Russian spy: Boris Johnson warns Kremlin over Salisbury incident

Mirzayanov developed novichok and went to Rutgers in New Jersey. If one puts somaclonal variation work at Kirov, it also means the same thing for the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The rare photo of Mirzayanov showed trees in the background.

Mostafa K. Sarmast, Gene Transformation and Somaclonal Variation in Conifers
Genetic transformation and somaclonal variation in conifers
'....Furthermore, gene-drive systems like CRISPR/Cas9 are now providing optimistic outlooks for more precise manipulation of genes in the conifer genome.'

Wikipedia's somatoclonal page states: '....A serious disadvantage of somaclonal variation occurs in operations which require clonal uniformity, as in the horticultural and forestry industries where tissue culture is employed for rapid propagation of elite genotypes.'

The Brits have asked the Convention to analyze the novichok sample rather than the Russians obtaining a sample, the latter of which is correct protocol. This is the same Convention:

Geneva, 2016: Eighth Review Conference (RevCon)

Washington and Georgetown link CRISPRCas9 to neuroweapons:

CRISPR/Cas9 / Neuroweapons
Why Gene Editors Like CRISPR/Cas May Be a Game-Changer for Neuroweapons. - PubMed - NCBI

According to Mirzayanov, atropine is the antidote. Scopolamine was used as starter material for truth serum in U.S. Navy's Project CHATTER, and scopolamine, scopoletin and atropine are on the same synthesis pathway. Therefore evidence is strong for Novichok variety barley to link to scopoletin biosynthesis in barley rhizosphere Streptomyces:

Streptomyces Scopoletin Biosynthesis
Streptomyces scabiei and its toxin thaxtomin A induce scopoletin biosynthesis in tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana. - PubMed - NCBI
Mirzayanov's article above, was from Novaya Gazeta, a partly Soros-owned newspaper.

Mossad cannot be ruled out in the spy poisoning case:

14 Mar 2018 Ultimatum to Putin
'...."Little American Group on Syria"....reframing of Turkey were the goals stated....Zionist service, Aman has given a detailed map....'

This resonates with the barley calendar of Catal Hoyuk.
The Russian version of the video in post #62 is a nice example of crisp, fluently-spoken Russian.
18 Mar 2018 Itogi nedeli (Results of the Week)
(Porton Down is at timepoint 13:38)

David Shayler
Youtube has scrubbed the report for 18 Mar 2018, above, and all other Itogi nedeli reports back to one month ago.
Shayler says little about Porton Down and takes a detour via religion. As far as is known, there is no Russian version of "Never Underestimate the CIA," at Pravda's official site. This also means that English readers cannot learn Russian words that they may see in texts elsewhere in the future.
20 Mar 2018, Leonid Rink and "Newbie"
«Новичок» передумали считать советской разработкой: Пресса: Интернет и СМИ:
'....Soglasno ofitsial'noi pozitsii MID Rossii, ni v RF, ni v SSSR ne sushchestvovalo programmy "Novichok."
According to the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, neither the Russian Federation nor the USSR had a program called "Newbie."

Agentsvo RIA Novostiotremktirovalo interv'iu s khimikom Leonidom Rinkom, kotoryi v sovetskoe vremia vkhodil v gruppu razrabotchikov otravliaushchego veshchestva izvestnogo.
RIA Novosti agency edited an interview with chemist Leonid Rink, who in the Soviet era was part of the development of a poison agent known as the "Newbie."
Rink's words disappeared, saying that the Soviet Union had a system called "Novice-5."

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Interfax 20 Mar 2018, people who disseminated information about the sphere of chemical weapons in the Soviet Union and Russia could not own such information in full.'
Further investigating novichok variety of barley, there is the compound, hordenine:

Hordenine - Wikipedia

'Hordenine (Anhaline) C10 H15 ON, was isolate by Leger from barley malt germs, and has since been found in barley and other grass embryos, and in Anhalinium species....Leger suggested that hordenine is p-hydroxy-beta-phenylethyldimtehylamine....Raoul has devoted special attention to the study of its formation and function in the plant. According to Camus, hordenine is only slightly toxic, but in large doses it causes death by arrest of respiration. In mammals it causes psychic and motor excitation. It is much less active than adrenaline but analogous in its action, perhaps resembling ephedrine rather than adrenaline.

