Russians Fight Over Food in Grocery Store As Sanctions Lead To Empty Shelves

You don't think Globalists, Obama, Clinton and Biden are in on the deal? You are Naive.
The whole world is heading towards globalism whether you like it or not. It used to be no man is an island, now it's no nation is an island, in the future it will be the island Earth. We are One race the human race and once that lesson comes home wars will end forever.
The whole world is heading towards globalism whether you like it or not. It used to be no man is an island, now it's no nation is an island, in the future it will be the island Earth. We are One race the human race and once that lesson comes home wars will end forever.
And we will finally truly become civilized.
Which translate as they attended a " CONCERT " with propaganda. The only show in town.

No question that concert was propaganda.

Question, which you failed to acknowledge and answer was, are sanctions really working?
The whole world is heading towards globalism whether you like it or not. It used to be no man is an island, now it's no nation is an island, in the future it will be the island Earth. We are One race the human race and once that lesson comes home wars will end forever.
Yes, The Book of Revelation does say The Whole World will head towards Globalism. One man with 10 Subordinates will run it. The Bible calls him AntiChrist, but many of you will call him messiah, master, savior, and your god.

Only he's not a god. He's a man indwelt by Satan and any who worship him will be sealed to an eternal existence in Hell.

The only way wars will end is when Jesus Christ returns to End Armageddon and destroy the armies of AntiChrist, The False Profit and Satan and establish His Kingdom forever.
No question that concert was propaganda.

Question, which you failed to acknowledge and answer was, are sanctions really working?
Not as effective as going to war, but a lot less costly and destructive. I prefer to have a livable planet.
From what I've seen so far, it effected us and EU much more than it did Russia.
Well it's better than standing by and watching a horrible atrocity taking place and doing nothing. I couldn't live with myself if our country did nothing to help the Ukrainians. You have to take into consideration that in general Americans do not know what suffering is. We are so fortunate. A little hardship is actually good for US.
Empty shelves?

Fights over the last can of ..........

Wow! Russia is becoming more and more like Xidenmerica!
The world's biggest problem is overpopulation. Slowly but surely it is drying up all the resources on this planet. The sad part about this is no one is addressing that issue. Shortages, no matter in times of crisis or not, are going to become increasingly common.
Well it's better than standing by and watching a horrible atrocity taking place and doing nothing. I couldn't live with myself if our country did nothing to help the Ukrainians. You have to take into consideration that in general Americans do not know what suffering is. We are so fortunate. A little hardship is actually good for US.

Or let me ask you something... If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be willing to help Russians?
Or let me ask you something... If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be willing to help Russians?
In 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved. The Ukraine declared itself an independent nation. At that time they stated they were a neutral nation. They made a mutual defense packed with Russia. But they also left the door open to embrace NATO and the West. In 1994 they started pursuing the goal of joining NATO. Zielinsky was elected president of the Ukraine in a fair and free election. His predecessor, Petro Poroshenko was anti-Russian. The Ukraine is a free nation and they are miles ahead of the Soviet Union in that aspect. Has Russia even had a single Fair election ? I don't think so, at least not since putin arrived. He has his political opponents murdered or at least imprisoned. Nothing happens in Russia without putin's approval, he has essentially installed himself as dictator for life. Look at all the restrictions he's put on his people limiting their freedoms and access to real economic advancement. He and the oligarchs have a stranglehold on the Russian economy. The Russian people get the leftovers. It's a no-brainer to support the Ukraine in this fight. Russia invaded them. Zielinsky was neutral on Russia. The separatists were free to remain in the Ukraine or immigrate into Russia. The Russian military got involved in Ukrainian matters and they didn't do it without putin's blessing. All of this is on putin.
In 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved. The Ukraine declared itself an independent nation. At that time they stated they were a neutral nation. They made a mutual defense packed with Russia. But they also left the door open to embrace NATO and the West. In 1994 they started pursuing the goal of joining NATO. Zielinsky was elected president of the Ukraine in a fair and free election. His predecessor, Petro Poroshenko was anti-Russian. The Ukraine is a free nation and they are miles ahead of the Soviet Union in that aspect. Has Russia even had a single Fair election ? I don't think so, at least not since putin arrived. He has his political opponents murdered or at least imprisoned. Nothing happens in Russia without putin's approval, he has essentially installed himself as dictator for life. Look at all the restrictions he's put on his people limiting their freedoms and access to real economic advancement. He and the oligarchs have a stranglehold on the Russian economy. The Russian people get the leftovers. It's a no-brainer to support the Ukraine in this fight. Russia invaded them. Zielinsky was neutral on Russia. The separatists were free to remain in the Ukraine or immigrate into Russia. The Russian military got involved in Ukrainian matters and they didn't do it without putin's blessing. All of this is on putin.
Statistics tell the whole story. Before Russia invaded the Ukraine 70% of Ukrainians considered the Russians their friends. Since the war started, now 90% of the ukrainians consider the Russians their enemy.
In 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved. The Ukraine declared itself an independent nation. At that time they stated they were a neutral nation. They made a mutual defense packed with Russia. But they also left the door open to embrace NATO and the West. In 1994 they started pursuing the goal of joining NATO. Zielinsky was elected president of the Ukraine in a fair and free election. His predecessor, Petro Poroshenko was anti-Russian. The Ukraine is a free nation and they are miles ahead of the Soviet Union in that aspect. Has Russia even had a single Fair election ? I don't think so, at least not since putin arrived. He has his political opponents murdered or at least imprisoned. Nothing happens in Russia without putin's approval, he has essentially installed himself as dictator for life. Look at all the restrictions he's put on his people limiting their freedoms and access to real economic advancement. He and the oligarchs have a stranglehold on the Russian economy. The Russian people get the leftovers. It's a no-brainer to support the Ukraine in this fight. Russia invaded them. Zielinsky was neutral on Russia. The separatists were free to remain in the Ukraine or immigrate into Russia. The Russian military got involved in Ukrainian matters and they didn't do it without putin's blessing. All of this is on putin.

