Ryan Continues To Prove He Could Not Lead A Blind Man Out Of A Closet - Healthcare Wreck Part II


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
GOP Losing Votes on Health Bill, Imperiling Its Chances

"House Republican leaders are on the brink of losing too many GOP votes to pass their health-care bill overturning much of the Affordable Care Act, potentially dashing hopes raised by the White House of a big legislative win this week.

At least 21 House Republicans have now said they oppose the latest version of the Republican plan to overhaul the health-care system, with an almost equal number publicly undecided on the bill. House GOP leaders can likely lose only 22 GOP votes to pass the bill, because it isn’t expected to receive any Democratic support."

If Democrats are smart they will get together and have just enough Democrats support whatever GOP plan is presented to get it passed, removing the health care disaster / 'albatross' from around their neck and wiping Obama's name off of it, officially making it the GOP's mess. Until something changes, Obama's name is still on the Bill that the Democrats rammed into law, which means it is still theirs and whatever happens with Obamacare is still all THEIRS.

The combination of Ryan and the GOP proving they can't govern / lead worth crap while also taking responsibility for passing (and ownership of) something that has the potential to be even worse than the ACA could potentially reverse their decline (1,000+ political elections lost and back-to-back historic record-setting election losses), returning them to power in Congress and the WH.
Didn't the GOP pass a repeal bill 61 times? Why don't they just pass that again?
GOP Losing Votes on Health Bill, Imperiling Its Chances

"House Republican leaders are on the brink of losing too many GOP votes to pass their health-care bill overturning much of the Affordable Care Act, potentially dashing hopes raised by the White House of a big legislative win this week.

At least 21 House Republicans have now said they oppose the latest version of the Republican plan to overhaul the health-care system, with an almost equal number publicly undecided on the bill. House GOP leaders can likely lose only 22 GOP votes to pass the bill, because it isn’t expected to receive any Democratic support."

If Democrats are smart they will get together and have just enough Democrats support whatever GOP plan is presented to get it passed, removing the health care disaster / 'albatross' from around their neck and wiping Obama's name off of it, officially making it the GOP's mess. Until something changes, Obama's name is still on the Bill that the Democrats rammed into law, which means it is still theirs and whatever happens with Obamacare is still all THEIRS.

The combination of Ryan and the GOP proving they can't govern / lead worth crap while also taking responsibility for passing (and ownership of) something that has the potential to be even worse than the ACA could potentially reverse their decline (1,000+ political elections lost and back-to-back historic record-setting election losses), returning them to power in Congress and the WH.

Oh no, it is trumpcare when a few unknown rules were past recently for the open enrollment for 2018. Nope it's all his.
Didn't the GOP pass a repeal bill 61 times? Why don't they just pass that again?
Every time the vote did not seriously matter they all voted for it. When it came time when they could have actually defunded it they refused to do so. When push comes to shove they show they are FOR it, or at least against REALLY repealing it...or at least Ryan and his fellow Washington Establishment GOP are against it. They / Ryan keeps sabotaging it.
Anyone who thinks Ryan is stupid/lazy/incompetent is off track.

Ryan is a deliberate saboteur here. The man doesn't care about anything except sticking his nose up the ass of this horrible life form....

The GOP's problem is, a better plan than Obamacare is not within the scope of Republican ideology.

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