S. Carolina bar posts ban on concealed guns, calls those who carry "d-bags"

Still no one has answered the question, or even tried, except one obvious liar:

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Of the bar owners I have known, they all kept their own weapon somewhere within close reach. You know, to take care of the troublemakers who come into bars.

Why should the bar owner, on asking a troublesome patron to leave, have to be worried that this person will pull their gun and start firing? And yea, the guy might go to his car or truck and get his gun, but when he walks back into the bar, the bartender knows what is going to happen; a violent situation. And the bartender can be prepared.

Guns and alcohol do not mix well.

As to which bar to rob? The bartender will take care of that. It is not my bar and not worth my life defending 20 dollars in my pocket or someone else's bar. If you want to stand up and put your life on the line for someone else's bar property, follow the robber out to the parking lot.

Here's how I see it. We know that folks who have a propensity towards violent behavior and criminal activity will likely carry a gun into a bar regardless of the law or the bar owner's personal wishes. He's going to carry, regardless. Now if I want to head to the local pub knowing that there are bad guys out there with bad intent and a gun I'm going to want to prepare myself for the worst. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Therefore, I, as a law-abiding citizen of the USA, have the right to defend myself against dangerous foes. Of course, knowing that the bar owner has no regard for my safety I would likely go to a Constitution-friendly pub instead of his.
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

Good!! As a gun owner I cannot understand why guns should be allowed in a bar, that's all they need is some tanked up hillbilly with a loaded firearm in a bar looking for a fight, no good can come of it. In addition the bar owner has to think about the liability issue.

100% agree. I own guns, and have trained with them a lot, under high stress situations. And know that guns DO NOT mix in certain crowds and environments. And the only thing worse than a gun being in a volatile situation..............is a gun in the hands of a person who THINKS they are capable, but truly aren't, and then trying to take unnecessary action.

ooooh boy !!!! here we go with another libergunnut saying "i own guns too and i hate them and all gun owners are "DOUCHEBAGS"

:lmao: ...... :lmao:
CaféAuLait;8806862 said:
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

He says he is a democrat and he has a CCW gun permit as well. Why? He is the same 'Douchebag' he is critiquing.


He is the same 'Douchebag' he is critiquing.

ooooh boy !!!! here we go with another libergunnut saying "i own guns too and i hate them and all gun owners are "DOUCHEBAGS"

:lmao: ...... :lmao:

normal gunowners know guns and alcohol don't mix.

only a braindead loon would think otherwise.

oh wait....

the South Carolina law makes it clear

that it is against the law to carry and booze it up at the same time
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

In theory I agree, but the reality is any business owner who wishes to be armed, can be armed. And all the criminals will be armed regardless. So this is only punishing the law-abidding types.
Actually, there probably are laws against people with mental illnesses owning bars. I think you need a liquor license and being a nutcase doesn't fit the bill. Maybe he's just some normal guy who is sick to death of the US gun culture supported by immature men with small wieners.....

So your defense against a gun-toting criminal holding you at gunpoint while he is raping your wife is to yell at him, "You're an immature man with a small weiner!"?

I'll bet people around you feel safe, knowing that you can defend everybody with your grade school playground vocabulary.


I have never been, nor do I know of anybody, who has ever been a victim of gun violence. I live in Aussie. There are bugger-all guns around here.

I don't live in a chicken little world where maybe's and might of's occur. People around me don't even think about the crap you small wiener types do...


You don't live in a country where large cities have HUNDREDS of cold-blooded murders every year, where mentally unstable people with guns kill people in movie theaters, shopping malls, and schools, and where people who are frightened of guns advocate taking guns away from law-abiding citizens who just want to protect themselves.

Australia is a great place, but don't try to compare apples to oranges. It may make some people wonder if ALL Aussies are as IDIOTIC as YOU are.
Prolly because it's a stupid question, since it presupposes that the whole world is comprised of "us" and "them".

I disagree. It's a simple, legitimate question- Which would the criminal choose?


well in the case of the theater shooter

he chose the only theater that declared itself a gun free zone

Uh huh.

Looking forward to your link to Holmes using that as a basis.

Fantasizers.... :cuckoo:
Well, look at this. This bar is near Clemson University, a college bar. Its in the upper state of SC, a very conservative area, near the Greenville Metro area halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte.

This courageous, small business owning American practice HIS right and his free speech.

SC passed a law allowing people to carry guns into bars. Booze and bullets, they mix, right?

Anyway, bars can post signs banning CWP holders from packing heat (you know, "just in case" they need to stand their ground by the pool tables).

This guy's sign not only bans them, but quotes: “NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

He couldn't have said it any better. I support the right to own a gun, and keep it at your home and in your car. But I do NOT want to be next to some right wing idiot who needs to pack heat every time he goes to a bar or movie or walk in the park. Those folks are just not the type of people I want to be around, and God Bless America for allowing this brave small business owner to practice his right to keep those idiots out of his business.

If I had a kid that went to Clemson, I'd hope they'd choose this bar as their choice watering hole (hey, they're gonna go out and drink, face it:doubt:)

In theory I agree, but the reality is any business owner who wishes to be armed, can be armed. And all the criminals will be armed regardless. So this is only punishing the law-abidding types.

It's his bar, dood. He makes the rules. How is that "punishing" anybody?
Let's see some pictures. I just gave you one of mine.

Here, I'll post it again for you...

Ok, since you asked nicely:


Yes, I see. You post crap while I post real documents and photo's. Typical little troll.

