Ryan VP nomination could be a game-changer


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Either it will blow up in Romneys face, or surge-him past Obama into the WH.

Romney had to do something.

Good choice. (not "nomination" - my bad)

BTW - I hated the Palin choice back in '08.
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As the American people get a good look at Ryan and his guiding philosophy, that of Ayn Rand, they will be totally disgusted with Romney's choice.
It's an indication of just how smart Romney is and how he's been able to run so many successful businesses. Everyone was looking at who would be the best politically, who would bring a state, who would be the least offensive to democrats. With the economy the biggest issue on the table, no one expected Romney to choose an economist! He picked the best and most able person to deal with the biggest problem. Just like any CEO would do for his company. You pick the best person for the job.
As the American people get a good look at Ryan and his guiding philosophy, that of Ayn Rand, they will be totally disgusted with Romney's choice.
When the American people get a good look at real Ryan (not the Reid Ryan) the sensible among them will see that his economic plan is not radical (it takes 30 years for it to balance the budget), medicare for those already 55 years old will not change...those younger will have choices to make, there will be no need for massive taxes that the Democrats would require.

I can only hope that the number of voters that really want to fix our economy and return to a thriving capitalist system outnumber those voters that want a monthly check from Uncle Sam in return for NOTHING!
His choice has just won him the election....

And I must disagree that he "had" to do something. I don't believe in letting the media do my thinking for me.

They have consistently whined that he's not doing enough, he's too this or not enough that. And KnD is correct. The media looks at politics thru their own very narrow prism.

Mitt has not been a success in life because he changed course every time the media flapped their lips. They've been screaming - you gotta' give DETAILS - NOW! You gotta' produce your tax returns NOW! What are your PLANS?? NOW, NOW, NOW!

Mitt knows exactly what he's doing. He's used the first part of this campaign to pound on Obama's failures - over and over and over. Until it sinks in.

There have been a few sharper knives in the media drawer who seemed to recognize that Mitt may not be searching for the guy who can win an election but a guy that, first and foremost, can WORK WITH HIM for the next 4 years and also be a positive on the campaign trail.

He picked Ryan, not because he HAD to, but because this very able man is COMPETENT AND CAPABLE of contributing something more than fluff.

And now he's ready for the next step in this campaign - show his plan for fixing what's broken in greater detail while continuing to pummel the O with this challenge - where's YOUR plan? He's already started doing that with his 5 point plan.

Mitt, IMHO, was smart enough NOT to reveal every detail of his plan too early, giving the Dems and the media more time to shred it.

Now we go into the homestretch and I see the 2 Rs racing to the finish line far ahead of the struggling O.
It's an indication of just how smart Romney is and how he's been able to run so many successful businesses. Everyone was looking at who would be the best politically, who would bring a state, who would be the least offensive to democrats. With the economy the biggest issue on the table, no one expected Romney to choose an economist! He picked the best and most able person to deal with the biggest problem. Just like any CEO would do for his company. You pick the best person for the job.

Congressman Paul Ryan, in my opinion, was the very best choice. With a B.A. from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and while earning a double major in economics and political science, and almost 17 years in and around politics, he has the knowledge to help Mitt Romney get this country back to economic prosperity.

Ryan was exposed to two economists, Milton Friedman and Friederich Hayek, each of whom I think our Founders would have very much approved.

Hayek's Road to Serfdom is a great read, as we are on it.

With Romney/Ryan, I say, Game ON! May they soar.
It's an indication of just how smart Romney is and how he's been able to run so many successful businesses. Everyone was looking at who would be the best politically, who would bring a state, who would be the least offensive to democrats. With the economy the biggest issue on the table, no one expected Romney to choose an economist! He picked the best and most able person to deal with the biggest problem. Just like any CEO would do for his company. You pick the best person for the job.

Congressman Paul Ryan, in my opinion, was the very best choice. With a B.A. from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and while earning a double major in economics and political science, and almost 17 years in and around politics, he has the knowledge to help Mitt Romney get this country back to economic prosperity.

Ryan was exposed to two economists, Milton Friedman and Friederich Hayek, each of whom I think our Founders would have very much approved.

Hayek's Road to Serfdom is a great read, as we are on it.

With Romney/Ryan, I say, Game ON! May they soar.
All we have to do is convince a great number of naive people that voted for the coolness of Obama that his agenda is hidden for good reason...we will not like the outcome of his success.
Either it will blow up in Romneys face, or surge-him past Obama into the WH.

Romney had to do something.

Good choice. (not "nomination" - my bad)

BTW - I hated the Palin choice back in '08.

Ryan is an excellent choice...for everyone...except Mitt.

From the Republican point of view:

This selection gives 42 year old Ryan the politcal clout for the future that he needs because despite the fact that Paul Ryan is one of the most influential Rebulicans in Washing ton, far too many Americans have no idea who he is.

"All these numbers indicate is the simple fact that congressman Paul Ryan was not a nationally known figure prior to being named as Gov. Romney's vice presidential pick," Newhouse said.

USAT/Gallup Poll: Paul Ryan gets low marks for VP

Paul Ryan is actually a decent guy. Unless theres some really big skeleton in his personal life we dont know about ( which is VERY doubtful. ) Romneys introduction gaffe may be more prephetic than anyone really knows.

