Ryan's (R-WI) new budget DOA

Well, the Dems are supposed to have a budget tomorrow and Obama in April. What bothers me is Paul Ryan knew this wasn't going to pass. He just put on a show. The only way he could come up with a way to balance his budget is keeping the Medicare cuts he bitched and moaned about during the election and the tax increases on wealthy Medicare recipients that was in the healthcare bill. At the same time he wants to privatize Medicare, reduce the top tax rate to 25%, cut the corporate tax rate, repeal Obamacare, repeal the Wall Street reform bill, cut Medicaid and put it back to the States, increase restrictions on food stamps and put them back to the States, increase defense spending, and yeah approve the keystone pipeline and whatever other horse manure is in there. It isn't a budget. It's a far right wing Republican wet dream and is a waste of everyone's time because it'll go nowhere. He might as well have done nothing.

What is wrong with Ryan's proposals?

Look at it. If you think these proposals are going to do anything to help this country, your crazy.

It is as radical as you can get.

I mean just look at it. Do I really need to explain what's wrong with it? Are you blind?
Yeah, you're right. I served at Consulates in Moscow, Belgrade, Gdansk, East Germany and Berlin. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what "communism" is, sonny.

Again, you poor, stupid little person.

That's a sad commentary on our vetting process. Obviously you duped a lot of people. Congrats on that. Now get an education, sonny.
You are up against it here. You should stand down.

I know it's an uphill battle with so many dupes in this forum, but I'll keep trying anyway. :badgrin:
Why don't you wait until he submits it before you attack it? Nothing else to talk about? Soros will dig up something.
Yeah, you're right. I served at Consulates in Moscow, Belgrade, Gdansk, East Germany and Berlin. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what "communism" is, sonny.

Again, you poor, stupid little person.

That's a sad commentary on our vetting process. Obviously you duped a lot of people. Congrats on that. Now get an education, sonny.

Deflect all you want Sonny. You're the "educated" individual that started this little "conversation" with your idiotic statement. Again, you poor, stupid little person.

There was no deflection, and the original statement holds true. If you believe Obama is a Communist, then you are an uneducated nut job who is about as clueless about Communism as a person can be. I mean you skip right by the whole Socialist and move right to Communist, but Obama isn't even a Socialist.

To give you a hint, Obama would be considered a moderate to conservative in what you would consider Socialist countries in Europe. But hey, if it makes you feel good about yourself, keep believing Obama is a Communist. I'll just keep laughing at your idiocy.
You poor, stupid little person.....

Anyone who believes Obama is a Communist is automatically relegated to the stupid list. You obviously have no clue what communism is.

Yeah, you're right. I served at Consulates in Moscow, Belgrade, Gdansk, East Germany and Berlin. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what "communism" is, sonny.

Again, you poor, stupid little person.

Were you also part of the limited partnership that bought my unicorn ranch?

lol, posers are awesome.
It forces a balanced budget in 10 years...What do you fear?...
Newsflash. Keystone is needed. The only reason Obama is blocking it is political expedience. One of Obama's and the democrat party's most coveted constituencies is the far left enviro- wackos. Of course he wieghed the pros and cons on this.
At the time of the decision, it was more politically expedient to piss off 20,000 union oil pipeline workers than 5 million enviro nazis

It's not just about balancing the budget, it's also about how you balance it. And two things. First, whenever a plan comes out that says "over the next ten years", that's normally Washington code for "it doesn't do a damn thing". And second, I would have to see a nonpartisan review of his plan before I believed a single word of it.

But balancing the budget isn't what Ryan cares about. If he actually gave a shit about balancing the budget he would submit a bill that had an actual chance of passing. Instead, he vomits out a plan, one he knows without a shadow of a doubt will fail, laced with nothing but neo-con ideas that serves no purpose other than posturing and dividing for the next election.

