Russian Trolls Farms and unwitting Conservative marks

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The Derp
Where you from, fucknut?
My family's been in America since before it was a country, boy.
Furthermore, none of my family fought in the American Revolution. It didn't make its way here.
Guess where I'm from?

You're from Moscow.


Bitch, my family has privately-owned graveyards that are over 200 years old, care to try again?

We gave 40 acres to the church.
^According to the post above me, Russian trolls have succeeded more than was thought.

They did. Russian trolls had no problem hacking mushy Conservative brains because those brains had been turned to mush by years of GOP lies. The whole Pizzagate thing is proof that Russian trolls got inside the heads of weak-minded, weak-willed Conservatives.

Y U no accept Trump is now president and move on?

Trump didn't win the popular vote and couldn't have won without Russia's assistance, that he and/or his campaign team sought out and happily received. Remember, Trump said no one in his campaign had any contact with Russia. That's a complete, 100% lie.
The Russians stated goals were to sow distrust among the American people about our political system.Which side is constantly protesting, marching, crying daily on tv, running around in pussy hat's?

They're protesting the distrust you people sowed.

THE LEFTThe LEFT are aiding the Russians in their stated goal and many of them know it but don't care. In fact your goals are not all that dissimilar from Russia's. Fundamentally transform America....Scumbag

So no one should protest because of Russia? No. People should protest because of Russia and because Conservatives rely on Russian propaganda.
Bitch, my family has privately-owned graveyards that are over 200 years old, care to try again?

The great thing for Conservatives about the internet and anonymous message boards is that anyone can claim anything about themselves, and there's no way to prove or disprove it. So weak-minded people like you take advantage of that and submit all this unverifiable personal information to make up for the fact-deficit that exists in your arguments.

Nothing you say or claim about yourself can be verified on these boards unless you're willing to unmask yourself, so we can confirm whatever it is you're claiming to be.
The Russians stated goals were to sow distrust among the American people about our political system.Which side is constantly protesting, marching, crying daily on tv, running around in pussy hat's?

They're protesting the distrust you people sowed.

THE LEFTThe LEFT are aiding the Russians in their stated goal and many of them know it but don't care. In fact your goals are not all that dissimilar from Russia's. Fundamentally transform America....Scumbag

So no one should protest because of Russia? No. People should protest because of Russia and because Conservatives rely on Russian propaganda.
The distrust we sowed? Are you fucking retarded? All we did was VOTE. You tools are the ones that took this shit to the streets and disrupted all kinds of events.
Bitch, my family has privately-owned graveyards that are over 200 years old, care to try again?

The great thing for Conservatives about the internet and anonymous message boards is that anyone can claim anything about themselves, and there's no way to prove or disprove it. So weak-minded people like you take advantage of that and submit all this unverifiable personal information to make up for the fact-deficit that exists in your arguments.

Nothing you say or claim about yourself can be verified on these boards unless you're willing to unmask yourself, so we can confirm whatever it is you're claiming to be.

I get it now, you're trying to doxx, reported.
The distrust we sowed

Yes, the distrust you sowed with your constant lies about Obama for 8 years and your sharing and circulating of Russian propaganda and lies during the election. Pizzagate is the best example of this; Conservative morons were duped into thinking that a DC pizza joint was secretly running a child sex trafficking ring out of its basement (the shop doesn't even have a basement) with Hillary Clinton being one of its members. Then, a brain-dead Conservative decided to take his gun and go threaten the pizza shop.

That's proof positive of Conservative brains being hacked by Russia in order to sow discontent and division.

All we did was VOTE.

No, you did much more than that. You spread and disseminated Russian propaganda, either wittingly or unwittingly. Own that shit.

You tools are the ones that took this shit to the streets and disrupted all kinds of events.

A Conservative, prompted by Russian propaganda, stormed into a DC pizza shop because he had been tricked into thinking it was a front for a child sex ring run by Hillary Clinton.

We took to the streets after the election. The hats you're referring to popped up in January 2017, not 2016. The protests you're referring to happened in 2017, not 2016.

So not only are you lying, but you're doing it so brazenly and overtly that it makes me think you're one of those very Russian propagandists.
Bitch, my family has privately-owned graveyards that are over 200 years old, care to try again?

The great thing for Conservatives about the internet and anonymous message boards is that anyone can claim anything about themselves, and there's no way to prove or disprove it. So weak-minded people like you take advantage of that and submit all this unverifiable personal information to make up for the fact-deficit that exists in your arguments.

Nothing you say or claim about yourself can be verified on these boards unless you're willing to unmask yourself, so we can confirm whatever it is you're claiming to be.

I get it now, you're trying to doxx, reported.

Go ahead and report me. I'm not doxxing you, you're being forced to doxx yourself because you submit all these personal, unverifiable circumstances and anecdotes that you know you cannot prove or disprove on an anonymous message board. It's the act of pure cowardice. You're a coward.

Why the fuck should anyone believe anything you claim about yourself?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady, so why the fuck should I believe you when you make claims about yourself here that you refuse to verify?
Bitch, my family has privately-owned graveyards that are over 200 years old, care to try again?

