Sad day when we have to rely on Bolton for some sanity in the WH

Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .

Keeping troops in Syria (or Iraq or Afghanistan) is not sanity, it is just more of the same old thing we have been doing for 5 decades...and it has never worked.

People like you who never had the balls to sign up are happy to send our service members off to die so your MIC can thrive.
No one said it was sane.

But the idiot Bush created this disaster he’s left two presidents now to deal with.

Think of it as the ‘lesser of the two insanes’ – where at least making an effort to ensure ISIS is indeed gone, and that the Kurds in Syria are not massacred by the Turks, is not as insane as Trump’s reckless, irresponsible ‘plan.’
No one said it was sane.

But the idiot Bush created this disaster he’s left two presidents now to deal with.

Think of it as the ‘lesser of the two insanes’ – where at least making an effort to ensure ISIS is indeed gone, and that the Kurds in Syria are not massacred by the Turks, is not as insane as Trump’s reckless, irresponsible ‘plan.’

I agree the current quagmire is the result of Bush II historically bad decisions. but that is no reason to keep throwing away American lives.

I can tell you I do not give a rats ass about the Kurds, they were stupid to trust us after we have fucked them over multiple times in the past.

I am tired of seeing Americans die for nothing.
If you are on this board advocating for more war and you never served, how are you any different than Trump?

If you think we belong over there, but your ass behind your words and sign on the dotted line.
Keeping the peace, is not waging war.,

You remind me of one of those blowhards I'd meet at a Veteran's Club, sitting on a stool at the end of a bar, drinking cheap beers, and spouting off about military strategies and tactics .. because of an experience being a pawn, a foot soldier in the military. LOL

You are an ignorant fool.
Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .

Keeping troops in Syria (or Iraq or Afghanistan) is not sanity, it is just more of the same old thing we have been doing for 5 decades...and it has never worked.

People like you who never had the balls to sign up are happy to send our service members off to die so your MIC can thrive.
No one said it was sane.

But the idiot Bush created this disaster he’s left two presidents now to deal with.

Think of it as the ‘lesser of the two insanes’ – where at least making an effort to ensure ISIS is indeed gone, and that the Kurds in Syria are not massacred by the Turks, is not as insane as Trump’s reckless, irresponsible ‘plan.’

like Powell told 43 - you go in,you own it.

bada bing !
Unlike hack Bozos like you an the gnat, I've been against intervening in idiotic foreign wars and in favor of bringing Murican troops home -ALL OF THEM- for decades...I thought Bolton was a douchy warmongering slug when he was on Chimpy McShrub's staff, and remains so today....I don't switch sides just because one party or the other is in power.

But thanks for playing, hack Bozo.
Do people who know you flee when they see you coming? Gawd, do you ever listen to yourself on this or any other subject?

and the name calling, is so .. creepy hearing an old man like you try and be a tough kid in a playground
If you are on this board advocating for more war and you never served, how are you any different than Trump?

If you think we belong over there, but your ass behind your words and sign on the dotted line.
Keeping the peace, is not waging war.,

You remind me of one of those blowhards I'd meet at a Veteran's Club, sitting on a stool at the end of a bar, drinking cheap beers, and spouting off about military strategies and tactics .. because of an experience being a pawn, a foot soldier in the military. LOL

You are an ignorant fool.

What were you doing at the Veteran's Club (what the hell ever that is) cleaning the bathrooms?

I have no respect for anyone that wants US solders to keep dying but lacks the balls to put on the uniform and go back up their words.
like Powell told 43 - you go in,you own it.

bada bing !
Powell was a huge part of the problem, and I remember a few months before he departed commenting on how he was setting up an exit strategy - which he didn't have for Iraq occupation -- and watched him try and leave and claim he was the only sane voice in the room. He'\s such a poser

Where was Powell when they sent in Paul Bremer?
Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .
Bolton is indeed a total lunatic and warmongering miscreant who only appears ‘sane’ when compared to Trump.
What were you doing at the Veteran's Club (what the hell ever that is) cleaning the bathrooms?

I have no respect for anyone that wants US solders to keep dying but lacks the balls to put on the uniform and go back up their words.

Then you just hate Trump wit a passion

and Trump would say, that's what they signed up for.

and you can try and make it about me personally all you want -- which is how I know you're that whiney little prick sitting at the end of the bar drinking the cheap beers
I know people who spent more years in High School, than in the military (seeing no combat), yet they attach their identity to those fewer years. Blowhards. Payroll Patriots.

never heard the highly decorated men I'd met brag like a veteran who spends time in Vet's clubs and online lecturing others about military strategies and tactics/
Then you just hate Trump wit a passion

and Trump would say, that's what they signed up for.

and you can try and make it about me personally all you want -- which is how I know you're that whiney little prick sitting at the end of the bar drinking the cheap beers

I do not hate anyone, hate takes way too much work.

And it is about you, it is about you because you lack the balls to do back up your words.