According to Stedman, the methylcarbamido-derivative of hordenine shows miotic activity. The methiodide shows a marked nicotine-like action.
Isoquinoline Group

Anhalonium species. A number of plants known by the name "pellote" and belonging to the genus Anhalonium are used in Mexico to produce intoxication in the course of religious ceremonies. The best-known product of this kind is the flowering heads of Anhalonium lewinii Hennings, which have been imported into Europe for use in medicine under the name "mescal buttons."

The following alkaloids are known:

Hordenine from A. fissuratum Engelm.

Anhalamine from A. lewinii


p. 162 salsoline, C11 H15 O2N. This near relative of xarnegine was found by Orekhov and Proskurnina in Salsola richteri (Chenopodiaceae).'
(Henry, Plant Alkaloids)

Salsola species include the notorious "Goat Heads."
Lophophorine would be a compound indigenous to Texas, and novichok's action is similar:

Henry continues:

'Pharmacology. Interest in the Anhalonium alkaloids dates from the investigations of Lewin and Heffter. The general pharmacological actions of mezcaline, anhalonine, anhalonidine and lophophorine show certain qualitative similarities. In the frog, mezscaline depresses the central nervous system. This effect is also observed in mammals; death is due to respiratory paralysis. The effect on the blood pressure varies with the dose and the animal. In the choralosed dog it is mainly depressant; in the decapitated cat it has a pressor effect.....Anhalonidine in the frog has a curare-like action. On mammals, the action is slight.
The best known action of "pellote" or "mescal buttons" is the production of visual colour hallucinations. These are usually accompanied by bradycardia, dilation of the pupil, loss of accurate time sense, nausea, faintness and headache. In the early stages there may also be a certain amount of euphoria.....The use of this intoxicant has spread among the Indians in the reservations north of the Mexican border, even to the establishment of a peyote church, and the drug has been stated to have engaged the attention of the Paris police.'
(Henry, p. 164)

This account rings true to Zheliznayakov;s account of novichok poisoning, his vision "seared by brilliant colors and hallucinations." C.G. Jung's passages on peyote as not being made for White Man, is an apropo comparison
Evidence builds that "novichok" could be produced from other starting materials:

'The pharmacological action of uncharacterised bases from Cerue coryne Salm, Pachycereus marginatus, Trichocereus terscheki, Britton and Rose, and T. candicans B. & R., has also been recorded. T. terscheki is stated to contain trichocereine (N-dimethylmezcaline) and 3:4-dihydroxyphenylethyltrimethylammonium hydroxide. The latter is also present in T. candicans along with hordenine.'
(Henry, p. 164)
Note that "pellote" causes dilation of the pupils as does the antidote to novichok, atropine.

'Tropane Group: Solanaceous Alkaloids

apoAtropine and belladonnine, C17 H21 O2 N

Atropine and hyoscyamine, C17 H23 O3 N

norHyoscyamine and noratropine, C16 H21 O3 N

Hyoscine (scopolamine) C17 H21 O4 N

Tropacocaine C15 H19 O2 N

Meteloidine C 13 H21 O4 N
Atropine. It is probable that this alkaloid does not occur in more than traces in solanaceous plants and in its preparation by Mein and by Geiger and Hesse, the hyoscamine originally present in the plant was probably converted into atropine in the process of extraction. Liebig assigned it to its present formula, and it was later showed by von Planta to be identical with "daturine" obtained from stramonium....apoAtropine (Atropamine) C17 H21 O2 N was first obtained by Pesci and subsequently prepared by Merck, Hesse and others.'
(Henry, p.72)
Morphing into Siberian shamanism, there is....

