S. Carolina bar posts ban on concealed guns, calls those who carry "d-bags"

The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concealed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Neither. Most robbers don't give a shit. That's why they're robbers...

And your evidence that robbers don't care if a crowd is armed (aside from your desperate wish that it was so) is.....??
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Here's a thank you I got from the Army. Who were the SEALS you trained with? I know a lot of those guys too. How about FAST, know any of them as well?

I cant reveal it. They're involved in too many top secret operations. They're on SEAL Team 12. I know....no one else knows about it existing either.

And finally, since you OBVIOUSLY missed the sarcasm- since you actually asked for the SEALS names (hint: I dont train with 10 ex-SEALS)........I made all that up, and took pics from the internet.

Which YOU could easily have done.

Or, you could be legit. Which is disturbing. Because if you ARE that legit, and have that many credentials and ties with high level military/leo folks.........and yet, you're in an online forum posting pictures of you (and others in those photos) just to somehow get over a meaningless point.........then you probably shouldn't own a gun under the mental health regulations!!

Get it together bro', you're either a phony, or you are trailing off into the deep end:eek:

OR you're Chuck Norris.

Are you?

Sure thing little troll boy. You challenged my statements and I responded with photographic proof. You can't, thus you are EXACTLY the kind of internet troll you accused me of being. Thanks for exposing yourself so well for the board to see just what level of twit you are.
The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concealed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Neither. Most robbers don't give a shit. That's why they're robbers...

And your evidence that this is so is.....??

You're the one who made the assertion, it's your to prove...Truth is neither of us know what motivates a robber, or what would stop them in their tracks. The good news is that your violent crime rates are dropping.

FBI Crime Stats 2012

Why? Who knows? More CCW? More scumbags locked up so they can't commit crime? More wealth around? People becoming more educated? Law enforcement being more proactive? Could be a number of things..
Here's a thank you I got from the Army. Who were the SEALS you trained with? I know a lot of those guys too. How about FAST, know any of them as well?

I cant reveal it. They're involved in too many top secret operations. They're on SEAL Team 12. I know....no one else knows about it existing either.

And finally, since you OBVIOUSLY missed the sarcasm- since you actually asked for the SEALS names (hint: I dont train with 10 ex-SEALS)........I made all that up, and took pics from the internet.

Which YOU could easily have done.

Or, you could be legit. Which is disturbing. Because if you ARE that legit, and have that many credentials and ties with high level military/leo folks.........and yet, you're in an online forum posting pictures of you (and others in those photos) just to somehow get over a meaningless point.........then you probably shouldn't own a gun under the mental health regulations!!

Get it together bro', you're either a phony, or you are trailing off into the deep end:eek:

OR you're Chuck Norris.

Are you?

Sure thing little troll boy. You challenged my statements and I responded with photographic proof. You can't, thus you are EXACTLY the kind of internet troll you accused me of being. Thanks for exposing yourself so well for the board to see just what level of twit you are.

"Proof" of what? I can search some "thank you" photos from cops/military units online too. Facebook is full of them.

I'm not saying you are a fake, or you are the real deal. Its the internet.

But, you are either:

A) A fake
B) A guy who did help train SWAT and military units.....and has a lot of high end knowledge of those topics....and who is now posting photos of himself and those operators (who didn't consent to their image being online)........for some silly cause on an internet forum to convince people that SOME cops shoot worse than SOME civilians at some shooting competitions, and thus, you are now officially beginning to lose your mind!

Not sure which you are. But neither can be proven on the internet.

It is fun though. Now go line up your gas rings. Or dont. It may matter. Or might not.
Neither. Most robbers don't give a shit. That's why they're robbers...

And your evidence that this is so is.....??

Why? Who knows? More CCW? More scumbags locked up so they can't commit crime? More wealth around? People becoming more educated? Law enforcement being more proactive? Could be a number of things..

I think its a combination of all of the above. Actually, video games have a bit to do with it. More and more young, bored people are playing video games rather than running the streets. Its an outlet for their built up, natural aggression of the younger human years.
Second amendment is way over rated....
But the law is the law, as someone pointed out.


In between attempts to take away our 2nd amendment rights, that is.

There is case law and caveats with regard to the second. Who has the 'more' right - you to CCW or me to decide if weapons can be carried onto my place of business. You're all about individual rights, right? Whose individual rights take precedent? Yours to carry a weapon onto my property or my right to tell you to piss off on my property?
Keep it at home? I disagree Bucs. The thought you might have a gun anywhere scares the shit out of me.
Guns and booze DON'T mix.

