Ruth Bator Ginsburg----The Dead Ringer


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Ruth Bator Ginsburg is dead.

They have her in a coffin in a freezer in a Butcher Shop near where she lived back when she was alive.

They have tied a string to her finger, and have run the string up through a hole in the coffin and attached it to a bell on top of the coffin.

When it is time for her to vote on a case, her clerks put on coats and go into the freezer and tell her about the case; and then they tell her how Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen are going to vote; and they tell her to ring the bell if she disagrees with them.

She never rings the bell.

Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses say that means she votes with Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen.

I say it means she is dead.

I can't prove this of course, but under the new No Due Process Rules of the New York Pravda Media and the Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses, I don't have to.

Just as those White Maga Hat Catholic Boys from Kentucky were guilty of Racism because they weren't satisfactorily deferential to the Crazy Old Liar Indian....just that way...just as Trump must be Impeached because some lying shitheads at BuzzFeed say he suborned Perjury....just so...Ruth Bator Ginsburg is DEAD....because I say so.

If she's still alive, its up to you Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses to trot her out and let America see that she is alive!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, how are your Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbass Comrades in Venezuela doing?

Ruth Bator Ginsburg is dead.

They have her in a coffin in a freezer in a Butcher Shop near where she lived back when she was alive.

They have tied a string to her finger, and have run the string up through a hole in the coffin and attached it to a bell on top of the coffin.

When it is time for her to vote on a case, her clerks put on coats and go into the freezer and tell her about the case; and then they tell her how Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen are going to vote; and they tell her to ring the bell if she disagrees with them.

She never rings the bell.

Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses say that means she votes with Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen.

I say it means she is dead.

I can't prove this of course, but under the new No Due Process Rules of the New York Pravda Media and the Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses, I don't have to.

Just as those White Maga Hat Catholic Boys from Kentucky were guilty of Racism because they weren't satisfactorily deferential to the Crazy Old Liar Indian....just that way...just as Trump must be Impeached because some lying shitheads at BuzzFeed say he suborned Perjury....just so...Ruth Bator Ginsburg is DEAD....because I say so.

If she's still alive, its up to you Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses to trot her out and let America see that she is alive!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, how are your Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbass Comrades in Venezuela doing?


Her name is Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Not funny IMHO.
If she isn't dead she sure is not capable of doing her job and so she should call it quits...if she really cares about the rule of law the founders gave us she would pull the pun intended....well maybe a little.....
Ruth Bator Ginsburg is dead.

They have her in a coffin in a freezer in a Butcher Shop near where she lived back when she was alive.

They have tied a string to her finger, and have run the string up through a hole in the coffin and attached it to a bell on top of the coffin.

When it is time for her to vote on a case, her clerks put on coats and go into the freezer and tell her about the case; and then they tell her how Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen are going to vote; and they tell her to ring the bell if she disagrees with them.

She never rings the bell.

Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses say that means she votes with Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen.

I say it means she is dead.

I can't prove this of course, but under the new No Due Process Rules of the New York Pravda Media and the Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses, I don't have to.

Just as those White Maga Hat Catholic Boys from Kentucky were guilty of Racism because they weren't satisfactorily deferential to the Crazy Old Liar Indian....just that way...just as Trump must be Impeached because some lying shitheads at BuzzFeed say he suborned Perjury....just so...Ruth Bator Ginsburg is DEAD....because I say so.

If she's still alive, its up to you Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses to trot her out and let America see that she is alive!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, how are your Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbass Comrades in Venezuela doing?


At least you posted in a fitting forum.
This is just pure vile indecency. You know better and choose not to be. Perfect USMB enmity troll that has learned from the best. POTUS.
Ruth Bator Ginsburg is dead.

They have her in a coffin in a freezer in a Butcher Shop near where she lived back when she was alive.

They have tied a string to her finger, and have run the string up through a hole in the coffin and attached it to a bell on top of the coffin.

When it is time for her to vote on a case, her clerks put on coats and go into the freezer and tell her about the case; and then they tell her how Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen are going to vote; and they tell her to ring the bell if she disagrees with them.

She never rings the bell.

Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses say that means she votes with Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen.

