Ryan Tax Plan would have lowered Romney's 2010 taxes to 1%

I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?

you speak as if the rich are doing you a favor.

They are doing us all a favor. Look at countries that do not have the rich. I can guarantee you they would rather be here with the rich.
I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do.

Who the f- are you? A homeless bum? A welfare queen? An Afro? I guarantee you, ignoramus, that the middle-class pays more taxes than the rich. If you were in the middle class, about 25% of your earnings are going to the federal government. But, there's probably no such thing as a billionaire paying even 15% of his income to the federal government.

The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?

The rich also hold your leash.

I don't want to kill the rich. I just want them taxed in a just and practical manner.

Minimum National Average Tax Paid
Income Level
32,396 Top 50%: 12.50%
66,193 Top 25% 14.68%
112,124 Top 10% 18.05%
154,643 Top 5% 20.46%
343,927 Top 1% 24.01%

That is Federal only by the way.
They are doing us all a favor. Look at countries that do not have the rich. I can guarantee you they would rather be here with the rich.

There are two things that are infinite, the universe and miami_thomas's ignorance, and I'm not sure about the former.

EVERY COUNTRY HAS THE RICH. The richest man in the world is a Mexican in Mexico. The historic difference between America and the 3rd-world is that America has gone further in not giving the rich special treatment.
I can guarantee you the rich pay far more in taxes then I do. The rich provide me with a job and pay my wages, insurance, and match on my 401k. I have never had a poor person or middle class person hire me. How exactly are the rich stilling from the poor? What are they stilling labor?

you speak as if the rich are doing you a favor.

They are doing us all a favor.

Oh my!:clap2::lol:

Does your tongue get dry from licking those boots, or do you keep some water close at all times?
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Minimum National Average Tax Paid
Income Level
32,396 Top 50%: 12.50%
66,193 Top 25% 14.68%
112,124 Top 10% 18.05%
154,643 Top 5% 20.46%
343,927 Top 1% 24.01%

That is Federal only by the way.

Please provide a link.

There is no way of gauging the accuracy of this post, or of of knowing whether the source included capital gains income at all, without a link.
As opposed to saddling the entire nation with trillion dollar deficits?

We've already got that, you could CONFISCATE ALL of the money from the rich and not make a dent in the debt.....IT'S THE SPENDING!!!

The rich make the laws. If they had to pay their fair share of taxes, that would put a small tend in the debt. But, it would also encourage them to reduce government SPENDING.
Pulling shit out of your hairy ass again bitch!
Prove what you say.
Note: 13% for safety net
Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
But of course we know where you get all of your info. Right!
Wait. Need some more proof bitch!

"ou heard it here, folks. Sniperfire believes the middle class should face a tax hike."

But I thought the gop is for less taxes. Ok, only for some.

If the middle class are going to consume ENORMOUS increases in Federal spending, then they should pony up more of the burden.

Agree, disagree, or are you just another Libtard lacky who wants the other guy to pay for everything?
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Republicans pretend to care about deficits until there is talk of raising taxes. Then suddenly deficits aren't that big of a deal.

That is because you are only talking about raising taxes for the rich. If we want to keep spending the way we are, we have to widen the base and everyone has to pay their fair share. If we abuse the rich, the rich will eventually leave taking their money with them to another country that will welcome them with open arms. Heck Canada is already advertising a low corporate rate.

No matter what it is...Deficits do not matter when the choice is raising taxes. You can pretend that deficits are sooooo important but if they were all options would be on the table.

That bullshit about the rich leaving assumes that the Rich will leave all their friends, family, hometown and America all for 3% more in taxes. Thats simply ludicrous...they're not carpet baggers.
No matter what it is...Deficits do not matter when the choice is raising taxes. You can pretend that deficits are sooooo important but if they were all options would be on the table.

That bullshit about the rich leaving assumes that the Rich will leave all their friends, family, hometown and America all for 3% more in taxes. Thats simply ludicrous...they're not carpet baggers.

Not to mention the fact that if they leave in favor of a nation that doesn't have taxes, that nation will in all probability be a shit-hole of epic proportions.
Oh BULLSHIT! By that moronic "logic" every dollar is multiple taxed. With the exception of when the dollar is first printed, it is taxed every time it changes hands so wages are taxed an infinite number of times.

