Ryan Tax Plan would have lowered Romney's 2010 taxes to 1%

Exactly, think about it first you get taxed on your income. Then you invest in a corporation. Then customers buy products from those corporations paying taxes. Then that corporation is taxed on it’s income. Then that corporation pays out dividends to you for the stock you bought. Then you pay taxes on those dividends. Then you sell those stocks then you have to pay taxes on those. Then you buy something and you have to pay taxes on that. Then you pay your cell phone bill and pay taxes on that and every other utility bill as well. Imagine how it never ends. Let’s change it to only allow sales tax and that is it.
Better yet, how about corporate taxes and that's it?

Sure we could do that. At the end everybody else ends up paying for it anyways. They just raise their prices for their goods. It just makes it easier for the government to hide how much they are sucking out of you.
Or corporations will compete with each other on just how much of the tax they pass on to the consumer. Also, since the corporate lobbies control the government, if government waste starts to cost them money they will not allow their political puppets to spend THEIR money frivolously, giving us the smaller more efficient government the Right always talks about but never produces. As long as the puppet masters are not hurt by high taxes they will not care how wasteful government spending is.
If the poor and middle class buy more than the rich, then they are not poor or middle class.

They spend a larger share of their income on consumer goods, thus their effective rate of taxation would be higher. its a regressive tax that you favor.

It is a fair tax. We just will eliminate it for food. That is what they should be spending most of their income on yes?

Shithead, is there a virus going around that kills brain cells? It looks like you're in the advanced stages of such an infection.

There's nothing fair or practical about taxing the poor at a higher percentage than the rich.
gee what a surprise, NOT!
When the shoe is on the other foot suddenly it doesn't sound so good! :badgrin:

What are you talking about? The only money I make in dividends is my 401k. I work a regular job and I'm not rich. But I don’t have this insane obsession with them either. I’m fine with my life and the things I have. I don’t need to steal from the rich to pay for my things. I pay for my own things.
If you are a wage earner, which I highly doubt, more likely you are a welfare queen, then the rich are stealing from you as sure as your claim that wage earners are stealing from the rich by the wage earners paying the bulk of the taxes. :cuckoo:

I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?
They spend a larger share of their income on consumer goods, thus their effective rate of taxation would be higher. its a regressive tax that you favor.

It is a fair tax. We just will eliminate it for food. That is what they should be spending most of their income on yes?

Shithead, is there a virus going around that kills brain cells? It looks like you're in the advanced stages of such an infection.

There's nothing fair or practical about taxing the poor at a higher percentage than the rich.

Again what are the poor doing buying much other than food? They are supposed to be poor. You know the upper middle class in China makes 7000 a year. Our poor make double that a year.
What are you talking about? The only money I make in dividends is my 401k. I work a regular job and I'm not rich. But I don’t have this insane obsession with them either. I’m fine with my life and the things I have. I don’t need to steal from the rich to pay for my things. I pay for my own things.
If you are a wage earner, which I highly doubt, more likely you are a welfare queen, then the rich are stealing from you as sure as your claim that wage earners are stealing from the rich by the wage earners paying the bulk of the taxes. :cuckoo:

I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?
further proof you've never had a job in your life. Everyone I ever worked for assured me that they were poor.
Better yet, how about corporate taxes and that's it?

Sure we could do that. At the end everybody else ends up paying for it anyways. They just raise their prices for their goods. It just makes it easier for the government to hide how much they are sucking out of you.
Or corporations will compete with each other on just how much of the tax they pass on to the consumer. Also, since the corporate lobbies control the government, if government waste starts to cost them money they will not allow their political puppets to spend THEIR money frivolously, giving us the smaller more efficient government the Right always talks about but never produces. As long as the puppet masters are not hurt by high taxes they will not care how wasteful government spending is.

They still won’t care because they will just pass the cost to us. We are the ones that suffer the higher taxes not the rich. All these higher taxes and more regulation kill the little guys not the big guys. When trying to improve your business any consultant company worth their salt will tell you to try and work on your strengths because it will make your company stronger. If you work on your weaker parts, then it will just make your company weaker. You make call it the trickle down and say it doesn’t work. But look around you. The US is by far better off than any other country and this country is the only one to use trickle down. Now other countries are starting to do it because they have learned and we are trying to run in the opposite direction. The rest of the world is probably thinking about how stupid we are. They all want what we have and we want what they have.
Maybe not but it is described everything is just a growth to the next phase. Phases grow through Liberalism to Socialism then Socialism to Communism. It is an evolution thing. We are trying to now take larger steps I would much rather step backwards. As far as the wealthy goes there needs to be a line. We should want all the wealthy we can get to want to come to the United States to spread that wealth. It is not the wealth that is here it is instead trying to get the wealth here. We should tax the wealthy but not paint them as the enemy. We should try to have laws to help the poor and middle class but within reason. We have passed that reason. We should not be taxing anybody as much as we are taxing. One person said 35%. 35% is astronomical. That is just crazy and that is just Federal tax not even include local, county, or state tax. Add those in and we are talking somewhere around 50%. That is just crazy and rich people eventually will start to look around for new places to call home. We should have a flat tax of 30% on all money made in a year. That should be it for all taxes. We need to only work at the local level. A person being taxed by federal, state, county, then city is like prey to sharks. I could also get behind a sales tax but I would do either one.

