Ryan's (R-WI) new budget DOA

Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:


A budget not submitted in good faith is the same as no budget at all.

exactly. I refer to them as "show votes" because they know it makes them look good in deep red districts even though it won't go anywhere. That covers around 75% of the bills coming out of Boehner's tea party House.

lol, and what about all the bills from the Democrats? what do you call them? bills that will save the world?:rolleyes:
that was last year's Gramps. Everyone already knows that. Have i mentioned how much a smarmy asswipe Lyin' Ryan is? :dunno:
Well you don't think Barry does his own budget do you?? Barry has no idea how to form a budget. Hell. The guys never even had a real job in his whole life. Budget by Barry?? Shit. Don't hold your breath.

He obviously told Sessions to do it. He did it and it got kicked to the curb.
thanks for sharing Claudette :rolleyes: You see no prob w/ The Lyin' King (Ryan (R)) basically submitting the same budget he did last year?
It's not just about balancing the budget, it's also about how you balance it. And two things. First, whenever a plan comes out that says "over the next ten years", that's normally Washington code for "it doesn't do a damn thing". And second, I would have to see a nonpartisan review of his plan before I believed a single word of it.

But balancing the budget isn't what Ryan cares about. If he actually gave a shit about balancing the budget he would submit a bill that had an actual chance of passing. Instead, he vomits out a plan, one he knows without a shadow of a doubt will fail, laced with nothing but neo-con ideas that serves no purpose other than posturing and dividing for the next election.

It's nothing but political theatre, and you're buying it.
No..The days of overspending are OVER. This is all about balancing the budget.
The gravy train has stopped running.
I am laughing my ass off.
You have the nerve to talk about partisan politics.
Anyway. Protecting sacred cow social spending is what your side wanted. So now you'll just have to deal with it. You'll have to live with less government.

I don't have a "side" you dingus, but you have no problem assuming I do just because I'm not fapping over Ryan's plan.

Of course we need to reduce our spending. Of course social spending is a huge drain. But I think we should start balancing the budget by first cutting things that Americans don't even use. Foreign bases, aid to countries that don't like us, things like that. We also need to eliminate deductions without cutting the tax rate on top of it, since doing so doesn't accomplish a damn thing.
You don't have a side? Then you should not have an opinion.
"Dingus"?....Hey try this......Rump wrangler.
Have a nice day.
Well you don't think Barry does his own budget do you?? Barry has no idea how to form a budget. Hell. The guys never even had a real job in his whole life. Budget by Barry?? Shit. Don't hold your breath.

He obviously told Sessions to do it. He did it and it got kicked to the curb.
Again we see the complete stupidity required to be a Misinformation Voter. Obama's 2,000 page budget came first, Jeffie Sessions' 27 page GOP budget came after. The GOP told Jeffie to do it, not Obama. What a moron.
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:

The House budget will be DOA. The Senate Budget will be DOA, even if they can get it by the Democrats in the senate. The President's budget, if it ever gets submitted, will be DOA. None of them will ever become law in their entirety. That is the way the system works.

One of the chief problems with liberal Democrats is their expectation that compromise is always the other sides responsibility. They operate on the old Soviet premise that what is mine is mine, and what is yours is negotiable.

If you get right down to it, liberal Democrats have adopted a lot of the premises of the old Soviet Union.
that was last year's Gramps. Everyone already knows that. Have i mentioned how much a smarmy asswipe Lyin' Ryan is? :dunno:

You have probably mentioned it many times, but few intelligent people believe it. The Ryan budget will not become law, and most likely neither will any other budget. Why? Because this administration does not want to be limited by a budget. That is why the Senate has not even bothered with one for the past four years. Harry Reid does exactly what he is told by the White House to do, or not to do.
that was last year's Gramps. Everyone already knows that. Have i mentioned how much a smarmy asswipe Lyin' Ryan is? :dunno:

You have probably mentioned it many times, but few intelligent people believe it. The Ryan budget will not become law, and most likely neither will any other budget. Why? Because this administration does not want to be limited by a budget. That is why the Senate has not even bothered with one for the past four years. Harry Reid does exactly what he is told by the White House to do, or not to do.

that was last year's Gramps. Everyone already knows that. Have i mentioned how much a smarmy asswipe Lyin' Ryan is? :dunno:

You have probably mentioned it many times, but few intelligent people believe it. The Ryan budget will not become law, and most likely neither will any other budget. Why? Because this administration does not want to be limited by a budget. That is why the Senate has not even bothered with one for the past four years. Harry Reid does exactly what he is told by the White House to do, or not to do.


HUH?...A link to an invective?..
Here..Lets approach it this way..
Can you take a guess as to why neither the White House nor the Senate has submitted a budget that has been in even remote danger of being passed?
Again we see the complete stupidity of the Misinformation Voter. The little fairy Jeffie Sessions is NOT Obama!!!!! It was the Jeffie Sessions' budget that went down 99-0.

I trolled the thread with some irrelevant shit and you bit. I think we know who the bigger idiot is.
Bullshit! You made a fool of yourself, and you know it! :rofl::lmao:
ny mag got Ryan pegged just as I did:

Frank Rich: Surprise! Mitt As Robotic As Thought -- Daily Intelligencer
Paul Ryan, who is like one of those Japanese soldiers who kept on fighting on a remote atoll years after V-J Day, refusing to believe that his army had been defeated. What’s fascinating about the new Ryan budget is that it restates all the planks that failed to move voters when he was on the Republican ticket: repealing Obamacare, vouchering Medicare, cutting taxes for the wealthy, ending the Medicaid expansion (now already being lapped up by Republican as well as Democratic governors), and vowing to close tax loopholes that still remain mysteriously unidentified.
thanks for sharing Claudette :rolleyes: You see no prob w/ The Lyin' King (Ryan (R)) basically submitting the same budget he did last year?

Perhaps you would like to Link us to Reid's budget proposal.

Ryan's "Path to Prosperity", his previous budget, took 25 years to balance the budget.
His latest creation does it in 10.

What is the Democrats' plan for balancing the nation's books?
thanks for the thread bump. I had almost forgotten about Ryan, the wall st handmaiden that he is :)
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