Sad, "his people" clapped and roared when Trump was bashing Ford

How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

You all clapped and roared when your party leaders bashed Kavanaugh. What’s the difference? You are all deplorables on both sides
Kavanaugh doesn't understand speech..

Are you an expert in speech/public speaking? You are making a summary judgement of a top attorney and judge. Unless you are top of the field of public speaking, law, acting you are just showing everyone your ignorance.
I was thinking bout all the times a woman has said no to him
How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".

I am fully capable of judging the way he lied, his ill-temperament and overt partisanship. He is not worthy of the SC (for just those points). And judge not lest you be judged, well I judge all the time. Its not reserved for the judges of the US.
Last edited:
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".

I am fully capable of judging the way he lied, his ill-temperament and overt partisanship. He is not worthy of the SC (for just those points). And judge not lest you be judged, well I judge all the time. Its not reserved for the judges of the US.

So your are running on pure emotion. Hope you are not judged by the criteria you use to judge others.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

You all clapped and roared when your party leaders bashed Kavanaugh. What’s the difference? You are all deplorables on both sides
Kavanaugh doesn't understand speech..

Are you an expert in speech/public speaking? You are making a summary judgement of a top attorney and judge. Unless you are top of the field of public speaking, law, acting you are just showing everyone your ignorance.
I was thinking bout all the times a woman has said no to him

Were you there all those times? What a dumbass reply.
His childish trashing and name-calling of others is just fine with them.

The more childish the better. They cheer it on.

Takes you back to the grade school playground, doesn't it?
Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".

I am fully capable of judging the way he lied, his ill-temperament and overt partisanship. He is not worthy of the SC (for just those points). And judge not lest you be judged, well I judge all the time. Its not reserved for the judges of the US.

So your are running on pure emotion. Hope you are not judged by the criteria you use to judge others.

Matthew 7:1-2 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 7
Judging Others. 1 “Stop judging, that you may not be judged .B)' 2 For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.

  1. 7:1–12 In Mt 7:1 Matthew returns to the basic traditional material of the sermon (Lk 6:37–38, 41–42). The governing thought is the correspondence between conduct toward one’s fellows and God’s conduct toward the one so acting.
  2. 7:1 This is not a prohibition against recognizing the faults of others, which would be hardly compatible with Mt 7:5, 6 but against passing judgment in a spirit of arrogance, forgetful of one’s own faults.
So a judge can lie under oath, be partisan and have an ill-temper,

so one can say if you are a witness, you can lie under oath, and be mad and not answer? I am willing to be judged by my standards. Are you aware many attorneys do not want him on the SC and also the ABA.

No I am not running on pure emotion, I running on an educated and knowledgeable judgement and also knowledge the investigation was half ass and to be fair, I watch him as he testified, and I was appalled at his arrogance and partisanship.
Last edited:
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

I bet you're on heroin, Penny...are you in rehab I wonder?

Oh bad! It's really wrong to slander someone just because you don't agree with their politics! Someone who would do such a thing really isn't a good person! Someone that would throw around accusations like that should take a look in the mirror and realize that character assassination is the refuge of those who have little else to attack with!
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

There are enormous problems with the Liberal allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, and our President was only pointing those defects out. Everyone knows that the accusers don't have times and places or even a year mentioned when Kav supposedly committed the act, yet the Far Left still seeks to destroy his life over it.

Other Republicans didn't have the cojones to actually point it out, so it fell to the party's Leader who gladly did his part to rescue the reputation of Kavanaugh.
How sad is this, how sad is the Potus. How very sad of the women who attended that rally, as they were applauding and roaring in laughter and agreement. How very sad from a loser Potus to loser people.

The likelihood that a person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual violence.

· 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9

· 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.

· 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.

· 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.

· Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.


View attachment 220035

Sexual Violence in the Military Often Goes Unreported

18,900 military members experienced unwanted sexual contact in the fiscal year ending September, 2014.16

· 4.3% of active duty women and 0.9% of active duty men experienced unwanted sexual contact in FY14.

