Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you

Condi is an Uncle Tom, she got educated and off the Dem Plantation, she's a traitor to her race! the lefties in here are offended by the accusations of racism. Good, go ahead and be offended, you earned it! Just remember, it is your side that wrote the rules for playing the race card; and now the very people you hate are playing by your rules. Don't be mad at them, be mad and offended at yourselves, your side is the side that founded this.

For the record, going by the leftist rules, this is clearly racism as well as sexism. Ahhh....the Democrats and leftists war on black Americans and women continues.
They've declared WAR on so many fronts that it has gotten so comical that they can't keep track of the fires they've started. It's coming back to BURN them.
I guess none of you lefties remember these?



Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you

By Cheryl K. Chumley-The Washington Times Thursday, March 6, 2014

Professors and students at Rutgers University have joined forces to protest an administrative decision to ask former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to serve as this year’s keynote commencement speaker.

The university’s New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution that demands the board of governors take back its invitation to Ms. Rice, Fox News reported. The reason?

The council said the school should not let Ms. Rice speak because she had a role in the war in Iraq and in President George W. Bush’s allowance for “enhanced interrogation techniques” like water boarding, Fox News said.

Read more: Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you - Washington Times
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Ah, where's the Race part? You played the card, now show us.

Actually it's racism and sexism.

rutgers is known for football, a mans sport and the coach is white.

the race card doesn't have to make sense when dems use it, so why should we have to make it make sense?

So you find that kind of Race Card Card stuff acceptable enough to use. Gotcha. :thup:
Condi is an Uncle Tom, she got educated and off the Dem Plantation, she's a traitor to her race!

She's not an "Uncle Tom" or any other disparaging remark some people want to make toward her. She is a well educated and accomplished person. She did receive an NAACP Image Award , so I don't think the "hate" for her is as widespread as some people wish to make it out to be. I also think that her book was up for one as well. I may not agree with her politics, but I have a great deal of respect and admiration for her.
I don't think this is racism, just a typical case of liberals who love selective first amendment rights..... the lefties in here are offended by the accusations of racism. Good, go ahead and be offended, you earned it! Just remember, it is your side that wrote the rules for playing the race card; and now the very people you hate are playing by your rules. Don't be mad at them, be mad and offended at yourselves, your side is the side that founded this.

For the record, going by the leftist rules, this is clearly racism as well as sexism. Ahhh....the Democrats and leftists war on black Americans and women continues.

Right on Locke....for the lefties maybe I can translate, He said don't have the playa, hate the game!
The students have a right to protest Condi's speech. It's about Iraq, as they stated.

The students don't know shit, that's the funny thing. But again, Condi is black so it's so obvious discrimination and the worst kind racial, or has homo discrimination taken the torch? You're a liberal please tell us, maybe if Condi was a taco muncher you'd be more upset?
Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you

By Cheryl K. Chumley-The Washington Times Thursday, March 6, 2014

Professors and students at Rutgers University have joined forces to protest an administrative decision to ask former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to serve as this year’s keynote commencement speaker.

The university’s New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution that demands the board of governors take back its invitation to Ms. Rice, Fox News reported. The reason?

The council said the school should not let Ms. Rice speak because she had a role in the war in Iraq and in President George W. Bush’s allowance for “enhanced interrogation techniques” like water boarding, Fox News said.

Read more: Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you - Washington Times
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I love how the Liberals get so protective over waterboarding terrorists, but sucking the brain out of an unborn fetus....NO PROBLEM!

Unbelievable. Really, unbelievable.
They should have figured that all out before extending the invitation. They made themselves look bad.

No the administration invited her and look fine. It's the racist students (which Im sure are the activist type that are in school for sociology and other bs majors) and of course their professors, like the kind that try to railroad Duke students for a non rape. You know the classy type.
Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you

By Cheryl K. Chumley-The Washington Times Thursday, March 6, 2014

Professors and students at Rutgers University have joined forces to protest an administrative decision to ask former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to serve as this year’s keynote commencement speaker.

The university’s New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution that demands the board of governors take back its invitation to Ms. Rice, Fox News reported. The reason?

The council said the school should not let Ms. Rice speak because she had a role in the war in Iraq and in President George W. Bush’s allowance for “enhanced interrogation techniques” like water boarding, Fox News said.

Read more: Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you - Washington Times
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it's not a race issue.

no one cares about her race.

they care that she helped lie us into a war.

but please… post silliness from rev moon's rag

If Bush lied to get us in a war then Hillary Clinton and Kerry both lied as well as Reid and a host of democrats. To include Bill Clinton and his entire Administration.
Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you

By Cheryl K. Chumley-The Washington Times Thursday, March 6, 2014

Professors and students at Rutgers University have joined forces to protest an administrative decision to ask former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to serve as this year’s keynote commencement speaker.

The university’s New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution that demands the board of governors take back its invitation to Ms. Rice, Fox News reported. The reason?

The council said the school should not let Ms. Rice speak because she had a role in the war in Iraq and in President George W. Bush’s allowance for “enhanced interrogation techniques” like water boarding, Fox News said.

Read more: Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you - Washington Times
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If it were Hillary, cons would be having a hissy fit because of Benghazi. We really need to stop being so partisan about every little thing and show at least a little respect to those who have served publicly, even when we do not agree with them 100%.
Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you

By Cheryl K. Chumley-The Washington Times Thursday, March 6, 2014

Professors and students at Rutgers University have joined forces to protest an administrative decision to ask former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to serve as this year’s keynote commencement speaker.

The university’s New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution that demands the board of governors take back its invitation to Ms. Rice, Fox News reported. The reason?

The council said the school should not let Ms. Rice speak because she had a role in the war in Iraq and in President George W. Bush’s allowance for “enhanced interrogation techniques” like water boarding, Fox News said.

Read more: Rutgers professors to Condi Rice: Go home, and take your speech with you - Washington Times
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If it were Hillary, cons would be having a hissy fit because of Benghazi. We really need to stop being so partisan about every little thing and show at least a little respect to those who have served publicly, even when we do not agree with them 100%.

since when do we care, we expect Hilary to be at that crap. The only one I was shocked by, was the president of Iran, that was wrong and disgusting on so many levels, yet because he was considered anti American (he doesn't have much else in common with our left) the left didn't say a peep and defended him speaking....but somehow Condi is worse? wow

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