This is what liberals have become

Today's political definitions....

"liberal" = closed minded bigot obsessed with race, gender, and bilking the US taxpayer as much as possible

"conservative" = "christian" with an IQ under 10
Well the conservative part is mostly right.
Whatever happened to all of the anti-war left wingers?

Same thing happened when Saddam invaded Kuwait.

The LEFT didn't want to do anything.

The ISRAELI OWNED "US" MEDIA was all for all out war, including a US invasion and occupation of Iraq in defiance of the UN coalition that successfully purged Saddam from Kuwait.

The variable is ISRAEL.

The non-Jewish LEFT only cares about


The Jewish LEFT has ISRAEL on top of the other four....
That’s weird. I remember people On the left being totally behind Bush Senior for kicking Saddam out of Kuwait.

It was Iraq that was the disgrace. Even Trump says that now.
Personally I was wondering WTF US troops were doing in Syria all of a sudden anyhow..Now that they are leaving so what!?

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