Russian spy: Boris Johnson warns Kremlin over Salisbury incident

I take it everyone has noticed user Balancer is a Russian/FSB troll.

Aha. I try to remind you about it every day! :)

(Btw Balancer, you need to seriously improve your English if you don't want to stand out like a sore thumb)

This question is not for me. I do not know much English at all and therefore I use Google Translate :) So all the claims to Google ;) Now the KGB has become very ill with English-speaking agents of influence. Therefore, we have to influence you through electronic translation tools :)

If Putin is realy behind this poisoning, i see only one reason, Putin wants to close England for the Russian oligarchs, and thus return them and return and their money in Russia. But still I don't understand why now (if we believe that it was Russia, of course) the moment for poisoning that was chosen is very unfortunate, Russia's olympic team was banned on South Korea, quite enough countries are talking about ignoring the World Cup in Russia or even simply taking it away from Russia.
#40 is timid to study Russian culture and language (and [italics]) not be afraid to make typos. Icehole #39 does not have the stones to reply objectively to the material that was translated. A typical incorrigible c__t scared shitless to go back to school, for fear of being cut to ribbons by young dolls in the class when projecting a worthless ego. At least the term "worthless" gives dipshit #39 & #40 a value.
Mirzayanov was at Rugers University. Post #32 continues as Mirzayanov states....

'Esli srazu zhe ne vvesti antidot, naprimer ot zhe atropin, to chelovek mozhet umeret' ochen' bystro.
If you don't immediately give an antidote, for example, atropine, then a person can die very quickly.

No dazhe svoevremennye antidot ne daet polnogo vosstanovleniia funktsii.
But even a timely antidote does not give complete recovery.'
Sputnik: Every Laboratory in the West Has Samples of 'Novichok' Nerve Agent
(secure site):
'Every Laboratory in the West Has Samples of 'Novichok' Nerve Agent' - Analyst

Mirzayanov continues:

'Vy byli odnim iz tekh, kto zanimalsia razrabotkoi "Novichoka".
A kto byl avtoro, camoi idei po sozdaniiu etogo soedineniia?
You were one of those who developed "Novichok."Who was the author of the very idea of creating this connection?

Avtorom-razrabotchikom byl Petr Kirpichev, dva goda nazad on skonchalsia v Moskve.
The author was Petr Kirpichev, who died two years ago in Moscow.

U nas s imi byli khoroshie otnosheniia.
I had a good relationship with him.

On rabotal v nashem filiale v Shikhanakh, v 120 kilometrakh o Saratova.
He worked at our branch in Shikhan, 120 km from Saratov.'
'Vy byli odnim iz tekh, kto zanimalsia razrabotkoi "Novichoka".
A kto byl avtoro, camoi idei po sozdaniiu etogo soedineniia?

Why do you write in transliterated Russian? Those who know Russian can read in Cyrillic. Those who do not know Russian do not read it and when writing in Latin letters :)
U.K. faggots shall firstly offer proofs of Russian's villainy!
Dipshit #46: Your second sentence does not make sense, and neither does your argument. You would have the prisoners assume that others do not read what badger posts, which is absurd and cannot be proven. The romanized Russian is in parallel to the English "transliteration" so that the prisoners can get a glimpse of pronunciation, though we would frown on any overconfident interlocutor who thinks they have a command of dialects.

Putin's daughter is a Japanese philologist. When we have completed our new Japanese alphabet and attached it to the keys of an old Royal typewriter, we may even try to send her a letter, which of course would be in parallel Russian cursive.
Either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn(ovitch) will be Britain's next prime minister. Yes, the country is that closely divided twixt right and left.
The schizoid division is not auspicious, considering Britain's media out of control.
Russia stockpiling nerve agent...

Spy poisoning: Russia stockpiling nerve agent, says Johnson
18 Mar.`18 - Russia has been stockpiling the nerve agent used in the attack on an ex-spy and his daughter over the last decade, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says.
He also dismissed a suggestion by Russia's EU ambassador that the agent might have come from a UK laboratory. Vladimir Chizhov had said the Porton Down lab in Wiltshire may have been the source of the substance. Sergei and Yulia Skripal remain critically ill in hospital after being exposed to the substance in Salisbury. They were found slumped on a bench in the Wiltshire city on 4 March. Prime Minister Theresa May has said Russia is "culpable" for the attack. Unconfirmed reports from the US suggest that the nerve agent used may have been introduced into the ventilation system of a car belonging to Mr Skripal. Experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will arrive in the UK on Monday to test samples of the chemical. The results are expected to take a "minimum of two weeks", the Foreign Office said.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May told MPs that Porton Down - Britain's military research base - identified the substance used as being part of a group of military-grade nerve agents known as Novichok developed by the Soviet Union. Mr Johnson told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show: "We actually have evidence within the last 10 years that Russia has not only been investigating the delivery of nerve agents for the purposes of assassination, but has also been creating and stockpiling Novichok." He said Russia's reaction to the incident "was not the response of a country that really believes itself to be innocent". Mr Chizhov, also speaking to the Marr Show, said Russia had "nothing to do" with the poisoning of Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia. He said Russia did not stockpile the poison and that the Porton Down lab was only eight miles (12km) from the city.


Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, are in a critical condition in hospital​

When asked how the nerve agent came to be used in Salisbury, he said: "When you have a nerve agent or whatever, you check it against certain samples that you retain in your laboratories. "And Porton Down, as we now all know, is the largest military facility in the United Kingdom that has been dealing with chemical weapons research. But pressed on whether he was suggesting Porton Down was "responsible" for the nerve agent in the attack, Mr Chizhov said: "I don't know. I don't have any evidence of anything having been used." He said a number of scientists who claim to be responsible for creating some nerve agents "have been whisked out of Russia and are currently residing in the United Kingdom" but no stockpiles of chemical weapons had left the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He added that there were "no stockpiles whatsoever" of nerve agents left in Russia.

Salisbury MP John Glen tweeted that suggestions Porton Down was the source of the nerve agent were "outrageous". Mr Chizhov's comments come after a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman said the UK was one of the most likely sources of the nerve agent, along with the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden or possibly the United States. Maria Zakharova said a large number of ex-Soviet scientists had gone to live in the West, "taking with them the technologies that they were working on". Czech foreign minister Martin Stropnicky said the claims were "unsubstantiated" and "a classic way of manipulating information in the public space", while Sweden also "forcefully" rejected the suggestion. Chemist Vil Mirzayanov, who revealed the existence of Novichok in the 1990s and later defected to the United States, said he was convinced Russia created the substance used in the attack. He told the BBC: "Russia is the country that invented it, has the experience, turned it into a weapon. This is the country that has fully mastered the cycle."

Note that the author in 2003 is the same one in 2010, I.G. Shirokhik.

Iran / Aluminum-Organophosphate Poisoning
Laparoscopic radical cystectomy. - PubMed - NCBI

Forensic Tehran
Forensic toxicology analysis of self-poisoning suicidal deaths in Tehran, Iran; trends between 2011-2015. - PubMed - NCBI

Early Clinical Outcome of Acute Poisoning Cases Treated in Intensive Care Unit. - PubMed - NCBI

UK investigations also cannot rule out Turkey due to the 49-cell barley calendar at Catal Huyuk, and Turkish history itself, which documents Turkish raids into Russia for artifacts and plunder to reproduce for sales along the Silk Road. Putin's breakfast of quail eggs links the Silk Road to Uighur national dress which includes these feathers (a gambrel species).

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