian intelligence reports and satellite imagery provided the Syrian Air Force with information regarding an ISIS battalion made up of 45 predominately Azeri fighters; this base was destroyed by the Syrian Air Force on Monday afternoon.

Finally, to add the icing on the cake, the Syrian Air Force struck a textile factory that turned into an ISIS IED (improvised explosive device) factory; this attack created a large cloud of yellow smoke after the bombs triggered the explosives in the factory to go off.

According to a military source, the airstrikes above Al-Raqqa on Monday proved to be the Syrian Air Force’s most successful series of attacks against the terrorist group since ISIS seized the provincial capital from the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra in late 2013."

Russian Satellite Imagery Exposes ISIS Movements in Al-Raqqa: Syrian Air Force Capitalizes
Assad is getting more desperate.......that is a good sign!! ........ :thup:
This is why you will never achieve anything and end up as Sunni Troll in your cave. You are interpreting things like you want. Your god will do everything, you just have to kill and to slaughter and to tithe the lot. Maybe, there will be the day, on which you join the Jihad. Perhaps, Sally can be your agent handler, then. You will be needing instructions; otherwise your life expectancy is zero.

I hope Baghdad Bob Jr. doesn't mind me interfering with one of his news reports since I usually do not have the habit of interrupting this crackpot during his broadcasting. However, a little birdie told me that the mentally sick Little Shit had to drag me into his nonsense. Let's face it, if anyone should worry about his own life expectancy, it should be the Little Shit because he is sedentary in front of his computer all day and night defending his boyfriend, whose picture in his avatar is probably blown up and hung on his wall. No German beauty queens or actresses hanging there, but Assad's picture is hanging front and center for him to salivate over all the time while he glances up from his computer.
Assad is getting more desperate.......that is a good sign!! ........ :thup:
This is why you will never achieve anything and end up as Sunni Troll in your cave. You are interpreting things like you want. Your god will do everything, you just have to kill and to slaughter and to tithe the lot. Maybe, there will be the day, on which you join the Jihad. Perhaps, Sally can be your agent handler, then. You will be needing instructions; otherwise your life expectancy is zero.

I hope Baghdad Bob Jr. doesn't mind me interfering with one of his news reports since I usually do not have the habit of interrupting this crackpot during his broadcasting. However, a little birdie told me that the mentally sick Little Shit had to drag me into his nonsense. Let's face it, if anyone should worry about his own life expectancy, it should be the Little Shit because he is sedentary in front of his computer all day and night defending his boyfriend, whose picture in his avatar is probably blown up and hung on his wall. No German beauty queens or actresses hanging there, but Assad's picture is hanging front and center for him to salivate over all the time while he glances up from his computer.
Once the US will begin to cooperate with Syria, Russia and Iran, it will be your home that is stuffed with portraits of Bashar Assad. Let me guess, you have already removed the al-Nusra flags.
But honestly, I should really consider to put up a portrait of Assad on the wall. Merkel definitely takes too much space.
Assad is getting more desperate.......that is a good sign!! ........ :thup:
This is why you will never achieve anything and end up as Sunni Troll in your cave. You are interpreting things like you want. Your god will do everything, you just have to kill and to slaughter and to tithe the lot. Maybe, there will be the day, on which you join the Jihad. Perhaps, Sally can be your agent handler, then. You will be needing instructions; otherwise your life expectancy is zero.

I hope Baghdad Bob Jr. doesn't mind me interfering with one of his news reports since I usually do not have the habit of interrupting this crackpot during his broadcasting. However, a little birdie told me that the mentally sick Little Shit had to drag me into his nonsense. Let's face it, if anyone should worry about his own life expectancy, it should be the Little Shit because he is sedentary in front of his computer all day and night defending his boyfriend, whose picture in his avatar is probably blown up and hung on his wall. No German beauty queens or actresses hanging there, but Assad's picture is hanging front and center for him to salivate over all the time while he glances up from his computer.
Once the US will begin to cooperate with Syria, Russia and Iran, it will be your home that is stuffed with portraits of Bashar Assad. Let me guess, you have already removed the al-Nusra flags.
But honestly, I should really consider to put up a portrait of Assad on the wall. Merkel definitely takes too much space.

