Ryan Plans to Phase Out Medicare in 2017

Looks like you shot yourselves in the foot you trumpbot cracka geezers , next they will put you ss in the stock market and watch it disappear during another down turn

Paul Ryan has been pushing to phase out Medicare and replace it with private insurance for several years. But now it's real with unified Republican government. He just said he will try to rush it through early next year while repealing Obamacare.

Below is a transcript of what Ryan said on Fox's Special Report, along with a flat out false statement suggesting that Obamacare has weakened Medicare's finances.

Ryan Plans to Phase Out Medicare in 2017

Poor poor guano. I hope you take a nice long nap and wake refreshed.

Paul Ryan is a ahole and needs to be kicked out of congress. If Trump goes along with this , well this is just unreal.

Hey Penelope, how'd the election work out for you ? :2up:

I was actually sick for the last several days, but now its time to get busy. Working in healthcare for years, I hope the bas...ards in congress, know that we pay their health insurance , pension and wages. I feel sick so many will be kicked off of healthcare, and just spit on.

Hows it working for you?
You people do realize that Medicare isn't free right? My parents are now retired and they are on Medicare and they have to pay a couple hundred dollars a month in premiums for it

Yes they have been paying in for years, pay premiums , co pays , deducts and premiums. Lets not talk about medications costs. Then there is medigap which helps pay those co pays, but that has gone up in our state.
Looks like you shot yourselves in the foot you cracka geezer rubes , next they will put you ss in the stock market and watch it disappear during another down turn

Paul Ryan has been pushing to phase out Medicare and replace it with private insurance for several years. But now it's real with unified Republican government. He just said he will try to rush it through early next year while repealing Obamacare.

Below is a transcript of what Ryan said on Fox's Special Report, along with a flat out false statement suggesting that Obamacare has weakened Medicare's finances.

Ryan Plans to Phase Out Medicare in 2017
You got parents that are alive? If so, they're geezers and probably drawing social security. Hope you're rich enough to take care of them in their old age. That goes for others who wanted Trump. I couldn't stomach voting for either of them, but the weakest members of society are the ones that must be cared for. If you're not willing to, then propose legislation to euthanize the elderly, handicapped and mentally-challenged.

Hey we had to help our my husbands parents who were on SS and Medicare (mine passed early in life) and they could not make it then on their fixed income. Trumps said he would not mess with SS and Medicare, but SS has got mim wage increases in years, while the Congress voted themselves in a raise.

then propose legislation to euthanize the elderly, handicapped and mentally-challenged

Well from what I hear from the Pubs, they would love that. Your also crazy to even suggest something like that.
Looks like you shot yourselves in the foot you cracka geezer rubes , next they will put you ss in the stock market and watch it disappear during another down turn

Paul Ryan has been pushing to phase out Medicare and replace it with private insurance for several years. But now it's real with unified Republican government. He just said he will try to rush it through early next year while repealing Obamacare.

Below is a transcript of what Ryan said on Fox's Special Report, along with a flat out false statement suggesting that Obamacare has weakened Medicare's finances.

Ryan Plans to Phase Out Medicare in 2017
You got parents that are alive? If so, they're geezers and probably drawing social security. Hope you're rich enough to take care of them in their old age. That goes for others who wanted Trump. I couldn't stomach voting for either of them, but the weakest members of society are the ones that must be cared for. If you're not willing to, then propose legislation to euthanize the elderly, handicapped and mentally-challenged.

Hey we had to help our my husbands parents who were on SS and Medicare (mine passed early in life) and they could not make it then on their fixed income. Trumps said he would not mess with SS and Medicare, but SS has got mim wage increases in years, while the Congress voted themselves in a raise.

then propose legislation to euthanize the elderly, handicapped and mentally-challenged

Well from what I hear from the Pubs, they would love that. Your also crazy to even suggest something like that.
I'm being "sarcastic' you douche.

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