Ryan's (R-WI) new budget DOA

thanks for sharing Claudette :rolleyes: You see no prob w/ The Lyin' King (Ryan (R)) basically submitting the same budget he did last year?

Perhaps you would like to Link us to Reid's budget proposal.

Ryan's "Path to Prosperity", his previous budget, took 25 years to balance the budget.
His latest creation does it in 10.

What is the Democrats' plan for balancing the nation's books?
The democrats are not interested in fiscal responsibility. Obama said as much.
The democrat strategy is two fold. One, to increase dependence on government to as many people as possible. Two, to use government services as a hook to acquire as many voters so as to wipe out ANY opposing political party.
Liberal democrats view political power as a birth right. An entitlement.
thanks for sharing Claudette :rolleyes: You see no prob w/ The Lyin' King (Ryan (R)) basically submitting the same budget he did last year?

Perhaps you would like to Link us to Reid's budget proposal.

Ryan's "Path to Prosperity", his previous budget, took 25 years to balance the budget.
His latest creation does it in 10.

What is the Democrats' plan for balancing the nation's books?
The democrats are not interested in fiscal responsibility. Obama said as much.
The democrat strategy is two fold. One, to increase dependence on government to as many people as possible. Two, to use government services as a hook to acquire as many voters so as to wipe out ANY opposing political party.
Liberal democrats view political power as a birth right. An entitlement.

Strange that none of the dembulbs can either admit that OR propose their own plan
The days of overspending are OVER. This is all about balancing the budget.
The gravy train has stopped running.
I am laughing my ass off.
You have the nerve to talk about partisan politics.
Anyway. Protecting sacred cow social spending is what your side wanted. So now you'll just have to deal with it. You'll have to live with less government.

That is a pretty big pantload for such a short list.
Here is more fantasy and delusion, albeit the kind that might actually work...
1. The days of overspending aren't even slowed down. The sequester merely slowed the growth of grift and profiteering.
2. There is more waste per hour today than 50% of Americans will earn in their lifetimes.
3. Defense contractors are laughing their asses off AT people like you.
4. This isn't a partisan issue - EXCEPT to partisans.
5. Defense MUST be cut 10% or more FIRST and with scheduled additional cuts that can't be changed in peacetime (absent a war declared by congress) for there to be any hope of balancing the budget.
6. The size and scope of government must be cut, including federal subsidies to state and local governments, especially education and health insurance subsidies.
7. Tariffs must be re instituted on cheap foreign goods to bring well paying blue collar jobs back and to use domestic markets as a weapon against foreign economic bad behavior.
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The days of overspending are OVER. This is all about balancing the budget.
The gravy train has stopped running.
I am laughing my ass off.
You have the nerve to talk about partisan politics.
Anyway. Protecting sacred cow social spending is what your side wanted. So now you'll just have to deal with it. You'll have to live with less government.

That is a pretty big pantload for such a short list.
Here is more fantasy and delusion, albeit the kind that might actually work...
1. The days of overspending aren't even slowed down. The sequester merely slowed the growth of grift and profiteering.
2. There is more waste per hour today than 50% of Americans will earn in their lifetimes.
3. Defense contractors are laughing their asses off AT people like you.
4. This isn't a partisan issue - EXCEPT to partisans.
5. Defense MUST be cut 10% or more FIRST and with scheduled additional cuts that can't be changed in peacetime (absent a war declared by congress) for there to be any hope of balancing the budget.
6. The size and scope of government must be cut, including federal subsidies to state and local governments, especially education and health insurance subsidies.
7. Tariffs must be re instituted on cheap foreign goods to bring well paying blue collar jobs back and to use domestic markets as a weapon against foreign economic bad behavior.

I can agree with 99% of that except cutting defense FIRST.
Sorry if I don't trust the left side of the aisle to answer a 10% cut with anything substantial.
Nobody trusts anybody.

Defense is the most sacred cow.

Serious cuts usually start with sacred cows.
Nobody trusts anybody.

Defense is the most sacred cow.

Serious cuts usually start with sacred cows.

"defense" is a cash cow/vote-getter for repubs. Look at Duke Cunningham's old district in SoCal. I got nothing against the military but I do got something against def contractors & repubs being in bed when defense makes up a sizable portion of the discretionary budget :)

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