S. Carolina bar posts ban on concealed guns, calls those who carry "d-bags"

The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concelaed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

If somebody robs the bar, give them the money, call the cops to get a statement and let insurance pay for it.

Or does that go against your He-Man shoot 'em up strategy.....?
Actually, there probably are laws against people with mental illnesses owning bars. I think you need a liquor license and being a nutcase doesn't fit the bill. Maybe he's just some normal guy who is sick to death of the US gun culture supported by immature men with small wieners.....

It's remarkable how often liberals who are losing the argument, start examining the size of people's genitals.
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Actually, there probably are laws against people with mental illnesses owning bars. I think you need a liquor license and being a nutcase doesn't fit the bill. Maybe he's just some normal guy who is sick to death of the US gun culture supported by immature men with small wieners.....

So your defense against a gun-toting criminal holding you at gunpoint while he is raping your wife is to yell at him, "You're an immature man with a small weiner!"?

I'll bet people around you feel safe, knowing that you can defend everybody with your grade school playground vocabulary.


I have never been, nor do I know of anybody, who has ever been a victim of gun violence. I live in Aussie. There are bugger-all guns around here.

I don't live in a chicken little world where maybe's and might of's occur. People around me don't even think about the crap you small wiener types do...


Resorting to pithy insults like that weakens your case. Just sayin:eusa_whistle:
The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concelaed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

If somebody robs the bar, give them the money, call the cops to get a statement and let insurance pay for it.

Or does that go against your He-Man shoot 'em up strategy.....?

Hilarious. I point out that concealed carry results in safety with NO shooting, and this fanatical loudmouth immediately calls it a "He-Man shoot 'em up strategy".

These liberals have SO little connection with reality.
Actually, there probably are laws against people with mental illnesses owning bars. I think you need a liquor license and being a nutcase doesn't fit the bill. Maybe he's just some normal guy who is sick to death of the US gun culture supported by immature men with small wieners.....

It's remarkable how often liberals who are losing the argument, start concentrating on the size of people's genitals.

I've put up more than that statement. I am not a liberal. I'm a centrist.

Isn't it remarkable how often neocon whackjobs, when losing an argument, ignore 99 percent of what it being said and concentrate on the 1 percent that is not only not related to the argument, but somehow think it gives them the win...
So your defense against a gun-toting criminal holding you at gunpoint while he is raping your wife is to yell at him, "You're an immature man with a small weiner!"?

I'll bet people around you feel safe, knowing that you can defend everybody with your grade school playground vocabulary.


I have never been, nor do I know of anybody, who has ever been a victim of gun violence. I live in Aussie. There are bugger-all guns around here.

I don't live in a chicken little world where maybe's and might of's occur. People around me don't even think about the crap you small wiener types do...


Resorting to pithy insults like that weakens your case. Just sayin:eusa_whistle:

You mean like when he called me a moron? Those kinds of insults..:eusa_whistle:
Previous poster was right - a lot of people do confuse target practice with training.

Yep. Some don't get that. To put it in perspective:

Who would probably be a better basketball player:
Guy who shoots hoops in his driveway
Guy who goes through a training camp with a college hoops team

Who would be a better football player:
Guys who play toss in the backyard
Guys who go through college football camp

That's basically the target practice vs training question.

But, there are many great classes for civilians that are in-depth, intense, and great training on par with what police and military offer. But, they're expensive and require time away from work.

And even then, its a bad idea to bring a gun to a bar, much less pull it.

It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. The gun ranges out here have regular competitions where CIVILIANS outshoot the law enforcement officers who show up on a REGULAR BASIS. This is not paper punching, this is IDPA, and IPSCC shooting.

Cops who wish to may pay to attend the various shooting schools but they have to do it on their dime. I attended Gunsite way back when Cooper was still the owner, and it was rare that LEO's showed up for the training.

Since then I have attended Thunder Ranch several times for their various classes and while LEO attendance is up, they are still vastly outnumbered by the civilians in attendance.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You just made my point for me. I bet there are regular Joes that could beat some NBA players in "HORSE". Competition shooting is like "HORSE" for firearms. It is what it is.

