Biden, in a Push to Phase Out Gas Cars, to Tighten Pollution Rules

You really are a bitter old man. You exhibit all the signs of someone suffering from thanatophobia. Learn to relax and try not to take yourself so seriously
Won’t announce your age? Got it! :rolleyes-41:
Biden has gotta do what he can while he still has any semblance of a memory and the House.
Once they are gone, so is his Marxist Society
Not only that, but the alleged newspaper journalists are concealing the fact that electric companies will be using record-breaking amounts of fossil fuels to provide electricity for the electric cars. America will deplete its oil, gas and coal twice as fast as at present, and instead of having a thousand species of wild birds, the songbirds, eagles, peafowls, and even the waste-removing vultures will not be here due to windmill farms and clean water obstruction as the greed for electricity for machinery peaks mankind into quadrupling electricity from running water and windfarms eliminating all raptors from the face of this planet. Biden and the Democrats are literally headed for playing with fire, and the earth as we know it will correct the assault mankind will put on natural resources worldwide.

I don't trust AOC who is even more harebrained than All Gore who got his lectures thrown out of Europe with a vengeance of note disgust than this harebrained schema of inflicting what amounts to a scalping worse than middlemen in the energy production business.

Think of this planet of being dead like Mars in about two generations of fatcats raising fossil fuel usage by about 200% in 5 years.

This electric car shit will burn out the earth in no time flat.
Of course Biden has to do what Xi orders him to do because he owns Biden. China practically has a monopoly on lithium and cobalt.
There's a cure for that but our arrogant Supreme Court isn' t willing to call in the crimes of the FBI turning over personal files of all justice department persons, not to mention the sitting ducks all Republican House reps and Senators who didn't lay back for the screwing the Clinton's did to achieve the Alinsky power grab Hillary planned against America to give her supporters more power than the founders had when they planned a power structure including all free men.
In the continuing run-up to the electric future:

President Biden on Thursday will roll out a two-step strategy that uses tailpipe regulations to try to rapidly shift Americans from gasoline-powered cars and trucks toward electric vehicles — a central part of his plan to cut pollution that is heating the planet.
Mr. Biden plans to first restore and slightly strengthen auto mileage standards to the levels that existed under President Barack Obama but were weakened during the Trump administration. Next, his administration will draft a set of even more stringent auto pollution rules for both passenger vehicles and heavy-duty trucks that are designed to ramp up sales of electric vehicles.

“When I say electric vehicles are the future, I’m not joking,” Mr. Biden wrote in a tweet on Wednesday evening. “Tune in for big news tomorrow.”
He will also sign an executive order that sets a target that half of all vehicles sold in the United States be powered by batteries, fuel cells or be hybrid electric by 2030.
In a signal of industry support, the president will be flanked by the chief executives of the nation’s three largest automakers as well as the head of the United Auto Workers. The automakers will pledge that 40 to 50 percent of their new car sales will be electric vehicles by 2030, up from just 2 percent this year — on the condition that Congress passes a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that calls for $7.5 billion for a national network of electric vehicle charging stations.
That goal faces several challenges.
Experts say it will not be possible for electric vehicles to go from niche to mainstream without making electric charging stations as ubiquitous as the corner gas station is today. And while labor leaders will attend the White House event, they remain concerned about a wholesale shift to electric vehicles, which require fewer workers to assemble.
But without a radical change to the type of vehicles Americans drive, it will be impossible for Mr. Biden to meet his ambitious pledge to cut planet-warming emissions by 50 percent from 2005 levels by the end of this decade. Gasoline-powered cars and trucks are the largest single source of greenhouse gases produced in the United States, accounting for 28 percent of the nation’s total carbon emissions.

This will start a civil war.

Or it will never happen.
Biden has gotta do what he can while he still has any semblance of a memory and the House.
Once they are gone, so is his Marxist Society
After looking at all of biden's agenda one can only come to one conclusion. Fuck that idiot.
Not everyone is on the EV bandwagon
download (18).png

The EV Mustang looks like a sick joke.
Not only that, but the alleged newspaper journalists are concealing the fact that electric companies will be using record-breaking amounts of fossil fuels to provide electricity for the electric cars. America will deplete its oil, gas and coal twice as fast as at present, and instead of having a thousand species of wild birds, the songbirds, eagles, peafowls, and even the waste-removing vultures will not be here due to windmill farms and clean water obstruction as the greed for electricity for machinery peaks mankind into quadrupling electricity from running water and windfarms eliminating all raptors from the face of this planet. Biden and the Democrats are literally headed for playing with fire, and the earth as we know it will correct the assault mankind will put on natural resources worldwide.

I don't trust AOC who is even more harebrained than All Gore who got his lectures thrown out of Europe with a vengeance of note disgust than this harebrained schema of inflicting what amounts to a scalping worse than middlemen in the energy production business.

Think of this planet of being dead like Mars in about two generations of fatcats raising fossil fuel usage by about 200% in 5 years.

This electric car shit will burn out the earth in no time flat.

My neighbor got a Tesla last year and his electric bill went up 110 dollars for just one electric vehicle. That's a shitload of power going into his house. Imagine if everyone had an electric car, woo boy that's a lot of additional electrons flowing through power lines.

Then you'd need public charging stations and add even more electric on top of what people at home use.

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