Russians Fight Over Food in Grocery Store As Sanctions Lead To Empty Shelves

They'd hardly be the only ones. Ukraine, as I assume you know, is the breadbasket of Europe and to a large extent, the rest of the world. It's time to be planting, or close to it, and this move by Putin has disrupted not only Ukrainian agriculture but Ag all over the globe due to the dependence we all have on Russian sources of fertilizer.
Some Russians will starve but a hell of a lot more poor people from all over the planet will begin starving as well. Food prices, already impacted by severe inflation, are set to skyrocket all over the world. AND IT WASN'T NECESSARY.

I have a few good friends who live in Yaroslavl and I have no hate toward Russians in general. Most who will suffer from this will not even understand the truth of why this is happening to them. Meanwhile, Putin looks to be going full-Stalin on the nation again. We will ALL be fortunate if nukes aren't tossed around in this insanity.
Wronged.I wrote a couple days ago about Russia and Vodka.That Stoli is Russian
but is produced in Latvia.But uses the Rye and Wheat farmed in Tambov,Russia.
Just the water from Latvia.
Russia is a major supplier to the U.S. for Fertilizer and farming aids {Wheat & Barley }
More so than Ukraine.
It was all true, you have access to all the information that you failed to look it up for yourself. I feel real sad for you.
Just " real sad " instead Really SaD.Like how Americans feel about Joe Biden.
The advertised " Moderate " and Unifier.American s are being polite.
It's still part of the charm and attraction of the United States.To be welcoming
and accomodating.Not used as if Shark Bait { Chum } by the Chummy rascals of
One Party.Them Democrats.Liars and conniving scoundrels of the first order.
Where their 2nd city order is to destroy major cities.As if L.A. and San Fransico
aren't hellholes of the first order and getting worsted by the week.
Sayeth a majority of E pluribus unum !
They'd hardly be the only ones. Ukraine, as I assume you know, is the breadbasket of Europe and to a large extent, the rest of the world. It's time to be planting, or close to it, and this move by Putin has disrupted not only Ukrainian agriculture but Ag all over the globe due to the dependence we all have on Russian sources of fertilizer.
Some Russians will starve but a hell of a lot more poor people from all over the planet will begin starving as well. Food prices, already impacted by severe inflation, are set to skyrocket all over the world. AND IT WASN'T NECESSARY.

I have a few good friends who live in Yaroslavl and I have no hate toward Russians in general. Most who will suffer from this will not even understand the truth of why this is happening to them. Meanwhile, Putin looks to be going full-Stalin on the nation again. We will ALL be fortunate if nukes aren't tossed around in this insanity.
We are in the mess because the waking corpse Joe Biden is a National security risk and is compromise in that part of the world. Milk and cereal will be 20 bucks next month. Putin isn’t Stalin more like Teddy Roosevelt protecting our culture and heritage
Did I miss something here? Did Ukraine invade the Rodina when I wasn't looking? Your hero set the world on fire for political gain. He wanted to take the land and wealth of a sovereign nation. IF a majority of Ukrainians wanted Zelynskyy then they had the right to choose him.
Maybe everything you believe about Ukraine is true. For a moment, let's accept that for sake of argument. IF the whole damned country WAS full of Nazis, as long as they did not come across Russia's borders, Russia had ZERO justification to make war against them.
It’s a conquering world we live in .. gotta make this country strong, if you want to survive it
We are in the mess because the waking corpse Joe Biden is a National security risk and is compromise in that part of the world. Milk and cereal will be 20 bucks next month. Putin isn’t Stalin more like Teddy Roosevelt protecting our culture and heritage
Ernest Hemingway early on in his youth dreamed of being like
Teddy Roosevelt.And a Soldier.He was by that time an outdoorsman.
Being taught how to Hunt and fish and canoe.By his father { a well-respected Doctor }.
His Mom and Dad were very much opposed to drinking.
Hemingway however became a lover of Drink.
He probably stuck a shotgun to his head over Drink.{commit suicide }
Like his Old man { Father }.
Such is life.No one gets out of life alive.
Just " real sad " instead Really SaD.Like how Americans feel about Joe Biden.
The advertised " Moderate " and Unifier.American s are being polite.
It's still part of the charm and attraction of the United States.To be welcoming
and accomodating.Not used as if Shark Bait { Chum } by the Chummy rascals of
One Party.Them Democrats.Liars and conniving scoundrels of the first order.
Where their 2nd city order is to destroy major cities.As if L.A. and San Fransico
aren't hellholes of the first order and getting worsted by the week.
Sayeth a majority of E pluribus unum !
I'll say one thing trump really brought out the malcontents in our country. They're all hyper-critical of everything and anyone. Unfortunately these extremists are very loud. Fortunately most people have turned a deaf ear to them.
We are in the mess because the waking corpse Joe Biden is a National security risk and is compromise in that part of the world. Milk and cereal will be 20 bucks next month. Putin isn’t Stalin more like Teddy Roosevelt protecting our culture and heritage
The only thing Putin represents is the KGB doctrine of murdering all political opponents.
I'll say one thing trump really brought out the malcontents in our country. They're all hyper-critical of everything and anyone. Unfortunately these extremists are very loud. Fortunately most people have turned a deaf ear to them.

