Ryan could bring senior, female votes to GOP ticket despite Dem narrative.

Dumb, single white women like Sandra Fluke support Obama. Smart women know the truth. Yeah we all believe Fluke can't afford contraception.
" Smart women know the truth."

Good! At least one large voter segment will go with an alternative party!
Ryan has a grandmother who is getting medicare. obama ignored his grandmother (white woman) until she died and he needed her corpse for sympathy.

I'm sure that Ryan knows just how to truthfully present his plan to seniors.
Ryan has a grandmother who is getting medicare. obama ignored his grandmother (white woman) until she died and he needed her corpse for sympathy.

I'm sure that Ryan knows just how to truthfully present his plan to seniors.

But he got his drunken uncle off while squashing the deportation of his illegal aunt.
Who wrote the opinion piece for Fox? Typically, the author's name is attached to an opinion piece. :eusa_shhh: Strange.:confused:
why would they vote for him ?

they would have no good reason to

Yes....they would. And so would MANY young women. I work in an office with quite a lot of women. Some like me are getting close to retirement (3 to 5 years...hopefully!)...and not ONE of them had anything bad to say about Ryan. You see, some of us older women know the TRUTH when we hear it. We KNOW Medicare needs some work done on it, just like SS does, or it isn't going to be there for the younger people!

Ryan is working on fixing this problem....he's NOT working on getting rid of it!
And ya know what? I think you know this, but because your just a hack and love to argue, you will never admit it. So you go ahead and keep this up and we'll just keep laughing at your idiocy!
hahaha is right..

You gotta love faux news :)

if you like faux type things :)

So what you are saying is, last week when fox news put out a poll with Obama beating romney by 5% point that was also bullshit?
It does not matter whether you agree or not, Fox news is and has been the most honest and forthcoming news channel in the last 20 years, which is why the other news stations viewership has sunk to the pits recently. Just ask Madcow.
why would they vote for him ?

they would have no good reason to

There was no good reason to vote for a community organizer who never worked a day in his life in the private sector either, but you dumb fucks voted for him anyways.
The democrats are betting that women want to give up their lives to the care of the government. That's what Julia was all about. Whey Julia and not Julian? Because democrats believe that women will automatically reject self determination and look for government support instead. The government sets itself up as head pimp and all the women nothing but their whores.
The democrats are betting that women want to give up their lives to the care of the government. That's what Julia was all about. Whey Julia and not Julian? Because democrats believe that women will automatically reject self determination and look for government support instead. The government sets itself up as head pimp and all the women nothing but their whores.

The left is thinking in the way that everybody wants government is premature. They should have waited another 20 years or so when they expanded the welfare state to the point where they could actually get away with doing that. Nobody is fooled by this shit right now, and it will show in November.
hahaha is right..

You gotta love faux news :)

if you like faux type things :)

So what you are saying is, last week when fox news put out a poll with Obama beating romney by 5% point that was also bullshit?
It does not matter whether you agree or not, Fox news is and has been the most honest and forthcoming news channel in the last 20 years, which is why the other news stations viewership has sunk to the pits recently. Just ask Madcow.

Who the hell knows with Faux news.

But one thing I do know for sure is that they consistently mis quote politicians.
And when there is a big story on one of the right wingers, they typically dont print it.or have a small link to it.

Because they play what they want you to see.

Just search youtube for plently of examples! You'll find more on them then any other news station.

hmm i wonder why?

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