Russians Insult Obama Naming Black Goat After Him

"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

Unlike you, I'm a patriotic American and no, Pooting does not look strong. He's just a bully who actually beats up young girls in the street.

Not surprising you admire that while.

Seriously doodette, you're pathetic. If you love Pooting so much, get out of America. See how long you last humping Pooting's leg.

View attachment 75426

That is pure bullcrap Bear. Your bear brain is more fucked up than I thought. Your credibility here is lot to be desired. Why don't you move to Russia just like everyone who idolize Putin thug murderer.


See what I mean...

I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.

I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


You aren't making any sense at all. Putin is a communist. He has admitted to such. He likes the idea of communism and socialism, in his own words.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

Unlike you, I'm a patriotic American and no, Pooting does not look strong. He's just a bully who actually beats up young girls in the street.

Not surprising you admire that while.

Seriously doodette, you're pathetic. If you love Pooting so much, get out of America. See how long you last humping Pooting's leg.

View attachment 75426

That is pure bullcrap Bear. Your bear brain is more fucked up than I thought. Your credibility here is lot to be desired. Why don't you move to Russia just like everyone who idolize Putin thug murderer.


See what I mean...

View attachment 75449

Is that how you look after hibernation?
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?
Economy getting better a lot of history times, but it doesn' prevents riches to become more rich, and poor to become more poor...Internal organization of many IT companies shows - communistic principles of organization is very profitable for economic growth. Do you know, how people work in Google, for example? And try to find differences of it from communist organization.
The main problem - almost all people in world doesn't educated enough for communism. In this case all communist organizations, after death of romantics, upkeeping them, transform to ugly dictatorships... It's true...

But all your money belongs to the government, to be doled out amongst everyone, even those who aren't making any money. What is different about it from "welfare?"

:)) Good question, but Russia is not US and don't have Atlantic ocean as border... Too many foreigners wanted in XX century to devastate Russia and kill russians. I think, without communism they could be succesful... I prefer to live poor, than to die with a lot of money :)

So you DO support communism?

Which communism do you mean? Communism of Stalin? Of Khrushev? Of Brezhnev? Or modern freaks, taking politic dividents from old population, claiming communistic slogans? :)

What's the difference? :dunno:

Definition of COMMUNISM

Your definition is very simple and ideologistic :) No private property - it means no private wives and husbands, no own children etc... And if this true, how Putin could has own lastname?

In fact, communism claim government's own on capital goods, not more... in real life - partial own.. But why do you think, capitalism gives you full own? Buy a truck and hire worker to make money - and what? You need a lot of licenses, permissions, have a strong control from government, pay taxes and so on for this - and you consider it like real "private property"? :)

What if Franklin Roosevelt used more communist practices, than Kim Chen Un in modern Corea? :) I understand, if communist revolution couldn't be in Russia, it would be in US, all US olygarchy knew it and spent an enormous cache in propagand to blacken communist ideas, binded it with dangerous USSR... Now USSR fallen - and what?

They will spent money at anticommunism propagand, still it works. Let them spend their money directly to increase level of our life, in a change of loyality, not on media, which make us more stupid and poor... :)
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Putin is true liberal, as he can be. If he would be a real communist, he will occupy Ukraine for 2-3 days and get out all nazies from there... But he just let them to kick each other, like spiders in bank...
Capricorn is The Goat and the most unlucky astrological sign there is. I am Scorpio but born on the cusp of Libra.
Wait a second.
What we can see in US in 1930? Famine, unemployment, depression...

View attachment 75418

What we can see in US in 1960? Happiness, baby boom, prosperity of all population.


Where all middle-class people got money for this? Government helped them, taking this money from richmans... How it could be - richmans agreed to partial expropriation of their funds towards other US population? Do you strongly believe in charity and humanism of millionaires?

The economy got better. What's your point? Capitalism is kind of like a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs, but communism certainly isn't better.

Economy getting better a lot of history times, but it doesn' prevents riches to become more rich, and poor to become more poor...Internal organization of many IT companies shows - communistic principles of organization is very profitable for economic growth. Do you know, how people work in Google, for example? And try to find differences of it from communist organization.
The main problem - almost all people in world doesn't educated enough for communism. In this case all communist organizations, after death of romantics, upkeeping them, transform to ugly dictatorships... It's true...