And my response is to "average gun owners". What you are describing are not "average". Seeking out that kind of training is outstanding. And you probably don't see nearly as many cops. Cops and military folks have their own schools, which civilians cannot attend, that they go to also. Blackwater once hosted a lot of it. GTI does some here in SC. MANTA in Wilmington did. Lots of those LEO/Military-only school exist.
Actually, there probably are laws against people with mental illnesses owning bars. I think you need a liquor license and being a nutcase doesn't fit the bill. Maybe he's just some normal guy who is sick to death of the US gun culture supported by immature men with small wieners.....

It's remarkable how often liberals who are losing the argument, start concentrating on the size of people's genitals.

I've put up more than that statement.
Yep, I noticed you talking about people's genitals, not once but several times, in this thread alone.

Have you sought help for your obsession?
Hilarious. I point out that concealed carry results in safety with NO shooting, and this fanatical loudmouth immediately calls it a "He-Man shoot 'em up strategy".

These liberals have SO little connection with reality.

Pointing out something and proving it are two different things.

And why else do people want to conceal carry in a bar? Because if the reason they are carrying in a bar ever comes to fruition, my scenario is more than likely to happen....or are they carrying for decoration..

Note to Little Acorn: Think before you type...
The advantage of universal concealed carry in a bar (or a store or shopping center or etc.), of course, is that a whacko who wants to mug somebody or rob the till, will know that even though most people still won't bother carrying, there are probably a few people in the crowd who are armed. And he won't know which one(s) they are, or where. So he knows his robbery or mugging probably won't succeed. So he's less likely to try it in the first place.

Concelaed carry results in far more safety (and without a shot ever being fired), than it does risk.

Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

Funny. I searched local news articles from that county. That bar had never been robbed before.....despite guns not being allowed in bars under the old law.
So you're implying that other bars in the jurisdiction of that law, WERE robbed?

Back to the subject:
Which bar is the robber more likely to try to knock over? The one where he knows there are probably some armed people in the crowd? Or the one where he's sure there are none... because gunz are forbidden by a sign that calls CCW's "losers" and "douchebags"?

No. Its just rare for a restaurant or bar to be robbed. Especially during business hours. Too many witnesses, not enough cash on hand to make it worth it.

Gas stations get robbed FAR more often. And....concealed guns have always been allowed in gas stations.
It's remarkable how often liberals who are losing the argument, start concentrating on the size of people's genitals.

I've put up more than that statement.
Yep, I noticed you talking about people's genitals, not once but several times, in this thread alone.

Have you sought help for your obsession?

Well it appears of all I have said, that seems to be the only thing you are picking up on. I can't help it if I've mentioned several different things and genitalia is the only thing you're picking up on..

There's somebody obsessed with something all right, and it ain't me.
Its also funny how anytime a gun issue comes up, all of a sudden we are flooded with internet experts who ALL "know this guy" at "this range or this school" who was an expert "who trained cops and civilians" and they always say "the civilians are so much better with weapons than cops".

100%, every time, that's the response.

So, I guess the best way for all you folks to get good with your weapon....is to do less official training!!!
Yep. Some don't get that. To put it in perspective:

Who would probably be a better basketball player:
Guy who shoots hoops in his driveway
Guy who goes through a training camp with a college hoops team

Who would be a better football player:
Guys who play toss in the backyard
Guys who go through college football camp

That's basically the target practice vs training question.

But, there are many great classes for civilians that are in-depth, intense, and great training on par with what police and military offer. But, they're expensive and require time away from work.

And even then, its a bad idea to bring a gun to a bar, much less pull it.

It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. The gun ranges out here have regular competitions where CIVILIANS outshoot the law enforcement officers who show up on a REGULAR BASIS. This is not paper punching, this is IDPA, and IPSCC shooting.

Cops who wish to may pay to attend the various shooting schools but they have to do it on their dime. I attended Gunsite way back when Cooper was still the owner, and it was rare that LEO's showed up for the training.

Since then I have attended Thunder Ranch several times for their various classes and while LEO attendance is up, they are still vastly outnumbered by the civilians in attendance.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You just made my point for me. I bet there are regular Joes that could beat some NBA players in "HORSE". Competition shooting is like "HORSE" for firearms. It is what it is.

