Russians Never Altered One Vote in Our Election, But DemNazis Do By The Thousands

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Why were we ever concerned about The Russians?

The Enemy is already right here in this country.

The Democrat party is the biggest threat to our Democracy.

They thrive on voter fraud. It isn't a crime to them, it's a strategy.

In three key races, already won by Republicans, Mysterious Trucks full of provisional ballots, "just found" are showing up in Arizona, Georgia and Florida.

Voter Fraud is a reality, and the only way to stop it is with Voter ID. Since primarily only one party is engaged in voter fraud, they are opposed to Voter ID. We are the only Democracy in the world that does not have a National Voter ID law.
I've already posted this somewhere else, but ...

Dems have been using a lot of illegal and dead voters for years. It would be a great idea for Reps to recount the votes everywhere where Dems "won" by 1% or so.

I remember how loudly Dems were screaming about recounting in 2016. What happened next was: they recounted in Detroit and found out there were more votes than registered voters. In Wisconsin Trump was leading with a thousand+ votes more after the recount.

Reps, go ahead and recount, American people have right to know how much fraud Dems have brought to this elections!
I've already posted this somewhere else, but ...

Dems have been using a lot of illegal and dead voters for years. It would be a great idea for Reps to recount the votes everywhere where Dems "won" by 1% or so.

I remember how loudly Dems were screaming about recounting in 2016. What happened next was: they recounted in Detroit and found out there were more votes than registered voters. In Wisconsin Trump was leading with a thousand+ votes more after the recount.

Reps, go ahead and recount, American people have right to know how much fraud Dems have brought to this elections!

There has to be a stop to these kinds of crimes. The only way I think you can stop it is with very severe penalties and very strict rules.
Why were we ever concerned about The Russians?

The Enemy is already right here in this country.

The Democrat party is the biggest threat to our Democracy.

They thrive on voter fraud. It isn't a crime to them, it's a strategy.

In three key races, already won by Republicans, Mysterious Trucks full of provisional ballots, "just found" are showing up in Arizona, Georgia and Florida.

Voter Fraud is a reality, and the only way to stop it is with Voter ID. Since primarily only one party is engaged in voter fraud, they are opposed to Voter ID. We are the only Democracy in the world that does not have a National Voter ID law.

Republicans are obsessed with illegal voting because they're obsessed with supressing the vote, and they (falsely) assume that Democrats are just as dishonest as they are. In fact, Republicans think everyone is trying to screw THEM over because they work their hardest to screw over working Americans and the poor, all the while, tilting the economy so that all wealth flows to the top.

Democrats aren't opposed to voter ID. They're opposed to voter ID which limits prohibits certain people from voting. Like the Texas law that said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on the Driver's license. My birth certificate has my birth name on it. My driver's license has my legal, married name on it. Under Texas law, unless a woman retains her birth name after marriage, or has a passport with her married name on it, she could be barred from voting in Texas.

Truckloads of provisional ballots are showing up because Republicans are refusing to allow American citizens to vote fairly. In addition to closing polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, or in the case of Kansas City, locating the polling place outside of the city limits with no access by public transportation, purging names from the voters' list without reason, gerrymandering, and doing a whole lot of other things to keep Democrats from winning elections.

It's no wonder that Republicans believe Democrats are cheating. Republicans are always accusing Democrats of doing the very thing that they're doing. Like DJT calling CNN "fake news" as he released edit video which had been doctored to make appear that Accosta shoved an intern, as an excuse for pulling his press credentials.

And that's after FOX released that piece on Seth Rich which also contained doctored and edited video to make it appear people said things they deny ever having said. They retracted the story, apologized for it and sent Hannity "on vacation" for airing it, but then were in the awkward position of having to defend the piece in two lawsuits against the network for airing it.

Republicans are liars, election cheats, and purveyors of Fake News, We know that. The American people know it. Most Republicans don\t care how they win, as long as they win. They are a national disgrace and the party deserves to be destroyed.
Your Post is Bullshit.



Fuck you lying assholes who oppose VOTER ID FOR ANY REASON.

There is ZERO reason NOT TO HAVE VOTER ID. People in OHIO show their driver's licenses, and everyone votes, and no one is denied a vote.


