Russians Fight Over Food in Grocery Store As Sanctions Lead To Empty Shelves

Too bad such a great people allow a murdering X-KGB thug to be their leader.
I dont think they allowed----much like Biden--democracy was shown to be easily corrupted where the evile put themselves in charge by hook and by crook.
I dont think they allowed----much like Biden--democracy was shown to be easily corrupted where the evile put themselves in charge by hook and by crook.
They were fooled, just like the American people were wearing treacherous and deceitful trump was elected.
Right ! Nothing if you don't want democracy, nothing if you want to fear for your life if you speak out the truth. The better question is what's good about that.
Yet people speak the truth here, or even opinions, and the left goes on the warpath.

You've been saying that forever you might stop lying to yourself, he's staying stronger than ever before.
Declaring an unjustified war on the Ukraine was the weakest moment of his career. Specifically meaning, it is over.
A video that appears to show Russian citizens fighting for groceries amid empty shelves has gone viral on social media.

Liubov Tsybulska, an advisor to Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shared the video to her Twitter page. The video so far has over 230,000 views.

She captioned the video: "People in Moscow fighting for...SUGAR. Well, dear Russian citizens, this is only [the] beginning."

The video was also posted on the social media platform Telegram alongside pictures of empty shelves by user pdmnews.

In American inner cities/shitholes they just loot.
Year, right.
He's doing everything in his power to consolidate power. These are the acts of a very desperate person and or a very sick person. Plus the fact that he's lying to his own people and keeping the truth from them that's disgusting.
A further example out of putin's own mouth. He said of the Russians demonstrating against the war he called them " scum ". So much for freedom, the " you're either with me or against me " simple-minded approach is in play in putin's russia.
And the alternative is what in Russia during a major war effort ??? Would it be better for Russian's to support the Russian ideology and the will of the Russian federation as being patriotic Russian's who back their government in war (or) undermine it like what happened here during Vietnam and our government fighting for south Vietnam ??

Wonder what would have happened during the Vietnam conflict, otherwise if the Americans back here would have supported a win against the North, instead of killing our effort's where resolving the conflict by helping their nation to get the win in the south would have been the best solution ??? Of course forcing loyalty is not a good thing, and if Putin had to do this then somethings not right or the Russians can't stomach war any longer, otherwise if a clear directive isn't given them or they don't believe in it if it was given to them.

Did Russia learn from our own past and our own mistakes, otherwise how not to win a war where we always end these wars in disaster, and worse getting our soldier's killed for nothing in the end ????
Is Ted Cruz a complete idiot now ?? The guy talks like he would welcome a nuclear exchange with Russia... Good grief. Politics is the most dangerous thing in the world right now, and all this jockeying for position using every issue without regard to the consequences is flat out amazing.
Yet people speak the truth here, or even opinions, and the left goes on the warpath.

You're talking about the conspiracy theories of the far right, they don't deserve airtime. Lies can never be the truth.
You've been saying that forever you might stop lying to yourself, he's staying stronger than ever before.
Every tyrants reign of terror eventually ends. putin is just a man, he and the other oligarchs will surely be put to death sooner or later. If it's later, the world will endure more sorrow because they exist.
A video that appears to show Russian citizens fighting for groceries amid empty shelves has gone viral on social media.

Liubov Tsybulska, an advisor to Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shared the video to her Twitter page. The video so far has over 230,000 views.

She captioned the video: "People in Moscow fighting for...SUGAR. Well, dear Russian citizens, this is only [the] beginning."

The video was also posted on the social media platform Telegram alongside pictures of empty shelves by user pdmnews.

The 120 or so oligarchs in Russia have over 1 trillion dollars in assets. What did they do to deserve that ? Nothing, they simply raped the Russian people. To add insult to injury, all that confiscated wealth will go to the people of the Ukraine to help rebuild their nation as reparations for the war atrocities inflicted upon them. The Russian people will be left out in the cold once again.
Are sanctions really working?

After initial shock, it seems that ruble is stabilizing, and with higher natural gas and oil prices, Russia is recouping their financial loses.

Today, 200k people in Moscow attended concert in support of the war, and watched Putin's speech in packed stadium.

This photo is from outside of it.

Every tyrants reign of terror eventually ends. putin is just a man, he and the other oligarchs will surely be put to death sooner or later. If it's later, the world will endure more sorrow because they exist.
Does it not sickens you to utter all these platitudes? Wake up, America in not a City upon a Hill if ever it was, it's a dump inhabited by bumps who have long since forgotten a sense of decency.
Are sanctions really working?

After initial shock, it seems that ruble is stabilizing, and with higher natural gas and oil prices, Russia is recouping their financial loses.

Today, 200k people in Moscow attended concert in support of the war, and watched Putin's speech in packed stadium.

This photo is from outside of it.

View attachment 617739
Which translate as they attended a " CONCERT " with propaganda. The only show in town.

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