Bringing a gun to a bar is like bringing your wife to meet your girlfriend - you're asking for it.

The sign is stupid, but who cares. If the drinks aren't watered down, I'm in.
Keep it at home? I disagree Bucs. The thought you might have a gun anywhere scares the shit out of me.

Bucs has a real cool air soft that he plays with. He's not old enough to play with the real deal.
Bit dumb to throw it out there....I bet criminals read newspapers and news online as well! Maybe after he gets robbed at gun point and shot at or worse he will change his tone. But as it is. His business his right to make whatever dumb choice he wants.
He's free to be foolish. However, when he gets robbed he has no one to blame but himself there. Advertising that you are defenseless is not a prudent marketing goal.

If someone did pull a gun to rob him, the LAST thing he'd want is for 3-4 rednecks (who possibly are drinking) to pull out their heat and start blazing rounds at the bad guy........inevitably missing several times and sending bullets into the crowd and backdrop of whatever is behind them. Especially since 99.9% of business robberies end without a shot fired by the bad guy.

You guys talk like the CWP holder is gonna have the precision and coolness under pressure of a Navy SEAL, and he's gonna just jump up and fire one precision round to end the threat.

The wont. Most CWP holders have VERY little training outside of putting holes in a static paper target.

Bullets flying in a crowd is never good, especially if the shooter may have been drinking.

This guy is a patriot for standing HIS ground as a business owner.

Cool so only the criminal will have a gun and can kill as many people as he wants! Sounds great! WILL BE AVOIDING THAT BAR!
If douchebag can be associated with black, Hispanic, gay, woman or muslim....then that bar will be sued for millions.
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

Tennessee passed the same law.
I support the second amendment but I think there are a few (very few) legitimate time-place-manner restrictions that are legitimate. A bar is one of those imho.

How, EXACTLY, is that defined in TN? In some places, the law is written so broadly that it would not be legal to pick up a takeout order at Pizza Hut unless you left the gun in the car! (Pizza Hut serves beer.)

Who do you think has more training with firearms - the NYPD or the average gun owner?

The argument that cops accidentally shoot bystanders doesn't come close to even suggesting that basically untrained drunk idiots would somehow be better.


The NYPD. No question about it.

Redneck gun nuts confuse "target practice" with "training".

I could explain the difference......but they wouldn't get it.

Simple fact: the best shots in the country are not cops! (The contrary: many cops are TERRIBLE shots.)
Hes not. But most college bars are 18 and up. You can be 18 in a bar and not drink. Just like you can bring a gun in a bar and not drink.

But, as we know, most 18 year olds in a college bar will drink, because hey, "nobody will ever know".

Just like most gun owners in a bar with a concealed gun who aren't supposed to drink...........well, "nobody will ever know".


Incorrect. I've worked in bars in both NC and SC....At 9 pm on weekends we started checking ID's at 9pm. Under 21 were banned from 9PM til close. If there were minors in the place at 9, they had to leave.
And that advice came straight from the ABC officers that frequently paid visits to bars all over the town.
There is the law. Then there is protection of the business.
18-20 year olds could not sit at the bar. Nor could they sit at a table where drinks containing alcohol were being consumed.
We were strict because we wanted to keep the ABC of our backs. One slip up, they will shut you down and pull your license to serve.
No, this was not a college town. However half of our customers were in their 20's. We had to be careful. and trust me, these people will pull every scam known and unknown to get served. Fake ID's. The "my boyfriend has my ID in his pocket, he's on his way"...Here's my state ID ....From Ohio with a zip code from NY....The college ID trick ....So where is you date of birth?.....Um it's a college ID...Got anything else? No....Sorry go somewhere else.
Then there was the entry by throng trick....
Anyway, you obviously have a liberal view of drinking by kids.

I've worked in bars as well. And each bar CAN make it 21 and up. Some do 25 and up. But, legally, they can allow 18 and up so long as they don't serve under 21. Its the reason the infamous black "X" marks go on hands.

Seriously?! People still think those work?! Wow...
He's free to be foolish. However, when he gets robbed he has no one to blame but himself there. Advertising that you are defenseless is not a prudent marketing goal.

Amen. And it's also foolish to assume that someone who's had a beer or two will be willing to pull and gun and shoot someone. If the bar owner truly believes that the product he serves brings out the murderous side of his patrons then he's a "d-bag" for serving them in the first place.

I'm liking the look of this new Remington R51. I currently carry a Glock 19 (second generation) but am going to trade it in for the R51 (9mm). It looks like a great conceal carry:

Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

He says he is a democrat and he has a CCW gun permit as well. Why? He is the same 'Douchebag' he is critiquing.