If places like Broward and Palm County and Chicago and other Dem Shit holes weren't so corrupt, we wouldn't need IDs, but they are, so we need Voter ID to protect us against Voter Fraud continually committed by The DemNazis.
The Democrats hatched the The Russian Collusion Farce the day after their soul crushing loss by the great Donald J Trump. They refused to aknowledge their enormous miscalculations and terrible decisions they instead made up RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA as an excuse for their incompetence.

To make things worse, their initial shock at losing was quickly replaced with vehement hatred for Trump. We see that now everyday on every major TV network (sans Fox), every White House briefing, every late night talk show, every entertainment awards show, and every SNL propaganda show. They won't stop with their blind obsession and that is very sad for America. Democrats are doing more damage to the country than ISIS ever did.
The Democrats hatched the The Russian Collusion Farce the day after their soul crushing loss by the great Donald J Trump. They refused to aknowledge their enormous miscalculations and terrible decisions they instead made up RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA as an excuse for their incompetence.

To make things worse, their initial shock at losing was quickly replaced with vehement hatred for Trump. We see that now everyday on every major TV network (sans Fox), every White House briefing, every late night talk show, every entertainment awards show, and every SNL propaganda show. They won't stop with their blind obsession and that is very sad for America. Democrats are doing more damage to the country than ISIS ever did.
Yes, Soros Media has been stuffing American brains with anti-Trump propaganda 24/7, literally, non-stop!

Trump should have his own Media (which he can easily afford) and which would keep telling and explaining all corruption and crimes of Dems party to millions of brainwashed Americans. He doesn't have even to allege anything, there is plenty of ugly truth already.

And yes, unless Americans want to keep blaming foreigners for the bad results of their elections, they need to have voter IDs mandatory.
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The Democrats hatched the The Russian Collusion Farce the day after their soul crushing loss by the great Donald J Trump. They refused to aknowledge their enormous miscalculations and terrible decisions they instead made up RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA as an excuse for their incompetence.

To make things worse, their initial shock at losing was quickly replaced with vehement hatred for Trump. We see that now everyday on every major TV network (sans Fox), every White House briefing, every late night talk show, every entertainment awards show, and every SNL propaganda show. They won't stop with their blind obsession and that is very sad for America. Democrats are doing more damage to the country than ISIS ever did.

When Democrats get offers of Russian Government aid in a Presidential bid, they report it to the FBI.

Turmpumpski's "Love it"

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
The Democrats hatched the The Russian Collusion Farce the day after their soul crushing loss by the great Donald J Trump. They refused to aknowledge their enormous miscalculations and terrible decisions they instead made up RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA as an excuse for their incompetence.

To make things worse, their initial shock at losing was quickly replaced with vehement hatred for Trump. We see that now everyday on every major TV network (sans Fox), every White House briefing, every late night talk show, every entertainment awards show, and every SNL propaganda show. They won't stop with their blind obsession and that is very sad for America. Democrats are doing more damage to the country than ISIS ever did.

When Democrats get offers of Russian Government aid in a Presidential bid, they report it to the FBI.

Turmpumpski's "Love it"

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
Did they report when They Purchased The Dirty Russian Dossier from Putin, and Paid For it by Laundering Money through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS to British and Russian Agents?
Your Post is Bullshit.



Fuck you lying assholes who oppose VOTER ID FOR ANY REASON.

There is ZERO reason NOT TO HAVE VOTER ID. People in OHIO show their driver's licenses, and everyone votes, and no one is denied a vote.


If places like Broward and Palm County and Chicago and other Dem Shit holes weren't so corrupt, we wouldn't need IDs, but they are, so we need Voter ID to protect us against Voter Fraud continually committed by The DemNazis.

Well there's a post that's utter nonsense. What does voter ID restrictions have to do with health care? The answer is NOTHING.

