S. 1301: Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I don't even really know what to say about this.

These are the kinds of corrupt people running the country, folks. Jiminy Crickets...

Just read the title of the bill.

Then read the actual bill.

You'll see what I'm talking about.

It's like...

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I mean, I dunno. What the actual heck. lolol.

I suppose they're just so used to everyone voting YES on whatever repugnant legislation they throw out there without actually having to be bothered with reading it that they feel comfortable just arbitrarily naming the legislation something completely different than what is actually contained in the legislation.

Bunch of lizards if you ask me.

This bill suspends the public debt limit through December 16, 2022. The bill also requires the limit to be adjusted on December 17, 2022, to accommodate obligations issued during the suspension period.
This bill suspends the public debt limit through December 16, 2022. The bill also requires the limit to be adjusted on December 17, 2022, to accommodate obligations issued during the suspension period.

Why is the legislation entitled ''Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act''?

Asking for a friend.
Nothing says you are promoting physical activity quite like increasing the debt limit!

Now, where is Jerry Nadler when we need him to show off the sort of body that results from all this democrat promotion of physical activity, anyway?
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So basically, congress just raised the debt limit $480,000,000,000 using legislation entitled ''Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act''

These cats gotta go. Seriously.

197 of em just sent a letter saying they had to vote by proxy and have another member vote for them anyway, because ''due to the ongoing public health emergency.''

Maybe the intellectually dishonest thugs raised the debt limit using legislation entitled ''Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act'' as some kind of sick, twisted, subliminal message to the electorate that basically meant "pft, get up and do something about it, we dare you, you bunch of domestic terrorists"

I dunno, that's all I can come up with as to why the scoundrels would have the blatant audacity to raise the debt limit $480,000,000,000 using disingenuous and intellectually dishonest language entitled ''Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act''

Evil people do stuff like that. They're typically rather brazen. I mean, pretty much everything that the electorate disagrees with them about, they turn around and start calling them terrorists as a means of defense or justification for their screwery.

A thinking person might wonder if they're purposefully antagonizing the electorate.

And now they're gonna send IRS after your transactions as little as $600, too?
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I don't even really know what to say about this.

These are the kinds of corrupt people running the country, folks. Jiminy Crickets...

Just read the title of the bill.

Then read the actual bill.

You'll see what I'm talking about.

It's like...

View attachment 551321

Insane. But insane is the new normal.
The physical activity is relative to the increased years you will have to work because there is not going to be any retirement funds.
It is so cute how you people act like this is something new that just started this year.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It is so cute how you people act like this is something new that just started this year.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

No. What's cute are people like you who would rather trivialize it and take it in the ass again today and resolve to not discuss it meaningfully when they give it to you nice and good all over again and then justifiying the trivialization by the fact that you took it in the ass yesterday or the day before.

Had I not linked this thread elsewhere I wouldn't even have seen this stupid response of yours.

You sound like those people who always say ''Well they did it before, so...nothing to discuss here, just drop a bunch of stupid assed emojis and move along, tee hee hee hee hee...''

What the heck's the matter with you?
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No. What's cute are people like you who would rather trivialize it and take it in the ass again today and resolve to not say anything about it when they give it to you nice and good and then justifiying the trivialization by the fact that you took it in the ass yesterday or the day before.

Had I not linked this thread elsewhere I wouldn't even have seen this stupid response of yours.

You sound like those people who always say ''well they did it before, so...nothing to discuss here, just drop a bunch of stupid assed emojis and move along''

471 days later and the best response you can come up with is to post your sexual fantasies about me?

Damn, sucks to be you.

471 days later and the best response you can come up with is to post your sexual fantasies about me?

Damn, sucks to be you.

Just pull your head out of your ass. It's not too much to ask. It shouldn't be anyway.

The complacency of people like you is the root problem.
Your thread was in no way partisan or acted like this is new.
Not sure what he was babbling about.

Some people just have a bit of a quirky, exhibitionist sort of way of telling us all that they have nothing meaningful to say. I guess...
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