'Alkaloids of Amanita muscaria. Muscarine was isolated from fly agaric by Schmeideberg and Koppe as a deliquescent syrupy base with a characteristic pharmacoligical action, arresting the frog's heart in diastole and being antagonised by atropine.Comparison of the "natural" and "artificial" products by Boehm showed that the former was much more active than the latter and that its action was antagonised by atropine, whilst the "artificial muscarine" had a curare-like action on the atropinised frog.'....Of the pure muscarine chloride made from this aurichloride, only 1/500 mg was required to stop the frog's heart in diastole, as against 1/20 to 1/30 mg. recorded by Schmeideberg and Harnack.'
(Thomas Anderson Henry, D. Sc. (Lond.), Director, Wellcome Chemical Research Laboratories, 1939, p. 580)
'Atropine. This alkaloid exhibits a complex physiological action when administered internally in toxic doses. It at first stimulates and eventually depresses the central nervous system, giving rise to hallucinations, a feeling of exaltation, inconsequent speech, delirium and convulsions, followed by stupor and coma. It paralyses the peripheral, cholinergic, autonomic nerve endings, and in this way affects the secretory glands, the heart and organs containing unstriped muscle.

Most of the secretions are decreased owing to paralysis of the nerve ends. It is to this feature of its action that that the dryness of the throat and mouth characteristic of belladonna poisoning is due. The kidney is but little affected.'
(Henry, p. 112)
Julia Latynina, Novaya Gazeta (Kolumisty), makes the tropacocaine connection:

A teper' peregovory?
And Now, Negotiations?
Kokain, iaderenyeboegolovki i nervno-paraliticheskie veshchestva b kachestve instrumentov vneshnei politiki -- nedavno eto bylo monopolei Korei
Cocaine, nuclear warheads and nerve agents as instruments of foreign policy -- until recently it was the monopoly of North Korea
U etoi novosti est' odin mediinyi "plius" -- ona sovershenno vytesnila iz povestki dniapredydushchuiu novosti -- o perevozke kokaina rossiiskoi diplomaticheskoi pochtoi v promyshlennykh masshtabakh This news has one media "plus" -- it completely ousted the previous news fromk the agenda -- about the transportation of cocaine by Russian diplomatic mail on an industrial scale.

Voobshche nel'zia ne zametit', chto kokain i nervno-paraliticheskie veshchestva v kachestve instrumentov vneshnei politiki eshche nedavno byli monoplei Severnoi Korei.
In general, one cannot help but notice that cocaine and nerve agents as instruments of foreign policy have only recently been the monopoly of North Korea.

Zamechatel'nyi obprazets dlia poderzhaniia!
A wonderful role model! '
The christian mafia does not fool everyone, and the Kremlin knows where the cocaine was grown. The Pentecostal link to the Clinton crime family is also a Brazilian Pentecostal link. The CIA's involvement in Afghani opium is not the only involvement in drugs, and this is in alignment with the pentecostalization of Brazil. Therefore, one suggested text is Charles Taylor's A Secular Age. Note that Cunha also has/had presidential designs such as Hillary Clinton's, and the Clinton link to CIA-Pentecostal enterprises including drug trafficking other than religion, is in Bedford Township, Michigan.

What Brazil's Impeachment Process Says About Its Christian Faiths
What Brazil's impeachment process says about its Christian faiths
'....Brazil, the world's second largest Christian country....The impeachment was led by the speaker of Brazil's Lower Legislative House, Pentecostal Christian Eduardo Cunha, Reuters reported.'
We document Elise Giuliani's discourse on Putin, because the Harriman Institute links the Pentecostal mafia to the CIA and Clinton mafia at Bedford Township, Michigan:

16 Mar 2018 Theresa May Promised
Theresa May promised to 'take every step' against Russian assassins — two years before latest attack
'....The sanctions haven't affected the elite the way they're designed to....No members of the Royal family will attend the upcoming World Cup.'

It's interesting to compare "elite" genes and CRISPR/Cas9 for neuroweapons, or the threat of "Disease X." As for the Royal family, the honey that once went on the Queen's table came from Isham, the New York bee-keeper. That is the Isham familial DNA link to the CIA for Harriman, Tennessee and Bedford Township, Michigan.

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