Russian "trolls" call Mueller's Bluff.. DOJ Drops Cases

So, Barr continues to carry water for Trump and Putin. What's new? Just another slap in Mueller's face.
The number of ads the media WAS COUNTING and calling interference in the election, were about 1/3 ads to INCITE RACIAL separation and mistrust and had NOTHING to do with the election.

Yep, sure. I'll just take your word upon that. :rolleyes-41: Racism had absolutely nothing to do with the Orange Virus' being elected. Yep, nothing to see here, folks. If you'll excuse me, I have a lucrative investment opportunity in Amway I should seriously look into.

Racism exploitation is ALWAYS on the menu for meddling in another country's affairs.. It wasn't just invented for the 2016 election... THere's a history of interference in country's perception.. Even the BRITS used it to gain public opinion against FDR and to get us to enter the war...

And the PROOF it wasn't about electing Trump is that the 1/3 of RACIAL crap exploited BOTH sides of the race issue.. Blacks against whites.. Whites against blacks.. If you want to read a couple thousand Russian troll ads, I'll give ya the links...
Actually I made an error in the OP.. Apparently ALL the "russian trolls" LEGAL indictments are now dropped.. Because there NEVER WAS gonna be a court case in an American court.. Which a LOT of people understood at the time that Mueller added these 13 indictments to his list of accomplishments for CNN/MSNBC and the rest of the TDS media...
I bet Clinton speeches, etc. got more money than the NRA from the Ruskies
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."

Yes but they plead guilt and now they want to blame poor choice of lawyers that they hired
Still with Trump and Barr still in charge of the DOJ, it no wonder that when it comes to this matter it is a mess
I am sure they want to drop everything but it was already tried and judgement rendered
Still Trump will pardon on his last day in office
No worries
Nice to see you included a credible link with your lies, Kilroy.

Oh wait … no you didn't 'cause like your media you just fabricated your story.

Another lyin' leftard. Who knew, eh?
What???? I don't think falcanTenn is left leaning
Actually I made an error in the OP.. Apparently ALL the "russian trolls" LEGAL indictments are now dropped.. Because there NEVER WAS gonna be a court case in an American court.. Which a LOT of people understood at the time that Mueller added these 13 indictments to his list of accomplishments for CNN/MSNBC and the rest of the TDS media...
I bet Clinton speeches, etc. got more money than the NRA from the Ruskies
you would lose that bet, but you knew that already!
Yes but they plead guilt and now they want to blame poor choice of lawyers that they hired

Still with Trump and Barr still in charge of the DOJ, it no wonder that when it comes to this matter it is a mess

I am sure they want to drop everything but it was already tried and judgement rendered

Still Trump will pardon on his last day in office

No worries

Where the fuck did you get that ANY of them plead guilty?? They were just asking for preliminary DISCOVERY.. You're making shit up... THERE WAS NO TRIAL or verdict..




Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c) requires that, before accepting a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, the court must address the defendant personally in open court and inform him/her of, and determine that he/she understands, the following: (1) the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered, the mandatory minimum penalty provided by law, if any, and the maximum possible penalty provided by law, including the effect of any special parole or supervised release term, the fact that the court is required to consider any applicable sentencing guidelines, and that the court may also order restitution to any victim of the offense;

(4) that if his/her plea of guilty or nolo contendere is accepted by the court there will not be a further trial of any kind, so that by pleading guilty or nolo contendere he/she waives the right to a trial;

Thus when he stood before the judge and admitted his guilt and the court accepts this plea of guilty then all that is left is the sentencing

I know you watch a lot fox and law and order but case is closed after he admits guilt in a court of law

its clear you are just pushing a talking point but he admitted guilt

but you don't believe he admitted guilty and is innocent

instead you believe he was framed but by who when he himself admitted guilt

as the rest who admitted guilt and now are trying to get out of it with the president of the US playing along
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Barr and Trump don't want to upset Putin - so they'll just sweep it under the rug. Let bygones be bygones. Sorry for the inconvenience. What Russian interference in the 2016 election?
Never any interference from Russia. Name one person who couldn’t vote due to Russians.

Unlike the Chinese, who actually interfere in our elections all the time by buying off Dem politicians.

There was a very INEFFECTIVE trolling operation to shrink confidence in the American political system.. It involved ANY TARGETS that the RUssians could exploit to ruin confidence or stir up trouble..

