S. Carolina bar posts ban on concealed guns, calls those who carry "d-bags"

Neither. Most robbers don't give a shit.

And your evidence that this is so is.....??

You're the one who made the assertion, it's your to prove...
Umm, no, it's in YOUR post.

As I suspected, you just made it up with no evidence to back it.

Truth is neither of us know what motivates a robber

Of course we do: A desire for goods or money, a lack of interest in earning them legitimately, and a belief they can get away with committing crimes to get them instead.

Again and again you keep making clearly false statements with no interest in telling the truth. What is your purpose in doing so?
Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

Good!! As a gun owner I cannot understand why guns should be allowed in a bar, that's all they need is some tanked up hillbilly with a loaded firearm in a bar looking for a fight, no good can come of it. In addition the bar owner has to think about the liability issue.

Rabbi's Second Rule: Whenever someone declares, I'm a gun owner. I believe in the 2A. But my gun isn't the problem. It's that other guy's gun that's the problem and needs to be controlled. That guy is an asshole and an anti gunner.
lol, from what I've read the bar and it's owner has has multiple citations filed against it

so it sounds like a reputable place you libs should visit

check out the bars yelp page --LOL


1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
Zero is not an option but if food poisoning is in you to do list have a try.

Wait staff? Yes if that means you are the one who is waiting.

Water tasted like something died in the kitchen and swam into the pipes.

Ground beef was obviously not refrigerated or purchased and left out.

Seriously? Will not be in business long.

1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
In town to visit my nephew and thought I would try a night out for a beer here.

Beer was warm.

Staff was cold...

Nuff Said...

1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
Yuck. Just Yuck.

Dirty, smelly, with insolent staff.

Warm beer served in a dirty glass.

Need I say more?

1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
I don't mind that the restaurant doesn't allow CCW because I believe in "your house; your rules". But to post up a tasteless sign that needlessly insults an entire group of people is a different story.

I hope this place goes out of business. The owner made his bed and now has to sleep in it. He is a loser and a douchebag.

1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
Chicken wings served almost raw , 81 Burger had a odd green color to it.... Beer list is uninviting. The owner is a jerk...

Now, with all their recent press, there is even more reason not to return!


1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
The owner has exhibited a practice of denigrating an entire class of people by posting signs in his establishment referring to them as "Douchbags". He has made it very clear that he does not want their business. That being said, if you plan to dine here you should be very concerned about your safety and security. The owner has inadvertently made it quite clear that those carrying illegal firearms are welcome on the premises.

This kind of reminds me of the owner of the diner in MA that refused to serve the Vet with PTSD because he didn't believe the Vet's service dog was a service dog. If I remember right, his business went in the toilet too.

1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
No legal guns = I'm not spending my money here!
My money travels to pubs I feel safe at!

1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
Greeted by terrible service and snide attitudes.

Worse even, the food tasted like it was microwaved. Will not visit again.

Backstreets Pub & Grill - Clemson, SC | Yelp

Lol, what a freaking dive. Hell, you would more than likely die from food poisoning in this joint. The food has probably affected the OP's mind hence the proclivity to gravitate towards rednecks and such.
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

Excellent. Good for the bar owner and his backbone. About time we started collectively growing the fuck up.
Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Well that bar probably WON'T get robbed since the owner, who made the sign, admitted he has a flippin concealed carry license himself. Hypocrite.
CaféAuLait;8807328 said:
Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Well that bar probably WON'T get robbed since the owner, who made the sign, admitted he has a flippin concealed carry license himself. Hypocrite.

Hypocrite how? His sign doesn't say "if you feel you need a concealed carry permit I don't want your business"; it says "if you feel you need to carry a gun when you go out".

Yeah, they're the same thing. (/sarc)

He didn't have to say "douchebag". He could have said "paranoiac with self-inflated Rambo fantasies". That would take more sign space.

Ya know what -- maybe he just wanted more women in the bar.
I don't recognize those type signs. They are counter productive relative to life support.

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Prolly because it's a stupid question, since it presupposes that the whole world is comprised of "us" and "them".
Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Prolly because it's a stupid question, since it presupposes that the whole world is comprised of "us" and "them".

I disagree. It's a simple, legitimate question- Which would the criminal choose?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VKdwx5AB5k&feature=kp]Bubba Shot the Jukebox - Mark Chesnutt - YouTube[/ame]
CaféAuLait;8806862 said:
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

He says he is a democrat and he has a CCW gun permit as well. Why? He is the same 'Douchebag' he is critiquing.

S.C. pub sparks outrage for sign calling gun owners losers - Washington Times

So far, every Dem I've met thinks that he is somehow superior to his fellow man and knows what's best for others. They love to legislate what YOU and I should do but see themselves as exempt from that very legislation.
poor OP..he thought he hit on a big one here

check out the bars yelp page --LOL
Backstreets Pub & Grill - Clemson, SC | Yelp

I hope some of you will visit and come back and let us know your wonderful experience
Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Of the bar owners I have known, they all kept their own weapon somewhere within close reach. You know, to take care of the troublemakers who come into bars.

Why should the bar owner, on asking a troublesome patron to leave, have to be worried that this person will pull their gun and start firing? And yea, the guy might go to his car or truck and get his gun, but when he walks back into the bar, the bartender knows what is going to happen; a violent situation. And the bartender can be prepared.

Guns and alcohol do not mix well.

As to which bar to rob? The bartender will take care of that. It is not my bar and not worth my life defending 20 dollars in my pocket or someone else's bar. If you want to stand up and put your life on the line for someone else's bar property, follow the robber out to the parking lot.
Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Prolly because it's a stupid question, since it presupposes that the whole world is comprised of "us" and "them".

I disagree. It's a simple, legitimate question- Which would the criminal choose?


well in the case of the theater shooter

he chose the only theater that declared itself a gun free zone
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

do you and any other liberfool belie...., ooopsie, feeeeel that sign means anything to anyone who will carry ? how about knives ? they banned too ? how about tasers ?

you fools really amaze me at times FEEEEEELING that a stupid fucking sign will prevent anyone from carrying ??
The wont. Most CWP holders have VERY little training outside of putting holes in a static paper target.

tell ya what.., bring me the Gitmo inmates and/or all the death row inmates across this great land to practice on rather than the paper and cardboard targets i currently shoot, would that make you happier that you know i have "REAL LIFE" experience ? :lmao:

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