Russians Fight Over Food in Grocery Store As Sanctions Lead To Empty Shelves

Not surprising at all. The Biden administration's sanctions on the United States also led to empty shelves.

What do we have to do for the Biden sanctions on ourselves to be lifted?
The overpopulation issue: It's real. Far too many people. To solve it is quite simple. Get one liberal to jump off a cliff. The rest will follow.

Xidenflation front:

Did my grocery shopping today. Prices generally up 5% this week. Hamburger, true, the lower fat kind, $12/pound.

Almost NO "store brand" products of any sort. It could be that the corporate money-spinners aren't restocking to force people to the higher price name brands. But I think it more likely that consumer are "buying down". That is, substituting store-brand products for their formerly preferred big-name brands to try to be able to afford to shop at all.

One major brand of breakfast cereals seems to be an exception. Bare shelves for both the name brand and the store brand. Could be the strike that shut down production?
I see where the problem is now. You don't know history, or rather, you accept that history is "one volume of a thousand volume story".

You say that's not possible that Ukrainians supported Nazis, because they were part of Soviet Union since 1922. You basically reject any possibility of them being on German side, because it doesn't make sense to you, and since it doesn't make sense to you, it didn't happen. That's funny, since it's exactly what happens. Imagine how good Soviets were for Ukraine, that they were collaborating with Nazis against them. The horrors they suffered under Soviets before WWII, is exact reason they supported Nazis, and Stalin's punishment for their role in WWII against the Soviets is main contributor to their pure hate for Russians. Side note: The only nation that hates Russians more than Ukrainians are Poles, and they couldn't wait to become part of NATO. I think they would love to get back their territories in Belarus and Ukraine that were taken away from them by Russians.

With independency from USSR in 1991, the hate toward Russians they were holding inside was revived with creation of several nationalist groups, supported by no other than good ol' USA. I wrote about it in other threads, and I'll try to find it and link it, but for now, I recommend watching this documentary that may expand your knowledge of history. I am not asking you to watch whole 90 minutes, but first 15 minutes will give you better insight of what I am talking about. Also, it's age restricted, you may have to watch it on Youtube.

Believe whatever you wish. 4.5 million ukrainians joined the Red Army to fight Nazi Germany plus 250,000 supported partisan paramilitary units. These numbers dwarfed the numbers of Hiwis and occupation troops and other anti-soviet soldiers even in the early years of the war. I prefer facts. You have delusions and lies.
The overpopulation issue: It's real. Far too many people. To solve it is quite simple. Get one liberal to jump off a cliff. The rest will follow.

Xidenflation front:

Did my grocery shopping today. Prices generally up 5% this week. Hamburger, true, the lower fat kind, $12/pound.

Almost NO "store brand" products of any sort. It could be that the corporate money-spinners aren't restocking to force people to the higher price name brands. But I think it more likely that consumer are "buying down". That is, substituting store-brand products for their formerly preferred big-name brands to try to be able to afford to shop at all.

One major brand of breakfast cereals seems to be an exception. Bare shelves for both the name brand and the store brand. Could be the strike that shut down production?
Had cancer twice, it wiped out all my savings. I'm sure going to be 71, have to work part-time to survive. Have been buying plain label and on sale and discounted food for years now. I'm actually healthier than most of my neighbors. Most are overweight and eat whatever they want. I simply eat to exist. You might end up better off for it.
The overpopulation issue: It's real. Far too many people. To solve it is quite simple. Get one liberal to jump off a cliff. The rest will follow.

Xidenflation front:

Did my grocery shopping today. Prices generally up 5% this week. Hamburger, true, the lower fat kind, $12/pound.

Almost NO "store brand" products of any sort. It could be that the corporate money-spinners aren't restocking to force people to the higher price name brands. But I think it more likely that consumer are "buying down". That is, substituting store-brand products for their formerly preferred big-name brands to try to be able to afford to shop at all.

