Russian "trolls" call Mueller's Bluff.. DOJ Drops Cases

How could anyone trust what Barr and Trump's motives are, but this article makes a little more sense to me:

Prosecutors claim the companies are using the court system to access sensitive information that could hurt national security.

The Department of Justice filed a motion to drop all charges against two Russian shell companies accused of interfering in the 2016 presidential election, saying the firms were attempting to exploit the court system to gain access to sensitive information that could hurt U.S. national security.

Justice Department Moves To Drop Charges Against Russian Firms Implicated By Mueller

And they didn't think of that before bringing charges ?

They may be stupid, but not as stupid as you are.
Lost in all the COVID panic is an important update on Mueller "indictment count"... When several of the Russian entities that Mueller indicted called his bluff and WANTED to show up for trial -- and WANTED a chance at discovery to prove the information was wrong -- I PREDICTED most of these charges would be dropped..

Mueller was running up the "indictment count" to amuse the Dem base... And a lot of the "intel" these trolls were indicted on was AS "iffy" as phony Russian Dossier...

So TODAY -- the DOJ cut and ran.. Because they NEVER EXPECTED that the "trolls" would EVER consider ANSWERING the indictments.. And I pointed out at the time that FILING those indictments was just a "show of force" for the media.. Because all America could do is refer those charged to the Intel Community for possible sanctions.. Which I don't think ever happened either... This is just ONE of the three "bundles of trolls" indicted, but I think more "cut and run" is in the works...

Justice Department moves to drop charges against Russians indicted in the Mueller probe

The Justice Department on Monday moved to drop its case against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities who were indicted as part of the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

In a court filing, prosecutors accused one of those companies, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, of taking advantage of the US legal process and discovery to try to harm national security. All the while, the filing said, Concord refused to comply with its own legal obligations under the US judicial system.

That included complying with court-issued subpoenas, ignoring a court order to make available a corporate representative, and submitting a "misleading (at best) declaration from an incredible declarant, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch and co-defendant who controls Concord and is alleged in the indictment as having funded and directed the defendants' election interference campaign."
Barr ordered it to prevent a trial that would be embarrassing to tRump.

Barr and Trump don't want to upset Putin - so they'll just sweep it under the rug. Let bygones be bygones. Sorry for the inconvenience. What Russian interference in the 2016 election?

I think Putin's help in tanking the markets pretty much put an end to this bullshit.

Russia did nothing to help Trump.
Trump's ties to Russia are the most investigated event since the Kennedy assassination. NOTHING FOUND!
Collusion and obstruction found you mean!

Fucking liar.

As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the

collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens

of conspiracy law. In so doing, the Office recognized that the word "collud[e]" appears in the

Acting Attorney General's August 2, 2017 memorandum; it has frequently been invoked in public

reporting; and it is sometimes referenced in antitrust law, see, cg, Brooke Group 12. Brown

Williamson Tobacco Corp, 509 US. 209, 227 (1993). But collusion is not a specific offense or

theory of liability found in the US. Code; nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. To the

contrary, even as defined in legal dictionaries, collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy as

that crime is set forth in the general federal conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. 371. See Black ?3 Law

Dictionary 321. (10th ed. 2014) (collusion is agreement to defraud another or to do or obtain

something forbidden by law?); 1 Alexander Burrill, A Law Dictionary and Glossary 31 (1871)

(?An agreement between two or more persons to defraud another by the forms of law, or to employ

such forms as means of accomplishing some unlawful object?); 1 Bouvier's Law Dictionary 352}

1. Potential Coordination: Conspiracy and Collusion

As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the

collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens

of conspiracy law. In so doing, the Office recognized that the word "collud[e]" appears in the

Acting Attorney General's August 2, 2017 memorandum; it has frequently been invoked in public

reporting; and it is sometimes referenced in antitrust law, see, cg, Brooke Group 12. Brown

Williamson Tobacco Corp, 509 US. 209, 227 (1993). But collusion is not a specific offense or

theory of liability found in the US. Code; nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. To the

contrary, even as defined in legal dictionaries, collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy as

that crime is set forth in the general federal conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. 371. See Black's Law

Dictionary 321. (10th ed. 2014) (collusion is agreement to defraud another or to do or obtain

something forbidden by law); 1 Alexander Burrill, A Law Dictionary and Glossary 31 (1871)

(?An agreement between two or more persons to defraud another by the forms of law, or to employ

such forms as means of accomplishing some unlawful object?); 1 Bouvier's Law Dictionary 352

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232
Yet this was the news just 2 weeks ago???

Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties

Erik Larson
BloombergFebruary 27, 2020
(Bloomberg) -- The only Russian entity that has responded to U.S. charges of meddling in the 2016 presidential election could be held in contempt of court in Washington for not answering subpoenas ahead of its April trial.

Concord Management and Consulting LLC -- controlled by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin -- was given one day to explain why it hasn’t responded to prosecutors’ requests for documents including emails or payment records tied to Russia’s troll farm, the Internet Research Agency.

U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who’s overseeing the case, also set a March 2 hearing on the matter. Jury selection is set to start April 1.

Concord is one of three Russian businesses and 13 individuals charged by Special Counsel Robert Mueller with creating fake social media posts and carrying out other activities to influence U.S. voters in favor of Donald Trump. The company, which allegedly bankrolled the multimillion-dollar effort, was the only Russian party to answer the charges, pleading not guilty in May 2018.

Eric Dubelier, Concord’s lawyer with Reed Smith LLP in Washington, didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

The U.S. seeks to identify the extent of the relationship between Concord and the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency. The subpoenas ask for emails and calendar entries for Concord’s controlling officer, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who’s suspected of meeting frequently with Internet Research Agency employees and financing the alleged conspiracy.

Both Prigozhin and the Internet Research Agency have also been charged by U.S. prosecutors but have not responded. A restaurateur, Prigozhin has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because he catered the Russian president’s functions.

Read More: U.S. Expands Mueller Election-Fraud Case Against 13 Russians

Trump has called Mueller’s 22-month investigation a fraud and said he accepts Putin’s claim that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election.

In a recent court filing, the U.S. said Concord failed to substantively respond to its subpoenas even after the judge ordered the Russian company to do so. Concord also allegedly failed to hand over responsive documents that the government had acquired from other sources.

That finding “underscores the conclusion that Concord has not even seriously attempted to comply with the trial subpoenas, and perhaps has no intent to do so,” the U.S. said.

Prosecutors said in a Thursday filing that Concord responded to one subpoena by transmitting 164 pages of Russian language tax and corporate registration documents that identified Prigozhin as Concord’s owner but nothing else. The files also showed the title of general director had been repeatedly transferred among several people, including Prigozhin’s assistant, the U.S. said.Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties
So Barr is dropping the case to protect Putin from having his connections with the election interference exposed! No surprise there!
Trump's ties to Russia are the most investigated event since the Kennedy assassination. NOTHING FOUND!
Collusion and obstruction found you mean!
Fucking liar.
As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the

collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens

of conspiracy law.
Your own cite exposes your lie!
What a great message from Barr and trump

Perfect timing

Hey Russians, what you did was A OK and I am going to need your help again in 2020.

They don't have case and never did, you dumb fucking moron.
Concord is not complying for the legal subpoenas, they should be held in contempt of court and obstruction of justice...
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What a great message from Barr and trump

Perfect timing

Hey Russians, what you did was A OK and I am going to need your help again in 2020.

They don't have case and never did, you dumb fucking moron.
Concord is not complying for the legal subpoenas, they should be held in contemporary of court and obstruction of justice...

DOJ can’t prosecute because Concord isn’t cooperating?

What bitches,. That’s pathetic. I thought our DOJ was tougher than that.
The lawyers are claiming vindication because it not going forward but if the Russian want to show up then maybe there can be a trial

the indictment would remain in place against Prigozhin and 12 other Russian nationals, as well as the company alleged to have coordinated the online rabble-rousing, the Internet Research Agency

So the accusation still stands

No no and no.. dropping prosecution means just that. No indictments -- no redress for the defendants.. Unless they file nuisance suits against the Fed Govt...
Yet this was the news just 2 weeks ago???

Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties

Erik Larson
BloombergFebruary 27, 2020
(Bloomberg) -- The only Russian entity that has responded to U.S. charges of meddling in the 2016 presidential election could be held in contempt of court in Washington for not answering subpoenas ahead of its April trial.

Concord Management and Consulting LLC -- controlled by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin -- was given one day to explain why it hasn’t responded to prosecutors’ requests for documents including emails or payment records tied to Russia’s troll farm, the Internet Research Agency.

U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who’s overseeing the case, also set a March 2 hearing on the matter. Jury selection is set to start April 1.

Concord is one of three Russian businesses and 13 individuals charged by Special Counsel Robert Mueller with creating fake social media posts and carrying out other activities to influence U.S. voters in favor of Donald Trump. The company, which allegedly bankrolled the multimillion-dollar effort, was the only Russian party to answer the charges, pleading not guilty in May 2018.

Eric Dubelier, Concord’s lawyer with Reed Smith LLP in Washington, didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

The U.S. seeks to identify the extent of the relationship between Concord and the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency. The subpoenas ask for emails and calendar entries for Concord’s controlling officer, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who’s suspected of meeting frequently with Internet Research Agency employees and financing the alleged conspiracy.

Both Prigozhin and the Internet Research Agency have also been charged by U.S. prosecutors but have not responded. A restaurateur, Prigozhin has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because he catered the Russian president’s functions.

Read More: U.S. Expands Mueller Election-Fraud Case Against 13 Russians

Trump has called Mueller’s 22-month investigation a fraud and said he accepts Putin’s claim that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election.

In a recent court filing, the U.S. said Concord failed to substantively respond to its subpoenas even after the judge ordered the Russian company to do so. Concord also allegedly failed to hand over responsive documents that the government had acquired from other sources.

That finding “underscores the conclusion that Concord has not even seriously attempted to comply with the trial subpoenas, and perhaps has no intent to do so,” the U.S. said.

Prosecutors said in a Thursday filing that Concord responded to one subpoena by transmitting 164 pages of Russian language tax and corporate registration documents that identified Prigozhin as Concord’s owner but nothing else. The files also showed the title of general director had been repeatedly transferred among several people, including Prigozhin’s assistant, the U.S. said.Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties

These were just the allegations and tactics of the DOJ prosecution trying to AVOID DISCOVERY... Why would a defendant comply with discovery subpoenas if the prosecution was NOT answering theirs????? At the point that this article was written (and it leaves out DEFENSE subpoenas that went unanswered because DOJ COULD NOT do that for security reasons) it was just the dying gasp of DOJ trying to save face before they did the INEVITABLE and dropped the cases...

Everybody who's ever worked in or near Intel KNEW when Mueller issued the indictments it was a pony show.. You NEVER create PUBLIC trials for ANY national security issue involving allegations of wrongdoing by FOREIGN govts or entities working for foreign govts.. The exposure of intel does not justify the process....


Maybe for cases where revealing "sources and methods" is not damaging or compromising to any human assets.....
What a great message from Barr and trump

Perfect timing

Hey Russians, what you did was A OK and I am going to need your help again in 2020.

They don't have case and never did, you dumb fucking moron.
Concord is not complying for the legal subpoenas, they should be held in contempt of court and obstruction of justice...

The "trolls" issued their subpoenas first and got nothing... They did that in their 1st statement that their would welcome a trial... Your article completely leaves out any exculpatory details of this ironic and funny event...

Mueller team piled up those subpoenas to make them look more successful... It was a trophy count for the hysterical biased media....

DOJ was so dumbstruck that trolls would ANSWER AT ALL... THere was a long pregnant pause while the DOJ recovered its dignity on this affair.. . I guess they don't know master trolls as well as WE do.... :biggrin:
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The lawyers are claiming vindication because it not going forward but if the Russian want to show up then maybe there can be a trial

the indictment would remain in place against Prigozhin and 12 other Russian nationals, as well as the company alleged to have coordinated the online rabble-rousing, the Internet Research Agency

So the accusation still stands

No no and no.. dropping prosecution means just that. No indictments -- no redress for the defendants.. Unless they file nuisance suits against the Fed Govt...