And as always, you deflect to something that isn't at issue. Yes, we all need ID. But does that ID have to exactly match? I hate my middle name. I never use it or even admit to it unless I have to. I had it taken off my SIN card (SIN = SS# in the US), but it's a requirement on my OHIP Card. And my signature is my first initial and my last name. However, my name on the voter's list has my middle name, and my OHIP Card isn't acceptable ID for voting. According to "exact match laws", I couldn't vote. The SIN card is our basic piece of ID in Canada and my SIN doesn't exactly match the voter's list because it doesn't contain my middle name. My signature wouldn't match because I sign my first initial and my last name. See how easy it is to exclude people from voting.

Look how they tried to block Native Americans from voting by insisting they have street addresses on their ID. These kinds of requirements are specifically targeting Democratic voters with laser-like precision. Nowhere in the first world does one political party get to pull the kind of bullshit stunts with voter ID and gerrymandering which has kept the Republican party in power for a generation even as their share of the popular vote continues to shrink.

The rest of the first world is watching and what we are seeing from the Republican Party in regards to voter suppression and gerrymandering is disgusting. It is the subversion of everything your Constitution purports to stand for.
Your Post is Bullshit.



Fuck you lying assholes who oppose VOTER ID FOR ANY REASON.

There is ZERO reason NOT TO HAVE VOTER ID. People in OHIO show their driver's licenses, and everyone votes, and no one is denied a vote.


If places like Broward and Palm County and Chicago and other Dem Shit holes weren't so corrupt, we wouldn't need IDs, but they are, so we need Voter ID to protect us against Voter Fraud continually committed by The DemNazis.

Well there's a post that's utter nonsense. What does voter ID restrictions have to do with health care? The answer is NOTHING.

And as always, you deflect to something that isn't at issue. Yes, we all need ID. But does that ID have to exactly match? I hate my middle name. I never use it or even admit to it unless I have to. I had it taken off my SIN card (SIN = SS# in the US), but it's a requirement on my OHIP Card. And my signature is my first initial and my last name. However, my name on the voter's list has my middle name, and my OHIP Card isn't acceptable ID for voting. According to "exact match laws", I couldn't vote. The SIN card is our basic piece of ID in Canada and my SIN doesn't exactly match the voter's list because it doesn't contain my middle name. My signature wouldn't match because I sign my first initial and my last name. See how easy it is to exclude people from voting.

Look how they tried to block Native Americans from voting by insisting they have street addresses on their ID. These kinds of requirements are specifically targeting Democratic voters with laser-like precision. Nowhere in the first world does one political party get to pull the kind of bullshit stunts with voter ID and gerrymandering which has kept the Republican party in power for a generation even as their share of the popular vote continues to shrink.

The rest of the first world is watching and what we are seeing from the Republican Party in regards to voter suppression and gerrymandering is disgusting. It is the subversion of everything your Constitution purports to stand for.

There is NO VOTER SUPPRESSION. How is there voter Suppression or Racism when Obama Bin Lying was elected twice to the highest office in the land? How is there voter suppression when illegals vote and people get caught voting twice? The dead even vote.

Illegal and Illegitimate voting IS The Only voter suppression that exists in America. But you don't want to talk about that. You don't want to talk about how people use Absentee Ballots, and Provisional Ballots to defraud legitimate voters. You don't want to talk about Hillary Clinton rigging her own primary.

You want to claim that the working poor should be able to afford outrageous premiums for Health Insurance or pay a fine if they don't pay The Extortionist, but cannot afford to obtain a Free State ID to be used to identify them at The Polls.

That is utter HORSESHIT straight from The Horse's Ass......YOU!
Russians Never Altered One Vote in Our Election
During the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

"You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.
Can someone say..... PUTIN POLE SMOKER....

So I want to ask Lefty, do yah think Putin will be willing to sell you another KGB Dirty Dossier full of Putin Propaganda to help you again in 2020?
Russians Never Altered One Vote in Our Election
During the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

"You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

Why would anyone object to truth about a criminal affecting an election?

We don't know the Russians had anything to do with the so-called "leaks."
Can someone say..... PUTIN POLE SMOKER....

So I want to ask Lefty, do yah think Putin will be willing to sell you another KGB Dirty Dossier full of Putin Propaganda to help you again in 2020?
Not this time because Trump will be listening in on their phone calls.
more russians were sent home for screwing with voters than dems got guilty verdicts for voter fraud..

slain that ...

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