Exactly, think about it first you get taxed on your income. Then you invest in a corporation. Then customers buy products from those corporations paying taxes. Then that corporation is taxed on it’s income. Then that corporation pays out dividends to you for the stock you bought. Then you pay taxes on those dividends. Then you sell those stocks then you have to pay taxes on those. Then you buy something and you have to pay taxes on that. Then you pay your cell phone bill and pay taxes on that and every other utility bill as well. Imagine how it never ends. Let’s change it to only allow sales tax and that is it.
Better yet, how about corporate taxes and that's it?

Corporate taxes are pass through taxes. The tax is passed on to the consumer, and it would only affect the poor who would see a rise in cost of everything.
Yet others pay nowhere near 35% on their whatever forms of income?? No... You want a 35% tax rate, make it across the board... but funny how you would suddenly have people complaining about high tax rates because of the amount the government is spending...

You all still want higher taxes, as long as you don't have to pay them

You want to lower the top bracket income taxes?

That's a completely different argument.

My argument is that there is NO REASON why investment income should be treated any differently than income derived from labor.

My income investments came from income derived from my labor and that was already taxed.
Yet others pay nowhere near 35% on their whatever forms of income?? No... You want a 35% tax rate, make it across the board... but funny how you would suddenly have people complaining about high tax rates because of the amount the government is spending...

You all still want higher taxes, as long as you don't have to pay them

You want to lower the top bracket income taxes?

That's a completely different argument.

My argument is that there is NO REASON why investment income should be treated any differently than income derived from labor.

I do not disagree with having ALL income treated the same.. every last dollar of it without exception...

And if it is necessary to currently have a 35% tax rate, as long as it is equal across the board on every dollar earned.. so be it... but mark my words, it gets that way, and THEN you would suddenly have the low wage earners complaining about high taxes and how much the government spends... because now, they do not do that, because they do not have a stake in the game at all that comes out of their pocket

The key is the flat tax AND having it without exception, deduction, loophole, etc... so you don't get these class warfare arguments of this rich person deducted amount X or earned only THIS income type so they paid less than their plumber or whatever... it eliminates all that bullshit, which government uses to play against us in our current system

The flat tax starts out flat and then along come the exceptions and it ends up being anything but a flat tax. I am for eliminating ALL federal taxes, ALL of them, and replacing them with the Fair Tax that is a consumption sales tax.
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I love watching old, fat, white men who make or live off about $50K a year spend their days arguing in favor of lower taxes on billionaires.

It is just so god damn funny, like watching a chicken argue on behalf of united foxes of america...

stupid bigots
Minimum National Average Tax Paid
Income Level
32,396 Top 50%: 12.50%
66,193 Top 25% 14.68%
112,124 Top 10% 18.05%
154,643 Top 5% 20.46%
343,927 Top 1% 24.01%

That is Federal only by the way.

Thank you for your half-truths, you ignorant f-.

Left off of that is the 15.3% payroll taxes paid by the middle-class and the poor, but not the rich. That alone puts the "top 50%" over the "top 1%".

Another factor, which you're too stupid to understand, let alone appreciate, is that the rich under-report their income, thus inflating the apparent percent paid in taxes. For example, the rich have their companies directly pay many of their expenses, and so that doesn't show up as income on their tax returns. But, for the middle class, any expenses their employer pays for is reported as income.

The rich also pay fewer dollars in taxes than they report on their tax return. For example, the rich have domestic employees of which they "pay half" of their payroll taxes. Even though their poor employees are really paying this tax, the rich get the credit.
No matter what it is...Deficits do not matter when the choice is raising taxes. You can pretend that deficits are sooooo important but if they were all options would be on the table.

That bullshit about the rich leaving assumes that the Rich will leave all their friends, family, hometown and America all for 3% more in taxes. Thats simply ludicrous...they're not carpet baggers.

Not to mention the fact that if they leave in favor of a nation that doesn't have taxes, that nation will in all probability be a shit-hole of epic proportions.

you see. To Small is the kind of person that has no backbone. He would let the rich spoon feed him shit and any cost.
Just the kind of guy the rich fucks want . Someone to kiss their ass and lick it clean after. Then tell them, you have been well compensated . LOL
Talk about a loser.

Oh my!:clap2::lol:

Does your tongue get dry from licking those boots, or do you keep some water close at all times?

What poor man do you work for?

Myself! Oh, and a public institution on the side.

So tell me, do you think the rich guy who employs you is doing you a favor?
Since I haven't read every single post I'll just ask,

was there even ONE conservative here who posted who simply said

a tax policy that would let a man of Mitt Romney's means and income pay ONE PERCENT on his federal taxes


One? Any? How many?

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