· Of the 18,900 survivors, 43% of females and 10% of males reported.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

There are enormous problems with the Liberal allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, and our President was only pointing those defects out. Everyone knows that the accusers don't have times and places or even a year mentioned when Kav supposedly committed the act, yet the Far Left still seeks to destroy his life over it.

Other Republicans didn't have the cojones to actually point it out, so it fell to the party's Leader who gladly did his part to rescue the reputation of Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh ruined his own reputation just by the way he responded when being questioned.
How do any of those stats apply to Ms Ford? She was not nor did she claim to be raped. She claimed she intercepted an attempt to get to second base.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

I bet you're on heroin, Penny...are you in rehab I wonder?

Oh bad! It's really wrong to slander someone just because you don't agree with their politics! Someone who would do such a thing really isn't a good person! Someone that would throw around accusations like that should take a look in the mirror and realize that character assassination is the refuge of those who have little else to attack with!

No you can and no I'm not, never even tried it, and I do tell the truth. Did Trump not make fun of Dr. Ford and did not the people applaud and laugh with him, Yes. That is what makes it so very "SAD". I'm not sad, they are sad.

Now you can learn about Just not lest ye be judged:
"Judge not, lest you be judged": Misinterpreted Bible Passages #3 | Jason Staples

PS: Trump wasn't even right in his accusations.
No one asked out how much she had to drink. Could she had blacked out and dreamed the whole incident?

Are you in the habit of making shit up? Yes, they did ask her how much she had to drink, and she said she, along with the others there, had one beer each. Kavanaugh and Judge however, showed up to the party, already visibly drunk, according to her testimony.

Here, this is a link to her prepared statement and the portion where she said how many beers she had.........................

Read Christine Blasey Ford’s Prepared Statement

When I got to the small gathering, people were drinking beer in a small living room on the first floor of the house. I drank one beer that evening. Brett and Mark were visibly drunk. Early in the evening, I went up a narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the bathroom.

So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

I bet you're on heroin, Penny...are you in rehab I wonder?

Oh bad! It's really wrong to slander someone just because you don't agree with their politics! Someone who would do such a thing really isn't a good person! Someone that would throw around accusations like that should take a look in the mirror and realize that character assassination is the refuge of those who have little else to attack with!

No you can and no I'm not, never even tried it, and I do tell the truth. Did Trump not make fun of Dr. Ford and did not the people applaud and laugh with him, Yes. That is what makes it so very "SAD". I'm not sad, they are sad.

Now you can learn about Just not lest ye be judged:
"Judge not, lest you be judged": Misinterpreted Bible Passages #3 | Jason Staples

PS: Trump wasn't even right in his accusations.

Well you "say" that you haven't done heroin, Penny but under the new rules that have been established by you on the are presumed to be guilty of doing just that simply because I've "accused" you of being a heroin addict! It's now up to you to PROVE your innocence! I distinctly remember you shooting up heroin about 30 years ago at a party I went to. I don't remember where the party was. I don't remember what date it took place. I don't remember who was at the party (other than you of course!) but I do know that I only had one beer and that you shot up heroin! So prove me wrong or admit your guilt! (For those of you that are truly clueless...I am being totally sarcastic with this entire premise!)
Now I do have some really serious memory issues! Heck I can't remember the specifics of a lie detector test I took two weeks ago...but I'm 100% certain about what happened 3 decades ago and I KNOW that you shot up heroin!
So this witch hunt has gone from 0 evidence to made up shit and a new crime....drinking beer. My how desperate the leftists are getting.

It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".

I am fully capable of judging the way he lied, his ill-temperament and overt partisanship. He is not worthy of the SC (for just those points). And judge not lest you be judged, well I judge all the time. Its not reserved for the judges of the US.

So your are running on pure emotion. Hope you are not judged by the criteria you use to judge others.

Matthew 7:1-2 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 7
Judging Others. 1 “Stop judging, that you may not be judged .B)' 2 For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.