It's nothing but political theatre, and you're buying it.
No..The days of overspending are OVER. This is all about balancing the budget.
The gravy train has stopped running.
I am laughing my ass off.
You have the nerve to talk about partisan politics.
Anyway. Protecting sacred cow social spending is what your side wanted. So now you'll just have to deal with it. You'll have to live with less government.

I don't have a "side" you dingus, but you have no problem assuming I do just because I'm not fapping over Ryan's plan.

Of course we need to reduce our spending. Of course social spending is a huge drain. But I think we should start balancing the budget by first cutting things that Americans don't even use. Foreign bases, aid to countries that don't like us, things like that. We also need to eliminate deductions without cutting the tax rate on top of it, since doing so doesn't accomplish a damn thing.
I turned on the radio and first thing I heard is Lyin' Ryan's voice spouting his Randianesque budget particulars. :uhoh3: My radio is set to WCSP FM ;)
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You know that as soon as a budget begins with.......Repeal Obamacare

It is not a serious attempt at passing legislation
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You know that as soon as a budget begins with.......Repeal Obamacare

You know it is not a serious attempt at passing legislation

Exactly. Even Boehner (R) :smoke: said Obamacare is "the law of the land". You'd think a former VP candidate would realize thst fact as well :eusa_doh:
It's so weird because Ryan wants to keep the Medicare cuts and tax increases in Obamacare saying the law is the law-to make his budget appear balanced. BUT, wants to get rid of the rest of it.

It is the law of the land like Boehner said. They should stop wasting time trying to get rid of it.

They need some fresh material.
Well, the Dems are supposed to have a budget tomorrow and Obama in April. What bothers me is Paul Ryan knew this wasn't going to pass. He just put on a show. The only way he could come up with a way to balance his budget is keeping the Medicare cuts he bitched and moaned about during the election and the tax increases on wealthy Medicare recipients that was in the healthcare bill. At the same time he wants to privatize Medicare, reduce the top tax rate to 25%, cut the corporate tax rate, repeal Obamacare, repeal the Wall Street reform bill, cut Medicaid and put it back to the States, increase restrictions on food stamps and put them back to the States, increase defense spending, and yeah approve the keystone pipeline and whatever other horse manure is in there. It isn't a budget. It's a far right wing Republican wet dream and is a waste of everyone's time because it'll go nowhere. He might as well have done nothing.

What is wrong with Ryan's proposals?

Look at it. If you think these proposals are going to do anything to help this country, your crazy.

It is as radical as you can get.

I mean just look at it. Do I really need to explain what's wrong with it? Are you blind?

Link it and I would be more than happy to read it
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:
Why does Obama keep offering budgets that are so bad not a single dem will vote for them?

At least Ryan's proposals garner support of sane people. Obama can't even get the support of the loons on the left
we'll see what is presented from the senate in a few days. I heard part of the sen budget committee hearings w/ chairman pattie murray today. gotta be better than that rehashed budget ryan just presented that places all the burden on the middle & lower classes.
we'll see what is presented from the senate in a few days. I heard part of the sen budget committee hearings w/ chairman pattie murray today. gotta be better than that rehashed budget ryan just presented that places all the burden on the middle & lower classes.

If you consider raising a trillion dollars in new taxes new thinking I got a bridge to sell ya.
we'll see what is presented from the senate in a few days. I heard part of the sen budget committee hearings w/ chairman pattie murray today. gotta be better than that rehashed budget ryan just presented that places all the burden on the middle & lower classes.

If you consider raising a trillion dollars in new taxes new thinking I got a bridge to sell ya.

tax code overhaul is another story. Interestingly, the rich did quite well under Clinton (D) w/ a 39% rate anyway. Didn't hold them back.
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.
They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:
So, the Democrats intend to be obstructionists yet again.

Here is an idea. Put it to a vote. If it gets voted down, then its back to the drawing board, or it gets revised, or both sides start talking about how to change it here or there.

You know....doing their fucking jobs...

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