You mistake me sir.

While I would not perhaps be in favor of a completely "flat tax", I would in fact be in favor of a "flatter" tax.

If you eliminate all loopholes, and eliminate all sales tax, and include all income (including capital gains), and then eliminate the cap on payroll taxes, I would support a significant reduction in the top bracket rates.

And I would also support significant reductions in the Corporate tax, if the cap gains rate was raised.
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If you are a wage earner, which I highly doubt, more likely you are a welfare queen, then the rich are stealing from you as sure as your claim that wage earners are stealing from the rich by the wage earners paying the bulk of the taxes. :cuckoo:

I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?
further proof you've never had a job in your life. Everyone I ever worked for assured me that they were poor.

So you worked for a poor person. How in the world did they pay you? Did they pay you in food stamps?
Maybe not but it is described everything is just a growth to the next phase. Phases grow through Liberalism to Socialism then Socialism to Communism. It is an evolution thing. We are trying to now take larger steps I would much rather step backwards. As far as the wealthy goes there needs to be a line. We should want all the wealthy we can get to want to come to the United States to spread that wealth. It is not the wealth that is here it is instead trying to get the wealth here. We should tax the wealthy but not paint them as the enemy. We should try to have laws to help the poor and middle class but within reason. We have passed that reason. We should not be taxing anybody as much as we are taxing. One person said 35%. 35% is astronomical. That is just crazy and that is just Federal tax not even include local, county, or state tax. Add those in and we are talking somewhere around 50%. That is just crazy and rich people eventually will start to look around for new places to call home. We should have a flat tax of 30% on all money made in a year. That should be it for all taxes. We need to only work at the local level. A person being taxed by federal, state, county, then city is like prey to sharks. I could also get behind a sales tax but I would do either one.

You mistake me sir.

While I would not perhaps be in favor of a completely "flat tax", I would in fact be in favor of a "flatter" tax.

If you eliminate all loopholes, and eliminate all sales tax, and include all income (including capital gains), and then eliminate the cap on payroll taxes, I would support a significant reduction in the top bracket rates.

And I would also support significant reductions in the Corporate tax, if the cap gains rate was raised.

They you still in actuality support unequal treatment based on subjective criteria... levels would continue to be fought over.. and it would go right back to the mess we have now
You mistake me sir.

While I would not perhaps be in favor of a completely "flat tax", I would in fact be in favor of a "flatter" tax.

If you eliminate all loopholes, and eliminate all sales tax, and include all income (including capital gains), and then eliminate the cap on payroll taxes, I would support a significant reduction in the top bracket rates.

And I would also support significant reductions in the Corporate tax, if the cap gains rate was raised.

They you still in actuality support unequal treatment based on subjective criteria... levels would continue to be fought over.. and it would go right back to the mess we have now

Perhaps, but I'm certainly not the "socialist" the prior poster painted me as.
Republicans pretend to care about deficits until there is talk of raising taxes. Then suddenly deficits aren't that big of a deal.
I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?
further proof you've never had a job in your life. Everyone I ever worked for assured me that they were poor.

So you worked for a poor person. How in the world did they pay you? Did they pay you in food stamps?
Why do you think everyone is a welfare queen like you? The small businessmen I have worked for paid me out of the income their small businesses took in. 97% of small businessmen are not rich.
Republicans pretend to care about deficits until there is talk of raising taxes. Then suddenly deficits aren't that big of a deal.

That is because you are only talking about raising taxes for the rich. If we want to keep spending the way we are, we have to widen the base and everyone has to pay their fair share. If we abuse the rich, the rich will eventually leave taking their money with them to another country that will welcome them with open arms. Heck Canada is already advertising a low corporate rate.
Republicans pretend to care about deficits until there is talk of raising taxes. Then suddenly deficits aren't that big of a deal.

Then I guess you can say that liberals talk about deficits until there is talk of reducing spending and them having to also pay instead of just 'the rich'
I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?

you speak as if the rich are doing you a favor.
I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do.

Who the f- are you? A homeless bum? A welfare queen? An Afro? I guarantee you, ignoramus, that the middle-class pays more taxes than the rich. If you were in the middle class, about 25% of your earnings are going to the federal government. But, there's probably no such thing as a billionaire paying even 15% of his income to the federal government.

The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?

The rich also hold your leash.

I don't want to kill the rich. I just want them taxed in a just and practical manner.
further proof you've never had a job in your life. Everyone I ever worked for assured me that they were poor.

So you worked for a poor person. How in the world did they pay you? Did they pay you in food stamps?
Why do you think everyone is a welfare queen like you? The small businessmen I have worked for paid me out of the income their small businesses took in. 97% of small businessmen are not rich.

They may fall under the middle class. But none of them fall under the poor. Most business owners are in the top 10% of wage earners of this country.

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