This endless two-way pissing contest, even though it reduces the public focus to the irrelevantly personal, nevertheless exemplifies what this topic is really about, which is what it's usually about: it ain't about guns, it's about testosterone poisoning. Perfect example.

The weird thing about TP is the poisoned get all pissed off at the non-poisoned for not imbibing in the poison. Guess it's inevitable.
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Uh huh.

Looking forward to your link to Holmes using that as a basis.

Fantasizers.... :cuckoo:

Every time you play this game Pogo, I remind you again that Holmes had a stock of Sarin gas in his apartment. That he went on a shooting spree lowered the death toll, had he used the sarin, every person in the complex would be dead, along will all the early responders.

I realize that you approach this from a political, rather than practical, standpoint. But crazy people determined to kill, are going to kill. The little fuckers Harris and Klebold had originally planned to blow the school propane tank - all 3200 gallons - it would have left a crater a quarter mile in diameter.

You anti-civil rights advocates play a game that if you can only strip others of rights, there will be no mass killings - but the truth is that the same killers would turn to far more lethal means.

Your position is 100% bullshit, and you know it;

{An attack by knife-wielding men at a railway station in Kunming in south-west China has left at least 29 dead, the state news agency Xinhua says.

Another 130 people were wounded in what authorities said was a "premeditated, violent terrorist attack".

Four suspects were shot dead, one arrested and other are being sought Xinhua said.}

BBC News - China mass stabbing: Deadly knife attack in Kunming
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well in the case of the theater shooter

he chose the only theater that declared itself a gun free zone

Uh huh.

Looking forward to your link to Holmes using that as a basis.

Fantasizers.... :cuckoo:

Every time you play this game Pogo, I remind you again that Holmes had a stock of Sarin gas in his apartment. That he went on a shooting spree lowered the death toll, had he used the sarin, every person in the complex would be dead, along will all the early responders.

I realize that you approach this from a political, rather than practical, standpoint. But crazy people determined to kill, are going to kill. The little fuckers Harris and Klebold had originally planned to blow the school propane tank - all 3200 gallons - it would have left a crater a quarter mile in diameter.

You anti-civil rights advocates play a game that if you can only strip others of rights, there will be no mass killings - but the truth is that the same killers would turn to far more lethal means.

Your position is 100% bullshit, and you know it;

{An attack by knife-wielding men at a railway station in Kunming in south-west China has left at least 29 dead, the state news agency Xinhua says.

Another 130 people were wounded in what authorities said was a "premeditated, violent terrorist attack".

Four suspects were shot dead, one arrested and other are being sought Xinhua said.}

BBC News - China mass stabbing: Deadly knife attack in Kunming

Uh --- I don't believe we've ever talked about this, Pothead. Did you leave the gas on?

In any case that's a lot of words to give no answer at all to a question that wasn't directed at you in the first place.

But now that you're here, however incoherently... I look forward to your links of my talking about gas, or civil rights. Before that though, explain how asking a question is a "bullshit position".

Ah, low hanging :burp: fruit... 'scuse me
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Uh --- I don't believe we've ever talked about this, Pothead. Did you leave the gas on?

In any case that's a lot of words to give no answer at all to a question that wasn't directed at you in the first place.

But now that you're here, however incoherently... I look forward to your links of my talking about gas, or civil rights. Before that though, explain how asking a question is a "bullshit position".

Ah, low hanging :burp: fruit... 'scuse me

Nice try at ducking, but it looks to me like you still got the shit smacked out of you... :dunno:
Uh --- I don't believe we've ever talked about this, Pothead. Did you leave the gas on?

In any case that's a lot of words to give no answer at all to a question that wasn't directed at you in the first place.

But now that you're here, however incoherently... I look forward to your links of my talking about gas, or civil rights. Before that though, explain how asking a question is a "bullshit position".

Ah, low hanging :burp: fruit... 'scuse me

Nice try at ducking, but it looks to me like you still got the shit smacked out of you... :dunno:

Are you an idiot?

What in the blue fuck do sarin gas and civil rights have to do with my question -- which was, once again, directed at a different poster to back up what he said?

Is simple shit like this completely over your tiny little head?

And where are those links?
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Are you an idiot?

What in the blue fuck do sarin gas and civil rights have to do with my question -- which was, once again, directed at a different poster to back up what he said?

A few things, Tweaker; YOU were focusing on Holmes, with the false claim that if he had no guns, the mass killing would not have taken place.

The FACT that he had Sarin demonstrates your talking point to be false.

You've been around here long enough to know that this is an open forum - if you post something stupid, like you did, expect to be called on it. These aren't PM's Tweaker, they are posts in the open forum.

Is simple shit like this completely over your tiny little head?

And where are those links?

Go fetch is your best response?

Pretty sad, Tweaker.
Are you an idiot?

What in the blue fuck do sarin gas and civil rights have to do with my question -- which was, once again, directed at a different poster to back up what he said?

A few things, Tweaker; YOU were focusing on Holmes, with the false claim that if he had no guns, the mass killing would not have taken place.

The FACT that he had Sarin demonstrates your talking point to be false.

You've been around here long enough to know that this is an open forum - if you post something stupid, like you did, expect to be called on it. These aren't PM's Tweaker, they are posts in the open forum.

Is simple shit like this completely over your tiny little head?

And where are those links?

Go fetch is your best response?

Pretty sad, Tweaker.

You're a fucking liar. I didn't bring up Holmes, Haiku-boy did. And I said nothing about his guns either. Are you entirely illiterate?

Haiku-boy says Holmes intentionally targeted a movie theater with a gun-free zone. I challenged him to prove that.



Learn how to read, Dickhead.
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