The great thing for Conservatives about the internet and anonymous message boards is that anyone can claim anything about themselves, and there's no way to prove or disprove it. So weak-minded people like you take advantage of that and submit all this unverifiable personal information to make up for the fact-deficit that exists in your arguments.

Nothing you say or claim about yourself can be verified on these boards unless you're willing to unmask yourself, so we can confirm whatever it is you're claiming to be.

I get it now, you're trying to doxx, reported.

Go ahead and report me. I'm not doxxing you, you're being forced to doxx yourself because you submit all these personal, unverifiable circumstances and anecdotes that you know you cannot prove or disprove on an anonymous message board. It's the act of pure cowardice. You're a coward.

Why the fuck should anyone believe anything you claim about yourself?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady, so why the fuck should I believe you when you make claims about yourself here that you refuse to verify?

So I should post some personal info so you can verify it, correct?

I give zero fucks what you believe, btw.

What, you gonna call my employer? You wanna try and see if you can get me fired, huh?
So I should post some personal info so you can verify it, correct?

Since you're submitting your own personal circumstances in this debate, the honus is on you to verify those claims just like you'd have to provide verification of any other claim you make here.

If you don't want to do that, then stop making up shit about yourself to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have.

It's really that fucking simple.

I give zero fucks what you believe, btw.

Well, the problem is that you made your entire argument hinge on these personal stories that you cannot verify as true. So it's entirely important that you be believed if you want your garbage argument to retain any credibility. Otherwise, you just make shit up about yourself to save a flailing and flawed argument. You guys do that frequently; it's a tactic employed mostly by trolls who can't make an argument along the facts, so you just invent anecdotes to paper over that gap. It's a real bitch move, by the way.

What, you gonna call my employer? You wanna try and see if you can get me fired, huh?

Look, you're the one who said all this shit about yourself, but then refuse to verify if any of it is true. Why the fuck should anyone take you at your word? Would you believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady? No. So why the fuck should I believe you when you make wild claims about yourself and your personal history? Oh right, you don't think that matters...even though your entire argument relies on it mattering in order to remain credible.
So I should post some personal info so you can verify it, correct?

Since you're submitting your own personal circumstances in this debate, the honus is on you to verify those claims just like you'd have to provide verification of any other claim you make here.

If you don't want to do that, then stop making up shit about yourself to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have.

It's really that fucking simple.

I give zero fucks what you believe, btw.

Well, the problem is that you made your entire argument hinge on these personal stories that you cannot verify as true. So it's entirely important that you be believed if you want your garbage argument to retain any credibility. Otherwise, you just make shit up about yourself to save a flailing and flawed argument. You guys do that frequently; it's a tactic employed mostly by trolls who can't make an argument along the facts, so you just invent anecdotes to paper over that gap. It's a real bitch move, by the way.

What, you gonna call my employer? You wanna try and see if you can get me fired, huh?

Look, you're the one who said all this shit about yourself, but then refuse to verify if any of it is true. Why the fuck should anyone take you at your word? Would you believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady? No. So why the fuck should I believe you when you make wild claims about yourself and your personal history? Oh right, you don't think that matters...even though your entire argument relies on it mattering in order to remain credible.

Nothing I've claimed relies on you to make my argument credible. So sorry.

I'm a cracker, dipshit.

I know you don't really know what that is, Russians don't.

Neither do people in 47 states out of the country, unless they happen to.

Some Yankee had it all screwed up a couple weeks ago.

There were black crackers, too. :eek:
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Nothing I've claimed relies on you to make my argument credible.

Look at this sentence. What a fucking pile of shit. This sentence means nothing. What you are claiming about yourself is that you're some person whose family lived in America before the country was founded, and thus you're not a Russian troll. But you refuse to provide proof that your family had been here for that long, and your reluctance to do so just goes to prove that you're either exaggerating or completely fabricating a personal history to deny the allegation that you're a Russian troll.

That's why it's entirely important for you to have me accept this fake personal story. Without it, you have nothing and cannot defend yourself against the accusation that you're a Russian troll.
Looks like the OP got duped by a Russian poser.

Derp, derp, derp...

More like the OP's brain has been inhabited by a family of badgers.

Most idiotic thread I've read all week. The Derp should have his head examined by someone from Animal Control.

How so? You're the ones who denied you relied on Russians in 2016, then when confronted with the facts that you did rely on them, you refuse to participate in the thread in any regard other than trolling, which is what you're doing here.
Nothing I've claimed relies on you to make my argument credible.

Look at this sentence. What a fucking pile of shit. This sentence means nothing. What you are claiming about yourself is that you're some person whose family lived in America before the country was founded, and thus you're not a Russian troll. But you refuse to provide proof that your family had been here for that long, and your reluctance to do so just goes to prove that you're either exaggerating or completely fabricating a personal history to deny the allegation that you're a Russian troll.

That's why it's entirely important for you to have me accept this fake personal story. Without it, you have nothing and cannot defend yourself against the accusation that you're a Russian troll.

Nor can you derpy. In fact, it is just the sort of posting style you exhibit that russian trolls use. So far if we are throwing accusations like that around, you would be the top of the list of troll suspects.

Just sayin...
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