Russians Insult Obama Naming Black Goat After Him

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?


Putin bitch slapped Obama so many fucking times it was not even funny, only a pathetic dumb ass like yourself would defend the indefensible.


Can you at least provide one example.

Putin Gives Obama / Kerry The Finger....Again

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama

Putin tops Obama
This is a serious subject, folks! A Russian naming a black goat Obama is a threat to national security! No joking around or you're racist!
*sarcasm off*
Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?


Putin bitch slapped Obama so many fucking times it was not even funny, only a pathetic dumb ass like yourself would defend the indefensible.


Can you at least provide one example.

Putin Gives Obama / Kerry The Finger....Again

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama

Putin tops Obama

You love that Putin, eh? Lol. Mental case.
Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?


Putin bitch slapped Obama so many fucking times it was not even funny, only a pathetic dumb ass like yourself would defend the indefensible.


Can you at least provide one example.

Where have you been the past 8 years?

Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

Putin Owns Obama..


Coming from a racist asshole threads? Good job. Your link is nothing but bullcrap like a pekinese dog barking. Nothing physical. Try harder.
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"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

Unlike you, I'm a patriotic American and no, Pooting does not look strong. He's just a bully who actually beats up young girls in the street.

Not surprising you admire that while.

Seriously doodette, you're pathetic. If you love Pooting so much, get out of America. See how long you last humping Pooting's leg.
You are the most vehement anti-American on this forum.

And BTW, Obama is not the president of the USA, he is the de-facto president.
Economy getting better a lot of history times, but it doesn' prevents riches to become more rich, and poor to become more poor...Internal organization of many IT companies shows - communistic principles of organization is very profitable for economic growth. Do you know, how people work in Google, for example? And try to find differences of it from communist organization.
The main problem - almost all people in world doesn't educated enough for communism. In this case all communist organizations, after death of romantics, upkeeping them, transform to ugly dictatorships... It's true...

But all your money belongs to the government, to be doled out amongst everyone, even those who aren't making any money. What is different about it from "welfare?"

:)) Good question, but Russia is not US and don't have Atlantic ocean as border... Too many foreigners wanted in XX century to devastate Russia and kill russians. I think, without communism they could be succesful... I prefer to live poor, than to die with a lot of money :)

So you DO support communism?

Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...

I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)

Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?
But all your money belongs to the government, to be doled out amongst everyone, even those who aren't making any money. What is different about it from "welfare?"

:)) Good question, but Russia is not US and don't have Atlantic ocean as border... Too many foreigners wanted in XX century to devastate Russia and kill russians. I think, without communism they could be succesful... I prefer to live poor, than to die with a lot of money :)

So you DO support communism?

Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...

I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)

Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)
:)) Good question, but Russia is not US and don't have Atlantic ocean as border... Too many foreigners wanted in XX century to devastate Russia and kill russians. I think, without communism they could be succesful... I prefer to live poor, than to die with a lot of money :)

So you DO support communism?

Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...

I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)

Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)
So you DO support communism?

Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...

I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)

Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.
Here is goat Obama!

Meanwhile in Russia every tenth dog and twentieth cat has name Obama.

Your an immigrant here maybe an illegal or on welfare. Your behavior as a moron racist asshole foreigner is very disgusting. Normally a foreigner like you behave and respectable because you are lucky to have a better life here in America compared from the shithole where you came from. Picture of Putin ripping off Russian amassed $200 billions.

I vote for Trump, but not for black goat Obama!
Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...

I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)

Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.

It was belong to leaders, while they worked... :)

You are not so rich. What thing you can own, the people as you in USSR could not?
I don't say, USSR didn't has a lot of problem, some of them were fatal... I prefer a freedom too and, probably, could not live in USSR, but I also trying to clear information, I gather about different things from any sorts of propaganda and lies :)
Here is goat Obama!

Meanwhile in Russia every tenth dog and twentieth cat has name Obama.
That goat is too dark to be Obama....that must be Daddy Obama...he was a black ass muhphugga, yo!

Another racist asshole.