You don't have to explain to me snippet from Ukrainian history, just answer the question I asked.

So let me try again... If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be willing to help Russians?

Once you do that, I'll reply to your post above where you omitted so many things.
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You don't have to explain to me snippet from Ukrainian history, just answer the question I asked.

So let me try again... If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be willing to help Russians?

Once you do that, I'll reply to your post above where you omitted so many things.
I don't care for your tone. I just gave you the short version of Ukrainian history thank God I didn't go into the thousand Year history. Ukraine never invaded Russia. You're making a supposition here that is that the least very unlikely, at the most totally ridiculous, and impossible. It would be a David and Goliath situation where Goliath had the sling and David had nothing.
I don't care for your tone. I just gave you the short version of Ukrainian history thank God I didn't go into the thousand Year history. Ukraine never invaded Russia. You're making a supposition here that is that the least very unlikely, at the most totally ridiculous, and impossible. It would be a David and Goliath situation where Goliath had the sling and David had nothing.

Ukrainian history did not started in 1991.

For all that Stalin, Khrushchev and other commies did to Ukrainians, they earned every bit of Ukrainian hate.

What you did not mention is that Ukrainians supported Nazis in WWII, and that just might be a reason why Russians treated them way they did.

Your "short version of their history" is what you can hear whole day, every day from MSM talking heads. So spare me of your "I couldn't live with myself if our country did nothing to help the Ukrainians" because their dirty as much the Russians are.

So, it's not even a trick question, and it's much harder not to answer it. If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be able to live with yourself if we don't help Russians?
Ukrainian history did not started in 1991.

For all that Stalin, Khrushchev and other commies did to Ukrainians, they earned every bit of Ukrainian hate.

What you did not mention is that Ukrainians supported Nazis in WWII, and that just might be a reason why Russians treated them way they did.

Your "short version of their history" is what you can hear whole day, every day from MSM talking heads. So spare me of your "I couldn't live with myself if our country did nothing to help the Ukrainians" because their dirty as much the Russians are.

So, it's not even a trick question, and it's much harder not to answer it. If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be able to live with yourself if we don't help Russians?
If the Russians have the same history as a Ukraine you have to switch everything in order for me to agree with that. Given those conditions that the Ukraine formally dominated the Russians made them second-class citizens in their own country and thought they owned them. Pretending to be there friends and then invading them yes. I would defend the Russians in that case
You can't choose and pick your own situations in a scenario like that everything has to be the equivalent. And I never said the Ukraine had a Thousand-Year history, I said that Ukrainian people had a thousand year history, just as rich in traditions as Russia has. There in a unfortunate situation of geography, like Poland, a smaller Nation sandwiched by much greater powers, often being dominated by them. I don't have all the answers I can't answer all your questions find an expert on the Ukraine. I only have one volume of a thousand volume story.
Ukrainian history did not started in 1991.