  1. 7:1–12 In Mt 7:1 Matthew returns to the basic traditional material of the sermon (Lk 6:37–38, 41–42). The governing thought is the correspondence between conduct toward one’s fellows and God’s conduct toward the one so acting.
  2. 7:1 This is not a prohibition against recognizing the faults of others, which would be hardly compatible with Mt 7:5, 6 but against passing judgment in a spirit of arrogance, forgetful of one’s own faults.
So a judge can lie under oath, be partisan and have an ill-temper,

so one can say if you are a witness, you can lie under oath, and be mad and not answer? I am willing to be judged by my standards. Are you aware many attorneys do not want him on the SC and also the ABA.

No I am not running on pure emotion, I running on an educated and knowledgeable judgement and also knowledge the investigation was half ass and to be fair, I watch him as he testified, and I was appalled at his arrogance and partisanship.

Oh how we toss about terms like educated, knowledgeable while showing how ignorant we are. The basis of American jurisprudence is based on innocent until proven guilty, convicted by a jury of our peers. When has Mr. Kavanaugh been convicted of drunk, have you first hand knowledge of his drinking habits? Any person who would not be outraged and incensed by attacks on their spouse and children has no place in any courtroom in the land.
It's how he acts when drinking beer and I bet he also drinks hard liquor, is he in AA I wonder.

Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".

I am fully capable of judging the way he lied, his ill-temperament and overt partisanship. He is not worthy of the SC (for just those points). And judge not lest you be judged, well I judge all the time. Its not reserved for the judges of the US.

So your are running on pure emotion. Hope you are not judged by the criteria you use to judge others.

Matthew 7:1-2 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 7
Judging Others. 1 “Stop judging, that you may not be judged .B)' 2 For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.

  1. 7:1–12 In Mt 7:1 Matthew returns to the basic traditional material of the sermon (Lk 6:37–38, 41–42). The governing thought is the correspondence between conduct toward one’s fellows and God’s conduct toward the one so acting.
  2. 7:1 This is not a prohibition against recognizing the faults of others, which would be hardly compatible with Mt 7:5, 6 but against passing judgment in a spirit of arrogance, forgetful of one’s own faults.
So a judge can lie under oath, be partisan and have an ill-temper,

so one can say if you are a witness, you can lie under oath, and be mad and not answer? I am willing to be judged by my standards. Are you aware many attorneys do not want him on the SC and also the ABA.

No I am not running on pure emotion, I running on an educated and knowledgeable judgement and also knowledge the investigation was half ass and to be fair, I watch him as he testified, and I was appalled at his arrogance and partisanship.

Oh how we toss about terms like educated, knowledgeable while showing how ignorant we are. The basis of American jurisprudence is based on innocent until proven guilty, convicted by a jury of our peers. When has Mr. Kavanaugh been convicted of drunk, have you first hand knowledge of his drinking habits? Any person who would not be outraged and incensed by attacks on their spouse and children has no place in any courtroom in the land.

Oh dear, this was not a court hearing , it was a job application, yet he lied. Do you know Clinton got impeached for lying, and yet this judge, lied, showed his temper tantrums, and showed partisanship. He didn't pass the job application , and the ABA withdrew recommendation for him to sit on the highest court in the US for life. He should step down before it becomes a criminal case. If he couldn't maintain himself and questioned Dem Senator females if they drink and pass out, what does that tell you. He should not be a judge period and he is right, one of the law schools he teaches at isn't going to let him anymore.

Perhaps he can become a garbage man, or dig ditches somewhere, some manual labor might do him good.
Now I do have some really serious memory issues! Heck I can't remember the specifics of a lie detector test I took two weeks ago...but I'm 100% certain about what happened 3 decades ago and I KNOW that you shot up heroin!

I wouldn't even know where to buy it. Its perfectly normal only to recall the actual assault and not the peripheral events.

I wonder if the FBI found the house, as it seems their scope was very narrow and not worth the paper they wrote it on. The Dems will take care of it, when they get maj in the house and maybe Senate.
Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed as the next Supreme Court justice. He is well, if not excellently qualified. He has gone through six and now seven background checks. He was advanced to the District Court, and now to the Supreme court. As a strict constitutional constructionist, we are lucky to have him.
Pure speculation. People do make changes in their approach to life as they mature. I don't know Mr. Kavanaugh so I can't say what changes he has made. My best buds and I drank our way through college everything from Mad Dog to Everclear. One is now a tee totaling evangelical pastor, another drinks socially, some don't drink. I have a glass of champagne to toast the New Year and nothing else the rest of the year. I took to heart something Robert E. Lee said "I like whiskey that is why I don't use it."
There is a proverb worth practicing "Judge not lest you be judged".