Of course you would not want to put up a picture of Merkel on your wall. It is so obious that your heart isn't with Germany (a country that has given you a lot of benefits and still does), but with your imaginary lover's country so a giant blown up picture of him is probably hung in a prominent place for you to constantly glance at him..

Say, maybe one of you guys have a picture of Jane Russell or Farah Fawcett stored someplace that you used to have on your wall in your youth which you can mail to the Little Shit. They certainly are more a man's dream than that Assad who is responsible for tens of thousands of innocent Syrians to be killed.

By the way, folks, isn't the Little Shit hilarious? He thinks that we will be stuffing our homes with pictures of Assad. I think we have better taste than that. Maybe in the Funny Farm, he has stuffed his room with pictures of his idol on the four walls, but I think that most of us have better taste and "stuff" our homes with real art. May I suggest that the Little Shit take down some of his pictures of Assad and put up lithographs of at least a couple of these landscapes. The serenity might soothe his twisted mind.

Assad is getting more desperate.......that is a good sign!! ........ :thup:
This is why you will never achieve anything and end up as Sunni Troll in your cave. You are interpreting things like you want. Your god will do everything, you just have to kill and to slaughter and to tithe the lot. Maybe, there will be the day, on which you join the Jihad. Perhaps, Sally can be your agent handler, then. You will be needing instructions; otherwise your life expectancy is zero.

I hope Baghdad Bob Jr. doesn't mind me interfering with one of his news reports since I usually do not have the habit of interrupting this crackpot during his broadcasting. However, a little birdie told me that the mentally sick Little Shit had to drag me into his nonsense. Let's face it, if anyone should worry about his own life expectancy, it should be the Little Shit because he is sedentary in front of his computer all day and night defending his boyfriend, whose picture in his avatar is probably blown up and hung on his wall. No German beauty queens or actresses hanging there, but Assad's picture is hanging front and center for him to salivate over all the time while he glances up from his computer.
Once the US will begin to cooperate with Syria, Russia and Iran, it will be your home that is stuffed with portraits of Bashar Assad. Let me guess, you have already removed the al-Nusra flags.
But honestly, I should really consider to put up a portrait of Assad on the wall. Merkel definitely takes too much space.

Of course you would not want to put up a picture of Merkel on your wall. It is so obious that your heart isn't with Germany (a country that has given you a lot of benefits and still does), but with your imaginary lover's country so a giant blown up picture of him is probably hung in a prominent place for you to constantly glance at him..

Say, maybe one of you guys have a picture of Jane Russell or Farah Fawcett stored someplace that you used to have on your wall in your youth which you can mail to the Little Shit. They certainly are more a man's dream than that Assad who is responsible for tens of thousands of innocent Syrians to be killed.

By the way, folks, isn't the Little Shit hilarious? He thinks that we will be stuffing our homes with pictures of Assad. I think we have better taste than that. Maybe in the Funny Farm, he has stuffed his room with pictures of his idol on the four walls, but I think that most of us have better taste and "stuff" our homes with real art. May I suggest that the Little Shit take down some of his pictures of Assad and put up lithographs of at least a couple of these landscapes. The serenity might soothe his twisted mind.

I am of course with Germany but Germany isn´t with me. And you will have Assad pictures if your agent controller tells you to put up some.
Assad is getting more desperate.......that is a good sign!! ........ :thup:
This is why you will never achieve anything and end up as Sunni Troll in your cave. You are interpreting things like you want. Your god will do everything, you just have to kill and to slaughter and to tithe the lot. Maybe, there will be the day, on which you join the Jihad. Perhaps, Sally can be your agent handler, then. You will be needing instructions; otherwise your life expectancy is zero.