Ryan is the author of the Ryan plan. Because of this, it allows Mitt to get back to talking about the economy. This should draw some heat off the topics that Mitt has been losing ground on the last couple weeks, namely foriegn policy and his taxes.

Also, Last week I predicted if the choice was Ryan, he would defeat Biden in the VP debate. Ryan is very articulate, his manner is freindly and inviting.

From the Democrat point of view:

The selection of Paul Ryan is fantastic. Ryans budget is devestating to Senior citizens. His hypocritical view of Catholicism and Objectivism also turns off some of the christian base. The addition of Ryan removes any of the "it doesnt matter. Theyre both the same." argument as well. There are clear defined lines, and Ryan can scare some folks. Though they will be initially drwan in by his manner, once people get into his policy, more moderate independents will move squarely into the Obama camp.

Lastly, Ryan is too charismatic for Romney. Ryan will over shadow Romney just as Palin overshadowed McCain. However, unlike Palin, I doubt that Ryan will ever be seen as an inferior intellect like Palin, so that may actually turn out to help Romney, but for now, Im listing it as a positive for the Dems.

All in all, I am not completely surprised by the Ryan choice. I had REALLY hoped Romney would foolishly choose the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as his running mate.
Ryan is a good choice. It keeps the focus on economics. Its a gutsy choice, when Romney didnt need to make one. It's going to rally the Tea Party. And we have in Ryan an intelligent man who can articulate conservative principles of limited government.

It also shows that Romney is going to be focused on the budget.
Romney had a myriad of choices he could have made, most of which would have been for appearances only, like Condi Rice, Jindal or Rubio, the later two of which would have had the same constitutional problems as obama not being a "natural born citizen."

However the choices for VP that were for substance were limited. Three stood out as the best most obvious choices, Tim Pawlenty, Allen West and Paul Ryan. I really like Allen West and would have liked to have seen him picked as well, but Paul Ryan really was the absolute best choice Romney could have possibly made. The meat and potatoes issue facing this country is the economy and jobs, and Ryan stands head and shoulders above everyone else for VP on that plank for this election.

I'm very happy with Mitt's choice, and need hear nothing more at all as far as campaign rhetoric. I'm voting for Romney/Ryan.
One big reason why government debt has soared since 2007 is government's decision to BORROW the money to bail out the largest banks and major corporations like AIG and General Motors, not to mention the credit and stock markets.

Government had to option to TAX the banks, corporations, and FIRE-sector rich individuals to pay for those bailouts.

Romney and Ryan plan to impose European-like austerity policies in this country that will protect corporations and rich individuals from bearing the costs of the economic crises they created and continue to profit from.

Choosing Ryan, Embracing Austerity | Professor Richard D. Wolff
Either it will blow up in Romneys face, or surge-him past Obama into the WH.

Romney had to do something.

Good choice. (not "nomination" - my bad)

BTW - I hated the Palin choice back in '08.

wow. i actually agree with you.

but this is nate silver's take on it:

But that is countered by two pieces of bad news. First, Mr. Ryan’s numbers are middling to poor by the standard of other recent vice-presidential selections. And second, the period immediately after a vice-presidential announcement has often been a high-water mark for the new candidate. More often than not, the candidate’s unfavorable numbers increase more than his or her favorables from that point forward.

Aug. 13: Polls Have Middling Reviews for Ryan - NYTimes.com
Romney would not have bailed out GM, but let it go into a managed bankruptcy the way Dodge did a few decades ago. A bankruptcy judge would have voided the union contracts and overseen a reduction in benefits to make the company profitable. Instead the unions got a bail out and the shareholders got nothing.
Romney would not have bailed out GM, but let it go into a managed bankruptcy the way Dodge did a few decades ago. A bankruptcy judge would have voided the union contracts and overseen a reduction in benefits to make the company profitable. Instead the unions got a bail out and the shareholders got nothing.
Ryan and Romney want to make sure that government debts are not paid for by raising taxes on corporations and the richest 5% of US workers.
Romney would not have bailed out GM, but let it go into a managed bankruptcy the way Dodge did a few decades ago. A bankruptcy judge would have voided the union contracts and overseen a reduction in benefits to make the company profitable. Instead the unions got a bail out and the shareholders got nothing.
Ryan and Romney want to make sure that government debts are not paid for by raising taxes on corporations and the richest 5% of US workers.

Exactly. Without an increase in revenue, our debts will not be paid. And the deficit will continue to go up.

Ryan is a big government conservative, in spite of his words. Looking at his voting record, he has always voted for the enrichment of the military-industrial complex, and against anything that would favor the working citizen.

His enthrallment with the philosophy of Ayn Rand means that he sees as right anything he can do to gain power. No morals or laws should apply to him, as he sees himself to be one of the superior types that Rand worshipped.
If Ryan truly believes Americans earning less than $30,000 a year deserve higher taxes and fewer government services, his benefactors, like the Koch brothers, will be happy to fund Ryan's 2020 bid for the White House.
Romney would not have bailed out GM, but let it go into a managed bankruptcy the way Dodge did a few decades ago. A bankruptcy judge would have voided the union contracts and overseen a reduction in benefits to make the company profitable. Instead the unions got a bail out and the shareholders got nothing.
Ryan and Romney want to make sure that government debts are not paid for by raising taxes on corporations and the richest 5% of US workers.

Gee! That's what I think too!

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