But all your money belongs to the government, to be doled out amongst everyone, even those who aren't making any money. What is different about it from "welfare?"

:)) Good question, but Russia is not US and don't have Atlantic ocean as border... Too many foreigners wanted in XX century to devastate Russia and kill russians. I think, without communism they could be succesful... I prefer to live poor, than to die with a lot of money :)

So you DO support communism?

Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?


Putin bitch slapped Obama so many fucking times it was not even funny, only a pathetic dumb ass like yourself would defend the indefensible.

I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
I find it very strange how some people will pretty much hail others as a "hero" or something just because they denigrate the POTUS? You people are fucked up. Lol. I believe some people suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now we have people on the "other side" displaying signs of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?


Putin bitch slapped Obama so many fucking times it was not even funny, only a pathetic dumb ass like yourself would defend the indefensible.


Can you at least provide one example.
The economy got better. What's your point? Capitalism is kind of like a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs, but communism certainly isn't better.

Economy getting better a lot of history times, but it doesn' prevents riches to become more rich, and poor to become more poor...Internal organization of many IT companies shows - communistic principles of organization is very profitable for economic growth. Do you know, how people work in Google, for example? And try to find differences of it from communist organization.
The main problem - almost all people in world doesn't educated enough for communism. In this case all communist organizations, after death of romantics, upkeeping them, transform to ugly dictatorships... It's true...

But all your money belongs to the government, to be doled out amongst everyone, even those who aren't making any money. What is different about it from "welfare?"

:)) Good question, but Russia is not US and don't have Atlantic ocean as border... Too many foreigners wanted in XX century to devastate Russia and kill russians. I think, without communism they could be succesful... I prefer to live poor, than to die with a lot of money :)

So you DO support communism?

Until we don't have single understanding, what is communism, I can answer different.

I support and LOVE communism of Stalin, because of a lot of best economic practices they've developed.

I HATE late USSR communism - a mix of prison and childgarden, produced very specific sort of people, stupid, loud and unresponsible...

I don't see what the difference is. Communism is communism, and you haven't explained any differences. :)
Here is goat Obama!

Meanwhile in Russia every tenth dog and twentieth cat has name Obama.

Your an immigrant here maybe an illegal or on welfare. Your behavior as a moron racist asshole foreigner is very disgusting. Normally a foreigner like you behave and respectable because you are lucky to have a better life here in America compared from the shithole where you came from. Picture of Putin ripping off Russian amassed $200 billions.
Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

1. In case you missed the memo U.S.S.R. don't exists no more, they no communism /socialism don't work, but liberal tardy here think it is a great idea.

2. Obama is a pussy always was one, only liberal pussys like weak ass leaders.
Nah... It is so fun to tease the Obama boot lickers who thinks the Mesiah walks on water or something


Oh? So what do you REALLY think about Putin? Would you prefer to have him as a POTUS? An admitted communist/socialist?

Chrissy quit dancing around the subject. I am real sure you wouldn't want per wee Herman Obama watching your back while walking down a dark alley.


Obama is a pussy? Only to obsolete racist asshole like you believe that.
1. Obama slap Putin thug face with crippling sanctions.
2. Obama install a missile system in Poland (EIS) right in Putin ass.
3. Last year Obama conduct military exercise near Ukraine.
4. This June another military exercise involving 250,000 troops in Poland right in the border with Russia.
So far Putin ass is shaking scared. Tell me........... What has Putin done or anything to counter act Obama's toughness?


Putin bitch slapped Obama so many fucking times it was not even funny, only a pathetic dumb ass like yourself would defend the indefensible.


Can you at least provide one example.

Where have you been the past 8 years?

Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

Putin Owns Obama..

Here is goat Obama!

Meanwhile in Russia every tenth dog and twentieth cat has name Obama.
That goat is too dark to be Obama....that must be Daddy Obama...he was a black ass muhphugga, yo!

Another racist asshole.
Obama is light skinned....he's mulatto. He's not black, but black and white. But his daddy was a dark black man, was he not?

Get your panties out of a was a joke. Even blacks call dark blacks "black muhphuggas".... Are they racist for saying it?

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