Any white christian brainy American must be a proud racist!

This racism looks ridiculous, while some of white leaders help to extremal muslim arabian organizations to kill people of any colour of skin and build anti-european anti-christian Khalifate :)
I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)

Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.

It was belong to leaders, while they worked... :)

You are not so rich. What thing you can own, the people as you in USSR could not?
I don't say, USSR didn't has a lot of problem, some of them were fatal... I prefer a freedom too and, probably, could not live in USSR, but I also trying to clear information, I gather about different things from any sorts of propaganda and lies :)

Right. The people work, and the government gets rich under communism. The people do not get rich though. The people, no matter how hard or how long they work, will never get rich. There is no such opportunity under a communist regime. Agree or disagree?
Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.

It was belong to leaders, while they worked... :)

You are not so rich. What thing you can own, the people as you in USSR could not?
I don't say, USSR didn't has a lot of problem, some of them were fatal... I prefer a freedom too and, probably, could not live in USSR, but I also trying to clear information, I gather about different things from any sorts of propaganda and lies :)

Right. The people work, and the government gets rich under communism. The people do not get rich though. The people, no matter how hard or how long they work, will never get rich. There is no such opportunity under a communist regime. Agree or disagree?

But what about current capitalism in US - how hard people must work to get rich? And how rich you can be?

You're playing for 1 percent people, who were rich and powerful in communism, but didn't had opportunities to get luxuries and to be rich without work. All other people were more rich in communism, than in capitalism. You and me buying house, we need, all our life, paying for loan... people in USSR got house FREE. EVERY people, who needed house to live!
Because it just anti-russian label :)

Countries with no any private property are just a myth. In each country we can see balance with private and common property. Where's the border of capitalism and communism in real life?

You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.

It was belong to leaders, while they worked... :)

You are not so rich. What thing you can own, the people as you in USSR could not?
I don't say, USSR didn't has a lot of problem, some of them were fatal... I prefer a freedom too and, probably, could not live in USSR, but I also trying to clear information, I gather about different things from any sorts of propaganda and lies :)

Right. The people work, and the government gets rich under communism. The people do not get rich though. The people, no matter how hard or how long they work, will never get rich. There is no such opportunity under a communist regime. Agree or disagree?

P.S. Interesting investigation about our's topic of discuttion. See - this is Florentia, one of historical center, where capitalism was born.
Today's rich families in Florence, Italy, were rich 700 years ago
Do you still believe, capitalism allows you to get rich by hard work? Vertical mobility is not a feature of capitalism, it a feature of US, as state. Communism, at least, gives you opportunity both to get high (and to get low after it :)))
You are wrong. Lol. Here in the States, you may have to pay property taxes, but the property belongs to you and not your government.

I asked you a question first, which you still haven't answered adequately. :)

Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.

It was belong to leaders, while they worked... :)

You are not so rich. What thing you can own, the people as you in USSR could not?
I don't say, USSR didn't has a lot of problem, some of them were fatal... I prefer a freedom too and, probably, could not live in USSR, but I also trying to clear information, I gather about different things from any sorts of propaganda and lies :)

Right. The people work, and the government gets rich under communism. The people do not get rich though. The people, no matter how hard or how long they work, will never get rich. There is no such opportunity under a communist regime. Agree or disagree?

But what about current capitalism in US - how hard people must work to get rich? And how rich you can be?

You're playing for 1 percent people, who were rich and powerful in communism, but didn't had opportunities to get luxuries and to be rich without work. All other people were more rich in communism, than in capitalism. You and me buying house, we need, all our life, paying for loan... people in USSR got house FREE. EVERY people, who needed house to live!

We have plenty of rich and wealthy people here. Lol. A ton of people own their own homes.

Sure, you get government housing, but what if you work twice as hard or long as your neighbor, or you are much more skilled, and you neighbor has the same home as you?
Sure? And what would be with your property, when you stop to pay taxes? Or if government forbid you to have this property? Government can talk anything - what's about reality? In USSR government said, ALL property is belong to PEOPLE, not to government. Does it mean, in USSR wasn't communism?

