Russians Fight Over Food in Grocery Store As Sanctions Lead To Empty Shelves

You want them to starve? Huh
They'd hardly be the only ones. Ukraine, as I assume you know, is the breadbasket of Europe and to a large extent, the rest of the world. It's time to be planting, or close to it, and this move by Putin has disrupted not only Ukrainian agriculture but Ag all over the globe due to the dependence we all have on Russian sources of fertilizer.
Some Russians will starve but a hell of a lot more poor people from all over the planet will begin starving as well. Food prices, already impacted by severe inflation, are set to skyrocket all over the world. AND IT WASN'T NECESSARY.

I have a few good friends who live in Yaroslavl and I have no hate toward Russians in general. Most who will suffer from this will not even understand the truth of why this is happening to them. Meanwhile, Putin looks to be going full-Stalin on the nation again. We will ALL be fortunate if nukes aren't tossed around in this insanity.
Zelinski did not even campaign.. he was placed in nearby corrupt country. Bought and paid for by oligarchs
Did I miss something here? Did Ukraine invade the Rodina when I wasn't looking? Your hero set the world on fire for political gain. He wanted to take the land and wealth of a sovereign nation. IF a majority of Ukrainians wanted Zelynskyy then they had the right to choose him.
Maybe everything you believe about Ukraine is true. For a moment, let's accept that for sake of argument. IF the whole damned country WAS full of Nazis, as long as they did not come across Russia's borders, Russia had ZERO justification to make war against them.
I guess you’re too dumb to know how the Defense industry makes money and who they donate to.
I did not know that the defense industry was the Washington Establishment headed by President Biden.

But for fun, who do they donate money too?
Believe whatever you wish. 4.5 million ukrainians joined the Red Army to fight Nazi Germany plus 250,000 supported partisan paramilitary units. These numbers dwarfed the numbers of Hiwis and occupation troops and other anti-soviet soldiers even in the early years of the war. I prefer facts. You have delusions and lies.

Had cancer twice, it wiped out all my savings. I'm sure going to be 71, have to work part-time to survive. Have been buying plain label and on sale and discounted food for years now. I'm actually healthier than most of my neighbors. Most are overweight and eat whatever they want. I simply eat to exist. You might end up better off for it.
Good look finding plain label stuff. It's the first to disappear from the stores because the markup on name brands is better.
I believe he could do that and considering the costs to the planet, I'm willing to take one step back from Ukraine. Our time should be spent not only by supplying Ukraine weapons but should also be rushing to complete the plans for the defense of the eastern European NATO members. He rolled the dice on Ukraine and it bit him, hard. OTOH, once conflicts begin, they tend to take on a life of their own and he must be made to understand that his threat to use nukes is a card he can use only ONCE.
Such a scary proposition given you have a true Sociopath with his finger on the button of one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. I just wonder if the people closest to him are as whacked out in the head as he is.
Such a scary proposition given you have a true Sociopath with his finger on the button of one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. I just wonder if the people closest to him are as whacked out in the head as he is.
Imagine if trump were still president, we'd be in double jeopardy.
Imagine if trump were still president, we'd be in double jeopardy.


People who told you that Trump is going to start World War, and crush the economy, did just that after Trump left office. And you still believe them. Good sheep.


People who told you that Trump is going to start World War, and crush the economy, did just that after Trump left office. And you still believe them. Good sheep.

View attachment 618592
Trump said he would bomb Moscow, the whole world would be cinders by now if he were president. Yes thank God sane people are in charge once again.
A video that appears to show Russian citizens fighting for groceries amid empty shelves has gone viral on social media.

Liubov Tsybulska, an advisor to Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shared the video to her Twitter page. The video so far has over 230,000 views.

She captioned the video: "People in Moscow fighting for...SUGAR. Well, dear Russian citizens, this is only [the] beginning."

The video was also posted on the social media platform Telegram alongside pictures of empty shelves by user pdmnews.

Now Russia is looking like Joe Biden's America.

Tragic and so unnecessary.

Can we recover after another three years or will that be to late?
Now Russia is looking like Joe Biden's America.

Tragic and so unnecessary.

