Ryan (R) budget may save Dems in mid-term elections

The document promises to balance the federal budget by 2023 (with help from revenue gleaned from provisions in the Affordable Care Act it seeks to undo, curiously) and lower tax rates, even for the wealthy.

Obviously Ryan didn’t bother to read his own legislation before proposing it.

And it’s republicans who should be the most angry at Ryan, as this clearly indicates he’s not serious about ‘deficit reduction.’
Well let's increase the $200,000 tax break to $2,000,000. Get rid of SS altogether along with Medicare. Also let's make it illegal for any employer to provide health insurance along with increasing hours for less pay. That's even a better budget.
The document promises to balance the federal budget by 2023 (with help from revenue gleaned from provisions in the Affordable Care Act it seeks to undo, curiously) and lower tax rates, even for the wealthy.

Obviously Ryan didn’t bother to read his own legislation before proposing it.

And it’s republicans who should be the most angry at Ryan, as this clearly indicates he’s not serious about ‘deficit reduction.’

yep, his plan uses savings achieved through Obamacare to reach his goal lol.
Ryan budget offers Democrats a life raft for midterm messaging
Ryan’s budget, his last before his term ends as head of the Budget Committee, would slash about $5 trillion in federal spending over 10 years, repeal the Affordable Care Act and reduce spending on domestic programs — including nutrition and education — to their lowest levels in relation to GDP in more than 60 years. The document promises to balance the federal budget by 2023 (with help from revenue gleaned from provisions in the Affordable Care Act it seeks to undo, curiously) and lower tax rates, even for the wealthy.


No thanks..no sense arguing with idiots.
The document promises to balance the federal budget by 2023 (with help from revenue gleaned from provisions in the Affordable Care Act it seeks to undo, curiously) and lower tax rates, even for the wealthy.

Obviously Ryan didn’t bother to read his own legislation before proposing it.

And it’s republicans who should be the most angry at Ryan, as this clearly indicates he’s not serious about ‘deficit reduction.’

What is the Democrat proposal to reduce the deficit?
you people are so shallow you even use our budgets to crow it's a win for Democrats

it must have some cuts in it so we know we frekken can't have that....WE ALL suffer when this country is suffering so as the Dear leader say, EVERYONE needs to have skin in the game

but a lot of us have taken a pay cuts at one time or another.....but them pooor pooor people can't tighten their belts,JUST US TAXPAYERS I guess

yahoo might as well of released that as a DNC press release

what these politicans have to done to welfare where it USED to be for people with children...Now you let everyone and anyone sign up for...and there used to be 5 years timelimit on it....well guess what, that is gone to

the only way you Democrats knows how to win is the fear mongering,

Consider yourself divided and conquered, Pub dupe. Way to blame the poor lol- is that code for minorities lol?. Dems just say look at history and the POLICIES your heroes are for- that have wrecked the non-rich and the country...READ SOMETHING from a neutral source...see sig.:eusa_whistle:

you no what dupe for all liberal causes no matter it will bankrupt in the end...
I was poor and I worked my way out of it even it meant cleaning other peoples toilets...so don't give this poor poor pitiful the "poor" are helpless and you save them all, WITH TAXPAYERS MONEY and then beat you chest how only you CARE FOR POOR...You do to them what have you have to blacks, enslaved them to a party with by giving a check, house them in war zones and then hardly ever think of them until you use them
Sure, and what is appealing about $1.5 trillion in tax hikes exactly? Stop deluding yourself.

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