Sorry read your story again and it does say that in one sentence but it would be easy to miss

The indictments still stand and it is obviously the defendants are Russians and I do not believe that the US has extradition treaty with Russia. Also Russia will never turn over their intelligence agency people in order to have their day in a US court

but hey if they want to challenge it then have them show up in court instead of paid lawyers of some Corporation. This case had only this corporation called Concord whose lawyers show up.

In January 2019, the federal government accused Concord of violating a protective court order designed to safeguard information shared among lawyers on the case. Prosecutors said a trove of nonclassified information they had turned over to Concord’s defense team had turned up on a website the previous October.

The lawyers during discovery got this information and months later it shows up on the internet

Since this was just the lawyers for Concord and no promise that those indicted would show up in court, it was best for the government to drop this as it would expose intelligent operatives and sources that they wanted to remain classified for obvious reasons.

Also if the lawyers had gotten classified information during discovery , it would end up in Russian hands

Department officials denied that the decision to drop the charges was intended to dismantle Mr. Mueller’s work, noting that prosecutors are still pursuing charges against the 13 Russians and the Internet Research Agency.

Justice Department drops plans for trial over Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election

Prosecutors vowed to continue to pursue their case against the 13 Russians who were named in Mueller’s indictment, along with the troll farm that Concord was alleged to have funded, the Internet Research Agency.

DOJ Drops Case Against 2 Russian Companies Charged by Mueller

still this court action really only involved this company Concord whom has no presence in the US and is owned by a Russian who has close ties to Putin. The company sent in their lawyers and really is another example of Russian meddling

The whole court drama was to poke holes in the Russian angle and gain intelligence used by Mueller. No exposure or no person or corporate officers showed up in court. They were using the US court system in an attempt to support Trump

Russians interference again. They do not care as Trump does not care who supports him

So let the 2nd quarter of the game begin
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The lawyers are claiming vindication because it not going forward but if the Russian want to show up then maybe there can be a trial

the indictment would remain in place against Prigozhin and 12 other Russian nationals, as well as the company alleged to have coordinated the online rabble-rousing, the Internet Research Agency

So the accusation still stands

No no and no.. dropping prosecution means just that. No indictments -- no redress for the defendants.. Unless they file nuisance suits against the Fed Govt...

Sorry read your story again and it does say that in one sentence but it would be easy to miss

The indictments still stand and it is obviously the defendants are Russians and I do not believe that the US has extradition treaty with Russia. Also Russia will never turn over their intelligence agency people in order to have their day in a US court

but hey if they want to challenge it then have them show up in court instead of paid lawyers of some Corporation. This case had only this corporation called Concord whose lawyers show up.

In January 2019, the federal government accused Concord of violating a protective court order designed to safeguard information shared among lawyers on the case. Prosecutors said a trove of nonclassified information they had turned over to Concord’s defense team had turned up on a website the previous October.

The lawyers during discovery got this information and months later it shows up on the internet

Since this was just the lawyers for Concord and no promise that those indicted would show up in court, it was best for the government to drop this as it would expose intelligent operatives and sources that they wanted to remain classified for obvious reasons.

Also if the lawyers had gotten classified information during discovery , it would end up in Russian hands

Department officials denied that the decision to drop the charges was intended to dismantle Mr. Mueller’s work, noting that prosecutors are still pursuing charges against the 13 Russians and the Internet Research Agency.

Justice Department drops plans for trial over Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election

Prosecutors vowed to continue to pursue their case against the 13 Russians who were named in Mueller’s indictment, along with the troll farm that Concord was alleged to have funded, the Internet Research Agency.