One major brand of breakfast cereals seems to be an exception. Bare shelves for both the name brand and the store brand. Could be the strike that shut down production?
Geezsus, sounds like walmart where you live is killing you.
Americans should watch this and think, "this could happen here, I should prepare now while it's easy"
So then those accused of being mere " conspiracy theorist " like Alex
Jones who has been more right that almost any american regarding The
New World Order and even Bill Gates,and of course starting with Jack Dorsey
of Twitter can feel at ease.He was more than right.He was prophetically spot-on.
Like a Bald Eagle protecying it's nest way high above the ground in some
towering tree or spot hidden among a crevasse high atop a mountain side.
Don't look for many human eagles to soar to the rescue of other patriots.
This pathetic Government will not allow it.Where seemingly only a certain
vast amount of moola can permit.As if One can surely buy there way out of
Hell if only in a makeshift handbasket.Which cannot sustain the flames let
alone the heat.
Believe whatever you wish. 4.5 million ukrainians joined the Red Army to fight Nazi Germany plus 250,000 supported partisan paramilitary units. These numbers dwarfed the numbers of Hiwis and occupation troops and other anti-soviet soldiers even in the early years of the war. I prefer facts. You have delusions and lies.

I knew this answer didn't come from you, you couldn't possibly know who the Hiwis are, so you copy/paste from that Google told you.


In general, your Google find is not wrong, but it doesn't present the whole picture, and for that you need to read few history books. While it is true that 4.5 million Ukrainians did join the Red Army, that's the number throughout the whole war, and second most of those were Russians from Ukraine, not native Ukrainians. Also, the western part of Ukraine collaborated with Nazis, just like Vichy France did, or Ustashe did in Croatia. They all had few things in common, as a reward for their collaboration, and providing soldiers do fight with the Nazis, they gained independency. And that is the point or message of my replies to you. Watching video I provided earlier would be good starting point to learn something, but it seems that's not your stronger side, so you opted out to be lazy.
No one, no one wins in a war. War is a failure no matter how you look at it.
The War Prayer { 1904 }
" O Lord our Father,our young patriots,idols of our hearts,
go forth to battle -- be thou near them! .... O Lord our God,
help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells.
For our sakes nwho adore Thee,Lord,blast their hopes,blight
their bitter pilgrimage,make heavy their steps,water their way
with their tears,stain the white snow with the blood of their
wounded feet! We ask it in the spirit of love, of Him. "
-- " Mark Twain "
Those who stand to make money off it. Basically the Washington Establishment, and your guy Biden is at the top.
The EXACT same motive used by the " Corrupt " MSM and Unfree
Press as soon as Donald Trump won his election on Tuesday Nov.8th 2016.
Extending till even now." I don't believe in coincidence ".
This is manufactured rage custom made to help the New World Order.
And take over the United States.As if no one the wiser.
As if Covid was any indication.
The EXACT same motive used by the " Corrupt " MSM and Unfree
Press as soon as Donald Trump won his election on Tuesday Nov.8th 2016.
Extending till even now." I don't believe in coincidence ".
This is manufactured rage custom made to help the New World Order.
And take over the United States.As if no one the wiser.
As if Covid was any indication.

I do believe in coincidences. But I don't trust coincidences.
Let me get this straight...

You sanction Russia by cutting their oil.

Who is sanctioned when you cut American oil?
Biden couldn't even be bothered with telling his pals like
Iran and China to sanction U.S. Oil.He just went ahead at breakneck
speed in signing EO's and Executive Memoranda to Stop U.S. Oil
drilling,Fracking and exploration.HE is Blatantly The most guilty
F-head on planet earth to cause the price of gas to rise in our Country.
Yet he Lied about even that.
but the weakness of the russian military is glaringly obvious now
THIS^ It must be scaring them stupid that their vaunted military is making such a showing against a nation they were supposed to roll up in 72 hours or so. If they were paranoid about invasion before, just imagine the mindset of the generals after THIS debacle. Well... the generals who survive combat and the coming purges.

I just pray that this doesn't lead to the use of nuclear weapons.
Biden couldn't even be bothered with telling his pals like
Iran and China to sanction U.S. Oil.He just went ahead at breakneck
speed in signing EO's and Executive Memoranda to Stop U.S. Oil
drilling,Fracking and exploration.HE is Blatantly The most guilty
F-head on planet earth to cause the price of gas to rise in our Country.
Yet he Lied about even that.
Previous poster is so fucked up.
Putin is all in and if it turns into the NATO powers against Russia, that nutcase might start lighting off his nukes.
I believe he could do that and considering the costs to the planet, I'm willing to take one step back from Ukraine. Our time should be spent not only by supplying Ukraine weapons but should also be rushing to complete the plans for the defense of the eastern European NATO members. He rolled the dice on Ukraine and it bit him, hard. OTOH, once conflicts begin, they tend to take on a life of their own and he must be made to understand that his threat to use nukes is a card he can use only ONCE.

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