Sad, "his people" clapped and roared when Trump was bashing Ford

How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

Why do you have a problem with President Donald Trump saying exactly what Dr. Ford did? That's a problem for you why? Poor baby did President Trump use the wrong tone of voice?

You're with Cory Booker now. Sad, facts don't mean anything to him either.

This is a very bad development for Dr. Christine Ford because this not what she told the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath.
Christine Ford lied under oath!

The boyfriend wrote the Judiciary Committee about the relationship:

– Ford never mentioned sexual assault
– Ford never mentioned Kavanaugh
– Ford not scared of confined spaces
– Ford not scared of flying
– Ford knew how to beat a polygraph
– Ford cheated on him/committed fraud

SHE'S A FRAUD: Dr. Ford Lied About Flying, Tight Spaces, Closed Quarters, Polygraph Tests and Never Mentioned Sexual Assault to Boyfriend

No one questions whether or not Dr. Ford was a victim of a sexual assault. It just did not happen with Judge Kavanaugh.

Dr. Ford should be charged with felony perjury, as was a former president. Putting her in prison for a few years and stripping her of her license to practice will put a halt to this for the next appointment. This is just shameful and disgusting.
Last edited:

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape........

What percentage of men falsely accused of assault suffer PTSD? Do you care?
My guess is majority of men have to virtually rape their wives just to get them to give it up

True story

NO ONE has ever accused him before her of grabbing them and pawing them.
How did you create this link between your universe and this one to type that post?
Be specific before Ford made the accusation LINK us to all the claims by woman about him......
Her therapy sessions in 2012.

If you were raped, were afraid to speak out for years, then your rapist was about to achieve power, you'd probably speak too. Actually nvm, you're a big ol' pussy.

That is hearsay. Not verified. And those stories don't match what has recently been claimed.
If they did, you'd support the rapist even more.

Actually, I don't support him at all.

I am disgusted with both sides.

I don't like the guy based on his stance on the law.

That said, what the left has done to him in the name of politics is shameful. Looking at your signature, you are a lying, corrupt piece of. . . . . YOU are what is wrong with this nation.

You don't care about the law anymore. To you, the ends justify the means, that is obvious.

Tell me, what was the vote that approved Ginsberg? And Scalia? Do you even know?

It is folks like YOU that have made a mockery of the way we once did things. Playing politics with the law..
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

You need proof, her credibility is almost completely evaporated, any second and it will all be gone:blowup:

Pay closer attention, she has ZERO facts to support her myth, only the deaf, dumb and blind swallow this line of crap...

Which one are you? :1peleas:
Wow................last night Trump was mocking Ford at his rally.

This morning, when Sanders was asked about Trump mocking Ford at the rally, Sanders said that Trump wasn't mocking her, but rather simply stating facts.

Dunno about that, sounded like he was mocking her to me.

When someone's memory is THAT bad, Biker...don't they deserve to be called on it? You label it "mocking" but what Trump is really doing is simply pointing out that her story has HUGE holes in it which is why the prosecutor hired to question Ford stated that based on her testimony very few prosecutors would have ever brought such an accusation to trial.

So, in your opinion, it appears that you are in favor of using someone's pain as a political talking point to stir up favor with the base? Got it. You're a heartless person.
Want to know why I don't really care if anyone bashes Ford.

  1. She has not evidence and did not present anything.
  2. She show very selective recall.
  3. Findings after she made her statement did not match what she testified to.
  4. What little evidence she showed could not be verified by her witnesses.
  5. Her friends and witnesses would not lie for her.
  6. No time date, location, what happened could not be verified.
  7. Going back 37 years to a incident is really pushing the envelope on any crime.
How did you create this link between your universe and this one to type that post?
Be specific before Ford made the accusation LINK us to all the claims by woman about him......
Her therapy sessions in 2012.

If you were raped, were afraid to speak out for years, then your rapist was about to achieve power, you'd probably speak too. Actually nvm, you're a big ol' pussy.

That is hearsay. Not verified. And those stories don't match what has recently been claimed.
If they did, you'd support the rapist even more.

Actually, I don't support him at all.

I am disgusted with both sides.

I don't like the guy based on his stance on the law.

That said, what the left has done to him in the name of politics is shameful. Looking at your signature, you are a lying, corrupt piece of. . . . . YOU are what is wrong with this nation.

You don't care about the law anymore. To you, the ends justify the means, that is obvious.

Tell me, what was the vote that approved Ginsberg? And Scalia? Do you even know?

It is folks like YOU that have made a mockery of the way we once did things. Playing politics with the law..
That was a good discretion of Hilly never thought of it just like that. Thanks.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

There was an accusation today that he threw an ice cube in a bar fight.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

Pointing out that sexual assault is harmful, does nothing to support the claim that this particular assault happened.

You talk about the pain involved, in an appeal to emotion, to discourage people from thinking about this issue rationally.

REmember when you libs thought that was a bad thing? LOL!!!
NO ONE has ever accused him before her of grabbing them and pawing them.
How did you create this link between your universe and this one to type that post?
Be specific before Ford made the accusation LINK us to all the claims by woman about him......
Her therapy sessions in 2012.

If you were raped, were afraid to speak out for years, then your rapist was about to achieve power, you'd probably speak too. Actually nvm, you're a big ol' pussy.
We have not seen her therapy statement but we HAVE been told she never named who did it and claimed 4 boys were involved.
NO ONE has ever accused him before her of grabbing them and pawing them.
How did you create this link between your universe and this one to type that post?
Be specific before Ford made the accusation LINK us to all the claims by woman about him......
Her therapy sessions in 2012.

If you were raped, were afraid to speak out for years, then your rapist was about to achieve power, you'd probably speak too. Actually nvm, you're a big ol' pussy.
We have not seen her therapy statement but we HAVE been told she never named who did it and claimed 4 boys were involved.
Agreed, I already stated, we have nothing but second hand media reports to paint a picture.

Propaganda, nothing but propaganda at this point.
Wow................last night Trump was mocking Ford at his rally.

This morning, when Sanders was asked about Trump mocking Ford at the rally, Sanders said that Trump wasn't mocking her, but rather simply stating facts.

Dunno about that, sounded like he was mocking her to me.
Better impeach his ass then, huh?
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

WHat's sad is that lying bitch still isn't in jail. Give it time though.

If you cared about real sexual assault victims, you wouldn't be supporting her crying wolf over it. Allegations without proof do not help real victims at all.

Oh I believed her, and the people at his rallies and Trump are sad (degenerate). He is a known liar now, lied under oath. His true colors shown through, didn't they?
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

You all clapped and roared when your party leaders bashed Kavanaugh. What’s the difference? You are all deplorables on both sides
Kavanaugh doesn't understand speech..
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.

What do you call attempted rape? A man trying to get to second base. LOL.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

You all clapped and roared when your party leaders bashed Kavanaugh. What’s the difference? You are all deplorables on both sides
Kavanaugh doesn't understand speech..

Are you an expert in speech/public speaking? You are making a summary judgement of a top attorney and judge. Unless you are top of the field of public speaking, law, acting you are just showing everyone your ignorance.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

they clapped because they are not just "deplorable"....they are DESPICABLE.

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