The only thing Putin represents is the KGB doctrine of murdering all political opponents.
That's nothing to be proud of.
I'll say one thing trump really brought out the malcontents in our country. They're all hyper-critical of everything and anyone. Unfortunately these extremists are very loud. Fortunately most people have turned a deaf ear to them.

The only thing Putin represents is the KGB doctrine of murdering all political opponents.
There is a human condition known as Antagonizing.Or being Bullied.
How much Bullying or antagonizing can Trump and by extension his
Fan Base tolerate..We've seen practically firsthand how much.Never before in
American History has a Political Party in total control of Government resorted to
holding American Citizens as Political Prisoners.That is Historic.As with anyone
connected to the January 6th Insurrection.EXCEPT of course Known Provocateurs
like Little Antifa/BLM hashtagger John Sullivan.Never stuck in jail.
Or this Provocatuer shown on Video{s} egging-on Those the day before and on the
morning of January 6th to show up and storm the Capitol Bldg.
Never Jailed.And they { the corrupt Bullies rounding up any and all January 6th
participants } Know where Ray Epps Lives and what his employment status.
There is a human condition known as Antagonizing.Or being Bullied.
How much Bullying or antagonizing can Trump and by extension his
Fan Base tolerate..We've seen practically firsthand how much.Never before in
American History has a Political Party in total control of Government resorted to
holding American Citizens as Political Prisoners.That is Historic.As with anyone
connected to the January 6th Insurrection.EXCEPT of course Known Provocateurs
like Little Antifa/BLM hashtagger John Sullivan.Never stuck in jail.
Or this Provocatuer shown on Video{s} egging-on Those the day before and on the
morning of January 6th to show up and storm the Capitol Bldg.
Never Jailed.And they { the corrupt Bullies rounding up any and all January 6th
participants } Know where Ray Epps Lives and what his employment status.
Get a life already, this hogwash is getting old.
Get a life already, this hogwash is getting old.
Name the Hogwash.Or be exposed as part of the Problem.
That true E pluribus Unum folk know and understand.
Plus appreciate.Trump and his flock helped preserve and protect
our Bill of Rights.Putin wasn't a problem until a real problem emerged.
The tainted and " rigged " Election of 2020.
The MSM and Unfree press " rigged " it in favor of Biden.
By Refusing to cover the Hunter Biden scandal.
Where Biden used Deep Staters like James Comey and Jim Brennan.
and Leon Panetta to lie for him.Concerning the Hunter Biden scandal.
That's a Fact Jack of no Trades.
Name the Hogwash.Or be exposed as part of the Problem.
That true E pluribus Unum folk know and understand.
Plus appreciate.Trump and his flock helped preserve and protect
our Bill of Rights.Putin wasn't a problem until a real problem emerged.
The tainted and " rigged " Election of 2020.
The MSM and Unfree press " rigged " it in favor of Biden.
By Refusing to cover the Hunter Biden scandal.
Where Biden used Deep Staters like James Comey and Jim Brennan.
and Leon Panetta to lie for him.Concerning the Hunter Biden scandal.
That's a Fact Jack of no Trades.
The lies are always part of the problem, when people believe they are the truth there's a real problem. Reality isn't simple but it does have its basis in truth.
If you believe Trump was a strong president you are sick, very sick, he was a bad joke and everyone knew it. The whole time he met with putin, putin had a grin on his face that he couldn't hide. You attempted to describe Biden as weak and feckless, without knowing it you totally described arrogant trump. trump brokered the rotten deal to get out of Afghanistan, and left Biden to deal with it all. China will not resort to force with Taiwan. It will be very diplomatic, not barbaric. The far right does not promote civilization at all, they promote anarchy and the world they would create has been seen before in Nazi Germany. Judgmental people do that all the time. Both extremes are not very healthy. Both extremes are unwilling to compromise. It's the majority of common Sense people that promote and keep us as civilized as we are. They, not liars, not politicians, not businessman, not cheaters, will determine the future of the world.
More Kool Aid?