I am fully capable of judging the way he lied, his ill-temperament and overt partisanship. He is not worthy of the SC (for just those points). And judge not lest you be judged, well I judge all the time. Its not reserved for the judges of the US.

So your are running on pure emotion. Hope you are not judged by the criteria you use to judge others.

Matthew 7:1-2 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 7
Judging Others. 1 “Stop judging, that you may not be judged .B)' 2 For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.

  1. 7:1–12 In Mt 7:1 Matthew returns to the basic traditional material of the sermon (Lk 6:37–38, 41–42). The governing thought is the correspondence between conduct toward one’s fellows and God’s conduct toward the one so acting.
  2. 7:1 This is not a prohibition against recognizing the faults of others, which would be hardly compatible with Mt 7:5, 6 but against passing judgment in a spirit of arrogance, forgetful of one’s own faults.
So a judge can lie under oath, be partisan and have an ill-temper,

so one can say if you are a witness, you can lie under oath, and be mad and not answer? I am willing to be judged by my standards. Are you aware many attorneys do not want him on the SC and also the ABA.

No I am not running on pure emotion, I running on an educated and knowledgeable judgement and also knowledge the investigation was half ass and to be fair, I watch him as he testified, and I was appalled at his arrogance and partisanship.

Oh how we toss about terms like educated, knowledgeable while showing how ignorant we are. The basis of American jurisprudence is based on innocent until proven guilty, convicted by a jury of our peers. When has Mr. Kavanaugh been convicted of drunk, have you first hand knowledge of his drinking habits? Any person who would not be outraged and incensed by attacks on their spouse and children has no place in any courtroom in the land.

Oh dear, this was not a court hearing , it was a job application, yet he lied. Do you know Clinton got impeached for lying, and yet this judge, lied, showed his temper tantrums, and showed partisanship. He didn't pass the job application , and the ABA withdrew recommendation for him to sit on the highest court in the US for life. He should step down before it becomes a criminal case. If he couldn't maintain himself and questioned Dem Senator females if they drink and pass out, what does that tell you. He should not be a judge period and he is right, one of the law schools he teaches at isn't going to let him anymore.

Perhaps he can become a garbage man, or dig ditches somewhere, some manual labor might do him good.
You and your ilk have tried your best to subvert the basis of US law from innocent until proven guilty to, you are guilty because a woman accused you. You and your ilk turned a confirmation hearing into a tiral by public opinion and another character attack in the same vein as Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork. Fabrication after fabrication is all that your and your ilk have, Vicious attacks on liitle girls are right and good in your book. People such as you fabricating the most scurriloous lies, libel and slander and then patting yourself on the back for a job well and ethically done. You and your ilk are contemptable bits of human flotsam.
It seems, from what I've read here by my far left Progressive good friends is that everyone in Congress who had a drink in college, to resign immediately.

Given the outrageous behavior of the Democrats during this Supreme Court hearing, how can we ever hope to have such an eminently qualified person accept an appointment again?

Would you subject your family to such inhumane treatment?
Now I do have some really serious memory issues! Heck I can't remember the specifics of a lie detector test I took two weeks ago...but I'm 100% certain about what happened 3 decades ago and I KNOW that you shot up heroin!

I wouldn't even know where to buy it. Its perfectly normal only to recall the actual assault and not the peripheral events.

I wonder if the FBI found the house, as it seems their scope was very narrow and not worth the paper they wrote it on. The Dems will take care of it, when they get maj in the house and maybe Senate.

Do you think the FBI would be able to find the house where you were shooting up heroin, Penny? Your claims that you don't know where to BUY heroin hasn't convinced me because I'm still 100% sure that I saw you shooting up back at that party! So what kind of "proof" do you have that you weren't doing so!

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