Can we recover after another three years or will that be to late?
I believe is the world is at a crossroads, we are about to destroy ourselves or finally become civilized. Hopefully the latter because that will usher in an age of prosperity that the world has never known. Practically everything that we thought we knew will change and what we thought was impossible will become possible.
Putin's war is making Russia look like a land filled with cowards.

It's pathetic to see Russia, a giant country, with a huge military and endless weapons, waging a brutal war with a tiny neighboring country, Ukraine.

Ukrainians are looking like patriotic heroes, while the Russians are looking more and more like incompetent, cowardly, clowns.

Puta has done his country a LOT of damage. And given it a nasty, disgusting reputation they will never live down. People should be embarrassed to be Russian, for what they have done to Ukraine.
Trump said he would bomb Moscow, the whole world would be cinders by now if he were president. Yes thank God sane people are in charge once again.
That's just utter desperation.

Even you know that President Putin would not, could not move on any country while we had a strong President.

President Biden gave the way and the means for Putin to attack Ukraine. By Biden slashing our oil production he forced oil prices through the roof. That's forcing Americas to fill the war coffers of Putin.

Our weak feckless President proved he would turn his back on American citizens and friendly Afghans to fend for themselves against barbaric terrorists.

Having proven to the world that we are no longer a leader, Putin knew he had carte blanche to take Ukraine.

Can China taking Taiwan be far behind?

What about Iran? Biden is actually negotiating with Russia a return to the nuclear deal with Iran. How long before Iran has a nuclear arsenal?


I believe is the world is at a crossroads, we are about to destroy ourselves or finally become civilized. Hopefully the latter because that will usher in an age of prosperity that the world has never known. Practically everything that we thought we knew will change and what we thought was impossible will become possible.
The far-left drags us down with regards to our level of civilization.

As you know, we set a level of prosperity the world has never seen. I want to maintain that level of prosperity, why don't you?
That's just utter desperation.

Even you know that President Putin would not, could not move on any country while we had a strong President.

President Biden gave the way and the means for Putin to attack Ukraine. By Biden slashing our oil production he forced oil prices through the roof. That's forcing Americas to fill the war coffers of Putin.

Our weak feckless President proved he would turn his back on American citizens and friendly Afghans to fend for themselves against barbaric terrorists.

Having proven to the world that we are no longer a leader, Putin knew he had carte blanche to take Ukraine.

Can China taking Taiwan be far behind?

What about Iran? Biden is actually negotiating with Russia a return to the nuclear deal with Iran. How long before Iran has a nuclear arsenal?


The far-left drags us down with regards to our level of civilization.

As you know, we set a level of prosperity the world has never seen. I want to maintain that level of prosperity, why don't you?
If you believe Trump was a strong president you are sick, very sick, he was a bad joke and everyone knew it. The whole time he met with putin, putin had a grin on his face that he couldn't hide. You attempted to describe Biden as weak and feckless, without knowing it you totally described arrogant trump. trump brokered the rotten deal to get out of Afghanistan, and left Biden to deal with it all. China will not resort to force with Taiwan. It will be very diplomatic, not barbaric. The far right does not promote civilization at all, they promote anarchy and the world they would create has been seen before in Nazi Germany. Judgmental people do that all the time. Both extremes are not very healthy. Both extremes are unwilling to compromise. It's the majority of common Sense people that promote and keep us as civilized as we are. They, not liars, not politicians, not businessman, not cheaters, will determine the future of the world.
Trump said he would bomb Moscow, the whole world would be cinders by now if he were president. Yes thank God sane people are in charge once again.
IF one iota of what you infer was true. We know you are desperate. Why did President Putin wait a full year to fill his war chest with dollars President Biden forced us to pay to him through skyrocketing gas prices.

Biden gave the go ahead to all our adversaries when he turned his back and left thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghans who had worked with us for decades to the mercy of barbaric terrorists.
IF one iota of what you infer was true. We know you are desperate. Why did President Putin wait a full year to fill his war chest with dollars President Biden forced us to pay to him through skyrocketing gas prices.

Biden gave the go ahead to all our adversaries when he turned his back and left thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghans who had worked with us for decades to the mercy of barbaric terrorists.
It was all true, you have access to all the information that you failed to look it up for yourself. I feel real sad for you.

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