You're one of the few remaining President Biden supporters. Someday you'll wake up and wonder what made you a Biden disciple.

Your ego can't be that massive that you can't admit it to yourself that our country has gone to heck in a hand basket since Biden took office, can it?
Not surprising at all. The Biden administration's sanctions on the United States also led to empty shelves.

What do we have to do for the Biden sanctions on ourselves to be lifted?
Yep, when he spitefully signed every document laid upon his desk in a leftist defiance of Trump policies, he basically was sanctioning the U.S. population for supporting the policies of Trump. You are exactly correct in your looking at this in the way that you just spoke precisely on. Thanks.

The leftist are pure evil.
I'll say one thing trump really brought out the malcontents in our country. They're all hyper-critical of everything and anyone. Unfortunately these extremists are very loud. Fortunately most people have turned a deaf ear to them.

The only thing Putin represents is the KGB doctrine of murdering all political opponents.
Never happened under Trump's Presidency.Just the occasional
poisoning of Inside personnel accused of working against Russia.
Off hand I'd say the Russian People are far more loyal to the United
States than the Ukrainian people.
Like the way the Hungarian Government and it's people are far more
American than the Ukrainian government and it's people.
They'd hardly be the only ones. Ukraine, as I assume you know, is the breadbasket of Europe and to a large extent, the rest of the world. It's time to be planting, or close to it, and this move by Putin has disrupted not only Ukrainian agriculture but Ag all over the globe due to the dependence we all have on Russian sources of fertilizer.
Some Russians will starve but a hell of a lot more poor people from all over the planet will begin starving as well. Food prices, already impacted by severe inflation, are set to skyrocket all over the world. AND IT WASN'T NECESSARY.

I have a few good friends who live in Yaroslavl and I have no hate toward Russians in general. Most who will suffer from this will not even understand the truth of why this is happening to them. Meanwhile, Putin looks to be going full-Stalin on the nation again. We will ALL be fortunate if nukes aren't tossed around in this insanity.
Nation's allowing themselves to be tied into a globalist system that if rocked could spread pain all over the world, was theee most corrupt evil thing that ever became of this world in the 21st century.

Nation's wanting no part of the blood being spilled in their names, uhhh best look quickly to within themselves again, otherwise in order to get back to a 75% sustainable in house secured economy with a 25% trade margin with the world, otherwise before being judged along with the world concerning the death and destruction the globalist system is now causing in the world.
We are in the mess because the waking corpse Joe Biden is a National security risk and is compromise in that part of the world. Milk and cereal will be 20 bucks next month. Putin isn’t Stalin more like Teddy Roosevelt protecting our culture and heritage
I've been saying it since day one that "Biden is a national security risk". It's been proven daily now.
Trump said he would bomb Moscow, the whole world would be cinders by now if he were president. Yes thank God sane people are in charge once again.

I'm sure you can find the video of him saying it, so post it.

Now, even if he did say it... it seems Putin took that seriously, since he didn't do it on Trump's watch.
I'm sure you can find the video of him saying it, so post it.

Now, even if he did say it... it seems Putin took that seriously, since he didn't do it on Trump's watch.
Trump used a Trumpist way of explaining w/o actually issuing a clear direct
threat.Impyling that He has a bigger and better bomb than Putin could ever
put up.So even if Putin does shut-up he still loses.
Trump, loves to Brag and use adjectives.Talk Big and repeat stuff.
Could never make a writer or even Journalist.But he does have a way of making
quite the Impression.His Presidency was one of The Most successful in American
History.Just 2 irrefutable ways to prove.He Gave the U.S. Oil Independence.
And Moved the Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Stopped Isis and Built That border wall.
Record level of reduction in Obama's record level of New Rules and
Regulations.Close to the most amount of Federal Judges appointed during a
Plus Donated his Presidential salary.

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