I copied the whole GByte of ads before they could dissappear.. The number of ads the media WAS COUNTING and calling interference in the election, were about 1/3 ads to INCITE RACIAL separation and mistrust and had NOTHING to do with the election.. And just before the ELECTION, a large number were to stir up protests from the "Bernie got Screwed" contingent. Less than 1/2 the total number quoted were "anti-Clinton".. In fact many called for pro Clinton rallies as well as pro Trump rallies..
download (5).jpeg
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
How dare the accused ask the government for the evidence of the charges against them!
Weismann's/Mueller's 'case' against the Russians was always a 'show' to push the failed coup attempt's false narrative of illegal Russian Collusion. From the beginning, it was 'good luck trying to charge, convict, and extradite Russians' - never going to happen. Now the circus act has folded up its tent and headed out of town under the cover of 'COVID-19 'Darkness' / Distraction.
Yes but they plead guilt and now they want to blame poor choice of lawyers that they hired

Still with Trump and Barr still in charge of the DOJ, it no wonder that when it comes to this matter it is a mess

I am sure they want to drop everything but it was already tried and judgement rendered

Still Trump will pardon on his last day in office

No worries

Where the fuck did you get that ANY of them plead guilty?? They were just asking for preliminary DISCOVERY.. You're making shit up... THERE WAS NO TRIAL or verdict..




Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c) requires that, before accepting a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, the court must address the defendant personally in open court and inform him/her of, and determine that he/she understands, the following: (1) the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered, the mandatory minimum penalty provided by law, if any, and the maximum possible penalty provided by law, including the effect of any special parole or supervised release term, the fact that the court is required to consider any applicable sentencing guidelines, and that the court may also order restitution to any victim of the offense;

(4) that if his/her plea of guilty or nolo contendere is accepted by the court there will not be a further trial of any kind, so that by pleading guilty or nolo contendere he/she waives the right to a trial;

Thus when he stood before the judge and admitted his guilt and the court accepts this plea of guilty then all that is left is the sentencing

I know you watch a lot fox and law and order but case is closed after he admits guilt in a court of law

its clear you are just pushing a talking point but he admitted guilt

but you don't believe he admitted guilty and is innocent

instead you believe he was framed but by who when he himself admitted guilt

as the rest who admitted guilt and now are trying to get out of it with the president of the US playing along

Man -- You're lost... What does the FLYNN case have to do with 13 Russian trolls.. You can't even SEPARATE different legal trials here...

And you're STILL wrong.. The WAS NO TRIAL or verdict or PLEA for those 13 Russian trolls.. They were asking for "discovery" so that both sides could PREPARE for a trial... You obviously are so far behind in understanding who;'s who and what's what -- that you literally wasting a bunch of time trying to argue points on THIS news item...
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."

How dare the accused ask the government for the evidence of the charges against them!

Exactly.. This is what Kilroy2 needs to understand.. And maybe if you take on that project, you could also explain to him why the Flynn case is NOT what we're talking about here.. It's even MORE COMPLICATED and botched by Fed prosecutors...
Weismann's/Mueller's 'case' against the Russians was always a 'show' to push the failed coup attempt's false narrative of illegal Russian Collusion. From the beginning, it was 'good luck trying to charge, convict, and extradite Russians' - never going to happen. Now the circus act has folded up its tent and headed out of town under the cover of 'COVID-19 'Darkness' / Distraction.

Well the criminal indictments were a piece of theater for the masses... But actually, the govt has the right to SANCTION anyone foreign without trial and without explanation of evidence... Don't know if they proceeded on that with these 13 trolls.
Concord Management and Concord Consulting responded to the indictment differently than the others: rather than fighting the charges, the companies "seized on the case to obtain confidential information from prosecutors, then mount a campaign of information warfare, a senior Justice Department official said."

Justice Dept. moves to drop charges against Russian shell companies

The case was set to go to trial in April, but according to that DOJ official, prosecutors pushed for dropping the case because they feared that sensitive information could be made public.

Sounds like the Trump DOJ is afraid of what might come out. I think Congress should have a look.
Trump's ties to Russia are the most investigated event since the Kennedy assassination. NOTHING FOUND!
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Barr and Trump don't want to upset Putin - so they'll just sweep it under the rug. Let bygones be bygones. Sorry for the inconvenience. What Russian interference in the 2016 election?

Shitting Bull. indeed WHAT Russian interference? I saw plenty of interference by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, every aspect of the corrupt Obama administration, but the best you Stalinist piles shit ever came up with for supposed "Russian" interference were memes on Facebook. Oh and the dossier you filthy Marxist pigs bought from the Kremlin.
Actually I made an error in the OP.. Apparently ALL the "russian trolls" LEGAL indictments are now dropped.. Because there NEVER WAS gonna be a court case in an American court.. Which a LOT of people understood at the time that Mueller added these 13 indictments to his list of accomplishments for CNN/MSNBC and the rest of the TDS media...

In all fairness, Robert Mueller doesn't know what century it is or what appendage a shoe goes on. These were Andrew Weissmann indictments.

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