Russian "trolls" call Mueller's Bluff.. DOJ Drops Cases

Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."

How dare the accused ask the government for the evidence of the charges against them!

Exactly.. This is what Kilroy2 needs to understand.. And maybe if you take on that project, you could also explain to him why the Flynn case is NOT what we're talking about here.. It's even MORE COMPLICATED and botched by Fed prosecutors...

okay but Flynn is more fun and his situation is more relevant as he is here in the US

You want to focus on the Russians who were never going to show up but can fight the case without having to show up using their lawyers, They do not have a presence in the US

who are suspected to be part of Russian Intelligence, and as such will never be handed over to the US for trial

So why do it, well I guess it is the principal of the thing. I know what you did and don't go somewhere where you can be caught

So why show your cards now as they may be useful at a later date

Factors include for the withdraw is problem with classification of the evidence which would not be use and weaken the case and the lawyers would have a field day

but hey if trump wants to declassify this information then it can be used

Still there are secrets

It is suspected that someone in the U.S. intelligence had decided now that exposing such information in court would damage U.S. intelligence capabilities.

There was some concern about exposing sources used but since the Russians were going to show up well I can buy that its best to keep your secrets until a better time

In the end the classified information that was offered to the judge was sealed so in reality we do not know what was sealed

but hey Trump can declassify it

Still the question is did the Russians interfere using the Internet Research Agency

well Trump seems to believe that it wasn't the Russian but Ukraine so it seems he believe that there was some meddeling

The lawyers are claiming vindication because it not going forward but if the Russian want to show up then maybe there can be a trial

the indictment would remain in place against Prigozhin and 12 other Russian nationals, as well as the company alleged to have coordinated the online rabble-rousing, the Internet Research Agency

So the accusation still stands
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Barr and Trump don't want to upset Putin - so they'll just sweep it under the rug. Let bygones be bygones. Sorry for the inconvenience. What Russian interference in the 2016 election?

Clinton probably paid for the information that caused these cases to move forward as well. It's Mueller Time!!
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."

Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Uh... Nuh uh... It was always a bluff for the media/public.. When he ANNOUNCED these indictments the Spec Counsel clearly stated that the PROPER action was to REFER the indictments to the Intel community like I explained back then.. The POSSIBILITY that the "trolls" would ANSWER an indictments was beyond their comprehension.. When they ASKED for a trial -- that jig was up... For TWO reasons..

1) It involves revealing classified into to the Russians..
2) Some of that info SUCKED as badly as the Steele dossier..

They called the bluff and it was just a matter of time for the DOJ to cut and run REGARDLESS of who was in charge...
And that's just the preview...

Most know that it's a lot worse than that.
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Yes but they plead guilt and now they want to blame poor choice of lawyers that they hired

Still with Trump and Barr still in charge of the DOJ, it no wonder that when it comes to this matter it is a mess

I am sure they want to drop everything but it was already tried and judgement rendered

Still Trump will pardon on his last day in office

No worries
Where does it say they plead guilty?
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.
The trial would be embarrassing to Mueller who know the case was fraudulent from the get-go.
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."

How dare the accused ask the government for the evidence of the charges against them!

Exactly.. This is what Kilroy2 needs to understand.. And maybe if you take on that project, you could also explain to him why the Flynn case is NOT what we're talking about here.. It's even MORE COMPLICATED and botched by Fed prosecutors...

okay but Flynn is more fun and his situation is more relevant as he is here in the US

You want to focus on the Russians who were never going to show up but can fight the case without having to show up using their lawyers, They do not have a presence in the US

who are suspected to be part of Russian Intelligence, and as such will never be handed over to the US for trial

So why do it, well I guess it is the principal of the thing. I know what you did and don't go somewhere where you can be caught

So why show your cards now as they may be useful at a later date

Factors include for the withdraw is problem with classification of the evidence which would not be use and weaken the case and the lawyers would have a field day

but hey if trump wants to declassify this information then it can be used

Still there are secrets

It is suspected that someone in the U.S. intelligence had decided now that exposing such information in court would damage U.S. intelligence capabilities.

There was some concern about exposing sources used but since the Russians were going to show up well I can buy that its best to keep your secrets until a better time

In the end the classified information that was offered to the judge was sealed so in reality we do not know what was sealed

but hey Trump can declassify it

Still the question is did the Russians interfere using the Internet Research Agency

well Trump seems to believe that it wasn't the Russian but Ukraine so it seems he believe that there was some meddeling

The lawyers are claiming vindication because it not going forward but if the Russian want to show up then maybe there can be a trial

the indictment would remain in place against Prigozhin and 12 other Russian nationals, as well as the company alleged to have coordinated the online rabble-rousing, the Internet Research Agency

So the accusation still stands
The case was fraudulent. Even if the evidence was classified, the court still would have dropped the charges. There's no "there" there. Mueller is a con artist.
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Barr and Trump don't want to upset Putin - so they'll just sweep it under the rug. Let bygones be bygones. Sorry for the inconvenience. What Russian interference in the 2016 election?
Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote
Yes but they plead guilt and now they want to blame poor choice of lawyers that they hired

Still with Trump and Barr still in charge of the DOJ, it no wonder that when it comes to this matter it is a mess

I am sure they want to drop everything but it was already tried and judgement rendered

Still Trump will pardon on his last day in office

No worries

Where the fuck did you get that ANY of them plead guilty?? They were just asking for preliminary DISCOVERY.. You're making shit up... THERE WAS NO TRIAL or verdict..




Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c) requires that, before accepting a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, the court must address the defendant personally in open court and inform him/her of, and determine that he/she understands, the following: (1) the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered, the mandatory minimum penalty provided by law, if any, and the maximum possible penalty provided by law, including the effect of any special parole or supervised release term, the fact that the court is required to consider any applicable sentencing guidelines, and that the court may also order restitution to any victim of the offense;

(4) that if his/her plea of guilty or nolo contendere is accepted by the court there will not be a further trial of any kind, so that by pleading guilty or nolo contendere he/she waives the right to a trial;

Thus when he stood before the judge and admitted his guilt and the court accepts this plea of guilty then all that is left is the sentencing

I know you watch a lot fox and law and order but case is closed after he admits guilt in a court of law

its clear you are just pushing a talking point but he admitted guilt

but you don't believe he admitted guilty and is innocent

instead you believe he was framed but by who when he himself admitted guilt

as the rest who admitted guilt and now are trying to get out of it with the president of the US playing along
When did anyone admit guilt?
Yet this was the news just 2 weeks ago???

Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties

Erik Larson
BloombergFebruary 27, 2020
(Bloomberg) -- The only Russian entity that has responded to U.S. charges of meddling in the 2016 presidential election could be held in contempt of court in Washington for not answering subpoenas ahead of its April trial.

Concord Management and Consulting LLC -- controlled by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin -- was given one day to explain why it hasn’t responded to prosecutors’ requests for documents including emails or payment records tied to Russia’s troll farm, the Internet Research Agency.

U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who’s overseeing the case, also set a March 2 hearing on the matter. Jury selection is set to start April 1.

Concord is one of three Russian businesses and 13 individuals charged by Special Counsel Robert Mueller with creating fake social media posts and carrying out other activities to influence U.S. voters in favor of Donald Trump. The company, which allegedly bankrolled the multimillion-dollar effort, was the only Russian party to answer the charges, pleading not guilty in May 2018.

Eric Dubelier, Concord’s lawyer with Reed Smith LLP in Washington, didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

The U.S. seeks to identify the extent of the relationship between Concord and the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency. The subpoenas ask for emails and calendar entries for Concord’s controlling officer, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who’s suspected of meeting frequently with Internet Research Agency employees and financing the alleged conspiracy.

Both Prigozhin and the Internet Research Agency have also been charged by U.S. prosecutors but have not responded. A restaurateur, Prigozhin has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because he catered the Russian president’s functions.

Read More: U.S. Expands Mueller Election-Fraud Case Against 13 Russians

Trump has called Mueller’s 22-month investigation a fraud and said he accepts Putin’s claim that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election.

In a recent court filing, the U.S. said Concord failed to substantively respond to its subpoenas even after the judge ordered the Russian company to do so. Concord also allegedly failed to hand over responsive documents that the government had acquired from other sources.

That finding “underscores the conclusion that Concord has not even seriously attempted to comply with the trial subpoenas, and perhaps has no intent to do so,” the U.S. said.

Prosecutors said in a Thursday filing that Concord responded to one subpoena by transmitting 164 pages of Russian language tax and corporate registration documents that identified Prigozhin as Concord’s owner but nothing else. The files also showed the title of general director had been repeatedly transferred among several people, including Prigozhin’s assistant, the U.S. said.Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties
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What a great message from Barr and trump

Perfect timing

Hey Russians, what you did was A OK and I am going to need your help again in 2020.

What a great message from Barr and trump

Perfect timing

Hey Russians, what you did was A OK and I am going to need your help again in 2020.

They don't have case and never did, you dumb fucking moron.
Read the article I posted, moron....That was just 2 weeks ago, prosecutors were going all at it....

Looks like Barr is interfering AGAIN on TRUMPs drop cases, or ease sentences, or get a retrial.... the typical lawless carp of this admin.
What a great message from Barr and trump

Perfect timing

Hey Russians, what you did was A OK and I am going to need your help again in 2020.

They don't have case and never did, you dumb fucking moron.
Read the article I posted, moron....That was just 2 weeks ago, prosecutors were going all at it....

Looks like Barr is interfering AGAIN on TRUMPs drop cases, or ease sentences, or get a retrial.... the typical lawless carp of this admin.
The so-called "prosecutors" are Mueller drones. They threw in the towel. Case closed.
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."

Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Uh... Nuh uh... It was always a bluff for the media/public.. When he ANNOUNCED these indictments the Spec Counsel clearly stated that the PROPER action was to REFER the indictments to the Intel community like I explained back then.. The POSSIBILITY that the "trolls" would ANSWER an indictments was beyond their comprehension.. When they ASKED for a trial -- that jig was up... For TWO reasons..

1) It involves revealing classified into to the Russians..
2) Some of that info SUCKED as badly as the Steele dossier..

They called the bluff and it was just a matter of time for the DOJ to cut and run REGARDLESS of who was in charge...
And that's just the preview...

Most know that it's a lot worse than that.
Bullshit. tRump doesn't want to upset his Russian lover boy.
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.
The trial would be embarrassing to Mueller who know the case was fraudulent from the get-go.
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

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