S. Carolina bar posts ban on concealed guns, calls those who carry "d-bags"

Its also funny how anytime a gun issue comes up, all of a sudden we are flooded with internet experts who ALL "know this guy" at "this range or this school" who was an expert "who trained cops and civilians" and they always say "the civilians are so much better with weapons than cops".

100%, every time, that's the response.

So, I guess the best way for all you folks to get good with your weapon....is to do less official training!!!

The difference is I can name names.

So can I. Just let me Google for a few minutes.........

Oh, damn, you beat me to it:eek:
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

I have no problem walking among law abiding citizens who have concealed carry permits. I have one too. I guess youre just better than the rest of us.
I have loads of friends in law enforcement including many in the various SWAT teams, and I know exactly what I'm speaking of. There are far, far more truly competent people out there than in law enforcement and that is a damned shame.

I just had to repost this one and take another laugh. And, in his own words...........he can "name names" hahahahaha:badgrin:

Too fun.

People who have to say "I know what I'm talking about" usually dont.
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“NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business."

<signed> Douchebag.

Good of him to sign his name.

Anti-2nd Amendment "douchebag" to be exact.
You just made my point for me. I bet there are regular Joes that could beat some NBA players in "HORSE". Competition shooting is like "HORSE" for firearms. It is what it is.

And my response is to "average gun owners". What you are describing are not "average". Seeking out that kind of training is outstanding. And you probably don't see nearly as many cops. Cops and military folks have their own schools, which civilians cannot attend, that they go to also. Blackwater once hosted a lot of it. GTI does some here in SC. MANTA in Wilmington did. Lots of those LEO/Military-only school exist.

The departmental training that is given to cops is a joke. No department I have ever seen has given firearm training any emphasis. Most departments require qualification on a yearly basis only, and that is straight paper punching. other than that most cops never shoot their weapons save for a quick bit of range time before they re-qualify. It is the admins view that cops who do pistol combat oriented training are "weird" and to be kept an eye on.

I have loads of friends in law enforcement including many in the various SWAT teams, and I know exactly what I'm speaking of. There are far, far more truly competent people out there than in law enforcement and that is a damned shame.

Depends on the department and the state, and the city.

As for the last paragraph...........SURE you do. :eusa_clap:

Take it up with your buddy wry catcher (a retired Bay Area LEO), he stopped answering questions when he figured out I knew exactly who I said I did, and was figuring out who he was. I don't BS about this. When I say I know someone...I DO. Below is the thank you I got from the Tracy PD SWAT team after they won the precision rifle section of the SWAT Championships with a rifle I built for them from confiscated parts after their Remington 700 trigger failed the day before the competition.


  • $001.JPG
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The departmental training that is given to cops is a joke. No department I have ever seen has given firearm training any emphasis. Most departments require qualification on a yearly basis only, and that is straight paper punching. other than that most cops never shoot their weapons save for a quick bit of range time before they re-qualify. It is the admins view that cops who do pistol combat oriented training are "weird" and to be kept an eye on.

I have loads of friends in law enforcement including many in the various SWAT teams, and I know exactly what I'm speaking of. There are far, far more truly competent people out there than in law enforcement and that is a damned shame.

Depends on the department and the state, and the city.

As for the last paragraph...........SURE you do. :eusa_clap:

Take it up with your buddy wry catcher (a retired Bay Area LEO), he stopped answering questions when he figured out I knew exactly who I said I did, and was figuring out who he was. I don't BS about this. When I say I know someone...I DO.

OH MY GAWD......I must not know who I'm messin' with, huh:eek:

I've trained with and been trained by, among others:

R. Lee Ermey
Chuck Norris
10 Ex-Navy SEALS that I'm close with
LAPD's SWAT commander
NRA Presidents Jim Porter AND Wayne LaPierre (BOOM!!!)

And lots of friends in Black Ops that I cant talk about.

When I say I know people, I DO.:eusa_angel:
Depends on the department and the state, and the city.

As for the last paragraph...........SURE you do. :eusa_clap:

Take it up with your buddy wry catcher (a retired Bay Area LEO), he stopped answering questions when he figured out I knew exactly who I said I did, and was figuring out who he was. I don't BS about this. When I say I know someone...I DO.

OH MY GAWD......I must not know who I'm messin' with, huh:eek:

I've trained with and been trained by, among others:

R. Lee Ermey
Chuck Norris
10 Ex-Navy SEALS that I'm close with
LAPD's SWAT commander
NRA Presidents Jim Porter AND Wayne LaPierre (BOOM!!!)

