Sabonis v Davis


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast


The Sacramento Kings' season sweep of the Lakers and Sabonis ate Anthony Davis for lunch last night at Golden 1 Center.

"The Lithuanian-American center outmuscled Davis all night en route to his league-leading 23rd triple-double as the Kings completed their second-ever season series sweep of the Lakers. Sabonis finished with 17 points, 19 rebounds and 10 assists in the widely heralded performance while Davis finished with 22 points, 10 rebounds and three assists and went 7 of 18 from the field"

At home the Kings beat the Lakers 120 to 107

You are not being very honest in here. Firstly, Sabonis enjoys White Privilege from the refs, especially when the Kings play the Lakers... there are many plays where Sabonis should have been called for the offensive foul.

Most importantly though, if you go play-by-play, most of Sabonis success was never against Davis. He had a nice amt of assists against Davis and a few offensive rebounds.
You could've been more honest here, and showed how Sabonis damage was mainly done against the other Lakers' and not against Davis.
You are not being very honest in here. Firstly, Sabonis enjoys White Privilege from the refs, especially when the Kings play the Lakers... there are many plays where Sabonis should have been called for the offensive foul.

Most importantly though, if you go play-by-play, most of Sabonis success was never against Davis. He had a nice amt of assists against Davis and a few offensive rebounds.
You could've been more honest here, and showed how Sabonis damage was mainly done against the other Lakers' and not against Davis.
KMA jack
Whatever, but you are obviously Butt sore. Lakers are in 9th place and the Kings are in 6th place.
Playoffs are coming!

From the Kings' Fox...

“I think our game plan when we play this team is to try to get out and run,” Fox said. “Obviously, that’s our game plan against most teams, but with how Bron and AD are getting to the basket, at times, a foul is not called and they fall down, and we have a five-on-four the other way. ... They’re not a great transition defensive team, so we try to go out there and do what we do.”

The Kings swept the Lakers this season winning 4 fn times! Eat crow mofo.
You are not being very honest in here. Firstly, Sabonis enjoys White Privilege from the refs, especially when the Kings play the Lakers... there are many plays where Sabonis should have been called for the offensive foul.

Most importantly though, if you go play-by-play, most of Sabonis success was never against Davis. He had a nice amt of assists against Davis and a few offensive rebounds.
You could've been more honest here, and showed how Sabonis damage was mainly done against the other Lakers' and not against Davis.
“White privilege”


How’s the race cult going that you’re in?
How’s the race cult going...?
DUH?!!! I'm a Caucasoid of the Neanderthal derivation, just like you sir:
We created the idea of a Race cult :highfive: and we will ALWAYS have the market cornered.

Now, can we get back on topic? Regarding how the OP here is not telling the facts about how a great majority of Sabonis great results/great plays were NOT against AD but were against AD's teammates.
Whatever, but you are obviously Butt sore. Lakers are in 9th place and the Kings are in 6th place.
Nope. This is sports, this is not my life so, no, I cannot join you in "Butt sore" land or whatever it is you are talking about sir. I am not concerned about what place any team is in. I leave that, for novice-nimrods such as yourself lol

Why? You ask.

Because the NBA playoffs are just like the MLB playoffs... its about how HOT YOU ARE when the regular season ends.
Look what just happened in MLB where a wild-card team got to the World Series. Look what happened last year in the NBA, when an 8-seed [MIA Heat] caught fire at the right time --got all the way to the NBA Finals.
Look what happened 2 months ago when the Super Bowl was won by a team that had only 11 regular season victories --which ranked 8th in the NFL!
And had the Lakers beat DEN, last May, it would've been an 8-seed vs. a 7-seed in the NBA Finals. lol
How crazy is that, to think we actually had a chance to witness? lol

So, no pal, I have no concern about if there's a play-in or not... Lebron knows what to do no matter the situation --its his teammates where the concerns exist.

The Kings swept the Lakers this season winning 4 fn times! Eat crow mofo.
Playoffs are a whooole different animal. lol

Just as we saw 10 months ago. When the Kings owned the Lakers all regular season, Kings had waaay better record than Lakers all regular season, but then... the playoffs happened! 😎 Lakers made it to the WCF, Kings did NOT make it to the WCF.
Read it and weep pal. Especially considering the Kings did pretty good against the Warriors all-season, but... playoffs came! And Warriors showed the Kings who was the boss --and they did it, on the Kings' home-court in a gm7!!
Nope. This is sports, this is not my life so, no, I cannot join you in "Butt sore" land or whatever it is you are talking about sir. I am not concerned about what place any team is in. I leave that, for novice-nimrods such as yourself lol

Why? You ask.

Because the NBA playoffs are just like the MLB playoffs... its about how HOT YOU ARE when the regular season ends.
Look what just happened in MLB where a wild-card team got to the World Series. Look what happened last year in the NBA, when an 8-seed [MIA Heat] caught fire at the right time --got all the way to the NBA Finals.
Look what happened 2 months ago when the Super Bowl was won by a team that had only 11 regular season victories --which ranked 8th in the NFL!
And had the Lakers beat DEN, last May, it would've been an 8-seed vs. a 7-seed in the NBA Finals. lol
How crazy is that, to think we actually had a chance to witness? lol

So, no pal, I have no concern about if there's a play-in or not... Lebron knows what to do no matter the situation --its his teammates where the concerns exist.

Playoffs are a whooole different animal. lol

Just as we saw 10 months ago. When the Kings owned the Lakers all regular season, Kings had waaay better record than Lakers all regular season, but then... the playoffs happened! 😎 Lakers made it to the WCF, Kings did NOT make it to the WCF.
Read it and weep pal. Especially considering the Kings did pretty good against the Warriors all-season, but... playoffs came! And Warriors showed the Kings who was the boss --and they did it, on the Kings' home-court in a gm7!!
Cry me river...


Sabonis v Davis

Deal with it.
Nope. You have the wrong member.
This is basketball, this is sports. There is nothing to cry about.
So, I deeply apologize sir, if you are incapable of handling truth-telling-in-sports discussions.

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