Sad day when we have to rely on Bolton for some sanity in the WH

America has no business invading countries (like Syria) without a declaration of matter what the excuse.

And let's talk about the excuses...ISIL and the Kurds.

ISIL was NEVER a threat to America. They are/were made up mostly of mercenaries. Mercs fight for money...not reason. Plus, ISIL had no navy or air force and were entirely landlocked.
Almost every country in the Middle East wanted them destroyed and ISIL would have been even without America's interference.
So that excuse is out the window.
Neocons just used ISIL as an excuse to put more U.S. troops in yet another country.
PLUS - ISIL is almost destroyed
Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War (they are the tiny dark grey area in the Kurdish-held zone on the eastern part of Syria's southern border)
Just let Assad's forces in to the Kurdish area and they will wipe them out.

And what about the 'protecting the Kurd's' excuse?

The Kurds stole roughly 1/4 of Syria. Just stole it. They invaded it when Assad was on the ropes - using the 'destroying ISIL' reason as an excuse - and when they got the land, they said 'oh sorry...we ain't giving it back'.
That is illegal by ANY known international law.
The Kurds in Syria are NOT heroes. They are thieves.
And they are not worthy of America's allegiance. And I see no reason whatsoever to protect them.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS. But he was 100% right when he said troops should be pulled out of Syria...and I STRONGLY commend him for it.

And John Bolton is the Neocon poster boy, a hypocrite (for avoiding the draft yet desperately trying to send countless American soldiers into harms way/possible death) and is clearly OBSESSED about American military power budding in all over the friggin' world.
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The US is not the World Police, 21 trillion in debt we can hardly afford to have troops station in over 140 countries, Not our monkey Not our Circus
Did you support the Trump/McConnell give away to the wealthy?

Try not to claim you care about the debt or deficit. please

The USA set up the world systems that have been keeping a relative peace (no world wars). So of course we are a policeman. After WWII .. we acknowledged a broken world. We fixed it to our advantage.
Technically we fixed it for the new world order. And still a lot of people have died. Our military are supposed to be warriors in conflicts to save the United States. Not policemen walking a dangerous route forever in some hellhole nation where they give up their lives or are disabled for nothing.
For a president who has routinely decried telegraphing military moves, Donald Trump has sure spent much of the past two weeks ... telegraphing his military moves.

It started two weeks ago, when Trump made a surprise announcement that the United States would "very soon" soon withdraw from Syria. Then came Wednesday morning, when he announced via Twitter that the United States would bomb Syria


(just to PROVE his campaign did not collude with Russia! believe me!!!) :

...........he taunted Russia for its threats to shoot down the missiles.

"Get ready Russia, because missiles will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'"
:bye1: the likes of Russia advance notice of what's coming is something the Old Trump would say is the opposite of "smart." He railed against President Obama doing it in 2016 and said early in his presidency that he wouldn't repeat those mistakes. He said doing so would only tip off the enemy, and he even said it specifically about Syria.

Here's what he tweeted in 2013:

Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 29, 2013
He added in April 2017 in remarks about Syria. “One of the things I think you've noticed about me is: Militarily, I don't like to say where I'm going and what I'm doing. I'm not saying I'm doing anything one way or the other.”

He later echoed that in an interview with “Fox and Friends” while talking about the situation in North Korea.

“I don't want to telegraph what I'm doing, or what I'm thinking,” he said. “I'm not like other administrations, where they say we're going to do this in four weeks and that. It doesn't work that way.” the likes of Russia advance notice of what's coming is something the Old Trump would say is the opposite of "smart." He railed against President Obama doing it in 2016 and said early in his presidency that he wouldn't repeat those mistakes. He said doing so would only tip off the enemy, and he even said it specifically about Syria.

Here's what he tweeted in 2013:

Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 29, 2013
He added in April 2017 in remarks about Syria. “One of the things I think you've noticed about me is: Militarily, I don't like to say where I'm going and what I'm doing. I'm not saying I'm doing anything one way or the other.”

He later echoed that in an interview with “Fox and Friends” while talking about the situation in North Korea.

“I don't want to telegraph what I'm doing, or what I'm thinking,” he said. “I'm not like other administrations, where they say we're going to do this in four weeks and that. It doesn't work that way.”

We gave Russia 24 hours notice before we sent 100 cruise missiles to take out the airfield we claimed launched chem weapon strikes. Then the Russians told Syria and they moved all the planes that were capable of flying. That is why the place was basically empty when we attacked it.
donny pretends the wall obsession is all about national security and "keeping campaign promises"

and OF COURSE the dumbo parrots go along with his asinine narrative :eusa_clap:
I miss the days when the left were anti war regardless of whose tool sat in the big chair. The notion that the sewage streaming from under John ‘there-aint-enough-death-going-on’ Bolton’s mustache is something to celebrate is laughable.
Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .
Fucking post of the day there.
Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .
Fucking post of the day there.

It was inevitable that Trump ass kissers would contribute to this thread by stating that Dems. are now ALL FOR if Dems. are a bunch of weak-spined peaceniks

The objective of the thread was simply to remind these ass kissers that the orange demagogue is an idiot who seems to do dictators' bidding....such as Putin and Erdogan.....and that his sporadic decisions are being refuted by the courts,.now the House majority, AND even his own staff.

Trump is UNFIT to even empty the trash can from the oval office.

It was inevitable that Trump ass kissers would contribute to this thread by stating that Dems. are now ALL FOR if Dems. are a bunch of weak-spined peaceniks

The objective of the thread was simply to remind these ass kissers that the orange demagogue is an idiot who seems to do dictators' bidding....such as Putin and Erdogan.....and that his sporadic decisions are being refuted by the courts,.now the House majority, AND even his own staff.

Trump is UNFIT to even empty the trash can from the oval office.

go figure


they showed up in droves. pushing the same old shit they've been pushing since they first could brave joining a keyboard platoon

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