And my response is to "average gun owners". What you are describing are not "average". Seeking out that kind of training is outstanding. And you probably don't see nearly as many cops. Cops and military folks have their own schools, which civilians cannot attend, that they go to also. Blackwater once hosted a lot of it. GTI does some here in SC. MANTA in Wilmington did. Lots of those LEO/Military-only school exist.

The departmental training that is given to cops is a joke. No department I have ever seen has given firearm training any emphasis. Most departments require qualification on a yearly basis only, and that is straight paper punching. other than that most cops never shoot their weapons save for a quick bit of range time before they re-qualify. It is the admins view that cops who do pistol combat oriented training are "weird" and to be kept an eye on.

I have loads of friends in law enforcement including many in the various SWAT teams, and I know exactly what I'm speaking of. There are far, far more truly competent people out there than in law enforcement and that is a damned shame.
Its also funny how anytime a gun issue comes up, all of a sudden we are flooded with internet experts who ALL "know this guy" at "this range or this school" who was an expert "who trained cops and civilians" and they always say "the civilians are so much better with weapons than cops".

100%, every time, that's the response.

So, I guess the best way for all you folks to get good with your weapon....is to do less official training!!!

The difference is I can name names.
Hilarious. I point out that concealed carry results in safety with NO shooting, and this fanatical loudmouth immediately calls it a "He-Man shoot 'em up strategy".

These liberals have SO little connection with reality.

And why else do people want to conceal carry in a bar?


For the reason I cited in the post you quoted.


Reading is key.

Your scenario is all 'what if's' and 'maybe's'. You have no idea what a desperate junkie or person with no money is willing to do. The US is country awash with guns and armed robberies happen every day...
And why else do people want to conceal carry in a bar?


For the reason I cited in the post you quoted.


Reading is key.

Your scenario is all 'what if's' and 'maybe's'. You have no idea what a desperate junkie or person with no money is willing to do. The US is country awash with guns and armed robberies happen every day...

Yes, they do. Because progressives continually let the violent offenders out of prison. It has long been known that 80% of all the violent crime committed in the USA is done by around 8% of the criminal population.

Lock those scum up and throw away the key.
It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. The gun ranges out here have regular competitions where CIVILIANS outshoot the law enforcement officers who show up on a REGULAR BASIS. This is not paper punching, this is IDPA, and IPSCC shooting.

Cops who wish to may pay to attend the various shooting schools but they have to do it on their dime. I attended Gunsite way back when Cooper was still the owner, and it was rare that LEO's showed up for the training.

Since then I have attended Thunder Ranch several times for their various classes and while LEO attendance is up, they are still vastly outnumbered by the civilians in attendance.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You just made my point for me. I bet there are regular Joes that could beat some NBA players in "HORSE". Competition shooting is like "HORSE" for firearms. It is what it is.

And my response is to "average gun owners". What you are describing are not "average". Seeking out that kind of training is outstanding. And you probably don't see nearly as many cops. Cops and military folks have their own schools, which civilians cannot attend, that they go to also. Blackwater once hosted a lot of it. GTI does some here in SC. MANTA in Wilmington did. Lots of those LEO/Military-only school exist.

The departmental training that is given to cops is a joke. No department I have ever seen has given firearm training any emphasis. Most departments require qualification on a yearly basis only, and that is straight paper punching. other than that most cops never shoot their weapons save for a quick bit of range time before they re-qualify. It is the admins view that cops who do pistol combat oriented training are "weird" and to be kept an eye on.

I have loads of friends in law enforcement including many in the various SWAT teams, and I know exactly what I'm speaking of. There are far, far more truly competent people out there than in law enforcement and that is a damned shame.

Depends on the department and the state, and the city.

As for the last paragraph...........SURE you do. :eusa_clap:
Yes, they do. Because progressives continually let the violent offenders out of prison. It has long been known that 80% of all the violent crime committed in the USA is done by around 8% of the criminal population.

Lock those scum up and throw away the key.

You have no idea who lets them out of prison. The law is the law. Who decides on that is up to the voters and the legislators they vote in.

You already have the highest incarceration rate in the western world. Doesn't seem to have done much for your violent crime stats. Guns sure haven't solved the issue...
I wonder how many donations he'll get across the country now from Pro-Common Sense With Guns people?



But you can bet that you folks will demand a tax on gun sales to give him some money.

You leftists NEVER use your own money to support the idiotic causes you promote.....

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