I hope Baghdad Bob Jr. doesn't mind me interfering with one of his news reports since I usually do not have the habit of interrupting this crackpot during his broadcasting. However, a little birdie told me that the mentally sick Little Shit had to drag me into his nonsense. Let's face it, if anyone should worry about his own life expectancy, it should be the Little Shit because he is sedentary in front of his computer all day and night defending his boyfriend, whose picture in his avatar is probably blown up and hung on his wall. No German beauty queens or actresses hanging there, but Assad's picture is hanging front and center for him to salivate over all the time while he glances up from his computer.
Once the US will begin to cooperate with Syria, Russia and Iran, it will be your home that is stuffed with portraits of Bashar Assad. Let me guess, you have already removed the al-Nusra flags.
But honestly, I should really consider to put up a portrait of Assad on the wall. Merkel definitely takes too much space.

Of course you would not want to put up a picture of Merkel on your wall. It is so obious that your heart isn't with Germany (a country that has given you a lot of benefits and still does), but with your imaginary lover's country so a giant blown up picture of him is probably hung in a prominent place for you to constantly glance at him..

Say, maybe one of you guys have a picture of Jane Russell or Farah Fawcett stored someplace that you used to have on your wall in your youth which you can mail to the Little Shit. They certainly are more a man's dream than that Assad who is responsible for tens of thousands of innocent Syrians to be killed.

By the way, folks, isn't the Little Shit hilarious? He thinks that we will be stuffing our homes with pictures of Assad. I think we have better taste than that. Maybe in the Funny Farm, he has stuffed his room with pictures of his idol on the four walls, but I think that most of us have better taste and "stuff" our homes with real art. May I suggest that the Little Shit take down some of his pictures of Assad and put up lithographs of at least a couple of these landscapes. The serenity might soothe his twisted mind.

I am of course with Germany but Germany isn´t with me. And you will have Assad pictures if your agent controller tells you to put up some.

My "agent controller?" Don't you realize that your remarks surely make you look like you are locked up in the Funny Farm? I imagine they give all the patients a computer to pass the day so that they don't keep bothering the staff.

Just be thankful that Germany pays your room and board at the Funny Farm or you would be living on the streets like many mental cases do.
The Germans are coming around.

"West will have to engage with Assad to resolve Syrian civil war, Angela Merkel says"

West will have to engage with Assad to resolve Syrian civil war, Angela Merkel says
I know you are not talking to me for some reason. Maybe, its because you only love to tell your Zionist buddies, how evil Zionism is. Or its because you think you patented criticism and view all others as potential competitors. However, I give a shit anyway. I just want to inform you that you might have missed that we already have a thread about this. It may have been hidden behind your patent document but now, you are informed.
Satellite Imagery Boosts the Syrian Air Force’s Accuracy in Al-Raqqa: ISIS Azeri Camp Destroyed


"The Russian military presence in Syria has paid dividends for the Syrian Armed Forces, as the exchange of military intelligence has improved the latter’s overall effectiveness against the Islamist rebels and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) over the last two weeks of battle.

On Monday morning, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) – in coordination with the Russian Air Force – launched a series of powerful airstrikes above the ISIS capital of Raqqa City, targeting a number of the terorrist group’s sites along the vast Raqqa-Deir Ezzor International Highway and the Raqqa-Aleppo Highway.

According to military source from the Syrian Air Defense, the Syrian Air Force conducted 14 airstrikes above the Azeri Camp in the Al-Raqqa Governorate’s eastern countryside, resulting in the destruction of the site and the numerous armored vehicles that were located in this secluded area.

In addition to their airstrikes above the Azeri Camp, the Syrian Air Force struck ISIS’ recently constructed electrical grids outside of Raqqa City, cutting off the terrorist group’s electricity to their capital and headquarters.

These recent airstrikes have proven to be extremely effective for the Syrian Air Force, as they have successfully forestalled ISIS’ movements along the Raqqa-Deir Ezzor Highway; this has forced the terrorist group to reinforce their troops from the Al-‘Anbar Government in Iraq.

A major reason for the Syrian Air Force’s aerial success has been the satellite imagery provided to them from their Russian military advisors; these images have helped pinpoint their targets and increase their effectiveness."

Satellite Imagery Boosts the Syrian Air Force's Accuracy in Al-Raqqa: ISIS Azeri Camp Destroyed

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