DOJ Drops Case Against 2 Russian Companies Charged by Mueller

still this court action really only involved this company Concord whom has no presence in the US and is owned by a Russian who has close ties to Putin. The company sent in their lawyers and really is another example of Russian meddling

The whole court drama was to poke holes in the Russian angle and gain intelligence used by Mueller. No exposure or no person or corporate officers showed up in court. They were using the US court system in an attempt to support Trump

Russians interference again. They do not care as Trump does not care who supports him

So let the 2nd quarter of the game begin

NO -- those OLD indictments are GONE !!! Your reading comprehension sucks.. The "threat" to pursue NEW charges is based on the ability of the DOJ to IGNORE all the classified info that came from Intel Agencies and develop NEW EVIDENCE from normal CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS.. They'll be starting over again and I severely doubt this threat will ever materialize...

You're really so weak on understanding how anything works that it probably accounts for your reliance on contaminated partisan news for all your information...
Trump's ties to Russia are the most investigated event since the Kennedy assassination. NOTHING FOUND!
Collusion and obstruction found you mean!
Fucking liar.
As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the

collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens

of conspiracy law.
Your own cite exposes your lie!


The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232


You are a pile of shit who lies while you're being exposed as a pile of shit liar.
I saw plenty of interference by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, every aspect of the corrupt Obama administration
Your drug induced hallucinations are not real!

Ed, you are a fucking liar, everyone here knows it.

Read the full text: Justice Department watchdog report into origins of Russia probe
Barr's injustice dept has no credibility!

Ed, you're a fucking liar. You have not a hint or shred of integrity.
Yet this was the news just 2 weeks ago???

Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties

Erik Larson
BloombergFebruary 27, 2020
(Bloomberg) -- The only Russian entity that has responded to U.S. charges of meddling in the 2016 presidential election could be held in contempt of court in Washington for not answering subpoenas ahead of its April trial.

Concord Management and Consulting LLC -- controlled by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin -- was given one day to explain why it hasn’t responded to prosecutors’ requests for documents including emails or payment records tied to Russia’s troll farm, the Internet Research Agency.

U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who’s overseeing the case, also set a March 2 hearing on the matter. Jury selection is set to start April 1.

Concord is one of three Russian businesses and 13 individuals charged by Special Counsel Robert Mueller with creating fake social media posts and carrying out other activities to influence U.S. voters in favor of Donald Trump. The company, which allegedly bankrolled the multimillion-dollar effort, was the only Russian party to answer the charges, pleading not guilty in May 2018.

Eric Dubelier, Concord’s lawyer with Reed Smith LLP in Washington, didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

The U.S. seeks to identify the extent of the relationship between Concord and the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency. The subpoenas ask for emails and calendar entries for Concord’s controlling officer, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who’s suspected of meeting frequently with Internet Research Agency employees and financing the alleged conspiracy.

Both Prigozhin and the Internet Research Agency have also been charged by U.S. prosecutors but have not responded. A restaurateur, Prigozhin has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because he catered the Russian president’s functions.

Read More: U.S. Expands Mueller Election-Fraud Case Against 13 Russians

Trump has called Mueller’s 22-month investigation a fraud and said he accepts Putin’s claim that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election.

In a recent court filing, the U.S. said Concord failed to substantively respond to its subpoenas even after the judge ordered the Russian company to do so. Concord also allegedly failed to hand over responsive documents that the government had acquired from other sources.

That finding “underscores the conclusion that Concord has not even seriously attempted to comply with the trial subpoenas, and perhaps has no intent to do so,” the U.S. said.

Prosecutors said in a Thursday filing that Concord responded to one subpoena by transmitting 164 pages of Russian language tax and corporate registration documents that identified Prigozhin as Concord’s owner but nothing else. The files also showed the title of general director had been repeatedly transferred among several people, including Prigozhin’s assistant, the U.S. said.Russian Firm Dodging U.S. Questions on ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ties

These were just the allegations and tactics of the DOJ prosecution trying to AVOID DISCOVERY... Why would a defendant comply with discovery subpoenas if the prosecution was NOT answering theirs????? At the point that this article was written (and it leaves out DEFENSE subpoenas that went unanswered because DOJ COULD NOT do that for security reasons) it was just the dying gasp of DOJ trying to save face before they did the INEVITABLE and dropped the cases...
I love how you Russian bots defend your hero Putin!

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