And I'm not talking about availability of this property...

Which question do you mean? "What is communism?" Communism is just a word that really means nothing. This word used to describe of very different political systems. How can you hate a word, means nothing? :)

I think the property you speak of belongs to your government leaders. :D

I didn't say I "hate" anything. I would just prefer to live in a free country where I CAN own things and where I can get paid a decent wage. I've read that things were not so great for a lot of people living under the former Soviet Union.

It was belong to leaders, while they worked... :)

You are not so rich. What thing you can own, the people as you in USSR could not?
I don't say, USSR didn't has a lot of problem, some of them were fatal... I prefer a freedom too and, probably, could not live in USSR, but I also trying to clear information, I gather about different things from any sorts of propaganda and lies :)

Right. The people work, and the government gets rich under communism. The people do not get rich though. The people, no matter how hard or how long they work, will never get rich. There is no such opportunity under a communist regime. Agree or disagree?

But what about current capitalism in US - how hard people must work to get rich? And how rich you can be?

You're playing for 1 percent people, who were rich and powerful in communism, but didn't had opportunities to get luxuries and to be rich without work. All other people were more rich in communism, than in capitalism. You and me buying house, we need, all our life, paying for loan... people in USSR got house FREE. EVERY people, who needed house to live!

We have plenty of rich and wealthy people here. Lol. A ton of people own their own homes.

So, in USSR too. And don't forget about two devastating wars at the territory of USSR in XX century :)

Sure, you get government housing, but what if you work twice as hard or long as your neighbor, or you are much more skilled, and you neighbor has the same home as you?

Usually a size of home depended from size of family, not by money :) In USSR were places, where you could work hard, as you might, and earn a solid piece of money. But usually people didn't want to work hard, because they government satisfied most of all their needs. In USSR was deficit quality and luxury goods - and as a result criminal market with skyrocketed prices for this things was grown.

Its seems like a joke, but in fact - truth - people legally earned more money, they can legally spend :) Very uncomfortable situation...
Life under communism is nothing but hard and miserable. Corruption at massive scale. If house and food is free then there's no need to work at all. Why is it that several countries have abandoned communism?

Articles: Life under Communism

Communism's alcohol problem

As for corruption - it's a myth. Russian society very untolerated to corruption, so people usually crying at every corner about terrific corruption here, but in reality corruption is not more, than in EU or USA :)

But real problem was a strong dependency of unformal communications (corrupted or no - no differences)... In so many cases you couldn't simply give a money and take a goods or service - only by "friendship", with many formal and unformal rules, agreements etc....

If house and food is free then there's no need to work at all. Why is it that several countries have abandoned communism?

Yes, in communism you really don't need to work... And a little more - in late USSR government _guarantied_ to all people rights for job. But lack of job was a crime.

But normal people, as global history shows, need to work, to learn and to grow children. Without it, people become really crazy... Several countries abandoned communism because rich people need to be legally more rich, and other population has got used to freebie and got an illusion of much more freebie in capitalism :)

About "Life under Communism" - I know, it's a many articles with similar horrors, but almost all in they are lies. Because they are written by migrants with "village complex". They spent a lot of resources to change lifeplace, and now they forced to advertise their current life, because they usually don't have a willpower to aknowledge their great mistake - to change "pricker on soap". So, they think up horrors about communism, as terrible, as their current life in comparison with life in communism :) I don't say, communism is good, but real horrors of it are far from their articles :)

Alcohol problem - lol :) Russia have similar level of alcohol consumption, like US and Europe, but charachter is very different. In Russia people usually dont' drink anything during all week (no any bottles of beer or wine glasses after work) but drink of all this quantity at weekend :)
As for USSR - the problem wasn't in quantity of alcohol, the problem was in stupid, unresponsible soviet culture of drinking during the work - do you imagine? The work was simple for almost all people, and they usually didn't found more clever thing, to use worktime for permanent drinking - not more, but permanent. So, how good these people could work all days, being half-drunk during all workday?
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