I say it means she is dead.

I can't prove this of course, but under the new No Due Process Rules of the New York Pravda Media and the Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses, I don't have to.

Just as those White Maga Hat Catholic Boys from Kentucky were guilty of Racism because they weren't satisfactorily deferential to the Crazy Old Liar Indian....just that way...just as Trump must be Impeached because some lying shitheads at BuzzFeed say he suborned Perjury....just so...Ruth Bator Ginsburg is DEAD....because I say so.

If she's still alive, its up to you Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses to trot her out and let America see that she is alive!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, how are your Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbass Comrades in Venezuela doing?


At least you posted in a fitting forum.
This is just pure vile indecency. You know better and choose not to be. Perfect USMB enmity troll that has learned from the best. POTUS.


You are actually right about some of this. There was some Wine involved in my post and that united with deep disgust at the behavior of Democrats/Marxists produced it.

I simply cannot believe how much my country has changed in the last 25 years or so. Another decade of the same and we will be Venezuela. The next Democrat President to get elected will be the most dangerous person in the history of this once great country. Likely won't affect me, but I have children and grandchildren. SAD!
Ruth Bator Ginsburg is dead.

They have her in a coffin in a freezer in a Butcher Shop near where she lived back when she was alive.

They have tied a string to her finger, and have run the string up through a hole in the coffin and attached it to a bell on top of the coffin.

When it is time for her to vote on a case, her clerks put on coats and go into the freezer and tell her about the case; and then they tell her how Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen are going to vote; and they tell her to ring the bell if she disagrees with them.

She never rings the bell.

Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses say that means she votes with Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen.

I say it means she is dead.

I can't prove this of course, but under the new No Due Process Rules of the New York Pravda Media and the Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses, I don't have to.

Just as those White Maga Hat Catholic Boys from Kentucky were guilty of Racism because they weren't satisfactorily deferential to the Crazy Old Liar Indian....just that way...just as Trump must be Impeached because some lying shitheads at BuzzFeed say he suborned Perjury....just so...Ruth Bator Ginsburg is DEAD....because I say so.

If she's still alive, its up to you Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses to trot her out and let America see that she is alive!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, how are your Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbass Comrades in Venezuela doing?


At least you posted in a fitting forum.
This is just pure vile indecency. You know better and choose not to be. Perfect USMB enmity troll that has learned from the best. POTUS.


You are actually right about some of this. There was some Wine involved in my post and that united with deep disgust at the behavior of Democrats/Marxists produced it.

I simply cannot believe how much my country has changed in the last 25 years or so. Another decade of the same and we will be Venezuela. The next Democrat President to get elected will be the most dangerous person in the history of this once great country. Likely won't affect me, but I have children and grandchildren. SAD!

"the most dangerous" has been in office for 2 years. It's our country, by the way.
Ruth Bator Ginsburg is dead.

They have her in a coffin in a freezer in a Butcher Shop near where she lived back when she was alive.

They have tied a string to her finger, and have run the string up through a hole in the coffin and attached it to a bell on top of the coffin.

When it is time for her to vote on a case, her clerks put on coats and go into the freezer and tell her about the case; and then they tell her how Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen are going to vote; and they tell her to ring the bell if she disagrees with them.

She never rings the bell.

Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses say that means she votes with Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagen.

I say it means she is dead.

I can't prove this of course, but under the new No Due Process Rules of the New York Pravda Media and the Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses, I don't have to.

Just as those White Maga Hat Catholic Boys from Kentucky were guilty of Racism because they weren't satisfactorily deferential to the Crazy Old Liar Indian....just that way...just as Trump must be Impeached because some lying shitheads at BuzzFeed say he suborned Perjury....just so...Ruth Bator Ginsburg is DEAD....because I say so.

If she's still alive, its up to you Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbasses to trot her out and let America see that she is alive!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, how are your Socialist/Democrat/Communist/Dumbass Comrades in Venezuela doing?


Meh, it wouldn’t be bad if Buzzy is dead. She hasn’t been doing cases, so she needs to be removed and replaced. That’s to important of a position to keep occupied with a person who at best is comatose. DNC. Red to get over the old cow and move on.

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