Russians Fight Over Food in Grocery Store As Sanctions Lead To Empty Shelves

Pooty is now arresting his yes men.

A top commander of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) intelligence agency has been placed under house arrest amid upheaval and infighting among officials as President Vladimir Putin fumes over the botched Ukraine invasion, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.

Russian commander Col. Gen. Sergei Beseda was in charge of the FSB’s Ukraine operation, according to the Journal, citing a U.S. official.

Pooty's invasion is flop. He is now resorting to arresting the men who told Ukraine would be a cake walk.
More Kool Aid?

You're one of the few remaining President Biden supporters. Someday you'll wake up and wonder what made you a Biden disciple.

Your ego can't be that massive that you can't admit it to yourself that our country has gone to heck in a hand basket since Biden took office, can it?
Like I said extremists are hypercritical and do no good except support anarchy and chaos. You are an extremist.
The world's biggest problem is overpopulation. Slowly but surely it is drying up all the resources on this planet. The sad part about this is no one is addressing that issue. Shortages, no matter in times of crisis or not, are going to become increasingly common.
Oh no they are addressing it...billionaires like Ted Turner are encouraging illegals and others over and then encouraging the government to pay people (idiots) to overbreed while he buys up rights to basics like WATER RIGHTS-----they are setting it up where their will be a rich ruling class that inherits water, land, food rights from generation to generation while they arrange overpopulation that they will use to enrich themselves forever. Globalists only do a head count, not quality count. Middle class tend to live within their means which means they don't overpopulate where they can't care for their own. For each person in the globalists SERFDOM--that means more ruling power for the globalist.
Except he did. Let's see how those two grey cells you have work...

If banning Russian oil is direct blow to Russian economy, banning drilling un the US is direct blow to ________ economy.

Fill the blanks.


No drilling in the U.S. has been banned. Oil Companies are sitting thousands of leases they are not using in order to jack up prces.

You had no problem the Traitor jacked up sanctions on China, which hit the U.S. Consumer in the wallet.
Oh no they are addressing it...billionaires like Ted Turner are encouraging illegals and others over and then encouraging the government to pay people (idiots) to overbreed while he buys up rights to basics like WATER RIGHTS-----they are setting it up where their will be a rich ruling class that inherits water, land, food rights from generation to generation while they arrange overpopulation that they will use to enrich themselves forever. Globalists only do a head count, not quality count. Middle class tend to live within their means which means they don't overpopulate where they can't care for their own. For each person in the globalists SERFDOM--that means more ruling power for the globalist.
You are exactly right..

No drilling in the U.S. has been banned. Oil Companies are sitting thousands of leases they are not using in order to jack up prces.

You had no problem the Traitor jacked up sanctions on China, which hit the U.S. Consumer in the wallet.
That's funny, sanctions on China never drove up my cost for anything, in fact I was actually doing better than I had in the year's with Trump than the entire 8 years of Obama/Biden. Fact... You keep on supporting these Wacko's, it's up to you, but when it gets so bad don't say that no one warned you.

No drilling in the U.S. has been banned. Oil Companies are sitting thousands of leases they are not using in order to jack up prces.
You buy that Peppermint Patty talking point? No one is sitting on those leases. The oil companies have no financial incentive for speculative drilling when they see Team Biden shutting down the keystone Pipeline, on inauguration day.
You had no problem the Traitor jacked up sanctions on China, which hit the U.S. Consumer in the wallet.
China is well-deserving of sanctions due to the way they threat their own people, their intellectual property theft from the United States, and its designs on Taiwan. If anything, the sanctions should be stronger to encourage U.S. manufacturing.

I assume that all but the most ignorant among us understand by now that it is unwise to allow one large dictatorship to control our consumer goods and another large dictatorship to control our oil supply.
Yes it's true. It’s just not clear where the hype came from and why exactly sugar (besides it, they take salt, buckwheat and toilet paper)

Something similar was in the late USSR, but then sugar was bought for home-made alcohol, there was a dry law.
All you Pooty Loving Traitor sicken me.

Oh, did any of you single digit IQ MAGA Meat Heads take time to notice that the Oil Companies jacked up prices when Pooty invaded Ukraine.

I did not think so.
sanctions have nothing to do with it, it's just speculative demand.

Sanctions don't work at all. This is a comedy. If the Americans believe in sanctions, they are no smarter than the Russians.

For example, Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya will not be allowed into London. Because of this, the sugar was gone. Fucking cretins.

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