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lol, from what I've read the bar and it's owner has has multiple citations filed against it

so it sounds like a reputable place you libs should visit

check out the bars yelp page --LOL


1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
Zero is not an option but if food poisoning is in you to do list have a try.

Wait staff? Yes if that means you are the one who is waiting.

Water tasted like something died in the kitchen and swam into the pipes.

Ground beef was obviously not refrigerated or purchased and left out.

Seriously? Will not be in business long.

1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
In town to visit my nephew and thought I would try a night out for a beer here.

Beer was warm.

Staff was cold...

Nuff Said...

1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
Yuck. Just Yuck.

Dirty, smelly, with insolent staff.

Warm beer served in a dirty glass.

Need I say more?

1.0 star rating 3/20/2014
I don't mind that the restaurant doesn't allow CCW because I believe in "your house; your rules". But to post up a tasteless sign that needlessly insults an entire group of people is a different story.

I hope this place goes out of business. The owner made his bed and now has to sleep in it. He is a loser and a douchebag.

1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
Chicken wings served almost raw , 81 Burger had a odd green color to it.... Beer list is uninviting. The owner is a jerk...

Now, with all their recent press, there is even more reason not to return!


1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
The owner has exhibited a practice of denigrating an entire class of people by posting signs in his establishment referring to them as "Douchbags". He has made it very clear that he does not want their business. That being said, if you plan to dine here you should be very concerned about your safety and security. The owner has inadvertently made it quite clear that those carrying illegal firearms are welcome on the premises.

This kind of reminds me of the owner of the diner in MA that refused to serve the Vet with PTSD because he didn't believe the Vet's service dog was a service dog. If I remember right, his business went in the toilet too.

1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
No legal guns = I'm not spending my money here!
My money travels to pubs I feel safe at!

1.0 star rating 3/19/2014
Greeted by terrible service and snide attitudes.

Worse even, the food tasted like it was microwaved. Will not visit again.

Backstreets Pub & Grill - Clemson, SC | Yelp
Wrong on all counts. "Average" gun owners far outnumber gangbangers and drug dealers and when push comes to shove the "average" gun owners have always won. Just ask the 58 gangbangers who died, vs. the 8 or so Korean shop owners, during the King riots in LA. Also just look at the rate of justifiable homicides for citizens vs. police, the civilians kill more than twice as many bad guys as the cops do.

Civilians do not go into situations that cops do. Cops seek out the drug dealers and criminals. Civilians hope to avoid them. Comparing stats of the two is absurd. And, the majority of civilian use of a gun occurs in the home, small space, with very few, if any, threat of innocent bystanders. Apples and oranges.

But, tell me, just what kind of special training does the "average gun owner" go through that makes them better than cops with guns???

Cops show up after the fact and write reports. It is very rare that Cops are involved in activities you describe. One good friend of mine who has been an agent with California's DOJ BNE is one of the very few who regularly engages in that type of behavior and he and I have attended many schools together.

Another good friend of mine who retired as a Lt. out of the Alameda PD was a tactical movement trainer who regularly trained agents and LEO's at the FBI facility in Dublin and they also used Ft. Ord when it shut down. He used me as opfor whenever I was available because I had taken his class and a whole host of others, such as Gunsite, Thunder Ranch,
HALO, and a few others.

I also used to help a friend of mine put on a range demonstration for Dallas Faulkner, of the Stockton PD, who presented a Range Officer Candidate School for various LEO and Federal agencies. What was sad is one time the FBI brought their Colt 1921 Thompson SMG to the demonstration and they couldn't get it to work so I showed them how to field strip it then proceeded to clean about 25 years of built up crap from the action.

No, I have had loads of experience with LEO's around the western US, and I can safely say the majority are not competent with their weapons.

Fricking SERIOUSLY?! They had a Thompson & actually didn't know how to CLEAN it?! :mad:
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Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

Good!! As a gun owner I cannot understand why guns should be allowed in a bar, that's all they need is some tanked up hillbilly with a loaded firearm in a bar looking for a fight, no good can come of it. In addition the bar owner has to think about the liability issue.

I agree. There is a time and place for guns and bars ain't neither. Guns don't belong in churches or schools either.

We should be able to know when we're safe from nutters with guns.

OTOH, there is no way to know who has a gun hidden on their person.

What we really need is to force people to carry in the open. I agree that people have the right to their guns but they also have the right to avoid people carrying guns.

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