And lots of friends in Black Ops that I cant talk about.

When I say I know people, I DO.:eusa_angel:

Let's see some pictures. I just gave you one of mine.

Here, I'll post it again for you...


  • $001.JPG
    310.3 KB · Views: 45
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)
First left wing idiots carry guns as well second he has every right to do this I have no problem with it if people don't like they can go elsewhere third I it find interesting you support this persons right to refuse people who have a concealed weapons permit but not those who don't want to serve gay or lesbians because of their religious beliefs seems like selective discrimination.
The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concealed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?
Take it up with your buddy wry catcher (a retired Bay Area LEO), he stopped answering questions when he figured out I knew exactly who I said I did, and was figuring out who he was. I don't BS about this. When I say I know someone...I DO.

OH MY GAWD......I must not know who I'm messin' with, huh:eek:

I've trained with and been trained by, among others:

R. Lee Ermey
Chuck Norris
10 Ex-Navy SEALS that I'm close with
LAPD's SWAT commander
NRA Presidents Jim Porter AND Wayne LaPierre (BOOM!!!)

And lots of friends in Black Ops that I cant talk about.

When I say I know people, I DO.:eusa_angel:

Let's see some pictures. I just gave you one of mine.

I can't, all the people I train with are top secret Black Ops and their photos cant be made public. Im THAT big of a deal, Im super serious!

But your pic of shooting in a competition are cool.
It's remarkable how much effort the leftists are expending, trying to restrict or take away one of the American people's most fundamental Constitutional rights: The right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Not surprising, since the right to KBA is what establishes the American citizen's sovereignity - his freedom from oppression by government. For that reason, it's the right the leftists abhor above all others.
Take it up with your buddy wry catcher (a retired Bay Area LEO), he stopped answering questions when he figured out I knew exactly who I said I did, and was figuring out who he was. I don't BS about this. When I say I know someone...I DO.

OH MY GAWD......I must not know who I'm messin' with, huh:eek:

I've trained with and been trained by, among others:

R. Lee Ermey
Chuck Norris
10 Ex-Navy SEALS that I'm close with
LAPD's SWAT commander
NRA Presidents Jim Porter AND Wayne LaPierre (BOOM!!!)

And lots of friends in Black Ops that I cant talk about.

When I say I know people, I DO.:eusa_angel:

Let's see some pictures. I just gave you one of mine.

Here, I'll post it again for you...

Ok, since you asked nicely:
“NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business."

<signed> Douchebag.

Good of him to sign his name.

Anti-2nd Amendment "douchebag" to be exact.

No, just another guy expressing his rights....

Second amendment is way over rated....
Here's a thank you I got from the Army. Who were the SEALS you trained with? I know a lot of those guys too. How about FAST, know any of them as well?


  • $army.JPG
    600.4 KB · Views: 48
The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concealed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Neither. Most robbers don't give a shit. That's why they're robbers...
OH MY GAWD......I must not know who I'm messin' with, huh:eek:

I've trained with and been trained by, among others:

R. Lee Ermey
Chuck Norris
10 Ex-Navy SEALS that I'm close with
LAPD's SWAT commander
NRA Presidents Jim Porter AND Wayne LaPierre (BOOM!!!)

And lots of friends in Black Ops that I cant talk about.

When I say I know people, I DO.:eusa_angel:

Let's see some pictures. I just gave you one of mine.

Here, I'll post it again for you...

Ok, since you asked nicely:


Yes, I see. You post crap while I post real documents and photo's. Typical little troll.
Here's a thank you I got from the Army. Who were the SEALS you trained with? I know a lot of those guys too. How about FAST, know any of them as well?

I cant reveal it. They're involved in too many top secret operations. They're on SEAL Team 12. I know....no one else knows about it existing either.

And finally, since you OBVIOUSLY missed the sarcasm- since you actually asked for the SEALS names (hint: I dont train with 10 ex-SEALS)........I made all that up, and took pics from the internet.

Which YOU could easily have done.

Or, you could be legit. Which is disturbing. Because if you ARE that legit, and have that many credentials and ties with high level military/leo folks.........and yet, you're in an online forum posting pictures of you (and others in those photos) just to somehow get over a meaningless point.........then you probably shouldn't own a gun under the mental health regulations!!

Get it together bro', you're either a phony, or you are trailing off into the deep end:eek:

OR you're Chuck Norris.

Are you?

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