And what the hell is a Veteran's Club?
I know people who spent more years in High School, than in the military (seeing no combat), yet they attach their identity to those fewer years. Blowhards. Payroll Patriots.

never heard the highly decorated men I'd met brag like a veteran who spends time in Vet's clubs and online lecturing others about military strategies and tactics/

And yet you still lacked the balls to ever put on the uniform.

But you hang out with the Vets trying to be cool like them.

Bolton simply put logical conditions on the operation. The President delegated the authority and that's what sane administrations do. Contrast that with Obama pulling some technical B.S. to keep his IRS chief from testifying and firing the A.G. when the administration bungling in the laughable "operation fast/furious" resulted in a dead Officer. The system works and the crazy left hates the President for it.
When are you throwing on the old combat boots and putting your life on the line?
please, I did not dodge a draft

How come no males in the Trump line has ever served in America's military?

So what if they haven't? That retort makes no sense whatsoever. That's the kind of line you throw at a war hawk, not someone trying to keep us out of unnecessary wars.
Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .

DEMOCRATS - "We have to end our involvement in foreign wars!!"

TRUMP - "I'm going to end our involvement in Syria."

DEMOCRATS - "It's stupid to end our involvement in foreign wars!!"

President Barack Hussein Obama followed thru with a withdrawal from Iraq according to the Status of Forces Agreement that GWB signed and republics hollowed.
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No one said it was sane.

But the idiot Bush created this disaster he’s left two presidents now to deal with.

Think of it as the ‘lesser of the two insanes’
– where at least making an effort to ensure ISIS is indeed gone, and that the Kurds in Syria are not massacred by the Turks, is not as insane as Trump’s reckless, irresponsible ‘plan.’
Which still leaves you as insane, which we already knew.
I do not hate anyone, hate takes way too much work.

And it is about you, it is about you because you lack the balls to do back up your words.

And what the hell is a Veteran's Club?
First of all, you say you are attacking words - yet present no words, just a warped perception on your part.

You hate as surely as you post.

Veterans' clubs? Come on, cheap beers and tax exempt status for people who already get G.I. Bill benefits and more? I recall listening to and also reading how active service members (active service members are too busy to sit there drinking cheap beers) would view veterans with big mouths .. veterans posing as if they are military experts or careerists who retired from the military, rather than having served a few years in a minor capacity. The older men know why the Army was called the Green Machine. They knew they were cogs, whereas you're delusional enough to think you're up there with an Ike, or a McAulife, or a Bradley or...

I've met MoH awardees, and real military retirees who collect well-earned pensions. I've had family that .. oh never mind. You've convinced yourself you're a great hero and a great American. Why don't you go down to the Post Office and salute a flag. It will make you feel better -- about yourself
I do not hate anyone, hate takes way too much work.

And it is about you, it is about you because you lack the balls to do back up your words.

And what the hell is a Veteran's Club?
First of all, you say you are attacking words - yet present no words, just a warped perception on your part.

You hate as surely as you post.

Veterans' clubs? Come on, cheap beers and tax exempt status for people who already get G.I. Bill benefits and more? I recall listening to and also reading how active service members (active service members are too busy to sit there drinking cheap beers) would view veterans with big mouths .. veterans posing as if they are military experts or careerists who retired from the military, rather than having served a few years in a minor capacity. The older men know why the Army was called the Green Machine. They knew they were cogs, whereas you're delusional enough to think you're up there with an Ike, or a McAulife, or a Bradley or...

I've met MoH awardees, and real military retirees who collect well-earned pensions. I've had family that .. oh never mind. You've convinced yourself you're a great hero and a great American. Why don't you go down to the Post Office and salute a flag. It will make you feel better -- about yourself

I seem to have touched a nerve, you are getting all POed.

I never said a thing about myself in this thread, you are just making all of that shit up....that is what people do when they have been put in their place and have no other recourse.
Let me get this straight: you are relying on Bolton (The John Bolton) for bringing some sanity to the White House? Are you out of your fucking mind? John Bolton is an Israeli firster neo con war monger that never wants the US to leave the Mid East
Of course, we can add yet ANOTHER flip-flop to Trump's moronic, off-the-cuff statement about a quick pulling out of Syria.

Since Trump loves (and envies) dictators like Putin and Erdogan, he was told to let Russia and Turkey have free rein in Syria...........But, based on our other secretary of state, Netanyahu, Israel did NOT like the orange child's decision.

In steps Bolton, to basically REVERSE Trump's moronic decision (probably based on the fact that Turkey and Russia did not have the opportunity to buy him off as these countries did with Flynn.) .

DEMOCRATS - "We have to end our involvement in foreign wars!!"

TRUMP - "I'm going to end our involvement in Syria."

DEMOCRATS - "It's stupid to end our involvement in foreign wars!!"
President Barack Hussein Obama followed thru with a withdrawal from Iraq according to the States of Forces Agreement that GWB signed and republics hollowed.

and President Obama's order to withdraw, didn't extend from a conversation on a phone where he lost his cool, or felt pressure from a Foreign leader with maybe some ...

and President Obama said we would assist, but the people in a country that had free elections would have to GOVERN themselves.

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