S.W.A.T. Force Kills Unarmed Man After Ex Complains He Put Her Stuff Out On Lawn


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I wonder if she regrets calling the law now after he's dead? This happened in Virginia. Read or read this.

Police shot unarmed man, drove armored truck through door when he didn't exit on command | Police State USA

John Geer — a 46-year-old kitchen designer and installer — was told by his girlfriend that she had decided to leave him. The couple had two daughters together, ages 13 and 17. Emotionally distraught over the breakup, Geer exacerbated the situation by throwing her belongings onto the lawn of their townhouse.

This led to her calling the police. She informed the dispatcher that he owned a firearm. A SWAT team was sent to the quiet cul-du-sac.

Geer’s home was surrounded by armored vehicles and uniformed personnel. A police sniper was photographed lying prone in a neighbor’s yard aiming toward Geer’s residence. Men in helmets and military fatigues cordoned off the neighborhood. Police began making their demands. An armored truck a topside gun turret parked in his yard and prepared for a strike command. As time went on, helicopters whirred overhead and K-9 units were seen by neighbors.

“We’re just here to help you — come out with your hands up,” recounted neighbor Edith Eshleman, of the police negotiations


Fairfax County police officers spent approximately 40 to 50 minutes communicating with Geer, insisting that he either let them in his home or that he exit into their custody. He did neither.

An officer shot Geer through a screen door as he stood facing outward at them. Geer closed the door and retreated into his house.

Around 4:30 p.m., with Geer sill “barricaded” inside his home, police used their $250,000 armored Lenco Bearcat to drive a long battering ram through the front door. SWAT team members made entry and ultimately found Geer deceased in his home.

Don Geer — the victim’s father — watched the scene unfold from the front lawn of the townhouse where officers positioned themselves with their guns trained on his son. He confirmed that his son’s hands remained empty and resting on top of a screen door throughout the confrontation with police. When John lowered his hands about six inches, according to Don Geer, one of the officers fired a shot and hit John, causing him to retreat.

Police did not immediately say whether John Geer was armed or why the officer decided to open fire, nor would they discuss the details of the conversation between the officers and Geer before the shooting. Geer’s father says that he was too far away to hear the conversation, but claims that a detective assigned to investigate the case told him that his son that his son was not holding a gun at the time of the shooting and that he did not have one on his person.

“It was very scary because I’ve never seen coming down the street a SWAT team — I mean, a SWAT team?!” exclaimed neighbor Valerie Findley.

Neither Geer’s father nor his good friend understand why the standoff ended in the death of a man with no prior convictions for violence. They do not believe that John was armed at the time, though both acknowledge that he owned a gun. Geer’s father said that the detective in charge of the investigation told him that a holstered handgun was found on the stairway landing a “couple of steps” from the front door where he was shot.

“If he doesn’t have a weapon in his immediate possession, the officer should not have fired,” Don Geer said. “He would have to have turned around, bent over and then picked up the gun to present a threat. It’s pretty hard to say the shooting was justifiable.”

The officer involved was placed on routine administrative leave while the investigation continues, and police are remaining tight-lipped about the details of the incident.
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An unarmed citizen with no prior history of violence was shot and killed? And something's being done about it?


This was not an act of self defense. No one was pounding anyone's head into the pavement. That you think otherwise is hilarious but pretty damn sad.

The man was no threat. And nothing will be done to the cops for killing him.
there used to be a kinship between police and vets in this country. It seems to me the police now find vets threatening instead. What changed that?
As I've mentioned time and time again, just send in a SWAT team to justify the costs of all the outrageous military gear given cheaply by Fatherland Security to create a quasi-military goon squad full of shaved headed jackboots who bounce around the place treating citizens like they're playing call of duty.

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