Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe

Ryan, the nation's most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney's presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.

Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign's talking points.

"We will not duck the tough issues," Ryan said Friday in Virginia. "We will lead."

But Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions from reporters who travel with him, and to agree only to a few carefully selected interviews. He is known for sketching budget graphs on napkins to explain his ideas, but this past week it was Romney who used a white board during a news conference to help detail his own plan — one he says is virtually identical to Ryan's.

Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe - Yahoo! News
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When was the last time 0bama took questions from the press?
Personally, i would advise him to stay away from all Democrat Media Outlets. I realize that doesn't leave him with many Media Outlets to appear on, but it really is for the best. CNN,NBC,CBS,NPR,NY Times, and many others clearly have an 'Elect Democrat' agenda. It serves him no purpose to engage those Media Outlets. And it really is a shame they're forcing more Democrat Moderators on them in the Debates. It's a terrible injustice to Romney and Ryan. I would advise him not to be a willing accomplice in his own demise. But hey, that's just my take anyway.
When was the last time 0bama took questions from the press?

If you're asking about the White House Press, it's been over eight weeks. (as opposed to fluff rags like People mag and local radio) Add to that the fact that Joe Biden has been sent back to Delaware to be pretty much under house arrest and the picture is pretty clear.

They've got a bit of time to make sure that all the GOP elections are singing a similar tune. Ryan is still in consultation in all likelihood. S.Palin was one to ignore this type of advise at the expense of the entire GOP political effort the last big cycle. He'll talk, but it will be well measured and timed, hopefully.
Don't feed the Trolls. That would be my advice for both Romney & Ryan. The Democrat-dominated MSM only wants to destroy them and get their Dear Leader reelected. It's completely unnecessary and unwise to help them do that. It is what it is.
Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe

Ryan, the nation's most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney's presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.

Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign's talking points.

"We will not duck the tough issues," Ryan said Friday in Virginia. "We will lead."

But Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions from reporters who travel with him, and to agree only to a few carefully selected interviews. He is known for sketching budget graphs on napkins to explain his ideas, but this past week it was Romney who used a white board during a news conference to help detail his own plan — one he says is virtually identical to Ryan's.

Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe - Yahoo! News

Ryan said he would not avoid tough issues.

Babbling away to the idiot press has nothing to do with solving tough issues.

I realize this is a unique prospective in the Obama Camp.
Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe

Ryan, the nation's most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney's presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.

Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign's talking points.

"We will not duck the tough issues," Ryan said Friday in Virginia. "We will lead."

But Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions from reporters who travel with him, and to agree only to a few carefully selected interviews. He is known for sketching budget graphs on napkins to explain his ideas, but this past week it was Romney who used a white board during a news conference to help detail his own plan — one he says is virtually identical to Ryan's.

Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe - Yahoo! News

Ryan said he would not avoid tough issues.

Babbling away to the idiot press has nothing to do with solving tough issues.

I realize this is a unique prospective in the Obama Camp.

I read that story. It was written by a whiny Libtard reported assigned by AP to follow him around the Nation. He is just pissed that Ryan won't give him what he wants.

Ryan said he would not avoid tough issues.

Babbling away to the idiot press has nothing to do with solving tough issues.

I realize this is a unique prospective in the Obama Camp.

I read that story. It was written by a whiny Libtard reported assigned by AP to follow him around the Nation. He is just pissed that Ryan won't give him what he wants.

Bingo! :clap2:
The left is petrified about the upcoming debates. This administration has made it clear that their strategy is to defect attention from the failed policies of the last three years, and instead focus on a absurdly negative campaign of demonetization and fear.

Biden is going to be obliterated in the debates, and as for the president himself well he isn't going to have a teleprompter or a record he can point to.

Ryan said he would not avoid tough issues.

Babbling away to the idiot press has nothing to do with solving tough issues.

I realize this is a unique prospective in the Obama Camp.

I read that story. It was written by a whiny Libtard reported assigned by AP to follow him around the Nation. He is just pissed that Ryan won't give him what he wants.


Is there a whiny Libtard NOT assigned to follow Ryan?
Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe

Ryan, the nation's most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney's presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.

Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign's talking points.

"We will not duck the tough issues," Ryan said Friday in Virginia. "We will lead."

But Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions from reporters who travel with him, and to agree only to a few carefully selected interviews. He is known for sketching budget graphs on napkins to explain his ideas, but this past week it was Romney who used a white board during a news conference to help detail his own plan — one he says is virtually identical to Ryan's.

Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe - Yahoo! News

Ryan said he would not avoid tough issues.

Babbling away to the idiot press has nothing to do with solving tough issues.

I realize this is a unique prospective in the Obama Camp.


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