For all that Stalin, Khrushchev and other commies did to Ukrainians, they earned every bit of Ukrainian hate.

What you did not mention is that Ukrainians supported Nazis in WWII, and that just might be a reason why Russians treated them way they did.

Your "short version of their history" is what you can hear whole day, every day from MSM talking heads. So spare me of your "I couldn't live with myself if our country did nothing to help the Ukrainians" because their dirty as much the Russians are.

So, it's not even a trick question, and it's much harder not to answer it. If Ukrainians were doing the same things to Russians, would you be able to live with yourself if we don't help Russians?
I just reread your diatribe of hatred. In it you said that the Ukrainians supported the Nazis during world war II. The Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union since 1922 so that's not even possible. I guess I should have given you the long history of the Ukrainian people. You are a very confused person. I could argue several other points with you but I'm not going to bother it sounds like you've already made up your mind. Good luck with that.
I just reread your diatribe of hatred. In it you said that the Ukrainians supported the Nazis during world war II. The Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union since 1922 so that's not even possible. I guess I should have given you the long history of the Ukrainian people. You are a very confused person. I could argue several other points with you but I'm not going to bother it sounds like you've already made up your mind. Good luck with that.

I see where the problem is now. You don't know history, or rather, you accept that history is "one volume of a thousand volume story".

You say that's not possible that Ukrainians supported Nazis, because they were part of Soviet Union since 1922. You basically reject any possibility of them being on German side, because it doesn't make sense to you, and since it doesn't make sense to you, it didn't happen. That's funny, since it's exactly what happens. Imagine how good Soviets were for Ukraine, that they were collaborating with Nazis against them. The horrors they suffered under Soviets before WWII, is exact reason they supported Nazis, and Stalin's punishment for their role in WWII against the Soviets is main contributor to their pure hate for Russians. Side note: The only nation that hates Russians more than Ukrainians are Poles, and they couldn't wait to become part of NATO. I think they would love to get back their territories in Belarus and Ukraine that were taken away from them by Russians.

With independency from USSR in 1991, the hate toward Russians they were holding inside was revived with creation of several nationalist groups, supported by no other than good ol' USA. I wrote about it in other threads, and I'll try to find it and link it, but for now, I recommend watching this documentary that may expand your knowledge of history. I am not asking you to watch whole 90 minutes, but first 15 minutes will give you better insight of what I am talking about. Also, it's age restricted, you may have to watch it on Youtube.

Yes, The Book of Revelation does say The Whole World will head towards Globalism. One man with 10 Subordinates will run it. The Bible calls him AntiChrist, but many of you will call him messiah, master, savior, and your god.

Only he's not a god. He's a man indwelt by Satan and any who worship him will be sealed to an eternal existence in Hell.

The only way wars will end is when Jesus Christ returns to End Armageddon and destroy the armies of AntiChrist, The False Profit and Satan and establish His Kingdom forever.
Russia's current take on the sanctions mention irreversible damage in Italy:

2022 marta 19 RIA Novosti
'Sanktsii ne nash vybor.
Sanctions are not our choice.

Ne khotel by, chtoby logika vyskazyvanii Ministra Ekonomiki Frantsii Briuno Le Mera, kotory ob'iavil Rossii "total'niui finantsivuiu i ekonomichekuiu voinu," nashla posledovatelei v Italii, vyzvala cheredu sootvtstvuiushchikh neobratnymykh posledstvii.
We would not like the logic of the statements of the French Minister of Economics, Bruno Le Maire, who declared "total financial and economic war" to Russia, found followers in Italy and caused a series of corresponding irreversible consequences,

Otmetil, chto v uslovviakh usileniia restriktsii rossiiskaia storona sokrazaet ispol'zovanie dollara v valiutnykh reservakh i vneshnikh raschetakh perekliuchaetsia na nezapadnye rynki kapiala, a takzhe prilagaet usiliia, chtoby vyzovut cheredu neobratymykh posledstvii, obeszopasit' investroekty ot vneshnego negativnogo vliianiia, zaiavil v MID.
He noted that in the face of restrictions, the Russian side will decrease the use of the dollar in foreign exchange reserves and external settlements, switching to non-Western capital markets, and also making efforts to protect investment projects from external negative influences, said the Foreign Ministry.

....i nelegitimnoe s tochki zreniia mezhdunarodnogo obeszopasit'
and illegitimate from the point of international law.'

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